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April 20th, 2015 35 comments

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All New Doctor Who Adventures Magazine Issue 1

Panini, publishers of Doctor Who Magazine have now acquired the licence for Doctor Who Adventures and their first issue goes on sale 23rd April 2015!

You can see various artwork from this magazine on

Doctor Who Adventures has changed its look and is now ageing up in profile to appeal to readers of all ages from 5 – 1005!

Doctor Who Adventures #1 kicks off with Empire’s Fall, a 9 page strip story with art by Russ Leach, script by Jason Quinn and colours by Panini veteran John Burns.


Readers will be able to access UNIT’s top secret alien archives to find out all about the deadly Skovox Blitzer as seen in last season’s The Caretaker.


Readers will then be able to join the Doctor as he experiments with science. After reading this issue, you need never fear a blackout again, especially if you happen to have a bag of fruit, some alligator clips and an LED light bulb in your pockets.


Everyone’s favourite Sontaran will be showing you some of the best and worst places in the universe as he takes you to the moon, Mars, Alfa Metraxis and Sontar!


While the Doctor and Clara are busy saving planet Earth, you can help them by completing a series of fiendish puzzles and activities.


Then it’s off back to the 19th Century to join Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax as they investigate the singular case of the Blue Men of the Minch in this three-page story.

With games, posters, puzzles and makes, Doctor Who Adventures will take you to incredible new worlds and introduce you to some of the most wonderful beings in the universe!

Issue 1 comes with Free 3D glasses, notepad and stickers!

On sale 23rd April 2015, price £3.99

Categorised under: Doctor Who Adventures, Magazine



  • The Flying Shark

    April 26th, 2015 - 7:24pm

    I got this yesterday, the new style is amazing!

    • lucy jones

      April 27th, 2015 - 10:48am


  • timelord63

    April 23rd, 2015 - 1:18pm

    Just got this today. Undoubtedly the best issue ever! A vast improvement to what has gone before. The comic strip is excellent and being 9 pages has more plot than the previous ones. The new features are good particularly the Paternoster Gang text story. The magazine is a lot less juvenile then before. Just a shame that it has to be bagged with a load of plastic tat that so many comics have to be these days.

    • booboo

      April 23rd, 2015 - 1:34pm

      shifted the age range then as previous issues were aimed at 6-8 year olds (as was the plastic “tat” which would probably have seemed wonderful to that age group)

      sounds like they are aiming it at a wider group

      I doubt very few people commenting on here were actually in the age range the original DWA was aimed at.

    • Anonymous

      April 23rd, 2015 - 8:05pm

      I still have to agree with Booboo. I actually think they are still aiming at the 6-8 Years Old Market but have decided to be ‘more serious’ with the approach. The new style for the comic strip is better realised with the new Text Story a nice touch. Plastic Tat is hit & miss & is what this is on the shelf for. Nothing better than shoving Who stickers on your wardrobe & drawing in a notepad with 3D glasses on for a 7 year old!

  • NickD

    April 22nd, 2015 - 10:01pm

    I didn’t know they’d launched it themselves (Panini) I’ll get the first issue for nostalgia. I thought DWA did well sales wise, I know the kids I babysit love it, but they’ll grow out of it and new kids will take their place. I think keeping it very youngster friendly will distinguish it from DWM. I’m surprised – but happy Titan didn’t snap it up.

    In regards to sales I think all magazines are suffering from ever more people leaving the market.

    • The Legend Doctor

      April 23rd, 2015 - 12:22pm

      If titan did maybe they could include 1 boxed vinyl figure each time! 😀 That would be awesome! 😀

    • Anonymous

      April 23rd, 2015 - 7:56pm

      Yes. Retail price: £11.99p.

  • Anonymous

    April 21st, 2015 - 12:04am

    I Collect Doctor Who Magazines, Doctor Who Magazine Special Editions, Doctor Who figurine Collection, Doctor Who Monster Invasion and Doctor Who Adventures, I’d like to know if they are bringing back the subscribing option and weather it will be filled with more stuff as its only coming out every month.

    • Doctorfan

      April 21st, 2015 - 8:55pm

      Bring subscription back and add more pages and stuff

    • lucyjones

      April 22nd, 2015 - 10:27am

      new want torrow new issue out this thursday

  • The Legend Doctor

    April 20th, 2015 - 11:44pm

    Oooh this looks actually promising this time!

  • Trenzalore

    April 20th, 2015 - 8:47pm

    Would it not have been smarter to start closer to series 9 so they can really impress us with lots of stuff to talk about? It would also give the new people (I assume it will get a new editor ect…) to show off with lots of material.
    Otherwise we know it’ll just have the same stuff as the old DWA for the next few months and doesn’t really make me want to buy it.

    • Sam Richard Bentley

      April 20th, 2015 - 10:23pm

      Thing is, and I could be wrong, if you didn’t like the stuff the old DWA was producing, chances are you’ve outgrown this magazine. You can’t expect toouch from a child’s magazine, and I don’t think this new Panini lead mag will be any revolutionary in the way of children’s magazines.

      Not saying it’ll be exactly the same as the ‘old’ DWA, but don’t expect that many massive changes.

    • Trenzalore

      April 20th, 2015 - 10:58pm

      Well with recent dwindling sales and decrease in circulation (possibly because of people outgrowing it or maybe its just not appealing for kids) seemed not many did like the stuff old DWA were producing. Either way they need to do something big and I would have thought with this reboot they’d be pulling out all the stops to make it a success again. But my point was it might help them a bit by doing the ‘reboot’ closer to series 9. But of course there’s no way of telling till we read the magazine which I’ll hopefully be picking up.

    • booboo

      April 20th, 2015 - 11:07pm

      they took a big hit when it became un-viable to offer discounted subscriptions i assume this was because of postage costs involving the free gifts, also loosing Sarah Jane adventures material.

      the original target audience would have long outgrown it since launch, what’s worrying ( and not just from DWA point a view) is that it doesn’t seemed to have grabbed the attention of “the next generation” to whom even recycled gifts and article would be fresh.

    • Paul

      April 20th, 2015 - 11:15pm

      They would have wanted to continue without a break as it’s very difficult to get relisted by the big newsagent and supermarket chains if you give up your slot on the shelves.

    • Sam Richard Bentley

      April 20th, 2015 - 11:17pm

      I can’t help but feel the younger audience don’t need DWA. Or, don’t want it. I think it’s hard for them to make a kids magazine out of a show that is getting darker.

      Now,the argument there is that kids still watch and love Doctor Who no matter how adult it gets. But, that could mean that DWA needs to be slightly… More mature.

      Not so much so that it won’t appeal to kids at all, but kids are getting more mature, maybe that might be where it’s going wrong?

      Or, it’s just simply not a thing that’s of interest to kids anymore, magazines etc. They have the Internet now, after all.

    • Sam Richard Bentley

      April 20th, 2015 - 11:28pm

      Obviously though, I’m speaking with no knowledge of how well other kids magazines are doing. I’m probably talking a load of twaddle!

    • T4RD1S

      April 23rd, 2015 - 8:11pm

      I don’t like DWA as much as I used to, I think I’ve outgrown it now because I get DWM now as it’s much more less childish

  • Doctorfan

    April 20th, 2015 - 8:02pm

    Does paninni doctor who adventures have a website yet booboo

    • DWFAN1

      April 20th, 2015 - 9:53pm

      If you find put a link up

    • Anonymous

      April 23rd, 2015 - 4:02pm

      is there a link yet

  • Wally

    April 20th, 2015 - 3:14pm

    Anyone know what the posters are?

    • DWFAN1

      April 20th, 2015 - 3:45pm

      Yeah I think they’re a cyberman and dalek which are 3d when you put on the 3d glasses!

  • VespiformsSting

    April 20th, 2015 - 2:32pm

    I wish we could get a ‘comic’ akin to the old TV21 or Countdown …the Dalek and Dr Who strips were worth reading then…I felt both were quality items and strips like the early Slave of the Vogans nicely drawn with rather good serials. Ive always felt the strips whic appear in the mags now owe more to american strips than Dr Who….Strips by the like of Gerry Haylock hold found memories now…I even feel some of the quaint Troughton and Hartnell strips in TV Comic are more readable than todays ‘in your face’ versions….

  • TheOncomingStorm

    April 20th, 2015 - 1:14pm

    Same price as before?

    • booboo

      April 20th, 2015 - 1:41pm

      £3.99 i think

    • Sam Richard Bentley

      April 20th, 2015 - 10:24pm


    • Anonymous

      April 22nd, 2015 - 1:23pm

      Are you sure?

    • booboo

      April 22nd, 2015 - 1:27pm

      yes because you can see it on the Hi res cover (which i have now added as it seems such an issue)

    • Anonymous

      April 22nd, 2015 - 1:39pm

      Thanks booboo

  • Dalekparadigm2

    April 20th, 2015 - 10:36am

    Hopefully with Panini it won’t be as childish as before. I stopped getting it in the end but I’m giving it a go!

    • booboo

      April 20th, 2015 - 10:58am

      it was always aimed at children so why would it be childish, its core age range was 6-8 eight year olds

      was always far to much negativity from people who had outgrown it or weren’t even in that bracket

    • The Doctor and Handles

      April 20th, 2015 - 5:42pm

      There is dwm for when you outgrow dwa!

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