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February 5th, 2013 5 comments

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Big Finish Gallifrey: Series 5 Box Set

cd-bfgallifery5Big Finish Gallifrey: Series 5 Box Set

Gallifrey rebuilds…

With Romana and Narvin ruling New Gallifrey from the heart of the capitol, their former friend Leela now lives as an Outsider, existing in the wastelands of Gallifrey with the former slaves she fought hard to free.

With no hope of returning home, to their one true Gallifrey, these three exiles try to find a way to survive and build a better Gallifrey than the barbaric, lawless one they have found themselves in. However, politicians, scientists and industrialists alike enjoyed luxury, power and wealth before Romana and Narvin came along and they will take any action they deem necessary to regain what they have lost.

And if Leela’s Outsiders are swept away as a consequence, so much the better.

And in the shadows, watching and waiting, is an ancient evil that no one can stop…


Supreme Leader of Gallifrey – the Lady President Romana – is making a series of decisions that are costing her allegiances within the Inner Council.

Lord High Chancellor Narvin is trying to protect the truth behind their presence there.

Emissary Leela is trying to secure basic rights for her allies, the Outsiders, now freed from generations of bondage to their masters, the Regenerators of Gallifrey.

But their enemies plan to expose the truth and let society rise or fall by the consequences of their political ambitions…


Before the fall of Project: Rassilon, the Regenerators of Gallifrey committed atrocities upon their slaves in the name of science. As Leela discovers the results of one such crucible, Romana and Narvin are pushing forward ways to discover the secrets of time travel, and jump-start their new Gallifrey’s evolution.

However, science isn’t always the way forward, and in a society built upon the foundations of amorality and fear, a backward step may be the only solution…


Romana’s secret is in danger of being exposed by those she trusts, and the only hope of escape is through the Axis. But will Leela’s forthright determination to see justice done, whatever the costs, mean their chance to get home will be lost forever…?

And if they are able to regain access the Axis, is the world they left behind any better than the society they have built here?

Time will tell.

Written By: James Peaty, Una McCormack and David Llewellyn
Directed By: Gary Russell


Lalla Ward (Romana), Louise Jameson (Leela), Seán Carlsen (Narvin), Stephen Perring (Matthias), Steven Wickham (Valyes), Marcus Harris (Rahvon), Peter Sheward (Slyne), Maggie Ollerenshaw (Allora), Simon Fisher-Becker (Kavil), Barnaby Edwards (Zakar), David Yip (Hector), Anjli Mohindra (Maris), Scott Arthur (Lukas), Scott Handcock (Jevon), Jack Baggs (Jamalan), Alexander Gordon (Taine), David Menkin (Jonias), Miles Richardson (Braxiatel), Andy Coleman (Andred), Paul Jones (Glower), Thomas Rees-Kaye (Comms Device)

To buy or download this cd set visit

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD, spin-offs



  • Anonymous

    February 5th, 2013 - 6:14pm

    Wait a minute was’nt gallifrey destroyed in the last great time war and secondly why did RTD destroy gallifrey?

    • That WiFi Over There

      February 5th, 2013 - 7:46pm

      if u actually read instead of jumping yo conclusions you’ll see it says “NEW Gallifrey”

    • Douglas Fir

      February 5th, 2013 - 8:39pm

      Actually this is the fifth installment of the Gallifrey series by Big Finish – the series started before the new show came back and takes place in the classic era (specifically around the time of the 8th Doctor).

    • Anonymous

      February 5th, 2013 - 8:44pm

      Did RTD really destroy Gallifrey? In The End of Time we see it go back into the time lock holding the Time War, but it isn’t destroyed so it is still open ended if someone wants to go back to it in the future.

      But as has already been said this is set pre-Time War.

    • Anonymous

      February 5th, 2013 - 9:49pm

      Yes I have seen the end of time but what I mean is did’nt the doctor destroy gallifrey. And with the RTD question what I mean is why did’nt RTD include gallifrey in the new series and instead make the doctor the last of his kind?

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