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May 11th, 2021 199 comments

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Time Lord Victorious Echoes of Extinction Vinyl LP

Please note distribution, stock allocation, prices and a free download option are outside the control of Big Finish on this occasion.

Available to order from

You can also see if any retailers are selling via

The Digital Download is available to buy separately Here.

FAQ For Big Finish Buyers

Does the vinyl come with a download of the story?

  • If you buy the vinyl from the Big Finish website, the download will be added to your account. (Note: if you buy from Amazon or another online retailer, this will not be possible.)

    How many copies can I buy?

    • While we do not have the ability to restrict orders on the website, anyone buying more than one copy will have the multiple orders cancelled and refunded.

    I’ve already pre-ordered a download. Can I cancel my order and buy a vinyl copy instead?

    • We do not recommend cancelling your order. There will only be a very limited number of vinyl copies available from the Big Finish website. If you are lucky enough to secure one, we can arrange a refund of your initial download order.

    Can I ‘upgrade’ my download pre-order to a vinyl pre-order?

    • Sorry, due to the very limited number of copies of the vinyl LP edition, we are unable to facilitate such an offer.

    Big Finish, in association with Demon Records and BBC Studios, today announces the opening of pre-orders for the limited edition Time Lord Victorious vinyl starring David Tennant and Paul McGann.

    Due for release via the Big Finish website and other online retailers on 16 April 2021, Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious – Echoes of Extinction comprises two separate adventures that listeners can play in any order and features a different incarnation of the Doctor on each side. This very special double-A side LP conclusion to the Time Lord Victorious multi-platform event is issued on split red/blue vinyl.

    Originally planned to launch in selected UK ASDA stores in November 2020, this very special double-A side LP conclusion to the Time Lord Victorious multi-platform event was delayed due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. But from April the adventure, issued on split red/blue vinyl, will be available for pre-order from a number of online stores, including Amazon and the Big Finish Website, enabling fans worldwide to secure their own copy.

    A digital download of the story will also be available globally from the Big Finish website and is now available for pre-order at £8.99. (Note: products are sold in £ sterling on the Big Finish website but will be converted to local currency upon checkout.)

    Stocks of this release are strictly limited and are expected to sell out quickly. A list of other international online retailers taking pre-orders will be published as and when they become available. Please note that Big Finish has no control over the product pricing and shipping costs of third party retailers.

    David Tennant and Paul McGann star in Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious

    Big Finish has today revealed its final contribution to the Doctor Who multi-platform adventure Time Lord Victorious with a new limited edition vinyl – starring David Tennant and Paul McGann.

    Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious – Echoes of Extinction comprises of two separate adventures that listeners can play in any order and form a greater narrative.

    This very special double-A side vinyl Doctor Who release features a different incarnation of the Doctor on each side and will be released on split red/blue vinyl.

    Trapped, a haunted monster waits to consume new victims. It needs help. It needs a doctor. Unfortunately, it also needs to kill whoever it meets. Thrust into immediate danger, and on the back-foot, it will take all of the Doctor’s ingenuity to triumph.

    Two interlinked adventures. Two Doctors. One foe.

    The stellar supporting cast also includes Arthur Darvill (Doctor Who, Broadchurch), Burn Gorman (Torchwood, The Expanse), Mina Anwar (The Thin Blue Line, The Sarah Jane Adventures), Kathryn Drysdale (Benidorm, Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps) and Paul Clayton (The Crown, Him and Her).

    David Tennant said: “The Doctor in Time Lord Victorious is a different character. He’s slightly lonelier, slightly scratchier, when he doesn’t have one of his pals to hold him back.

    “But it’s nice to tell stories from different times of his life. You just have to try and make sure you’re in the right mindset. The script is fascinating. I’ve only got one side of it, but I’m very aware there’s more to this story, that there’s another Doctor on the other side of the disc. I look forward to getting my LP so I can listen to it all.”

    Paul McGann added: “I’ve read this script twice through and I’m still none the wiser. I’m more confused after the second time than I was after the first. It’s only while working on it that I’ve become aware of how it’s going to be structured.

    “It really appeals to me, the idea that it’s in two parts, on two sides of vinyl. I think it’s fun for people listening. Part of the excitement is when the different incarnations meet… or nearly meet.”

    Writer and Producer Alfie Shaw said: “Director Scott Handcock has pulled together an amazing who’s who of Doctor Who for the cast. We’ve got alumni from the series as well as Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.”

    “It’s been an honour to create Big Finish’s first commissioned-for-vinyl story, and utterly thrilling to write for both the Eighth and Tenth Doctors.”

    A digital download of the story will be released from the Big Finish Website on 04 December 2020, and is now available for pre-order at £8.99.

    Categorised under: CD, Vinyl records



  • bryan

    May 5th, 2021 - 10:15pm

    I scanned the above original notice. But didn’t see the update from BF

    SHIPPING UPDATE | Due to factors beyond our control, we are currently experiencing supply issues from the EU. As a consequence, certain collector’s editions are delayed as detailed below. We are sorry for any disappointment.

    Doctor Who: Dalek Universe 1 (Limited Vinyl Edition)
    Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: Echoes of Extinction (Vinyl Edition)

    Odd has BF didn’t get Thiers ( stuck in the docks.more paperwork.Amazon bigger company etc)

    I assume ,rightly or wrongly, that the same issue with Brexit delays and Civic Disruptions ,that Ravagers.The 9th Doctor Adventures Vinyl will be late.

  • Cymon

    May 5th, 2021 - 6:01pm

    Amazon have this for sale again if anyone still needs this £22.99

    • Zepp104

      May 6th, 2021 - 12:50am

      Really? Mine from Amazon hasn’t even shipped yet…

    • booboo

      May 6th, 2021 - 7:53am

      Amazon stock shipped ages ago, was yours for a 3rd party seller?

    • Chris Howarth

      May 6th, 2021 - 9:48am

      I didn’t get mine from Amazon either. The message went from Arriving Tuesday to Awaiting Stock. That was the last I heard. Acquired one from elsewhere instead.

  • jvm2701

    April 22nd, 2021 - 9:14pm

    Has anyone received theirs from Big Finish yet?

    • The Fishmonger

      April 24th, 2021 - 6:03pm

      No. I’m waiting for this and Dalek Universe vinyl and haven’t had any despatch notices yet.

    • Anonymous

      May 4th, 2021 - 6:44pm

      Had my despatch email for Dalek Universe vinyl but not this one. I’m sure it’s fine but it’s a long delay.

    • Anonymous

      May 5th, 2021 - 8:57pm

      I misread my email, the despatch was for the Dalek Protocol CD not the vinyl. Curses.

    • DanWFA

      May 5th, 2021 - 11:10pm

      Anonymous, are you sure that was for the vinyl? I had one for the Dalek Protocol and thought it was for the vinyl then Big Finish put out a statement saying…

      “Due to factors beyond our control, we are currently experiencing supply issues from the EU. As a consequence, certain collector’s editions are delayed as detailed below. We are sorry for any disappointment.
      Doctor Who: Dalek Universe 1 (Limited Vinyl Edition)
      Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: Echoes of Extinction (Vinyl Edition)”

    • booboo

      May 6th, 2021 - 7:55am

      Time Lord Victorious is a puzzle i would have thought Demon Records had all of they stock and they would allocate and distribute to retailers.

    • Alan Silvester

      May 6th, 2021 - 12:31pm

      Not received DU1 vinyl yet – but have received Dalek Protocol CD. Anyone know why a second back insert has been included? It would suggest an error was spotted – hence the delay – but I’m struggling to find any difference between the two inserts. What am I missing?

    • bryan

      May 6th, 2021 - 1:22pm

      T in protocol is missing in the spine bars .

      A small error, but understandable for the replacement

    • Alan Silvester

      May 6th, 2021 - 2:04pm

      Bryan, thank you – I’ve been looking at the 2 inserts for ages and never saw that! You’ve saved my sanity!

    • Alan Silvester

      May 6th, 2021 - 2:17pm

      Thank you, Bryan – I’ve been looking at the 2 inserts for ages and didn’t spot this. You’ve saved my sanity. Though quite why BF couldn’t have said this was the reason for the delay in the release!

  • The Monitor

    April 22nd, 2021 - 5:56am

    Will Asda be getting this still. My Amazon order due yesterday may not come now as they are having sourcing issues.

    • booboo

      April 22nd, 2021 - 7:49am

      dont think so now, there were only 1000, there were supposed to other sellers but nothing more has been said

    • Who98

      April 22nd, 2021 - 3:42pm

      I doubt got mine from amazon as soon as i could. I think now you can only find it on ebay for around 80 is the lowest ive seen it sell for

    • Anja

      April 22nd, 2021 - 11:59pm

      Oh no, hope they haven’t oversold it 🙁 I couldn’t order until release day as I’m outside the UK, but I sure hope they didn’t put it back up for sale only not to have it after all. Frustrating how it sounded like there would be more international sellers, but no more news about it.

  • R I Curry

    April 21st, 2021 - 12:41pm

    Still waiting my vinyl from Big Finish. They do mention the issues they have had in their warehouse due to the pandemic, so its just a case of waiting.
    Anyone aware if there is any mention of release dates for the rest of the vinyls that were to be Asda exclusives?

  • Anonymous

    April 20th, 2021 - 3:11pm

    I’ve still not had mines dispatched by Big Finish, kind of getting worried now.

    • Anonymous

      April 21st, 2021 - 11:50am

      Don’t worry, I received mine but from Amazon, but Big Finish are totally different.
      I should imagine everyone got their digital copy on release date, but as for physical copies they’ve mentioned in the past they could take weeks to arrive due to Covid and other factors.
      (Their main priority is with the digital copies I’m sure)

  • Phasergrim

    April 20th, 2021 - 12:50pm

    Got mine today. Lots of packaging, number 568. Looking forward to finally finishing TLV.

  • Anonymous

    April 18th, 2021 - 4:56pm

    Received Number 59 of 1000.

    • PiersS

      April 19th, 2021 - 6:58pm

      Is the number inside the packaging? I didn’t notice it on the sticker on the front. I don’t want to open it yet until I’ve listened to the releases before this one.

      Amazon shippment arrived today in long pack with plastic airs bags inside and series 8 steelbook which I had forgot I ordered. No issues at all!

    • PiersS

      April 19th, 2021 - 7:00pm

      Edit – I’ve read below the sleeve is numbered by hand. DOH!

    • Deano

      April 19th, 2021 - 7:19pm

      Yes mine is 189/1000 and very pleased with packaging from Amazon as several others have already stated in a box with paper padding.
      I intend to frame with record partially showing a shame you can’t have the 8th dr side showing that way as I prefer and think it’s a better picture than the 10th but it’s that side with the opening and to do it the other it means it’s upside down.
      There is a little colour bleed between the red/blue but otherwise a nice straight line but loving the split vinyl especially the vibrant red.
      So now all I’ve got to do is enjoy listening to the story which is the main reason for purchasing it in the first place.

    • MJS

      April 19th, 2021 - 7:46pm

      Piers, it’s on the inside sleeve

  • DalekAgent

    April 17th, 2021 - 11:48am

    I seem to remember this being mentioned somewhere that it doesn’t matter what order you listen to it but has actually anyone started with the 10th doctor side and does the story still make sense because a lot of people seemed to have started with the 8th doctor side which i guess makes sense but im planning on starting with the 10th doctor side

    • bryan

      April 18th, 2021 - 10:25am

      Hi DalekAgent. I listened to the 10th Doctor side first, by mistake, but went with it.I think the 8th Doctor side is the strongest of the two, and it works fine doing 10/8. I also felt there was more 8th Doctor content(this may or may not be factual,timing wise, but it felt very much that it was.)

      Not sure all the kerfuffle, delays and general wondering if one would get a copy at all. Has helped , as there is a stronger ,deeper Listening situation, on this now, rather than if it had come when intended.

      be interesting to hear from an 8/10 listener.

      just for Clarity: it was pointed out to me i have my number Wrong. I transposed the final two numbers.
      my actual number is 263/1000

    • DalekAgent

      April 19th, 2021 - 12:14pm

      Oh fair enough, the reason im gonna listen to 10th doctor side is because its the last story in the story order of TLV and the last story for the 10th doctor arc so i just want to hear how it ends for him, im still waiting to receive mine but it should be hear by wednesday

  • Anonymous

    April 16th, 2021 - 3:51pm

    Mine has just been delivered by Amazon safe and undamaged in large cardboard box stuffed with paper so if all are delivered like this no one should be worried about getting damaged copy.

    Some leakage/smudging of the red and blue on the record so it’s not exactly a straight line between the red and blue split but looks lovely none the less. Inside Sleeve individually numbered by hand. I got 159/1000 . Hope everyone gets theirs soon and undamaged.

    • bryan

      April 16th, 2021 - 5:59pm

      mine has just arrived. in nothing more than a plastic envelope.

      i dont think the card quality is as good/the same as previous Asda/single BF vinyls.

      due to envelope, corner stubbed, but minor . dont expect there to be spares . everything as Anonymous above says. just wish I had gotten a record sleeve card packaging.

      236/1000 i thought there was 1500 of these. hope everyone gets a copy.

    • booboo

      April 16th, 2021 - 6:03pm

      Thought it was 1500 as well, in reality it shows what a niche market these are as it took a month to sell out especially with the massive exposure they get now and presumably there is more stock somewhere to go to other retailers.

      I suspect this may turn up on Amazon USA

    • MJS

      April 17th, 2021 - 10:01am

      It’s here! 907 of 1000

    • MDS

      April 17th, 2021 - 10:03am

      Mine was delivered in the same large cardboard box. However it looked like someone had sat on one of the box. Amazon delivery guy must have guessed I would say something as he put it outside my door and was already running at full speed out of the corridor towards the lift as I opened the door. Thankfully there was no damage to the album as again loads of paper inside.

      Can only find on Amazon a place to give a product review and not a delivery one. Tried doing it as part of the product review once before and Amazon refused to list it. Any suggestions?

    • Robert Barker

      April 17th, 2021 - 12:08pm

      I preordered from Amazon too mine due tuesday

    • Anonymous

      April 18th, 2021 - 11:36am

      Mines due tomorrow very excited hope it’s undamaged

  • Spiral

    April 16th, 2021 - 1:51pm

    Still waiting for an international seller. I didn’t even know Big Finish released this until it completely sold out. I think for US people the initial announcement went out at like 5 am, so the majority of people missed it. Shame that this release has been such a hot mess.

    • Robert Barker

      April 18th, 2021 - 2:22pm

      Update mines due in about an hour

    • Robert Barker

      April 18th, 2021 - 4:47pm

      Update addendum arrived intact

  • Cymon

    April 16th, 2021 - 12:15pm

    Amazon have this back in stock for £24.61

    • booboo

      April 16th, 2021 - 12:17pm

      3rd party seller but where are the other international sellers

  • Anonymous

    April 16th, 2021 - 10:33am

    Anyone had theirs dispatched from Big Finish? Would have thought that for the amount of money paid for delivery it would have been here on release date. I would have been better getting it on Amazon as I would have got it today and would have had free delivery.

    • booboo

      April 16th, 2021 - 10:38am

      not seen anything although many people seem to be getting from Amazon on Tuesday

    • MJS

      April 16th, 2021 - 10:43am

      My ETA from Amazon is Tuesday, but they’ve taken the cash today. I suspect…it *may* be here tomorrow

    • MJS

      April 16th, 2021 - 9:27pm

      Lo and behold, email from Amazon. It’s coming tomorrow!

    • The Fishmonger

      April 17th, 2021 - 6:54am

      A minor quibble I have with Big Finish is that you generally don’t get the physical item on release day. This vinyl and the Dalek Universe vinyl won’t be delivered until maybe next week. I know they’re a small company with a small warehouse. And you do get the digital copy on release day. But nothing beats the excitement of getting something in your paws that you have been looking forward to.

  • Anonymous

    April 15th, 2021 - 3:04pm

    Just had despatch email from Amazon. Being delivered tomorrow..

    • booboo

      April 15th, 2021 - 3:17pm

      that’s good, not had mine yet

    • Deano

      April 15th, 2021 - 3:46pm

      Yes I have also received dispatch notification email saying due tomorrow

    • Anonymous

      April 15th, 2021 - 4:31pm

      Same and I’m with prime

    • Anonymous

      April 15th, 2021 - 4:31pm

      I mean I don’t have it btw

    • booboo

      April 15th, 2021 - 4:39pm

      me to, ordered on day one mines showing 20th still

    • Phasergrim

      April 15th, 2021 - 7:53pm

      Mines saying 20th as well.

    • bryan

      April 16th, 2021 - 12:39am

      Just got my Despatch email. Arriving Tomorrow 16th instead of the afore mentioned 20th.

      good luck every one.

      They have to package up best part of 1000 lps and get then on to vans and out.

    • Anonymous

      April 16th, 2021 - 8:32am

      Contacted amazon. I’m a bit annoyed

    • Chris Howarth

      April 16th, 2021 - 10:42am

      Mine’s coming on Tuesday. But to be fair I missed out first time and only ordered yesterday. Also I need to find something to play it on.

    • Timelord63

      April 16th, 2021 - 3:07pm

      i ordered it from Amazon day One. Mine was expected Tuesday but now is showing as Monday. Bit annoyed as a Prime member but just pleased I managed to get hold of a copy.

    • Alan Silvester

      April 16th, 2021 - 4:25pm

      Try complaining. I contacted Amazon Customer Service about this, and another item released today, not being delivered until Tuesday. And hey presto, within the hour I receive emails telling me both items have been dispatched for delivery tomorrow! Oh, and a £10 credit for raising the complaint.

  • Alan Silvester

    April 14th, 2021 - 11:18am

    This release has been “chaotic” from start to finish, and should never have really been a limited release preventing people from completing the TLV series they’d invested heavily in. I’m afraid, for me, final insult is charging for the digital download if not bought from BF – which you couldn’t do because their LP stock ran out in nano-seconds. BF are usually brilliant but, on this occasion, this release was poorly thought out and very poorly managed. Sorry, but that’s how I feel.

    • booboo

      April 14th, 2021 - 11:39am

      did you not read whats written above?

      Vinyls have a limited market and you can still order it right now a month after announcement.

      Take a look at Amazon the manufacturer/ supplier is Demon records not Big Finish

      This is out side of BF control , its a Demon records release as their part of TLV commissioned via big finish and was supposed to be an ASDA exclusive where everyone would have had to scramble around and still buy the download.

      Because of lockdown Demon records have made it available online with a LIMITED allocation going to big finish decided by Demons records, Big Finish are hosting the download so are the ONLY people who can include it for free.

      Big Finish charged £5 for shipping, Amazon prime is free so in reality its costing you a few £1 for the download, if you even want it, perhaps everyone should have had to scrabble around ASDA if your lucky or pay extortionate ebay prices whilst still having to pay for the download.

      hope that clears that up, switched comments off before an i will do it again because of people unjustifiably attacking Big Finish when its not their doing.

    • MJS

      April 14th, 2021 - 5:28pm

      The Asda vinyls NEVER come with a download. If you bought Fanfare for the Common Men, you’d still have to buy the download from BF (£12.99 at the time of writing).

    • bryan

      April 14th, 2021 - 8:21pm

      This was not a BF audio release. It was / is the DEMON records LP first release as part of the Doctor who Licence holders . The Audio would have been Asda exclusive (was it always numbered LTD?) where no download would have been available either.

      The LP revival got hit hard during the pandemic, with only 10 major replication plants worldwide. with a few small boutique ones that really cant handle the numbers Taylor swift et al, would require.

      lots of re-issues got delayed as well as new. in this case not BFs fault at all.

      very worth reading this; hope its ok to use;

  • Coleman

    March 18th, 2021 - 3:50pm

    Ordered mine, been looking forward to this, really like the coloured vinyl.
    I think when they do the normal black vinyl it looks abit bland

  • the ergon

    March 18th, 2021 - 3:25pm

    I,ll hold out for a limited CD release, if not it won,t make much difference to the Mcgann trilogy. I would have liked this but its my chosen format or not at all.

    • Anonymous

      March 18th, 2021 - 4:06pm

      Its confirmed that there won’t be a CD release as this story was commissioned by Demon Records who only release vinyls. I mean I would have rather have had a CD release, but I always buy physical big finish releases, so the vinyl was the only option for me in this situation.

  • The Fishmonger

    March 18th, 2021 - 10:56am

    Considering how doomed this release has been, I’m assuming nothing until it is in my hands.

  • Gareth Pugh

    March 18th, 2021 - 10:35am

    Went for Big Finish (was lucky enough to have a day off today and be in front of my own computer when the BF e-mail arrived) despite being an Amazon Prime member, chiefly for the download being thrown in (and that’s how I mostly listen to my BF purchases) – and the fact that the last 2 BBC ‘narrated soundtrack’ releases that just came as 2-disc sets in a gatefold (Underwater Menace and Horror of Fang Rock) that I ordered from them both arrived with quite pronounced creases across the outer sleeve, which was disappointing.

  • Mrs Croot

    March 18th, 2021 - 10:23am

    Unfortuantly unavailable from Amazon in Northern Ireland, so have had to have a friend in England get it for me. Really close to eBay with this one, and with how fast Big Finish sold out, would have been an expensive one. Probably some Brexit thing for why we can’t get it.

    • Deano

      March 18th, 2021 - 11:12am

      Managed to order on Amazon which is still available but sold out almost as soon as up to order on the probably because of the free download + extras still just glad to secure a copy as there’s no way I’d had got one if it had just been Asda.

    • booboo

      March 18th, 2021 - 11:29am

      there are other worldwide sellers to be announced

    • Brian Adams

      March 18th, 2021 - 12:19pm

      Hi Mrs Croot. I had the same issue for NI delivery earlier this morning but it seems to be available for delivery to NI now. At least, I was able to order a copy! Good luck!

  • Kevin225

    March 7th, 2021 - 4:58pm

    I’ve exchanged e-mails with Big Finish as I have already pre-ordered the download and ideally would like to purchase the vinyl from them too (if there is availability). Apparently if that is the case (and availability is expected to be very limited) it would be possible to email them to request a credit for the download already purchased. They don’t recommend cancelling (I didn’t know that you could!) prior to ordering a copy of the vinyl in case you aren’t able to get one.

    • Anonymous

      March 7th, 2021 - 7:24pm

      I cannot understand why Demon records/Big Finish would now be making this limited if it is to be available for pre-order. Surely they would have some idea of demand for this from previously issued Time Lord Victorius products from them and would make it available for fans who have collected the other merchandise to get this too.

  • Robert Barker

    March 6th, 2021 - 6:07pm

    Is the vynl up.forvpre order I only see the download on the BF site

    • booboo

      March 6th, 2021 - 6:17pm

      no it says right at the top of the article

  • Reece

    March 5th, 2021 - 6:19pm

    Do we know if a download will come with a purchase of the LP direct from Big Finish?

    • bryan

      March 5th, 2021 - 7:49pm

      Yes. It says so on the BF website.


      Does the vinyl come with a download of the story?
      Yes, if you buy the vinyl from the Big Finish website, the download will be added to your account.

      Will copies be limited to one per person?

      While we do not have the ability to restrict orders on the website, anyone buying more than one will have the multiple orders cancelled and refunded.

    • Seanoff

      March 5th, 2021 - 7:56pm

      Yes, Big Finish info says you will get a dl if you buy directly from them.

    • Crosby

      March 6th, 2021 - 9:46pm

      Vinyl is exclusive to asda only

    • booboo

      March 7th, 2021 - 7:15am

      no that’s changed now it will be available online via amazon and big finish

  • Anonymous

    March 5th, 2021 - 12:04pm

    I still imagine it will go quick on pre order as these vinyl releases are normally limited.

  • Alan Silvester

    March 5th, 2021 - 11:10am

    Fantastic news – thank you to everyone who has made this happen.

  • bryan

    March 5th, 2021 - 10:34am

    Oh superb news. I am sure its been a nightmare for all concerned, So thank you to the teams involved. for making this happen.

  • Anonymous

    March 5th, 2021 - 10:17am

    This is good news. Should now be no problems with acquiring this to complete the Time Lord Victorius Series. I only hope making it available this way does not mean ASDA have lost interest in these LPs and we still get the other LPs that were due to be released at ASDA either from ASDA or available online.

    • MJS

      March 5th, 2021 - 11:32am

      I think it might be because by April it’ll be almost 6 mo this overdue. Stores still don’t know when they will be able to sell non-essential items so this is great news. I hold out hope for the other BF/ASDA releases now

  • Rich L

    January 27th, 2021 - 4:25pm

    Looks like April now. Just got an email from Demon Records:


    Thanks for contacting Demon Music.

    Yes the release date will be moving but we’re still in talks with ASDA about what day they would like to release it. At the moment we’re looking at April but this is not yet confirmed. As soon as we have a date confirmed with ASDA, we will let you know.

    Thanks for your patience,

    • Peter

      February 2nd, 2021 - 9:05am

      Thanks for that, good to know. I’m guessing that all of the vinyl releases will now be delayed due to pandemic. (I’m keeping my eyes peeled as I promised a fan who lives abroad I’d get copies of some titles for them).

  • Deano

    January 26th, 2021 - 1:17pm

    It has been announced unsurprisingly by Demon records and Asda that it will not now be released in February but only after the lockdown has been lifted.

  • morgstersmash

    January 5th, 2021 - 10:10pm

    Will this be released as a cd or not?

    • booboo

      January 6th, 2021 - 8:46am

      no, its a demon records commissioned product who only do LP’s but it will be available on a download

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