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Below are all the posts categorised under Books

Doctor Who Titan Comics Issue #3

After narrowly escaping the Weeping Angels and the Autons in 1960s London, the Tenth and Thirteenth Doctor must team-up once again….

11 22 Oct 2020

Cyberon Paperback

Cyberon is different. Mordley knows it’s a wonder drug, and it’s going to revolutionise medicine. He thinks it may even revolutionise the world…

0 3 Oct 2020

Doctor Who Titan Comics Issue #2

The Tenth and Thirteenth Doctor must team-up once again to save present-day Earth from being overrun by the classic aquatic villain, the Sea Devils!..

0 28 Sep 2020

Doctor Who Titan Comics Issue #1

The Tenth and Thirteenth Doctor must team-up once again to save present-day Earth from being overrun by the classic aquatic villain, the Sea Devils!..

32 20 Aug 2020

