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October 23rd, 2017 21 comments

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The Thing from the Sea 4th Doctor Audio CD

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Susan Jameson reads a brand new original story featuring the Fourth Doctor and his companion Mrs Wibbsey. In 18th Century coastal Italy, the local fishermen haul in an extraordinary catch: a gigantic serpent.

The Doctor identifies it as an alien, but to the ailing locals this fabled sea creature has the capacity to heal them – if only Count Otto will share it with them. When Mrs Wibbsey comes under the influence of the Count, the Doctor finds himself snared by the wicked power of a seemingly immortal magician, the infamous Cagliostro!

Set after the events of the Nest Cottage Chronicles, the story is read by Mrs Wibbsey herself, as played by Susan Jameson. Duration: 1 hour 10 mins approx.

Categorised under: Audio stories, CD



  • Michael

    February 11th, 2018 - 4:01pm

    i am a very big fan and i can answer some of these comments first of all the thing from the sea is the first in a audio series a 1st and 3rd is coming out in May and June i do agree with one comment why dont they print a version and then audio later but considering the wilderness years and as fans we were absolutely starved of merchandise but now and over the last few years it has been saturated i am out of work with ongoing problems with depression and can not keep up with what is being released but it is all good what i would like to see is a ongoing series of books or novels following on from where bbc books left off.Regarding the comment about the respected person who can not concentrate on listening to audio i do have a similar problem but with me i do have concentration problems so with me if listening to audio it has got to be not to complicated and sometimes the aliens or characters names are enough but it is not a complaint it is all fantastic Michael Parsons South Wales

  • Dean Wells

    October 25th, 2017 - 4:42pm

    That cover is fantastic though!!

  • Chiggins

    October 24th, 2017 - 5:39am

    Is this an audiobook, or audio drama? As long as it’s got a cast performing, rather than just narration.

    • platon29

      October 24th, 2017 - 9:02pm

      This will just be reading.


    October 23rd, 2017 - 6:12pm

    I think i would prefer them to release more audio TV adventures. They could do a third collection or more individual releases.

    • Cyan sheep

      October 24th, 2017 - 5:29am

      Yeah this has always been my wish, I love listening to the old tv soundtracks of Who and other shows.

  • MJS

    October 23rd, 2017 - 1:18pm

    Sadly I was never keen on the Nest Cottage series. I think this one will be very niche indeed. I’ll be giving it a miss.

    • Cyan sheep

      October 24th, 2017 - 5:27am

      Yeah I wasn’t keen on the nest cottage series when I heard them on the radio. Have you tried Bakers end? I love this series by the same author.

  • Stuart

    June 21st, 2017 - 9:29pm

    I would imagine as it’s being told from the viewpoint of Mrs Wibsey that its Susan Jameson narrating ala the Companion Chronicles.

  • Phil

    June 15th, 2017 - 10:37pm

    Will Tom Baker be Narrating?

    • booboo

      June 16th, 2017 - 8:45am

      would be very surprised if He isn’t

    • Nuallain

      October 24th, 2017 - 8:39am

      No, it says there in the article and on the cover that it’s an audiobook read by Susan Jameson. No Tom.

  • 100,000BC

    June 15th, 2017 - 8:49pm

    Perhaps the recent radio 4extra repeats of the Fourth Doctor by Paul Magrs proved popular enough to get a fourth series?
    Perhaps it’s a new range of classic original-to-audio narrative readings?
    I wonder if this has anything to do with Chris Chibnall? I know a lot of people work on the different areas of the Who brand but he might have some say in these things?

  • Anonymous

    June 15th, 2017 - 12:54pm

    Audio only?

  • Whorules

    June 15th, 2017 - 12:35pm

    I do wish they just printed these as proper books. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining and saying they shouldn’t release audio stories like this, many people enjoy them, but I can’t. I’ll explain that, due to illness I can’t concentrate enough on audio now to take the story in. I used to collect big finish but had to stop in 2012 and have since sold on the big finish collect, the only audio I have are the soundtracks to the missing episodes of hartnell and Troughton. It takes me two days to listen to say, a 4 part story as I can only do it in very short segments. I can’t use e-books for similar reasons and because they trigger migraines. So very happy for people who like these but I’d love them to release the audio exclusives as printed books, I would buy them and I think others would as well, even if they are more target book length than full novels. Like I say, purely a personal thing, so really not a complaint, hope anyone who buys enjoys it!

    • Al

      June 15th, 2017 - 1:50pm

      I can’t speak for BBC Audio, but Big Finish occasionally makes the scripts available for their stories.

    • Whorules

      June 15th, 2017 - 3:27pm

      Yeah I bought the script books, but otherwise they are downloads and I can’t read them without getting a migraine of the screen

    • Borg

      October 23rd, 2017 - 12:53pm

      I don’t have any medical issues with audios, but I do agree, they should release these as books instead of audios, or release novelizations,as this is BBC not Big Finish. Nevertheless,this is more classic DW story, and, hopefully more is on the way.

  • The Outcast

    June 15th, 2017 - 11:13am

    Is this a new story?

    • booboo

      June 15th, 2017 - 11:16am

      yes looks like it

    • Al

      June 15th, 2017 - 1:50pm

      Looks like, even though they stopped doing them once Big Finish started doing Tom Baker audio dramas, they’ve resumed the Paul Magrs series. Probably as a stopgap between the Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctors.

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