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February 19th, 2022 11 comments

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Big Finish Gallifrey War Room 1: Allegiance

The battle for Gallifrey isn’t over!

Gallifrey’s moral compass is lost, Rassilon rules, and Romana is gone. But it’s not the end, it’s just the beginning. A brand-new full-cast audio drama series begins in July 2022.

Since 2004, Big Finish has chronicled the political affairs of the home planet of the Time Lords in Gallifrey, an ever-expanding range of audio adventures

Now, the saga continues in Gallifrey: War Room – an epic, exhilarating series of brand-new stories detailing the intrigue and political manoeuvring at the seat of Time Lord power.

In the first full-cast audio box set, Leela returns, still reeling from losing Romana in the Time War. Held captive and forced to fight on behalf of a corrupt Lord President, she hasn’t yet given up on her mission to save Gallifrey from both the Daleks… and Rassilon.

Joining Louise Jameson (reprising her role as Leela) are Ken Bones (as the General), Beth Chalmers (as Veklin), Chris Jarman (as Rasmus), Carolyn Pickles (as Ollistra) and Nicholas Briggs (as the voice of the Daleks).

Gallifrey: War Room 1 is now available to pre-order on collector’s edition CD (for just £24.99) or as a digital download (at just £19.99), exclusively from

Gallifrey is at war. At the heart of the Capitol, the War Room co-ordinates the fight against the Daleks.

Leela has been forced into service, alongside the General and his soldiers, taking orders from Cardinals Rasmus and Ollistra.

But this being Gallifrey, politics are never forgotten. Some serve Rassilon, some serve themselves, and some have their own cause. The Time War will test them all.

Producer Heather Challands said: “We heard the end of Leela’s fight in The War Doctor: Casualties of War. We saw the end of the General’s fight in The Day of the Doctor. The War Room is the heart of Gallifrey’s manoeuvres and finally we are going to understand how all that strategy will play out.”

Gallifrey: War Room 1 is now available to pre-order for just £24.99 (on CD + download) or £19.99 (on download), exclusively from the Big Finish website.

Big Finish listeners can save money by pre-ordering all four volumes of the Gallifrey: The War Room series together in a bundle for just £88 (on CD + download) or £78 (download only).

All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.

Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD, spin-offs



  • Anon

    February 22nd, 2022 - 3:55am

    Given the timescale since BF started using the Time War in their stories, it’s quite a lot of releases…

    • Rory

      February 22nd, 2022 - 2:48pm

      To be fair, they have also changed their release model to make boxsets the norm over single releases, so the total number of BF releases per year has reduced quite a bit over the last couple of years.

  • Neil

    February 21st, 2022 - 11:23am

    Actually bored with all the Time War stuff now, to be honest, although would like one more 8th Doctor Time War Box set to resolve THAT cliffhanger…

    • no name

      February 21st, 2022 - 2:28pm

      People say how bored they are “all the timewar stuff”… let’s see how over saturated bug finish us with this range

      Out of 975 available releases in my account, 21 boxsets and 3 single stories and 3 short trips about the time war…….hhhmmmm

    • February 21st, 2022 - 9:18pm

      21 box sets and 3 single releases is a lot of material!

    • Auton

      February 22nd, 2022 - 7:52am

      Yes because there are loads of possible stories they can do in the time war hence why there are so many releases

    • TimelordTim

      February 22nd, 2022 - 9:27am

      no name – you can’t compare number of Time War releases to the whole history of Big Finish, it’s too recent for that.

      The fair comparison would be how many releases have Big Finish done since the first of those Time War 21 box sets and 3 singles released? After all, the feeling of saturation is relative to the release period of the titles being discussed.

      I’m not bothered either way, I haven’t delved into the Time War releases myself as I prefer to leave it as a mystery. But even without getting them, it does feel like there are a lot of Time War releases.

    • no name

      February 22nd, 2022 - 5:14pm


      I refer only to doctor who and the surrounding spin offs in my statement of 975 in my account so timewar accounts for 2% of doctor who history with B.F

      My point is that the amount of timewar audio vs the many worlds of doctor who is relatively low.

      2022 is already showing more content for UNIT then T.W…….

      Don’t like….don’t listen….no need to complain

    • TimelordTim

      February 22nd, 2022 - 5:41pm

      Doesn’t answer my question. How many releases have Big Finish done since the first Time War box set? I was referring to just Doctor Who and it’s spin-offs as well as that’s what we are discussing here.

      After all, as mentioned, everything that came prior to the first Time War release is irrelevant to the (possible) saturation of Time War releases since it wasn’t part of the release structure before it’s inception.

      As also mentioned, I don’t listen to Time War stuff. But I’m allowed to say I’d prefer them to focus more on other avenues of the Doctor Who world as I would be more interested in them, nothing wrong with a differing opinion.

    • no name

      February 22nd, 2022 - 7:13pm

      So we have had the 21 boxsets, 4 single stories(within boxsets) and 3 short trips in 6 years, so an average of 4.6 timewar stories a year.

      We have had:
      4 9th doctor boxsets in 9 months
      7 10th doctor boxsets in 17 months

      We have currently:
      5 UNIT boxsets in the next 12 months
      4 boxsets time war related sets in the next 12 months

      Oversaturation is a point of view, torchwood for example seems to be scrapping the barrel with its monthly range and boxsets again scrapping with the soho stuff.

      I welcome the boxset format and currently b.f is firing on both cylinders so long may the timewar rage on!

    • TimelordTim

      February 22nd, 2022 - 8:51pm

      Thanks for the extra info no name, that certainly makes sense now. A fair amount of Time War, but not any more than some other titles.

      I was certainly aware of the high amount of UNIT as well. I think they’re making up for lost time now Ecclestone is back with the 9th sets.

      I had no idea there were so many 10th Doctor box sets though.

      I much prefer the box set format they’ve switched to as well, long may it continue indeed!

      I hope the Time War continues to knock it out of the park for you. I’m hoping for some more Jenny and Master! series (amongst others) myself. It’s great there’s something for everyone.

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