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July 26th, 2011 18 comments

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Sarah Jane Adventures – Series 4 Blu-ray

The Sarah Jane Adventures – Series 4 Blu-ray (October 31, 2011)

Created by former Doctor Who show runner, Russell T Davies, this exciting action-adventure series follows the exploits of school friends Luke, Clyde and Rani, who team up with alien investigator Sarah Jane Smith and her trusty super-computer Mr Smith to examine strange and mysterious events.

This time, Sarah Jane is reunited with another of the Doctor’s former companions, Jo Grant, and they’re joined by the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) in an adventure featuring new vulture aliens and a trip to an alien planet.


Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD



  • gary

    October 26th, 2011 - 9:53am

    Blue Ray is just a waste of time. You have to buy a blue ray player, the discs are more expensive than dvds, they can’t make everything (like Classic Who) in HD so it’s just like buying an expensive dvd and HD isn’t a big deal really. And they have that ugly blue band around the top. Eugh…

    Love SJA mind, just HATE blue ray.

    • DoctorWho4Eva

      October 26th, 2011 - 9:59am

      Blu-Ray: better picture. Better sound. Better everything. Blu-Ray is ace.

    • booboo

      October 26th, 2011 - 10:06am

      especially if you have a 10′ screen and projector like me

    • DoctorWho4eva

      October 28th, 2011 - 9:48pm

      Oh right, you rock BooBoo

    • McGann is The Doctor.

      November 17th, 2011 - 10:54am

      I agree Bluray is good, but remember, before my dad got that huge TV and Bkuray player and BEFORE bluray DVDs became affordable, I had a close opinion to gary.

      Dr Who on Bluray is pointless though, the Doctor Who DVDs are worse if anything, on bluray ! The cover image is reduced. 😑

  • Stormcage escapee

    September 9th, 2011 - 3:19am

    Till now, I had no idea that Sarah Jane was more than a special guest star from the Tom Baker days. This is a great day!

    • dalek eternal

      September 9th, 2011 - 7:09am

      she has met the first five doctors and the 10th and 11th she s a awesome companion

  • JackWho?

    August 26th, 2011 - 4:20pm

    according to one website ive been browsing a special feature on this bluray and the dvd which is 4th doctor classic story THE PYRAMIDS OF MARS as a tribute to Lizz πŸ™‚

  • Kelvin

    August 22nd, 2011 - 5:45pm

    If anyone is interested i am currently running a poll to see if many people would buy “The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 Blu-ray” and “Doctor Who Dreamland Blu-ray”

    If i it get a large number of votes i will show this poll to 2Entertain and then hopefully they will publish them both on Blu-ray these two shows are the only two Doctor Who shows that were created in High Definition but not released on Blu-ray a format.

    • TigerMan1995

      March 27th, 2018 - 6:00pm

      I’m voting for it and also to get The Complete Fourth Series and the Fifth Series on Bluray in America and Austrlia as we only got dvds

  • Kelvin

    August 22nd, 2011 - 5:06pm

    I contacted 2entertain about Series 3 being released on blu-ray and this was their response.

    Thank you for your recent communication regarding the availability of the above programme.

    I am sorry to have to disappoint you but upon investigation I can confirm that we have no immediate plans to clear and release this title on Blu Ray. Your correspondence will be kept on file as each quarter we review public enquiries and often revisit titles which are frequently requested.

    We appreciate all of the feedback that we receive from the viewing public, so thank you again for your correspondence.

    Yours sincerely,

    2Entertain DVD Enquiry Team

  • David J

    July 26th, 2011 - 6:24pm

    hopefully they will upscale 1 and 2 put hours of speciel features on and make a series 1-5 blu ray box set this would be heaven and a perfect tribute to elizabeth sladen!

  • Cymon

    July 26th, 2011 - 3:05pm

    Great news, will seasons 1-3 be released on blu ray too

    • Sean

      July 26th, 2011 - 5:36pm

      Well series 1 and 2 were only filmed in Standard Definition so wouldn’t be on blu ray unless they were upscaled πŸ™‚ Series 3 was made in HD but wasn’t released in blu-ray so who knows?

    • Pete

      August 1st, 2011 - 5:23pm

      Sorry to bring bad news but the chances of series 1 and 2 getting released on blu-ray are virtually nil.

      These series are released bt 2entertain the same people that release Primeval. I contacted them about that show asking if series 1-3 would get a blu-ray release not they have released series 4 and 5 on the format. Their reply was….

      Unfortunately we do not have any plans to release Series 1-3 as they weren’t shot in high definition, so we can’t release on BD sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


  • Mels

    July 26th, 2011 - 1:57pm

    I nearly fell over when I saw this… SJA on blu-ray! Joy! πŸ™‚ (Bittersweet joy, but nevertheless)

  • timelord22

    July 26th, 2011 - 12:00pm

    I love SJA, it’s such a shame the Elisabeth Sladen passed away- I do miss her and this show. R.I.P. I will buy this when it’s released, I have the others.

  • TheSilent

    July 26th, 2011 - 11:58am

    Can’t wait to get this, got all the others πŸ™‚


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