Doctor Who Year 2 Titan Comics 12th Doctor issue #11
Robbie Morrison returns for more adventures with the Twelfth Doctor, with a new comics companion in tow! Who can stand alongside the Doctor on an intertemporal…
4 1 Jun 2016Robbie Morrison returns for more adventures with the Twelfth Doctor, with a new comics companion in tow! Who can stand alongside the Doctor on an intertemporal…
4 1 Jun 2016Armed with revelations from the Time War, but challenged by resistance within his own ranks, the Doctor faces his most difficult hour yet as he battles…
0 1 Jun 2016The Doctor, Gabby, and Cindy face a difficult choice as Anubis’s ticking clock strikes the alarm, and the ancient Osiran’s patience finally runs out!…
0 1 Jun 2016Modern-day Seattle sees the Doctor, Jack, and Rose pulled into a city-wide civil war between strangely empowered citizens. But when they start mutating…
0 1 Jun 2016Far away from Cardiff and the Hub, Captain Jack and Gwen dive deep to unravel the secrets of an ancient, extinct civilisation, whose colossal megaweapons…
1 1 Jun 2016The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years of the series…
64 31 May 2016The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years of the series…
7 31 May 2016This new toy version is a faithful recreation of the current Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver which debuted in the Series 9 Episode ‘Hell Bent’. This is the…
336 31 May 2016The storming conclusion to the 2016 Event! Universes will live and die, and timelines will be changed for ever. You MUST NOT MISS this staggering finale!…
0 31 May 2016The Ninth Doctor gets too close to the enemy. The Tenth Doctor’s companions offer a terrifying sacrifice. The Eleventh Doctor digs deep and gives…
1 31 May 2016Witness the birth of the new Cybermen invasion, as the history of this aggressive Cyberiad is at last revealed! The tenth Doctor takes a titanic machine…
1 31 May 2016Highly detailed and features 18 points of articulation with iconic accessories including Missy’s umbrella and “Missy Device”…
92 27 May 2016In one of Doctor Who’s finest seasons, The Ambassadors of Death is a jewel of a story that shows off the programme at its most adult, exposing the uglier…
0 27 May 2016Highly detailed and features 18 points of articulation with iconic accessories including Missy’s umbrella and “Missy Device”…
32 27 May 2016Featuring images of the 10th, 11th, and now the new 12th Doctor! Spend the year with the Doctor, his companions, and enemies with this 2017 calendar…
3 27 May 2016Doctor Who 2017 Calendar. September-December 2016 overview. The announcement of a new Doctor marked the beginning of a new era for Doctor…
19 27 May 2016The 2017 “Doctor Who Diary” covers all 12 episodes of Series 9, plus the “Doctor Who” Christmas Special, “The Husbands of River Song.” Peter Capaldi returns…
4 27 May 2016Doctor Who Complete History goes behind the TV cameras to document the making of the world’s longest running science fiction series from 1963 to the present day…
4 26 May 2016