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July 22nd, 2009 47 comments

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The 4th Doctor Figure Set

The 4th Doctor Action Figure Adventure Set



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Straight from the much-loved BBC classics follow the 4th Doctor in his many time travelling adventures!

Re-enact Tom Baker’s fight against the mummies from ‘Pyramids of Mars’ (1975), his encounters with Voc robots from ‘The Robots of Death’ (1977) and even his war with the Daleks in ‘Destiny of the Daleks’ (1979).

The 4th Doctor Adventure set comes to life with 4 great figures in one classic set. Included in the pack are the 4th Doctor himself complete with hat and sonic screwdriver,a Voc robot, a mummy with canopic jar accessory and a Destiny Dalek with bombs!

All three of these villains are brand new to the Doctor Who classic toy line and are only available in limited quantities as part this collector’s set.



Source –

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • Anonymous

    August 28th, 2009 - 5:09am

    Really Oh I’d absolutely love that

  • Ood king

    August 27th, 2009 - 1:12pm

    I think they will still sell them in Toys r us and then bring out a different Doctor and do a set on them and make it a Toys r us exclusive I just hope though that they realise a companion.

  • booboo

    August 27th, 2009 - 12:06pm

    Toys r us will have them shortly if they haven’t already.

  • 1

    August 27th, 2009 - 9:46am

    can you still get this because they have sold out in forbidden planet

  • Ood king

    August 27th, 2009 - 3:56am

    I’d like a adventure set of every Doctor which contains a companion such as Juddon Master’s idea and three monsters.
    I would keep his Third Doctor idea’s but here is a few others tell me if you like them.
    The Seventh Doctor Adventures set featuring Ace, The Doctor, Kandy Man, Special Weapons Dalek, The Master.

  • Slitheen scout

    August 20th, 2009 - 7:31pm

    I agree with Juddon Master there should be figures of the old assistants I mean it’s not fair I’ve waited twelve months for a classic companion figure and yet all we’ve got is monsters.

  • Juddon Master

    August 13th, 2009 - 5:46am

    I also think they should do another Fourth Doctor adventures with him in his trench coat and Sarah Jane, Davros, Styre, Wirrin, Stygron and Morbius and even my Third Doctor idea see above booboo.
    And they I think they should do a companion set with Sarah Jane and giant spider, Susan, Victoria and Liz Shaw, Tegan and Mel that would be set 1. Set 2 would be Barbara, Jo Grant, Sarah Jane with hand of fear, Romana and K-9 and also Nyssa.
    Why don’t we all ask character options for some classic companions to be realised for 2010

  • booboo

    August 13th, 2009 - 3:17am

    These are available at Forbidden Planet and toys r Us so i doubt they are limited

  • Juddon Master

    August 13th, 2009 - 2:59am

    I hope they make a Third Doctor adventures with Brigadier figure, Sarah Jane, Bessie and a Silurian and Orgon.

  • 1

    August 11th, 2009 - 11:43am

    is it limited edition were there only making so many

  • Mawdryn

    August 11th, 2009 - 7:54am

    People have started to get these so very quick from announcement to market. well

  • The Doctor’s Stalker

    August 11th, 2009 - 7:46am

    This seems like a very good set, well worth it, with four great figures.
    1. I don’t mind having a repeat 4th Doctor, makes great custom fodder and I was planning to get another to customise into a ‘Brain of Morbius’ style one anyway.
    2. The Dalek is quite a good figure. I hope it comes battered with bits of paint missing, just like in ‘Destiny’! No, seriously though, this looks like a good figure and Designworks have got the paint scheme just right, a good choice of Dalek from Tom’s era
    3. The Voc Robot. Now. Sure, it’s a repaint of the other two robots, but still looks damn good in lime green, and apparently it comes with 19 (NINETEEN!) different stickers to put on its chest plate and a detachable hand (not sure why, haven’t seen the story).
    4. The Mummy from ‘Pyramids of Mars’ is the only original sculpt in this boxset. It comes with a couple of great accesories and looks good. I hope the makers don’t fall into the trap of only having shoulder articulation on the arms (missing out the bicep joint, elbow joint and wrist joint), so they can only do the traditional ‘zombie’ look of arms out straight ahead. I really want to be able to put this into other positions, to make it more realistic.

    Overall, a promising pack (even though it only includes one fully original figure that you couldn’t manufacture yourself easily) and at some point, I will probably get it. 9.5/10

  • Time Warrior

    August 10th, 2009 - 12:17pm

    Would have been better with a Tom Variant

  • Delta and the Bannerman Road

    August 8th, 2009 - 6:37pm

    Oh. The two stores that are nowhere near me.

  • booboo

    August 8th, 2009 - 11:33am

    From what i’ve heard It seems exclusive to Forbidden Planet and Toys R Us.

  • 1

    August 8th, 2009 - 11:29am

    is this exclusive

  • collette

    August 3rd, 2009 - 1:15pm

    the potato men with the primitive robot!!!!lol

  • 1

    July 30th, 2009 - 2:15pm

    i wonder if they’ll do collect and build classic sontaran wave

  • collette

    July 28th, 2009 - 11:18am

    i got to agree bout feeling a bit ripped off how often do they re issue the same figures but sadly i still feel compelled2buy them!!

  • booboo

    July 25th, 2009 - 8:06pm

    I was wondering that myself, i cant remember anything from the pyrimids of mars, perhaps it was in the jar. i will just have to watch it again.

  • Delta and the Bannerman Road

    July 25th, 2009 - 7:53pm

    What’s that silver canister?

  • The Crane of Morbius

    July 25th, 2009 - 9:21am

    Apart from the mummy it’s not really worth it. If you’re the sort of person who would be buying this then the chances are that you
    A) already have the fourth doctor
    B) you have a Genesis dalek which is the same and you’re not going to get it just for some bombs
    C) you already have two other voc robots.

  • alfie

    July 24th, 2009 - 4:08am

    great! but i would rather have a key to time 4th dr than the one in red we already have, well most of us have that one, but i hope we also get a wave with ace, imperial dalek, ice aarrior, silurian hi tech sea devil, day supreme dalek, nemesis cyberman

  • TARDIS360

    July 23rd, 2009 - 9:21am

    It’s great that we’ve got some news on figures- it’s been a while! 😀 Looking forward to this set!

  • beep

    July 23rd, 2009 - 9:12am

    LOVE IT!GAH!what would make it really good would be if the bombs on the dalek where removable so he can be normal as qwell as suicide!

  • Lynx

    July 22nd, 2009 - 12:11pm

    Mummy looks great

  • docandk9

    July 22nd, 2009 - 11:29am

    OMG! I really can’t wait! i hope is can get them!!!!!!!!!! Worth £30!

  • doctorwhomad

    July 22nd, 2009 - 9:13am

    They look fabulous. I can’t wait to get them.

  • lewis Green

    July 22nd, 2009 - 8:12am

    Was hoping the mummy would be released, worth at for that and the dalek

  • Simon

    July 22nd, 2009 - 8:08am

    Wow, fabulous we are getting new figures


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