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October 18th, 2018 no comments

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Six Decades of Adventure in Space and Time (Charity Book)

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Well written, witty and painstakingly researched, Six Decades of Adventure in Space and Time is an engaging gallop through the history of Doctor Who, from its origins in 1963 to today. Writer Frank Danes is a prolific author; his previous books include the acclaimed Fifty Years in Time and Space for St Mark’s press.

Six Decades of Adventure in Space and Time is for everyone who likes Doctor Who. It’s for the die-hard fan and for those who have only just joined the show. It is the only one-volume history of the programme you will ever need.

All the publisher’s profits are split between two charitable endeavours. Some will go direct to Bedford Foodbank, who provide emergency food to 600 local adults and children every month. The rest will help with set-up costs for Bedford Who Charity Con 5 itself: this is a charity Doctor Who convention, held on Saturday 13th April 2019; all its profits will go direct to Bedford Foodbank.

Doctor Who is the longest running science fiction series in the world.

Launched with little fuss by the BBC in November 1963, it quickly became established as must-see television: a fixture in British popular culture and consciousness. The original series ran for 26 years and the revival, launched in 2005, took the show into its sixth decade. Doctor Who continues to captivate and delight over 100 million viewers in over 100 countries worldwide.

In its six decade run, Doctor Who has tracked and embodied the social, political and cultural changes in the United Kingdom and the world. Doctor Who has tackled the threats of fascism, environmental disaster, religious fanatacism and the mythical forces of evil. In the person of the Doctor herself – and himself – the programme has given us a hero as immortal in appeal as Sherlock Holmes or Robin Hood.

Six Decades of Adventure in Space and Time is no dry academic tome, but a witty and engaging gallop through the history of Doctor Who. It is both for the diehard fan and the viewer who has just joined the show. It is the only one-volume history and reference book of the series you will ever need.

Read Six Decades of Adventure — be the Doctor’s companion for a crazy voyage through time and space!

Categorised under: Books, Reference books


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