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June 7th, 2010 77 comments

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4th Doctor & Electronic Tardis – images

4th Doctor & Classic Electronic TARDIS: Planet Of Evil


This Doctor masked his brilliant and inventive mind behind a façade of bohemian eccentricity. The longest lived incarnation of the Doctors so far, he was forced to change his body after losing a fight with his old enemy the Master and falling from a radio telescope to the ground beneath him…

In this exclusive Fourth Doctor Set is the Fourth Doctor action figure with his classic Electronic TARDIS as they appear in the ‘Planet of Evil’. The Doctor comes in a red jacket with alternate head and Sonic Screwdriver accessory.

The TARDIS features opening doors, a spring activated right hand door and takeoff and landing light and sound effects.

Expected June 2010. You can pre order from Forbidden Planet Here


Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • doctor smith

    January 23rd, 2013 - 3:57pm

    theres a way to turn the doctor into the planet of evil verson get the 4th doctor from season 12 and the pyrmids of mars 4th doctor ( or the seedo of doom verson )take of the jackets of then the jumper and waistcoat and swith them round then put the coats on then your sorted

  • Steve Pozlak

    January 11th, 2013 - 5:04am

    Why is there no 12in tall clothed 4th Doctor Who/Tom Baker?One of or thee best doctor’s.Some one has to get on the ball with this.Of all he for sure should have a 12in tall figure made and it should be the best.Why has this not been done?My fellow Doctor Who fans stand up for your rights,bombard any and all mfg.of great action figures and ask nay demand.We want a 12inch tall with clothes Tom Baker Doctor Who action figure.Unite I thank you.

    • sharaz jek

      January 11th, 2013 - 8:25am

      They are making one from big chief but its not a 12 inch but its the closest were going to get i think.

  • Doctor Who Crazy Ross

    October 23rd, 2012 - 1:09pm

    Boo Boo which do you think is the best TARDIS set out of this one and the Seventh Doctor one as I have the 10th, 11th and 1st Doctor’s TARDISes, but I don’t know which one to get next!

    • booboo

      October 23rd, 2012 - 1:21pm

      this one, never really liked the lighter colour of the 7th

    • McGann is the Doctor

      October 23rd, 2012 - 2:18pm

      I think this one is the most accurate recreation.

      It was also good of them to remove the telephone because it never showed the telephone in the 70s.

      But it’s rubbish they didn’t make a new 4th Doctor ! ❗

  • The Dw MEGA FAN

    April 14th, 2012 - 11:04am

    This maybe bad news but the electronic Tardis has NO TARDIS interior picture and the 4th Doctor figure is still the same figure as the last 4th Doctor figure


      July 18th, 2012 - 12:21am

      This is a late replay but there is no need for an interior picture because the Classic Series never had that; it was just black


      July 18th, 2012 - 12:25am

      This is a late reply but there is no need for an interior picture because the Classic Series never had that; it was just black

    • McGann is the Doctor

      October 23rd, 2012 - 2:20pm

      You mean “reply” ❓

      Also, they had a black cloth inside the, which would keep the illusion.

      Had to get a black cloth for my own ! ❗

  • doctor 907

    January 26th, 2011 - 11:48pm

    I like this TARDIS and it would go well with my collection

  • who crazy!

    December 20th, 2010 - 9:08am

    does the tardis light up in the in side and police box bit and doe it have the baker tardis image inside

    No, no and no.

  • dalek drone

    October 23rd, 2010 - 6:45pm

    does the tardis light up in the in side and police box bit and doe it have the baker tardis image inside

  • harry doolan

    September 19th, 2010 - 2:51pm

    getting it soon looks cool

  • Thomas

    August 29th, 2010 - 11:49am

    Well first of all, ANOTHER Tom Baker in that costume. Secondly the TARDIS is wrong, it’s from The Planet of Evil but that TARDIS prop didnt appear till The Masque of Mandragora and even then it had a blue phone plaque ❗

  • Hartnell

    June 18th, 2010 - 11:24pm

    Tssssk, tssssk, Character Options. What’s this I see! Hmmmmm? Hmmmmmm?
    You’ve made a fairly nice job of the 7th Doctor figure and TARDIS, but then you go and spoil it all with that 4th Doctor rip-off thingumywotsit!
    I mean, even a Crinoid three leaves short of a cabbage can see it’s just a re-paint of the McCoy TARDIS, with a lowered roof…and you haven’t even bothered to move the lock to its proper place, under the door handle.
    Then I saw another MCCoy TARDIS repaint on ebay claiming to be the 1st Doctor’s! Having a laugh are we?…

  • doctor 123

    June 15th, 2010 - 7:56pm

    cool toy love it

  • 1

    June 14th, 2010 - 5:26pm

    i got this today and it doesn’t work

  • booboo

    June 10th, 2010 - 7:17pm

    The release date for the picture has been “put back” could be anytime sorry

  • Sontar 8

    June 10th, 2010 - 6:30pm

    Booboo, have you heard any more on this 11 Doctors set?

  • booboo

    June 8th, 2010 - 10:08pm

    There must be i would think, i cant believe they wont produce a silurian and Rory for example

  • Sontar 8

    June 8th, 2010 - 9:40pm

    Is there another wave of figures planned too?

  • booboo

    June 8th, 2010 - 9:39pm

    Only that its is yet to be confirmed.

    Nothing is ever definite until images an info are released to shops for pre order.

  • Sontar 8

    June 8th, 2010 - 9:37pm

    Have Character said anything?

  • booboo

    June 8th, 2010 - 9:33pm

    Nothing on a Classic set.

    The Series 5 playset release is to be confirmed, that is to say there is one planned but not 100% guaranteed it will happen.

  • Sontar 8

    June 8th, 2010 - 9:28pm

    I realise the inside was black on TV but I wasn’t sure about these. Any news on a classic or Smith TARDIS playset Booboo?

  • booboo

    June 8th, 2010 - 9:26pm

    They are just black inside no console.

    The console was never seen in the classic series through the doors so technically they are accurate. i know some people would have liked an insert though

  • Sontar 8

    June 8th, 2010 - 9:20pm

    Is it just black inside or does it have a photo of the old interior?

  • morgan

    June 8th, 2010 - 1:06pm

    i got the old version of this tardis for 12 inch figures it makes tom baker disapear i bought it for 5.00 in an antigue shop they worth about 180.00 on ebay i also have the box for it!

  • The 11th Doctor

    June 8th, 2010 - 9:45am

    these look amazing the Tradis almost look real, cant wait to get mine


    June 7th, 2010 - 7:44pm

    I honestly feel that these exclusives are overpriced I’ll probably not bother with any of them

  • sam brabury

    June 7th, 2010 - 11:09am


  • shaun

    May 29th, 2010 - 8:18pm

    i whant to get this 4th doctor with tardis but i dont now how much it is becasue i really like the 4th doctor.

  • McGann is The Doctor.

    May 13th, 2010 - 12:14pm

    I dont see why they couldnt have just remade the Fourth Doctor as from the Seeds of Doom (The Krynoids coming out later) in that likeable Grey Coat, rather than the STUPID Ark in Space costue which isnt even popular or liked, and has greatly outstayed its welcome already.

    Dr Who in the 70s, for me, the era that Im most associated with is the 1980s. And I love 1980s movies, (such as Dune and Terminator) and I (really) like the 80s Tardis as well as ALL of the Doctor Who themes during the 80s.

  • McGann is The Doctor

    April 25th, 2010 - 2:40pm

    Woo. Nice packaging, bad contents. Time to talk some sense about this little oddity: Okay, the packaging is nice, its great that we are getting variety in as to what Tardis we can get, but rereleasing the Arc In Space Doctor yet AGAIN?!

    BY THE POWER OF RASSILON THAT COSTUME STILL PLAGUES MY BY ITS RECURRING EXISTANCE! Youre right fans, good job, they should have released this (a little later by) after the time was taken to make a Fourth Doctor Figure THATS DIFFERENT!

    It isnt too much to ask, CO TEND TO MAKE FIGURES OF ALL THE POPULAR THINGS IN Doctor Who, yet the Fourth Doctor so far only has two Costume variations and other Doctors, such as the dearest Third Doctor and the spectacular Sixth Doctor each have three. Is it really that hard, even to atleast paint that tie the correct colour? Planet of Evil, why not call it
    “The Arc in Space set” or “The Genesis Of The Daleks set” or “The Revenge Of the Cybermen set”? Even then there would be slightly less trouble about this figure, but they really should have remade the tie if they’re going to go as far to label it “The Planet Of Evil set”. Or even more better still, they should have made this set different, in a way that would make its existance worth while, in a way that would increases its (now non-existant) success. People are sick to death of that barely likeable Arc in Space figure.

  • Joe

    April 11th, 2010 - 10:52pm

    like the Box it come’s in but i don’t like the fourth doctor i mean i would of liked
    the Logopolis one so because it don’t have the logopolis fourth doctor it’s not worth buying:( i might buy it but am still thinking about it
    Because i still need to get the Sylvester McCoy and Tardis for £34.99


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