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July 10th, 2024 17 comments

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Big Finish Once and Future Episode Eight Coda

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The War Doctor vs the Fugitive Doctor

The War Doctor (played by Jonathon Carley) and the Fugitive Doctor (played by Jo Martin) clash in Once and Future: Coda: The Final Act, the conclusion to Big Finish Productions’ epic celebration of Doctor Who’s sixtieth anniversary.

The Doctor has solved the mystery of his degeneration and finally stabilised into his correct face – though it’s one he’ll later choose to forget. And his trouble isn’t over, as he finds himself pursued by another of his own incarnations destined to be forgotten. As Once and Future reaches The Final Act, it’s the War Doctor versus the Fugitive Doctor.

Once and Future: Coda – The Final Act is the eighth and final instalment in an epic full-cast audio drama series celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of Doctor Who. The first seven episodes were released monthly between May and October 2023, and in November 2024, the story will finally come to its explosive conclusion.

Dealing with the repercussions of degeneration, the Doctor has a limited window of time to
evade capture, recruit old allies, wage a war, and find out what’s really going on. A warrior is being hunted by a mysterious stranger in a TARDIS. A rogue agent has been assigned a mission to eliminate a dangerous foe. This is a fight between a war criminal and a
fugitive. A fight between Doctors.

Jonathon Carley stars as the War Doctor, as originally portrayed on TV by Sir John Hurt, and Jo Martin makes her Big Finish debut as the Fugitive Doctor, the incarnation from long in the Doctor’s past who was first seen in 2020 TV episode Fugitive of the Judoon.

In the spirit of the anniversary celebration, the two Doctors are joined by a cast of guest stars and familiar faces. That includes Lisa Bowerman as Benny Summerfield, the 26th-century archaeologist who’s long been a friend of the Doctor, and Chase Masterson as the bounty hunter Vienna Salvatori. Also on the cast list are Imogen Stubbs as Queen Elizabeth I, Nicholas Khan as Shalvar, leader of the Voord, and Richard Reed as various voices.

Doctor Who – Once and Future: Coda – The Final Act, written by Tim Foley, is now available to pre-order as a single-disc collector’s edition CD (+ download for just £10.99), or digital
download only (for just £8.99), exclusively from

Producer David Richardson said: “The main story of Once and Future is over, but this is an
afterward, a final chapter, which unites two incarnations who have been lost to the Doctor’s consciousness. It’s the Fugitive vs War Doctor, with some old friends and foes joining the fray. And, significantly, this is Jo Martin’s first performance for Big Finish – welcome aboard, Jo, you are absolutely brilliant.”

Praise for Once and Future: The Union:

“This is Big Finish Doctor Who at its most baroque and ambitious and the tone is both in line with the show and definitively unique. It’s both a jewel in the crown of the sixtieth anniversary and a great story in its own right.” – Sci-Fi Bulletin

“With a fun pairing of Doctors and companions, strong explorations of what the show means to us and the people who make it, plus a powerhouse villain performance, The Union is as good a finale we could have asked for.”
– Indie Mac User

“Once again, Big Finish demonstrated how to perfectly blend classic and modern Doctor Who.”
– Sci-Fi Pulse

Big Finish listeners can purchase all eight Once and Future audio adventures together in a standard edition series bundle for just £72 (on collector’s edition CD and download) or £60 (download only).

The special edition series bundle, which contains extended behind-the-scenes extras and music suites for each story, is also available to purchase for just £62 (as a digital download only).

All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD, spin-offs



  • Fred

    July 12th, 2024 - 10:07pm

    The amazing Doctor Ruth finally makes her first appearance since the end of the Chibnall era, and all the possibilities of her time working for the Division can finally be approached… and they bundle her in with a different Doctor.

    I am such a huge fan of Jo Martin that I might get this anyway, which is a rarity for me. But surely she deserves—no, needs—her own series. If anybody does, she does. The possibilities are virtually endless, and yet this feels like everything else Big Finish have done in the last 3 or 4 years.

    • Jevon

      July 13th, 2024 - 1:17am

      She has her own series starting in January

    • Fred

      July 13th, 2024 - 9:04pm

      Well that’s good. I’d have preferred a TV series but regardless, that’s good news.

  • Doctor Stu

    July 10th, 2024 - 7:31pm

    Had no idea this was even still a thing

  • John

    July 10th, 2024 - 12:48pm

    I don’t see any reason in there why this couldn’t have come out last year! Unless there are surprises within but if its anything like the previous underwhelming instalments I’d guess not.

    • Whofan44

      July 10th, 2024 - 1:57pm

      BBC told them to release it later

    • John

      July 11th, 2024 - 10:02am

      Yes I know but as I said I can’t see from the synopsis a reason why.

  • Neil

    July 10th, 2024 - 12:11pm

    Was hoping this was gonna feature Jodie.

  • Elliot

    July 10th, 2024 - 10:27am

    Look interesting idea but this should came out last year with the rest, being for the 60th.

    • Bellal

      July 10th, 2024 - 10:28am

      Agree, looks intriguing. Definitely a year too late

    • Whofan44

      July 10th, 2024 - 10:30am

      The BBC were the ones who told them to wait to release it. BBC have to agree the release slots for all releases.

    • Bellal

      July 10th, 2024 - 1:26pm

      Thanks Whofan44. I knew obviously bbc owned the licence and could block what they wanted, e.g. barrowman, but I never knew they determined when audios could be released

    • Anon

      July 10th, 2024 - 2:50pm

      BBC didn’t block barrowman, that was a decision taken by big finish itself.

    • Rex F

      July 10th, 2024 - 7:50pm

      Isn’t Nick Briggs one of the bosses at BF? He was on set with Barrowman a lot, providing monster voices live, so I’m a little surprised there.

    • Anon

      July 10th, 2024 - 8:24pm

      Big finish said at the time they had decided not to go ahead with the barrowman releases. It’s a commercial decision from them not the BBC. Even though nick worked with him the potential for bad publicity was too much of a risk for what is a small company. The BBC had nothing to do with the decision

    • Whofan44

      July 10th, 2024 - 9:01pm

      It did seem very BBC tho. Big Finish and Titan comics used identical wording on the matter almost as if it came from the BBC. With Titan Barrowman was not even involved in the cancelled project.

    • Anon

      July 10th, 2024 - 9:12pm

      The BBC haven’t banned barrowman. If they had you wouldn’t be able to still buy torchwood, new who series one, three and evolution of the daleks. Big finish stated at the time that they had made the choice to not release the newest barrowman CD. If the titan strip featured captain Jack then they may have thought it unwise to have his image on a new project. The basic fact is the BBC did not stop either project.

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