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Books Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Books

Beautiful Chaos

Donna Noble is back home in London, catching up with her family and generally giving them all the gossip…

0 15 Dec 2008

The Story of Martha

For a year, while the Master ruled over Earth, Martha Jones travelled the world…

1 15 Nov 2008

Companions And Allies

The Doctor has been traveling through space and time for centuries, showing his friends the wonders of the universe…

6 12 Nov 2008

The Time Traveller’s Almanac

From the Fall of Troy to the Apollo Moon Landing, Shakespeare and Agatha Christie to the Gelth and the Reapers…

0 12 Nov 2008

Shining Darkness

For Donna Noble, the Andromeda galaxy is a long, long way from home…

1 15 Oct 2008

Torchwood – Pack Animals

Shopping for wedding gifts is enjoyable, unless like Gwen you witness a Weevil massacre in the shopping centre…

0 6 Oct 2008

Ghosts of India

India in 1947 is a country in the grip of chaos, torn apart by internal strife…

0 1 Oct 2008

The Doctor Trap

Sebastiene was perhaps once human. He might look like a nineteenth-century nobleman…

0 15 Sep 2008

Snowglobe 7

Earth, 2099. Global warming is devastating the climate. The polar ice caps are melting…

0 16 Aug 2008

