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October 1st, 2016 9 comments

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Baker’s End: The King of Cats Audio CD

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Peevish ACTORS are descending mournfully upon the remote English village of HAPPENSTANCE for the funeral of TV legend TOM BAKER. His one-time co-star Suzy Goshawk is SUCKED into a PAROCHIAL vortex of intrigue involving the quailsome local vicar, Tom’s acidulous housekeeper Mrs Frimbly and various other fruminous SCUMBLEBUMS.

None of them can agree upon how Tom met his disastrous end and Suzy is starting to suspect that something MURKSOME and SWERVISH is going on. The snow comes down and SUZY finds herself trapped at BAKER’S END for Christmas, with all the village’s creepy pensioners enslaved by a strange, dancing dragon… and a Sinister Presence LURKING on the sidelines.


Why are old ladies TWERKING their BOTTOMS outside the post office-cum-mini-mart? Why is the vicar creeping about in the bushes in the dead of night? And why, just when all looks hopeless, does a strange, scobberlotching creature SPROING into view?

Who exactly is THE KING OF CATS in his furry costume and his battered golden crown? Also, there are elderly MUMBLECRUSTS who shoot LASERS out of their KNOCKERS. Baker’s End: The King of Cats is the first in a new audio series starring ex-Timelord Tom Baker as himself, alongside former Doctor Who companion Katy Manning, and Susan Jameson, who played opposite Tom in the AudioGo Doctor Who audio series

Categorised under: CD, spin-offs



  • CJ

    October 4th, 2016 - 11:35am

    I know Doctor Who is about time travel but… he’s not dead yet πŸ™ This is pretty depressing to think about!

  • The Super Whovian

    October 2nd, 2016 - 8:48pm

    What age rating is this?

  • Mr Sandman

    October 2nd, 2016 - 10:27am

    It’s absolutely bonkers, but a great listen. There’s no Doctor Who connection (unless the alternate reality is because Tom never secured the Doctor Who gig?), but you could always decide it’s a Curator story!

  • Phil

    October 1st, 2016 - 9:24pm

    Paul Magrs wrote the 4th Doctor Audios for Audio Go, They Are: Hornet’s Nest, Demon Quest, And Serpent Crest. They were all infinitely better than the big finish audios which I also Love. This is most likely an excellent purchase… Im in and hope Big Finish hires Paul for some Audio dramas.

    • Tom

      October 2nd, 2016 - 8:56am

      He’s already done a considerable few like The Peterloo Massacre, Find and Replace, The Stones of Venice and Horror of Glam Rock πŸ™‚

  • The Fishmonger

    October 1st, 2016 - 9:12pm

    They had me at laser knockers, to be honest. Yeah it sounds really odd, but a great cast so I’m going to take a leap of faith and get this

  • LastOfTheSonics

    October 1st, 2016 - 8:07pm

    What did I just read?

  • Jay Glover

    October 1st, 2016 - 6:23pm

    I am still wondering is this doctor who related

    • booboo

      October 1st, 2016 - 8:13pm

      they sent us the info some time ago and want sure if to post it, just thought some people might be interested because of the cast!

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