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November 17th, 2023 493 comments

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Stocks Arrive – B&M 2023 November Sets and Map

Stocks have now arrived and are on their way to stores.

Please note comments are on moderation and will be restricted to sightings only.

B&M no longer sell online. You could also try the main customer service number, 0330 838 9000 and ask to be put through to your local store or try and find out its direct number.

Shown below are the product codes and bar codes for reference.

We strongly advise you make whatever checks you can yourself to check store availability before traveling.

To find your nearest store visit or use the map below. Please contact if you require more information.

The Doctor Who Site B&M Map:

This map is a guide only and shouldn’t be used as a definite indication that a particular store has stock and relies on the goodwill of posters

The Time Lord will be placed to the right of the store concerned (which does not mean that store has that particular item.) You will need to zoom in to separate the 2 or click off the store location layer.

The map shows most stores, if you see any missing please leave a comment. We use this map to show the distribution pattern and possible stock locations.

If you see stock and take a picture you can send it to [email protected] and we can add it to the map or you can link to an image you are hosting yourself.

We will list what sets have been seen in any particular store and on what date after which clearly things might change. This map has layers, if you click on the icon in the blue header at the top left of the map in you can select which layers you want to see.

The Deadly Assassin Set Product Code 402027 In-store Price £21.99.

B&M no longer sell online. You can search for this item on

This set contains:

  • Fourth Doctor in Time Lord robes
  • Chancellor Goth
  • Cardinal Borusa

The History of the Daleks #15 Product Code 402028 In-store Price £21.99.

B&M no longer sell online. You can search for this item on

This set contains:

  • Black Supreme Dalek
  • Grey Renegade Dalek

The History of the Daleks #16/17 Product Code 402029 In-store Price £21.99.

B&M no longer sell online. You can search for this item on

This set contains:

  • Black Dalek Sec
  • Time War survivor Dalek

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Scott

    November 3rd, 2023 - 9:24am

    Nothing in Dundee yet. I expect them to appear at the end of next week.

    Also if anyone is still looking there are heeps of the HOTD 13 in Forfar and both Dundee main B&Ms

  • DoctorPond393

    November 3rd, 2023 - 8:29am

    About 4 or 5 of each Dalek set left now in Cardiff Llanishen store. Couldn’t even see a place for the Time Lords though.

  • Jade

    November 3rd, 2023 - 7:35am

    Does anybody know when these figures will arrive in West Yorkshire? Thanks in advance. Looking to get one for my son for Christmas.

    • Jamie Bate

      November 3rd, 2023 - 8:37am

      Would expect from next week, maybe even towards the end of the week

  • Morgan5301

    November 2nd, 2023 - 11:28pm

    Neath store has loads of every set at the end of the aisle.

    • Sam

      November 3rd, 2023 - 9:50am

      Anything in Coventry?

    • Lloyd

      November 3rd, 2023 - 11:28am

      Thanks for the post -Still loads there at 10:40am today.

  • Alex

    November 2nd, 2023 - 10:15pm

    East London stores as of closing time today:

    Leytonstone – Rememberance Daleks only
    Ilford – Nothing new
    Newbury Park – Nothing new
    Barking – All new sets

  • Jack

    November 2nd, 2023 - 6:57pm

    All the HOTD Sets #16/17 in Cwmbran have GONE, shelf is totally clear since the full case was put out yesterday.

  • Haza14

    November 2nd, 2023 - 6:38pm

    About 6 New Series Daleks sets left, maybe 8 Deadly Assassin and 10+ Rememberance Daleks left in Cribbs, Bristol. Also loads of 9th Doctor sets for £6.99.

    • Kevin225

      November 2nd, 2023 - 8:44pm

      Unbelievable! I’m in Buxton only 3.5 hours away from Bristol and now back until Sunday!

  • Lloyd

    November 2nd, 2023 - 6:18pm

    Timelords in Baglan, Port Talbot. No sign of any Dalek packs.

    • Morgan5301

      November 2nd, 2023 - 7:44pm

      There’s someone from port talbot selling dalek sets on ebay . I managed to 1 timelord set from there earlier only set I haven’t found so fair is the classic daleks.


      November 3rd, 2023 - 9:56am

      Paid a visit to the Baglan, Port Talbot store this morning, which luckily for me is just a short walk away, got the last remaing Deadly Assassin set on the shelf(the only one of this month’s releases I wanted),no Dalek sets spotted.

  • Rob

    November 2nd, 2023 - 6:10pm

    None in Cheltenham

  • masterdoctorten

    November 2nd, 2023 - 5:50pm

    ALL sets at barking. Boxes were opened when I asked at 17:30 on Thursday.
    Also have Hurndall set for £15

  • Aber

    November 2nd, 2023 - 4:49pm

    Both Dalek sets at another Cardiff store (Leckwith).

  • Kdogstudios

    November 2nd, 2023 - 4:38pm

    I hope they get some in Mansfield B&M as they didn’t get any of the previous sets one bit.

  • Bedwyr

    November 2nd, 2023 - 4:25pm

    All 3 new sets in Cardiff (Llanishen)

    • DoctorPond393

      November 2nd, 2023 - 5:07pm

      How many of each were there?

  • James

    November 2nd, 2023 - 3:31pm

    Reading Calcot has the sets in. I purchased both Dalek sets this afternoon -some still on the shelf. Cashier commented that there were lots of people buying multiple sets.

    • Nic Saunders

      November 2nd, 2023 - 6:02pm

      As of 18:00 Calcot have no #15 sets left, but there are a couple of the #16/17 Dalek boxes.

      No Deadly Assassin sets according to a staff member have been seen.

    • Matt Y

      November 2nd, 2023 - 6:17pm

      Hello James. I am guessing you are a Reading resident like myself. I was one of the people buying a few earlier today as I get them for friends and people who can’t find them. Reading has been useless this year. Three stores and the last wave was almost non existent. I had to go to Andover to get them. Are you still after the last wave (Sixth Doctor Tardis etc)?.

    • James

      November 2nd, 2023 - 8:06pm

      @ Mat Y – glad you got yours from the Reading store. Agree that the last wave availability was terrible in Reading. I had to go via the eBay route to get that wave.

    • Mr Fish

      November 2nd, 2023 - 8:33pm

      Great that the Reading collectors are having some luck for a change

      I also visited Calcot today and it was a lovely surprise to buy some Daleks!

  • Anthony G

    November 2nd, 2023 - 3:22pm

    Weston-super-Mare town centre store has the Remembrance Dalek set (x5)

  • James

    November 2nd, 2023 - 1:40pm

    Maybe I’ll come across the last ones as well!

    Will give it a try for a week or two but may need to fall back to ebay sadly. Couldn’t find the last wave at all strangely.

  • HiViz

    November 2nd, 2023 - 11:02am

    All three sets spotted in Norwich Mile Cross

  • neutrobyte

    November 2nd, 2023 - 10:32am

    Ipswich Warren Heath has received HOTD sets (I’ve seen the box in the toy delivery cage on the shop floor).
    For some reason, none of the 4 Ipswich branches have received Deadly Assassin sets. Why? Is there a distribution issue? Are B&M staggering the roll-out? I sincerely hope Ipswich (or even the south of England) gets the set at all…

    • Sam

      November 2nd, 2023 - 3:38pm

      Were any on the shelf yet? Just been and only seen the old sets 🙁

    • Sam

      November 2nd, 2023 - 5:19pm

      Not to worry! Managed to pick up both Dalek sets from the Copdock store! Approx 6 each left of both still on the shelf! Hopefully we get some Timelords soon in Ipswich haha

    • Chris

      November 2nd, 2023 - 11:38pm

      Warren Heath ones aren’t in the normal place they are one the top of shelf left hand side (if you’re looking at the thousands of 13th sets they still have)in the middle toy isle. Had a few of each HOD left

  • James

    November 2nd, 2023 - 10:09am

    B&m Peterborough Bridge street has the dalek sets now. No timelords yet

    • Tom Williams

      November 3rd, 2023 - 12:21am

      Damn was in Peterbrough today :/ let’s hope they got the others in two weeks

  • neutrobyte

    November 2nd, 2023 - 9:49am

    Ipswich Carr Street branch has Remembrance HOTD sets on the lower shelf in the toy aisle opposite the fire exit.

  • James

    November 2nd, 2023 - 9:41am

    Here we go again. May the oods be ever in your favour. Lol

  • Count Davros

    November 2nd, 2023 - 9:34am

    And once again set are listed on eBay before they even reach the majority of stores…

    • Count Davros

      November 2nd, 2023 - 9:35am

      Should say “sets are listed””

  • neutrobyte

    November 2nd, 2023 - 8:51am

    Copdock Interchange branch outside Ipswich, Suffolk has a small number of HOTD sets, in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it part of the main toy aisle (not too far from the Dalek Bobbleheads).

  • Asher

    November 2nd, 2023 - 8:46am

    Anyone know if stocks arrive overnight or during the day? Trying to work out the best time to visit

    • B&MBoy

      November 2nd, 2023 - 9:26am

      during the day, usually before noon, depending on the location. Might not go out the day they arrive, B&M shop warehouses are usually overstocked

    • Jumbo

      November 2nd, 2023 - 10:01am

      From my experience, it is usually better to wait a few days. I’d wait for that map to fill up around your area before going. Last time, I went 3 times before they eventually stocked them.

    • Asher

      November 2nd, 2023 - 10:13am

      Thanks for the info fellas. Last time I got lucky and found all 3 on my first visit a few days after release. Might do that again, but don’t wanna wait too long and have them all be gone

  • neutrobyte

    November 2nd, 2023 - 8:30am

    Presence of both HOTD sets confirmed at the Anglia Retail Park branch just outside Ipswich, Suffolk (have sent Booboo photos). Just under a half dozen of each, in the middle of Aisle 17 (I acquired one of each just after they opened).

  • Andy Dodds

    November 2nd, 2023 - 12:46am

    Yeah it’s time to go Dalek hunting again.

    • James

      November 2nd, 2023 - 9:44am

      I tead that in the bargain hunt’s man vocie. Lol let’s go bargain hunting let’s got dalek hunting. Lol

  • GrantP

    November 1st, 2023 - 7:11pm

    Here we go again! Lol

  • Darren Smith

    November 1st, 2023 - 5:37pm

    And so it begins!

  • Snowman

    November 1st, 2023 - 4:36pm

    Let the hunt begin.

  • The Fishmonger

    November 1st, 2023 - 4:34pm

    Don’t panic! Don’t panic!

    • Pjd94

      November 1st, 2023 - 6:29pm

      Don’t panic, Mr Mainwearing!

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