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March 10th, 2022 630 comments

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Stocks Arrive – B&M 2022 4th Doctor and Robot Set

Stocks have now arrived and stores are now receiving the set

Product Code 374862 Priced at £19.99

There appears to be plenty of stock but you can search for this set on or

At the time of writing option 3 on published store telephone numbers that allowed you to speak to a member of staff has been removed. You could try the main customer service number, 0330 838 9000 and ask to be put through to your local store or try and find out its direct number.

We strongly advise you make whatever checks you can yourself to check store availability before traveling.

To find your nearest store visit or use the map below. Please contact if you require more information.

The B&M Map:

This map is a guide only and shouldn’t be used as a definite indication that a particular store has stock

The map shows most stores, if you see any missing please leave a comment. As the app will not allow you to check stock locations at the moment we may use this map to show the distribution pattern and possible stock locations.

If you see stock and take a picture you can send it to [email protected] and we can add it to the map or you can link to an image you are hosting yourself.

This map has layers, if you click on the icon in the blue header at the top left of the map in the you can select which layers you want to see.

A Robot will be placed to the right of the store concerned but you will need to zoom in to separate the 2 or click off the store location layer.

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Prototype dalek

    February 9th, 2022 - 9:10pm

    According to my local store in their scanners, there are still 2088 set’s available, so 174 boxes of the K1 robot at the delivery centre still available.

  • Andy

    February 9th, 2022 - 8:57pm

    I haven’t seen any in Bristol (Imperial, Brislington, Knowle, or Fishponds), but according to the person I spoke to earlier, all stock has now been allocated to stores and no more will be delivered. So any stock is out on shelves already. So I guess that once again means I’ll be at the mercy of damn scalpers! This is getting more and more tedious with each progressive release.

    • stormer

      February 9th, 2022 - 9:40pm

      Called Patchway Bristol yesterday and they said 60 were on order maybe to arrive today
      Called to today and was told they receive deliveries every day bar Wednesdays and Saturdays
      So maybe they will be in stock tomorrow (Thursday)
      Was told that deliveries are around 10:00 am and to call in the afternoon after they are proccessed and on the shelves
      Was told they would reserve one for me
      So it seems that some stores are more helpful than others!

  • Grant P

    February 9th, 2022 - 8:56pm

    Nothing in Liskeard or Saltash stores Cornwall yet will look again Friday

  • Nayf

    February 9th, 2022 - 8:37pm

    Wrexham B&M had plenty of Robot sets!

  • Eccentric_Polymath

    February 9th, 2022 - 8:29pm

    I went up to Doncaster Lakeside B&M and there were about 6 of the ‘4th doctor and robot sets’ there , and some of the last wave, managed to pick up a 5 doctors set as well

  • James Oliver

    February 9th, 2022 - 8:22pm

    Spoke to a staff member in Chester Retail Park store tonight. She checked the product code and said there are about 1000 sitting in the main warehouse for the whole country. She had no time-scale for when they will all be sent out. She said most stores just get 6 at a time but larger stores can get more

  • Hugildan

    February 9th, 2022 - 8:12pm

    They had plenty of robot sets in Peterborough town centre. Not at the retail parks though

  • Birdy98

    February 9th, 2022 - 8:03pm

    With how popular these figures are, B&M are stupid not to go down the route that Forbidden Planet took… Have a set release date (which is announced) and have plenty of time beforehand to distribute to all stores.

    • Martino

      February 10th, 2022 - 10:53am

      Nothing stupid about B&M’s business model if they sell like hotcakes the moment they hit the shelves – which they are. All helps the line continue (especially seeing the same slow burners in the toy aisles every visit, Trek, Potter, cheapo playsets). I’m actively thinking about the next wave – Death to the Daleks set? And am also thinking, how will Al make another Genesis Dalek set release novel enough to sell?

  • Dalekz

    February 9th, 2022 - 7:55pm

    Lots of these in Hunts Cross B&M in Liverpool today, I forgot to say Liverpool before which is kind of important lol

  • Burty Odle

    February 9th, 2022 - 7:55pm

    Tonbridge in Kent had 9 Robot sets left at about 1pm today. Good luck everyone.

  • Dalekz

    February 9th, 2022 - 7:47pm

    Loads of these in Hunts Cross B&M this morning, I didn’t count but must have been about 10 or more sets.
    They also had Five Doctor sets and those cartoon sytle 10th and 11th Doctors.

  • Andrew Price

    February 9th, 2022 - 7:43pm

    B&m in Telford next to the Aldi has a couple

  • PAB1968

    February 9th, 2022 - 7:36pm

    Manchester Harpurhey had 8 left this morning. None at The Fort though (haven’t even been on the shelf as no price ticket and no empty space)

  • Paul

    February 9th, 2022 - 7:12pm

    Washington had at least 1 on the shelf tonight they have totally rearranged the shelves since last night when they had none, i would expect Sunderland pallion or hylton has them by nkw as they usually follow Washington.

  • Phil

    February 9th, 2022 - 7:07pm

    Just been into Colchester store and sold out already, utterly infuriating, especially if this is scalping for eBay.

  • j

    February 9th, 2022 - 7:04pm

    Stoke trent vale have some in.

  • Gazza

    February 9th, 2022 - 6:49pm

    Nothing in Plymouth yet however my daughter bought me one from Bedford today .

  • John McWade

    February 9th, 2022 - 6:17pm

    The map is wrong, Lowestoft – Pakefield does not have any, but Beccles does.

    • booboo

      February 9th, 2022 - 6:20pm

      according to a poster they had them yesterday

    • Birdy98

      February 9th, 2022 - 8:00pm

      My other half bought one from Pakefield this morning. She said there was roughly six on the shelf after we bought ours.

    • Doctor What

      February 9th, 2022 - 8:51pm

      Sadly none at Mile Cross, checked today and they only had a single Earthshock, several Marinus and Sensorites, the Dynamix figures and those tiny Dalek thingies

  • Anonymous

    February 9th, 2022 - 6:16pm

    According to a member of staff who was good enough to check and call me back, Chesterfield will NOT be getting sets in, same as last year, and appear to be “off the list” for any foreseeable future releases.

    Frustratingly, my next nearest ( in terms of public transport) is Alfreton, which I was told is being wound down ( no new stock for the last 3 weeks as per the lady I spoke to there), so I would suggest others not wasting their time visiting/calling these two stores. Bolsover and Somercotes not answering their phones and after NINE calls to customer services to get transferred that was enough demoralising headbanging a brick wall for me for one day. Might try again tomorrow.

    • John Sissons

      February 9th, 2022 - 7:19pm

      Its been frustrating living just up the road from the Chesterfield store. Totally missed the last two waves. I only want one !!! I am no ebay scalper either 🙁

    • Anonymous

      February 9th, 2022 - 8:53pm

      Yeah, it was partly your posts last year that saved me the time and discomfort of hobbling back and forth to Chez (I have mobility issues), so a belated thanks for that. Dunno what direction your next nearest stores are in but I’ll post an update if/when I get through to Bolsover/Somercotes if that’s any use.

  • Mark Stevenson

    February 9th, 2022 - 6:04pm

    Yes nedford has the robots now got 2 of them


    February 9th, 2022 - 5:23pm

    Beyond disappointed with the handling of this range…

    2 stores today, over an hour of traveling and nothing.
    Exclusivity to B&M and they can’t be bothered to get it in stock

    • Anonymous

      February 9th, 2022 - 6:19pm

      I would suggest phoning up customer services after making a list of your nearest 4/5 stores. Potentially just as disappointing but less expensive. Good luck.

  • Joe 90

    February 9th, 2022 - 5:08pm

    Both the York Foss Islands & Clifton Moor stores do not have any robot sets as of 16:00-16:30 this afternoon.

    Clifton Moor just had the Dalek bobbleheads

    Foss Islands had x10 Earthshock sets, both Dalek bobblehead versions and the 11th Doctor Dynamix figure.

    • Michael

      February 10th, 2022 - 9:15am

      Thanks for the update. Saved me a 30 mile round trip last night.

  • Dean

    February 9th, 2022 - 5:04pm

    Coventry Walsgrave have about 10 Robot sets.

    • Steve

      February 10th, 2022 - 1:33pm

      1 left when I picked mine up at 12pm today but given they were both hidden who knows how many were really still there. Left the “last one” in plain sight.

  • Spacey_Jasey

    February 9th, 2022 - 4:56pm

    Cambridge is well stocked! So glad I got one of these

  • AG

    February 9th, 2022 - 4:55pm

    If you are getting them from Dundee Welgate they are not on shelf yet so you need to ask staff to get them from the back

    • AC

      February 9th, 2022 - 9:05pm

      Yeah, that’s right. The manager is top-notch.

      The store has developed a good thing and try to ensure repeat business by not allowing folk to walk in and scoop them up. It worked particularly well with the last full wave. Nice little set up, they’ve cultivated something that works well for their little store and the fans alike.

  • stormer

    February 9th, 2022 - 4:48pm

    About 7 left in Bristol Filton just now

    • Kerr Avon

      February 9th, 2022 - 5:31pm

      Only A Couple Left Now, about 3 sets, just picked up 2

    • Kevin225

      February 10th, 2022 - 8:36am

      Thanks stormer, got the last one in Bristol Filton at 8:15 this morning. Any sightings (I appreciate unlikely!) of the Hartnell Tardis in and around Bristol would be welcomed!

  • mick

    February 9th, 2022 - 4:41pm

    anyone else notice that the head of the robot some are red and some are purple you can just make it out on one of the photos above.

    • Coleman

      February 9th, 2022 - 4:45pm

      The B&M Exclusive as a Purple Head and stripes.
      The Original Build a Figure as a Red Head and Stripes.
      Don’t know if you mean this mick?

    • mick

      February 9th, 2022 - 5:57pm

      no i have 2 from b&m and they have different coloured heads one is more red than purple. my store has another box coming in this week so im going to check if there is colour variations between them.

    • Richard

      February 9th, 2022 - 5:58pm

      Hello mick

      I see what you mean. I think it’s due to the shading of the head while in the box. I have one still boxed and it’s clear purple plastic, but you can make it look quite red at certain angles. I may be wrong, though!

    • Matt Y

      February 9th, 2022 - 6:13pm

      I haven’t noticed the colour variation. I did notice that the mouth is in varying positions. My local store had lots – 24 (before a scalper got in and cleared the shelf) so I could see on roughly half the K1 that the mouth piece was too high up. Has any one else noticed this?

  • Leah J

    February 9th, 2022 - 4:32pm

    Hunts cross (Liverpool) is fully stocked with the robots, it looks like I was the first person to buy one since they stocked up
    They also have Dalek bobbleheads, 2 history #6, some dynamix, and discounted (£12.99) marinus/sensorite/five doctors sets (including cyber leader variants)

  • TheBrigadier@2013

    February 9th, 2022 - 4:23pm

    2 x Robot sets on the shelf at Skelton store in North Yorkshire as of now (4.30pm). They are further down the toy aisle, not with the other Who stuff

  • MrManDoctor

    February 9th, 2022 - 4:17pm

    Any ideas on Caerphilly or Blackwood anyone?


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