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Big Finish Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Big Finish

The Companion Chronicles 7.06

Leela is dead but her soul lives on. She has been reborn as a young girl, Emily, whose ‘imaginary friend’ tells her amazing tales about a great Wizard…

0 28 Oct 2012

Big Finish Voyage to Venus

Professor Litefoot and Henry Gordon Jago are accustomed to the murky fog of Victorian London and the palatable pints of half and half at the Red Tavern…

10 25 Oct 2012

The Companion Chronicles 7.05

Once before the Doctor battled the sadistic Rocket Men and once before he won. But when the dreaded pirates of the skies raid a remote frontier planet…

0 21 Oct 2012

Big Finish 168 Doctor Who: 1001 Nights

In the perfumed palace of an omnipotent Sultan, a girl must tell stories to keep the man she cares about from a cruel and horrible death. She spins…

0 21 Oct 2012

The Companion Chronicles 7.04

People are dying. Just a few, over a period of months… but the strange thing is that each person received a letter predicting the date and time of their death…

3 22 Aug 2012

Big Finish Doctor Who: Love and War

Heaven is a cemetery for both humans and Draconians – a final place of rest for those lost during wartime. The Doctor arrives on a trivial mission – to find a…

5 22 Aug 2012

The Companion Chronicles 7.03

The TARDIS lands in mid-air, and Captain Lysandra Aristedes is dropped into a daring mission in her own past. There are enemies and creatures out there

0 10 Aug 2012

