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September 14th, 2009 105 comments

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Tesco Triple Pack Figure Assortment Wave 1

A selection of Three figure Box sets are now available exclusive to Tesco.

All figures have previously been released except for the long awaited Korwin although one of the figures is a coat-less jack.

The sets appear to consist of…

Series 1 figure set – The 9th Doctor, Jabe and Sycorax.
Series 2 figure set – The 10th Doctor, Cyber controller and Hoix.
Series 3 figure set – Captain jack, Time Lord and Hal korwin.
Age of Steel set – Tenth planet, The Invasion and Tomb of the Cybermen versions.





Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • McGann is The Doctor.

    January 11th, 2010 - 4:15pm

    Its a shame they didnt release afew Toclafane with the Series 3 pack. It doesn`t sell too well, believ me some people arent fussed on Korwin and the Time Lord.
    Afew Toclafane would have helped that.

    And Captain Jack is the real nectar in the flower, a half decent metaphor, but the huge hands i see are still causing trouble.

  • McGann is The Doctor.

    January 11th, 2010 - 4:11pm

    Oh, your really lucky, hatty.
    The Cybermen have not appeared in my Tesco yet, but the Series 123 have.
    Tell me, if you can, how much did the Age of Steel cost? £20? I must be careful with my money, because when its gone Im in a bit of trouble because my parents dont believe in bying figures, or “dollies” as they call them.

    Hopefully, they may be just a tenner, like the other things.
    If thats the case then heres what i have to say: EXcellent.

  • booboo

    January 10th, 2010 - 8:42am

    There is a gun inside the packaging, yes

  • 1

    January 10th, 2010 - 7:52am

    does the invasion cyberman come with a gun hatty

  • Hatty

    January 10th, 2010 - 6:13am

    Finally managed to get these and at £10 a pack a real bargain, i got 4 Cybermen packs so i now have a cyber army , Great

  • McGann is The Doctor.

    January 9th, 2010 - 2:29pm

    What i find strange is that they were left on the shelves during the withrawl. And, a really great place, said they would be returned to full price.
    Which dissapointed me a littel, but it was still good to hear i had another chance. Then when they were returned to availability again, they were still ten pounds!

    This by all means is outrageous, but i darent complain because it meant i got them for christmas, were as if they hadnt been on recall i would have bought them the minute i saw them, and i got the m for just a tenner!

  • McGann is The Doctor.

    January 9th, 2010 - 2:23pm

    Time for a decently sized comment.

    Series 1 and 2 are the best, unless you already have the figures ofcourse. But here is what i dont get, a sycorax? The Christmas Invasion may have been in 2005, but if it belongs to any season i reckon its series 2, David Tennant is the Doctor and its part of the Series 2 dvds.

  • McGann is The Doctor.

    January 9th, 2010 - 2:20pm

    Alright, thats it! No more giant comments or thousand word essays form this moment forward!

    I ought to delete that story, infact i hope this website does!

    Oh im so ashamed!!!

  • McGann is The Doctor.

    January 9th, 2010 - 2:18pm

    Heres the uplifting and compelling tale of me, McGann is The Doctor, and the three tesco sets. A long time ago i saw theses sets and couldnt believe what wonderful desirable things lay before my eyes! Dr Who figures! In store! NO persuading my parents for their credit cards, no clicking and typing no postage and packaging just the girl at the till, the wallet, the receipt and the trip back home.

    It was great. I took a good look at them, there werent many, all the little bitty children were having a look at them like fish to a…..piece of food? Not the best metaphor, or is it a simaly? And me being so cautious imagined theyd be sold out by tommorow, I had to buy one, NOW. This was an emergency, my chance as a Whovian to buy some stuff!

    It was easy choosing which one to choose, the series 3 pack ofcourse! Ive always wanted a Hoix. I grabbed the series 2 box, its mine! All mine! As the Master once said in Logopolis. I rushed to the till as Captain Jack had rushed to the Tardis in the opening scene to Utopia.

    I got there, i didnt even know if i had any money in me wallet! Fished out my wallet, two tenners and about seven pounds. Yeah. AND THEN, sorry theyre on product recall.o_o……………you cant buy them….o_o…..what? I payed no attention to whatever this silly blonde woman was trying to tell me. There must be something wrong with her. What did you say and what does it mean? bla bla bla she explained. Well what do you mean i cant buy them? I REALLY WANT THEM!!! Sorry love y’cant, ther on product recall.

    It means theres somethin wrong with em. You mean like lead poisoning? I asked. Yeh. she replied. Ah shrimp. You son of a biscuit! for ducks sake! Honest to dog. I thought to myself, only a little more offensive than that. So that was that, but a while later i discovered they were still in store, yes! I went to buy them, fished out the wallet, two tenners still. I went to a different till this time, i wont be seeing that stingy blonde villain again. But no, product recall.

    It turned out on Dr Who that it was every where, and we would have to wait. But then that warning went away, which means theyre available! And i got them for Christmas, series 1 and series 2. AnD he Hoix is by far my favourite monster figure. Thank you for reading my story, if you did. But after writing this i realise just how incredibly inappropriate it was to write a detailed story in an online comment section, what was i thinking?!

    I just hope its not as bad a move as i think it is! I need to stop taking up so much space in the comment section, dr who site dot com, forgive me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • masterofall

    December 18th, 2009 - 3:39pm

    i think the series 1 and 2 sets are a waste of time. the series 3 set is spectacular and i have it ready for friday (7 DAYS TILL XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  • ?

    December 18th, 2009 - 2:51pm

    I can’t wait to get mine next friday

  • drwhofan1

    December 18th, 2009 - 10:57am

    I finally got my series 3 set yesterday – Korwin looks amazing! It’s also nice to have an uncoated Jack as all of his figure so far has come with a coat.

  • ?

    December 12th, 2009 - 4:23pm

    I’ve now got 1 and 3 for Xmas

  • Harry

    December 12th, 2009 - 7:05am

    I would like the boxs 1 and 2 because they are the best.

  • Korwin

    December 9th, 2009 - 5:16am

    Finally got mine, ordered 6 on buy 2 get one free deal and ended up with sets 1,2 and 3 and 3 cyberman sets, couldn’t be better and what a bargain at less than £7 a set.

    I do think this has been very poorly handled by Tesco though, there must be people that want juts set 3 for example but you cant specify which one you want form Tesco direct and a lot of Tescos stores don’t have them to sell.

  • Anonymous

    December 8th, 2009 - 8:58pm

    Finally! Had to go to the next town to get them as local Tesco didn’t have them. Nicely presented sets and great value as back to a tenner a set. Shame it took so long.

  • Anonymous

    December 6th, 2009 - 4:57pm

    me too – just shows how much contempt they have for their loyal customers – put something out on the shelves – realise they’re flogging it at the wrong price – put out a false emengency withdrawal to cover it up implying Character Options had produced something unsafe – refuse to sell it to those who picked them up in good faith – leave some of the shelves so their customers have to go through the embarrassment of being refused at the checkout yet again – flog them on their website at twice the price while those who managed to get them flog them for four times the price on ebay – suddenly the extra 5 minutes it takes me to get to Morrisons for my groceries doesn’t seem that bad

  • Please Tesco

    December 5th, 2009 - 2:59pm

    Please Mr Tesco I have been into 3 different stores and found them on the shelf and 3 times you wont sell them to me but other Tescos stores not near me will sell them.

    I only want to spend my money with you.

  • booboo

    December 1st, 2009 - 11:47am

    Hal was his first name

  • doctorwhomad

    December 1st, 2009 - 11:36am

    I’d like to know something. Why is the Korwin figure called HAL Korwin. Why hal? His name is Korwin. Where does thehal come into it? Thanks.

  • ?

    October 30th, 2009 - 1:37pm

    I think they need to do a figure set called
    The Old Doctor Who’s.
    Set 1: Susan, The First Doctor and Supreme Dalek
    Set 2: The Second Doctor (fur coat), Jamie and Ice Warrior
    Set 3: The Third Doctor (Planet of the Daleks) , Jo and Bessie
    Set 4: The Fourth Doctor (new version), Sarah Jane, Styre
    What do you think?

  • drwhofan1

    October 27th, 2009 - 4:47pm

    On the Tesco Direct website they’ve got the Series 2 set for £20.00 and it seems to be in stock – so hopefully the other sets will start to return to all the Tesco stores soon.

  • Zog63

    October 20th, 2009 - 2:18pm

    I got a very nice reply from the Customer Service Manager at Tesco saying their Business Support Team advise they’re awaiting a new launch of these figures. She also advises she couldn’t find a reason why they were taken off the shelves but confirmed it was possible it could be the trading law issue I had suggested (where the full price has to be charged for 28 days before it can be advertised as a sale item). She says there’s no indication when the launch date will be or what the price will be but would let me know if she finds out.
    So no new info really but at least they’re acknowledging the issue.

  • booboo

    October 19th, 2009 - 5:29pm

    Yes please let us know what it says. there are lots of interested people here

    last I heard the entire lot was having to be re-packaged

  • Zog63

    October 19th, 2009 - 5:26pm

    just had an acknowledgement to my complaint letter to Tesco’s advising they’ll be in touch soon with an explanation – this’ll be interesting

  • Juddon Master

    October 15th, 2009 - 2:56pm

    Yeah but we do need a series 4 set

  • john

    October 14th, 2009 - 6:21am

    sold 3 entire sets and added a complete set to my vast collection of figures
    tesco had these on special only for a limited time

  • flyer

    October 12th, 2009 - 3:00pm

    the reason for the removal of the four sets is that the items were priced at £20 down to £10 but they should have been priced up as £19.99 so all stock were taken off shelves??(and into staffs baskets as a toy reduction scan ticket) and all stores are waiting for the memo from Head office and when we get it all of the items will probably go into the skips – as tesco cant be bothered to get the items sent back to the suppliers

  • booboo

    October 10th, 2009 - 11:04am

    yes, i wish someone would tell us exactly what the problem is with these. I like many others just want to buy them.


    October 10th, 2009 - 11:00am

    Why do I get my hopes up!?


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