Doctor Who Titan Comic UK Issue 8
In our world, UNIT scientist Paul Foster was killed in a car crash – in his, his wife and daughters perished, and only he survived. This alternate Paul…
11 10 Sep 2015In our world, UNIT scientist Paul Foster was killed in a car crash – in his, his wife and daughters perished, and only he survived. This alternate Paul…
11 10 Sep 2015Major Doctor Who Character Options Announcement. Character options head of development to Alasdair Dewar to hosted a unique…
115 10 Sep 2015Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
20 8 Sep 2015Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
3 8 Sep 2015Big Finish are thrilled to announce the return of Eve Myles and Kai Owen as husband-and-wife team Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams in the third release
6 8 Sep 2015This is the best September ever! Not only does Doctor Who return to our TV screens on the nineteenth, but on 10th September you can feast your eyes upon
8 7 Sep 2015Exclusive glow-in-the-dark TARDIS in space design on a black, 100% cotton shirt. Design features the TARDIS, with some wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey motion lines…
3 3 Sep 2015This special edition recreates the Emperor Dalek from the second Doctor story ‘Evil of the Daleks’. The magazine tells you all about your character and the history…
91 3 Sep 2015The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years of the series…
29 3 Sep 2015The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years of the series…
7 3 Sep 2015The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years of the series…
14 3 Sep 2015It’s back to the deep, deep past and the dawn of humanity for the Doctor and Gabby, as their travels take them to the Pleistocene – and the epic struggle…
1 3 Sep 2015The Doctor and Alice have met persistent foes before – but never anything like THE THEN & THE NOW, the group of supremely strange cosmic bounty hunters…
1 3 Sep 2015The Silent Silent Torchwood Collection
25 3 Sep 2015joe gould’s Custom / Pictures…
48 2 Sep 2015Gabby’s best friend Cindy remained on Earth at the end of her last adventure with the Doctor – a decision Cindy immediately regretted!…
5 2 Sep 2015First stop – Lumin’s World, home to a raging war between the near-extinct Calexi and the crystalline Spherions! When Josie is wounded in the crossfire…
12 2 Sep 2015With Earth’s Sun ringed by vast and deadly Hyperion technology, set to drain our star of all energy in the ultimate solar extinction event, the Doctor…
5 2 Sep 2015