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November 26th, 2024 12 comments

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Big Finish 25 years of Doctor Who The Sirens of Time Revisited

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Celebrating 25 years of Doctor Who audio dramas from Big Finish Productions, the very first release gets a new director’s cut.

For a quarter of a century, Big Finish Productions have been regularly releasing full-cast audio adventures set in the worlds of Doctor Who, featuring Doctors, companions and monsters from across the eras of the BBC TV series.

It all started in 1999 with The Sirens of Time, the debut instalment in Big Finish’s long-running Monthly Adventures range. Written and directed by Nicholas Briggs, The Sirens of Time featured the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors teaming up against a deadly threat to Gallifrey, with Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy reprising their roles on audio drama for the first time.

To celebrate this very special anniversary, Big Finish is excited to announce Doctor Who: The Sirens of Time – Redux. Remastered and re-edited from the original recording tapes, this is a new “director’s cut” of the story; where the first three episodes of the original each focused on just one Doctor, the new version intercuts between all of them for a more narratively satisfying experience.

The Sirens of Time – Redux also features new sound design and music. And there are brand-new behind the scenes extras, with Davison, Baker, and McCoy reminiscing about their first ever Big Finish recording and the 25 years of audio productions since.

The Sirens of Time – Redux is due for release in November 2024 and is now available to pre-order in four pricing tiers – bronze, silver, gold and platinum – each of which includes bonus extras, exclusively at

Pre-order pricing starts at £12.99 for a download copy of the audio drama. Premium options include a limited edition souvenir cassette tape (the format the story was originally released on in 1999) and prints of photos from the original recording sessions.

Nicholas Briggs said: “It’s now just over 25 years ago that I went into studio with The Sirens of Time. That moment signified a big change in my life and was a real step-up for the profile of Big Finish Productions.

“When the story was released, it was the beginning of an era when a Doctor Who audio drama was mostly just referred to as “a Big Finish”. “Have you heard the latest Big Finish?” people would ask — and they still do! So it was a hugely significant production for Jason Haigh-Ellery, Gary Russell and me. And I put into practice all the audio expertise I’d amassed at that time to create an exciting Doctor Who audio drama like no other before it — the reviews were great and we took off!

“Of course, all these years later, all of us at Big Finish have learnt so much, and even though I immodestly feel the original holds up surprisingly well, I felt that as part of celebrating our silver anniversary, The Sirens of Time could easily bear an upgrade. There’ll be some augmented sound design, a brand-new incidental music score by me, new behind-the-scenes content, and a significantly different unfolding of the narrative of the story.

“I’ve managed to rescue the original source material off ancient digital audio tapes, with the help of regular Big Finish sound designer and composer Toby Hrycek-Robinson, who skilfully extracted the material, and I’m working now on creating a version of the story like no other before it… again!”

Doctor Who: The Sirens of Time – Redux is now available for pre-order:

Bronze (unlimited):

  • The Sirens of Time – Redux on download only, plus the original version of The Sirens of Time on download, for £12.99.

Silver (limited to 1000 copies):

  • The Sirens of Time – Redux on collector’s edition CD, both versions of the story on download, plus extra audio interviews/bonus tracks, for £15.99.

Gold (limited to 150 copies):

  • The Sirens of Time – Redux on souvenir collector’s edition cassette and CD, both versions of the story on download, plus extra audio interviews/bonus tracks, for £44.99.

Platinum (limited to 100 copies):

  • Prints of photos from the recording sessions, The Sirens of Time – Redux on souvenir collector’s edition cassette and CD, both versions of the story on download, plus extra audio interviews/bonus tracks, for £65.99.

Please note: availability of the limited edition releases from Big Finish is restricted to one per customer. Duplicate orders will be cancelled and refunded.

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD, Special Releases



  • Duncp

    January 5th, 2025 - 10:59am

    Hope someone can help. Can anyone tell me which big finish stories were released on cassette? Thanks

  • David

    June 13th, 2024 - 12:08pm

    25 years.
    That’s pretty much the length of the show’s original TV run.

    • Rory

      June 13th, 2024 - 4:43pm

      Big Finish’s output outstripped the original run many years ago. It’s astonishing how successful they’ve been in producing new Doctor Who stories.

  • I’m Batman

    June 10th, 2024 - 10:02am

    Just had to get it cos of the cassette. Funny timing since I just recently completed my Big Finish Cassette collection.
    Just FYI, the first 2 Bennie’s ‘Oh no it isn’t!’ and ‘Beyond the sun’ were released on cassette, and then the first 15 Doctor Who Main Range were released too, from The Sirens of Time to The Mutant Phase. Shame they stopped before Storm Warning.
    But happy to add another tape to that collection.

  • More then 2 alphabets

    June 9th, 2024 - 8:33am

    Can’t wait to hear this. And nice to see physical media getting some love.

    Totally with the “tiered” structure and hope we see more in the future.

    Big finish have hinted at doing this for a while and I really hope other monthly titles (the good ones at least) get a similar treatment…..and not just the same overrated titles lik spare parts, chimes of midnight.

  • Kit

    June 8th, 2024 - 9:32pm

    Not seeing many comments singling this out as a truly horrid idea? Taking a cohesive piece with a remarkable character to its quality, and 25 years later chopping it up to make it just a bit more in line with the ever-growing trove of cross-over content – it just seems a bit contrived, unimportant, unnecessary.

    Remaster it from original tapes, make side content, print it on any medium under the sun, celebrate with a special rerelease by all means. A significantly different unfolding of the narrative doesn’t inspire me with much hope that Big Finish remembers what made these stories great in the first place.

    • More then 2 alphabets

      June 9th, 2024 - 8:20am

      It’s just an alternative way to enjoy it. It doesn’t delete the original and it’s there for all to hear- including everyone who orders this release who get BOTH versions.

      It’s been 25 years and frankly, I don’t agree that it still holds up, it sounds low quality, cheap and the wrong theme tune always takes me out of it.

      People just like to complain, this is no different then anniversary blu rays when they re-release a title and edit add to it, that’s culturally acceptable

      Vote with your wallet, I did and happy to be in the platinum 100 for this.

    • The Toymaker

      November 26th, 2024 - 10:28pm

      There’s always one. Usually many in fandom.

      This is a fantastic release. You don’t speak for everyone. The original is dull to the point of unlistenable, in my opinion, and I’ve never finished it. I’m looking forward to hearing this new version.

  • The Fishmonger

    June 8th, 2024 - 8:39pm

    I would have liked a vinyl of this, but a cassette? Yes, I’ve still ordered it, of course I have

    • More then 2 alphabets

      June 9th, 2024 - 8:37am

      Vinyl is way to expensive and from what I’ve gathered, not really financially beneficial for big finish.

      The cassette is a nice nod to their roots, I think the first 19 were on cassette until they went CD only. 250 copies will make this a very desired collectors item for whovians, especially if there is a difference between gold and platinums version.

      Was lucky to get platinum before it sold out, surprised it didn’t sell out instantly but took a few hours

    • The Fishmonger

      June 9th, 2024 - 10:15pm

      Shame, because my Big Finish Vinyls are all wonderfully produced and really among my prized possessions. But if they’re not financially viable we have to accept they won’t happen. Very fortunate to have got one of the Platinum sets here, thank goodness I check this site every day!

  • Mac

    June 8th, 2024 - 6:20pm

    I was kind of hoping for a bigger announcement at Big Finish Day. Still some will enjoy it.


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