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October 21st, 2015 108 comments

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Toys r us List Six 5.5″ Collectors Series Figures

Toys r us have just listed all of the 5.5″ Collectors series figures with the exception of the Curator (and Missy). Some of these figures are currently listed or have been sold as Forbidden Planet exclusives in the UK.

You can see the listings at


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  • Dalek Sec

    December 28th, 2015 - 2:40am

    The pictures for the Capadi figures are weird. In the plastic they aren’t so bad. Would be better if they sculpted his ‘attack eyebrows’ on. Or gave him a cardigan.

  • whotoys

    December 26th, 2015 - 5:24pm

    So I nearly have all of the collector series figures (only need to get 12th doctor in black shirt and the tardis) and I have to say they are all amazing my favourite figure would have to be the 8th doctor from night of the doctor

  • callum

    December 18th, 2015 - 6:44pm

    Do they have these in the brighton (hove) store?

    • callum

      December 27th, 2015 - 6:39pm

      Do they have theses in the oxford store


    December 13th, 2015 - 1:19pm

    Hi booboo do you know anything about the new 2015 topps trading cards ?
    I know they have been in the U.S.A for a while now
    I have seen UK sellers on eBay selling them but I can’t find them in any shops
    I love them and the design
    If anyone knows anything about them please comment

    • booboo

      December 13th, 2015 - 3:23pm

      nothing we were never sent any info to be honest

    • Anonymous

      December 27th, 2015 - 7:26pm

      This set stretches back to 2013 when it was first announced. It has been constantly delayed until October 2015 when it was released in North America only. After contacting Topps in the UK I was told that this was a USA release only & would not be available in the UK. The only way to get parts of the set are on the secondary market from ebay, Amazon, etc. If you want a full set you are out of luck, as unfortunately some cards are 1/1 such as the Hartnell, Troughton & Pertwee autos. Others are also nigh on impossible to get such as the Gold, Red & Purple Parallel cards. Unless you have LITERALLY thousands of pounds to spare a full set will never be completed. Once I found out this back in 2013 I gave up all hope on attempting to purchase any of this set.

  • Aidan Gula

    December 4th, 2015 - 6:54pm

    Hi Booboo. Some Forbidden Planets have the Sherlock figure. I say some, I just know my local one does.

  • theosgoodbox

    December 1st, 2015 - 4:08pm

    What 12th doctor figure would people suggest to get

    • The Werewolf

      December 1st, 2015 - 5:14pm

      Purple’s the one I got and its good.

  • theosgoodbox

    November 30th, 2015 - 5:09pm


    • Charlie Mars

      December 18th, 2015 - 1:12am

      Probably, hopefully, there’s no way of knowing for certain until character confirm it

  • John Smith 1963

    November 21st, 2015 - 6:10pm

    Hi guys, I only have enough money to buy one figure and I can’t decide which to buy! I already have 12th Doctor white shirt but would love to know which figure everyone would recommend (Missy included) Thanks to anyone who can recommend which one 🙂

    • Anonymous

      November 24th, 2015 - 8:40pm

      Really depends,

      You already have one, yet if you like one of the others, then try another doctor, purples most interesting but black is probably most accurate.

      If you would like a bit more variety maybe one like missy or the eight doctor (good luck tough if you try to get the latter )

  • DannyTheNerd

    November 19th, 2015 - 10:17am

    Why have you removed the 8th doctor from your site? :O

    • booboo

      November 19th, 2015 - 11:30am

      its in draft mode in case it comes up for order, i cant do very much where i am so its easier

    • DannyTheNerd

      November 19th, 2015 - 2:09pm

      Ok booboo

  • mark Belsom

    November 18th, 2015 - 5:40pm

    Brighton TRU still haven’t had the new 5.5 inch figures. Think they’ve left it a bit late.

    • Cool Salsa

      November 18th, 2015 - 6:58pm

      Neither have Lakeside (Essex) or Basildon & quite a few others, looks like only certain toys r us have got them.

    • Ian

      November 20th, 2015 - 9:10am

      It could be they are not ranged for them. I suggest you speak to the store Manager. My store in Manchester have none, I had to get the manager to get the new flight control Tardis in especially.

  • M

    November 14th, 2015 - 3:48pm

    The eleventh Doctor in purple has been back in stock today!

  • Ian

    November 9th, 2015 - 4:35pm

    Booboo I thought the 8th Dr figure was due out today. Heard anything? Thanks

    • booboo

      November 9th, 2015 - 4:51pm

      nothing at all

  • oliver

    November 9th, 2015 - 3:49am

    Booboo, would you mind telling me if the collectors sarah jane and k9 is available in both uk and usa, as the back of the packaging of rose/k9 shows her as one of the figures available

    • booboo

      November 9th, 2015 - 8:54am

      Don’t know anything sorry

      the only info we got concerns toys s us in the UK and its doesn’t mention the other 3 figures

      we get no info on what’s happening in the USA

  • collector

    November 7th, 2015 - 1:47am

    TRUS Nottingham have tons of Eleveth doctors on six of the hangers. I went through them all looking for any others. But only Matt Smith available in the Doctors. They also had two lines of only Clara.

  • wholords2

    November 6th, 2015 - 7:04pm

    Does anyone know any toys r us codes or coupons that I can use in store for these?

  • Judooning

    November 6th, 2015 - 1:09pm

    Out of stock. Just as I were going to order it too 🙁

  • Greg

    November 5th, 2015 - 1:34pm

    Finally got my hands on a black shirt 12th Doctor!!

  • anon

    November 4th, 2015 - 12:59am

    Going to treat myself to three of the 5.5 inch collectors figures, but need help from u people.

    Which three would any of you recommend?

    I am thinking of getting the Clara Oswald figure, but like everyone has said, its a repainted Oswin Oswald, so may just get The Impossible set.

    Also, does anyone know if Forbidden Planet still stock the War Doctor, as i have got a place in my cabinet for him.

    Finally, with the 5.5’s, has Sarah Jane been re-released on as a standard toy, or is she only available as a three pack with Tennant and cyberman.

    • TimeVortexHero

      November 5th, 2015 - 3:40pm

      Oswin is really bad quality, get Clara, its a really good figure

    • anon

      November 5th, 2015 - 3:44pm

      Id heard that it was the Clara that was bad quality. What makes Oswin bad quality?

    • booboo

      November 5th, 2015 - 3:45pm

      My Oswin is superb

    • anon

      November 5th, 2015 - 6:05pm

      Booboo, seeing as your the person who runs the site, ill take ur opinion on board. I have like The Impossible set for a while, so will most likely get that.

      I think the Oswin costume is more attractive than the purple one, regardless what other people say.

      Clara was in that costume at the end of Journey to the Centre of the Tardis.

    • wholords2

      November 6th, 2015 - 7:12pm

      Clara didn’t wear that question at the end of JTTCOTT she’s never worn that

    • DoctorSong2016

      November 6th, 2015 - 7:13pm

      fair enough if you want Oswin, but Clara most certainly never wore Oswins costume or anything similar to it, she has worn two red dresses, but they look nothing like Oswins costume

    • DoctorSong2016

      November 6th, 2015 - 7:15pm

      she wore a short sleeved black/navy dress or long shirt at the end of JTTCOTT and during it she wore a sparkly, short sleeved red dress with black collar

    • wholords2

      November 6th, 2015 - 7:31pm

      I just rewatched the end of the episode and she wears a black shirt and a grey dungaree dress thing

    • anon

      November 7th, 2015 - 1:42am

      Ive gone to that scene and im not colour blind, she is wearing the figures outfit

    • anon

      November 7th, 2015 - 1:50am

      Ok. I will admit when i am wrong. I have looked again, its not that figure costume. My bad.

  • Ian

    November 3rd, 2015 - 3:04pm

    5″ Black Dalek sec which is the accurate one. It was released a while back in the US with the updated Doomsday set.

  • Toy spotter

    November 1st, 2015 - 9:35pm

    They have them in Copdock Ipswich Toys r Us and there was Rose Tyler and K9 and on the back of the packet they have listed other companions not mentioned here and a black Dalek Sec new mold edition too!!!

    • Ollie

      November 2nd, 2015 - 8:35pm

      Black Dalek Sec? In 5″ or 3.75″ scale?

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