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March 24th, 2015 164 comments

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What Next For Doctor Who Classic DVDs?

Now that the majority of known episodes have been released on DVD, what would you like to see happen to the range?

Season box sets, Doctor box sets?

Early B+W episodes colourised (which would no doubt be hugely expensive), or should they stay as they are?

Animated missing stories? or do we already have everything we need?

Below are some examples of what individuals have achieved

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • James Gibson

    January 18th, 2016 - 9:55am

    Definitely NOT colorising of b/w episodes… Part of the charm and enjoyment of these are to watch them as originally made. Plus it would waste money that could be better spent even animating the currently still missing stories to fill in the blanks. Possible rereleases of older titles that some collectors may not have got first time around but really would love the focus to be on somehow getting the missing episodes that do have existing soundtracks to the screen.

    • prototype dalek

      March 12th, 2016 - 11:18am

      I agree, the original B/W should be left B/W and their are some many other episodes they could do animated for like The Faceless Ones and the Wheel in Space or even colourise Invasion of the Dinosaurs in colour as that is still in black and white for some reason because they did the same for Planet of the Daleks part 3

  • Evans the coward

    October 20th, 2015 - 8:01pm

    They should do
    Earthshock se
    Two discs.
    Disc one
    All original content and special features of oringinal release. But a easter egg with a animated verson of what the rumor of the silarians returning in it might of maken the cliffhanger of episode 1 look like.

    • Evans the coward

      October 20th, 2015 - 8:07pm

      Disc two
      Movie verson with new cgi effects and extend it by about ten minutes. Not forgetting a remade theme tune and credits with computer software.
      You will become like us
      A documentary about the return of the cybermen.
      A hero’s downfall same as above about th

    • Evans the coward

      October 20th, 2015 - 8:08pm

      The death of adric.

    • Ace fan13

      January 11th, 2016 - 6:33pm

      Yeah all the ones that had no art on the disc they should get a special edition.

    • Evans the coward

      February 16th, 2016 - 5:41pm

      You are so right. I would also have the curse of fenric reissued only difference being the DVD art.

  • skaroman

    June 27th, 2015 - 11:35pm

    Well. They’ve confirmed it. BBC are not releasing TUM on dvd.


    A tweet from BBC worldwide has said that more classic dvds are on the way.

    What does it mean?

    • Number 6

      March 6th, 2016 - 11:05pm

      Uncertain. It’s very likely that there are more missing episodes returned but I am completely not sure. Because it has been more than nine months and nothing has turned up.

      We have to be patient and see what happens.

  • Doctorfan

    May 7th, 2015 - 7:47pm

    My new special edition list
    Dalek Invasion Of Earth SE
    The Dominators SE
    The Daemons SE
    The Pyramids Of Mars SE
    Earthshock SE
    Mark Of The Rani SE
    Time And The Rani SE
    All in one set

    • skaroman

      May 25th, 2015 - 11:16am

      Why would anyone in the world want a Dominators special edition?

    • Doctorfan

      June 3rd, 2015 - 8:04pm

      fine not dominators erm…………………………………………….The Invasion SE

    • Doctorfan

      June 3rd, 2015 - 8:16pm

      Revisitations 4:
      1) Dalek Invasion Of Earth SE
      2) The Invasion SE
      3)The Terror Of The Autons SE

      Revisitations 5:
      1) Pyramids Of Mars SE
      2)EarthShock SE
      3) Mark Of The Rani SE
      4) Time And The Rani SE

    • skaroman

      June 13th, 2015 - 9:59pm

      I agree on Dalek Invasion of Earth SE and Earthshock SE but not the others.

  • Doctorfan

    April 28th, 2015 - 8:20pm

    Booboo are any special edition DVD plans

  • skaroman

    April 8th, 2015 - 10:37pm

    Even if they can’t animate any more missing episodes, then the audio CDs would be a good market.

    But since the BBC radio collection doesn’t look nice and the “lost tv episodes” boxsets are expensive, why not release them individually in classic dvd style (not cases, just logo and banner)?

    And not stories that have already been animated. I mean, who owns the audio CD to “The Invasion” when 6/8 episodes already exist and the DVD should be reasonably cheap by now?

  • DWC

    March 30th, 2015 - 10:24pm

    My favourite one is “Mission to the unknown”.

  • Existent Being

    March 29th, 2015 - 8:24pm

    I’d love to see the the revived series transferred to single story releases in the same format as the classic stories, but that would probably be very expensive owing to the fact that you can buy whole series at the moment for only half the price fo a classic DVD, so only collectors would buy single releases. They could make them limited edition, at least to begin with to see how they sell, but I doubt that. The BBV and Reeltime pictures releases would be nice as well.

    • Ace fan13

      January 11th, 2016 - 6:39pm

      I would but that means more money spent plus I’ve bought a lot of revived story’s so I fell a bit unsure

  • skaroman

    March 29th, 2015 - 6:23pm

    We should all stop fussing about re-releases…

    … and start planning rediscoveries.

    There are 97 episodes currently missing and possibly scattered around the world,
    why pay more money for fancy box sets where we should be going outside and searching attics, TV stations and boot fairs for these missing episodes – because…

    One day, they shall come back, yes, they shall come back.
    Until then, there must be no tears, no regrets, no anxieties.
    Just go forth in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.


  • Joe

    March 28th, 2015 - 2:58pm

    What we need now is the direct to video spin offs from the 90s and other documentaries, also real time and death come to time

    • Joe

      March 28th, 2015 - 3:03pm

      Also B&W white episodes would brilliant, but one again spacing issues would be a problem.

  • VespiformsSting

    March 27th, 2015 - 6:02pm

    why animate them when they could be remade with live actors like David Bradley ??

    • Anonymous

      March 28th, 2015 - 3:43pm

      Because then it isn’t the same. At least with animation you have the original audio intact.

      Plus live actors would be vastly more expensive.

  • Tom

    March 27th, 2015 - 5:34pm

    Animated missing. Definitely. I’d be more likely to buy them than the audio CDs.

  • Renegade86

    March 27th, 2015 - 9:12am

    I adore the idea of coloured B and W episodes. That trailer above looks brilliant! That could be added as a special feature but it would take a lot of money to do. I wish I had the ability as I’d do it for free lol.

    Realisticly, special edition DVDs, animated missing episodes and boxsets are probably the best way to go. Really give the buyer something new for their collection. I think colourisation would be lovely but it’s the lowest on the list of realistic options.

  • Cpl. Hicks

    March 27th, 2015 - 8:54am

    Having completed the collection last year, and now awaiting the U.M and any rediscovered episodes, I would have preferred them to have been singles, or season box sets. Mainly due to the fact I watched them in order, which if you did not know what the chronological order is, it would be a little difficult to achieve…plus looks better on the shelf

  • Phillip niethe

    March 26th, 2015 - 11:36pm

    Most Definitely animate: the crusade, U.W.M., and mission to the unknown! Then release box sets, such as: season 12, season 13, and so on for each doctor. The 6th and 7th doctors should be: The baker years, and The McCoy years collections. And since Philip Morris has nothing else in the way of missing episodes B.B.C should just simply ask fans to vote for which of the 20 or so missing stories they would most like fully animated, then set up a website for donations to pay for animations… I know they say it’s to expensive, but they can cover a fraction and I would donate…I’d be willing to drop a grand for each of Troughton’s stories… And a thousand dollars more for Marco Polo. I’m sure their are enough fans who would donate, if I knew how to make cartoons I would make them myself for free, actually I can draw pretty freaking well…someone email me on how to make a cartoon!

  • Gerry

    March 26th, 2015 - 2:11pm

    I think more SE editions is the way to go, as with Day Of The Daleks. Classic Dalek stories would be the obvious choices – you could have Genesis redone with new improved CGI cities ( the external shots of the dome would be a prime example for replacement).
    Earthshock would look great by multiplying the Cybermen on screen, and replacing those Colgate toothpaste laser beams.

  • The Silent Silent

    March 25th, 2015 - 8:29pm

    They should do a poll for each doctors top 5 episodes voted for by fans and then release theses in box sets. which would cost around £15-20 🙂

    • The Werewolf

      March 25th, 2015 - 9:23pm

      Wouldn’t really work for 6, 8 and 9. Especially 8.

  • Metalhead16

    March 25th, 2015 - 8:19pm

    Maybe some more box sets containing linked episodes. For example, a Doctor’s first and last episodes.

  • Whovians R Us

    March 25th, 2015 - 5:02pm

    season boxsets if possible and they should animate stories that have 1-2 episodes lost eg. underwater menace

    • JellyBaby100

      April 14th, 2015 - 10:58pm

      They already have animated Underwater Menace, we’re still awaiting a release though.

  • Doctorfan

    March 25th, 2015 - 4:45pm

    This may not happen but this would be cool to get some big finish stories and animate them and stick on a DVD
    Either separately or volumes e.g. the 6th animated years volume 1 containing the raincloud man,patient 0,paper cuts,blue forgotten planet
    6th doctor animated years specials containing worlds of doctor who and last adventure with special features.

    • Doctorfan

      March 25th, 2015 - 8:37pm

      booboo what do you think

    • booboo

      March 25th, 2015 - 9:13pm

      all comes down to costs really

  • WFK DVD Collector 15

    March 25th, 2015 - 4:17pm

    The Underwater Menace episode 2. With episodes 1 and 4 as animation or telesnap.

  • CyberDanny

    March 25th, 2015 - 4:04pm

    All remaining missing stories animated, special editions of stories with optional new effects etc (like Day of The Daleks SE), season boxsets and Doctor boxsets (special edition DVD’s with extras etc in individual cases put together in big slipcase (like Key To Time etc).
    Anf for the crowning glory, the whole classic series in their individual cases, special edition versions, collected in a giant TARDIS box, with extras like a guide book or something thrown in.
    That last one’s a bit unlikely but I can dream 😀

    • CyberDanny

      March 25th, 2015 - 4:05pm

      *And for*

  • SomeFunnyDrWhoReference

    March 25th, 2015 - 2:20pm

    Animated stories definately… And season box sets (preferably with new extras – not just repackaged). I would accept audio only cd’s and/or abridged videos (galaxy 4) to cover the gaps. But leave space in the boxes for when the missing stories are recovered….

  • Nuallain

    March 25th, 2015 - 1:59pm

    Boxes, but I can’t quite see season boxes working. There’s too much variation between the number of episodes per season.

    Rather, I’d like to see volumes: “The First Doctor Volume One”, “The Fourth Doctor Volume Five” etc, that would allow them to have consistently 6-7 discs per box, and a consistent price per box too.

  • Doyouhearthem

    March 25th, 2015 - 1:10pm

    This format for classic season boxsets pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.
    And the revisistations released separately.
    And The UnderWater Menace.
    And The Crusade (animation for some episodes).
    I know I’m greedy but I’m sure others will agree!

  • when I say run…..

    March 25th, 2015 - 10:31am

    Liking the DVD unboxing, as far as I understand this would just be a case to put DVDs that are already owned, so you’d just buy the case and not the entire dvd collection again. Is this right?

    • Will Brooks

      March 25th, 2015 - 5:00pm

      Hello, hello! That’s it exactly. I was commissioned to create the set and the discs that needed new artwork. There’s more details over on my Tumblr:

  • Melkur

    March 25th, 2015 - 9:44am

    Special edition releases, some with added (optional) effects. I’d love to see Deadly Assassin with modern effects and cgi Gallifreyan vistas, for example.

    • Sam Richard Bentley

      March 25th, 2015 - 10:24am

      Never personally understood the want for updated CGI, don’t get me wrong – it’s a nice idea, but really I feel it ruins it. I mean, look at the effects they added to the original Star Wars movies!

      But I guess if you like that, then why not! I suppose it is interesting to see what it could have looked like if it had been made today.

    • SomeFunnyDrWhoReference

      March 25th, 2015 - 2:17pm

      Definately have the transmitted stories but also have alternative CGI versions. Day of the Daleks, The Curse of Fenric, and The Dalek Invasion of Earth were some decent examples… Enlightenment and Planet of Fire were not….. I would like to see further improved CGI for The Ark in Space (and by default) Revenge of the Cybermen

    • Doctorfan

      March 25th, 2015 - 4:35pm

      But old chi is what make them classics

    • Doctorfan

      March 25th, 2015 - 4:36pm

      But old cgi is what makes them classic

      I meant cgi in chi

    • Melkur

      March 25th, 2015 - 5:58pm

      A lot of newer fans might be tempted to start buying classics if they were a little more up to date. Not that i’m suggesting newer fans can’t appreciate the stories in their original format, but with that added optional ‘modernisation’, it has the potential to attract many who have only ever seen the new series.

      Plus it’s really the only thing that would get me to buy the same serials again, I replaced a lot of my older versions with the special editions. There’s only so many documentaries that can be made, so new effects might be the way forward.

      I do insist on keeping them optional of course.

  • Vortexsurfer

    March 25th, 2015 - 9:37am

    I’m all for animating every lost story. It will keep the range going, and if you animate them in colour (for purists, all you have to do is turn the colour down to zero on your TV), I reckon they could be successfully broadcast for children on a Saturday morning.

    I also wouldn’t say no to a colourised An Unearthly Child. Not the full set of 60s episodes, they don’t need it, but the first episode, I think, would be interesting.

    • JellyBaby100

      March 25th, 2015 - 5:25pm

      Genius! Make it a broadcast program on the BBC, then they’d have a reason to pay for the animating! Call Moffat now!

  • JM

    March 25th, 2015 - 9:12am

    Special editions of early releases in the range? E.G. Pyramids of Mars, Revelation of the Daleks, Mind Robber. Maybe some new commentaries and documentaries?

  • Julian Bashford

    March 25th, 2015 - 9:02am

    Decent quality digital downloads – iTunes or whatever – with decent content, extras etc….. HD where possible. Who on earth plays discs anymore????

    • booboo

      March 25th, 2015 - 9:05am


      but many core Doctor Who fans regard the physical item as part of their collection, i know i do, i downloaded webb/enemy and bought the discs

      whether they are enough to warrant ongoing physical items is another matter

    • Sam Richard Bentley

      March 25th, 2015 - 9:27am

      I despise digital downloads. I LOVE buying a DVD, or a book, and have the physical thing as part of a collection. There’s something so special about picking up something real, or getting it through the post. I always get excited.

    • Rufus

      March 25th, 2015 - 10:10am

      Ah man I’m still stuck in the time vortex!! – my VCR still works so i still watch me old tapes – me wife and kids give me stick but if it ain’t broke….for me the classic Doctor Who’s give me a great nostalgia buzz and i love all the extras on various DVD’s which include clips from TV shows of that era e.g. Blue Peter. The best thing would be for John Smith to discover all of the remaining lost episodes…..

    • StetsonDoctor

      March 25th, 2015 - 11:29am

      100% agree there, particularly when it’s part of my physical collection.

    • The Sons of Skaro

      March 25th, 2015 - 5:34pm

      I still have the VHS copies. Love the artwork on them. Something special and nostalgic about buying a nice weighty item.

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