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June 25th, 2010 1,284 comments

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Series 5 Figures – Assortment A

Doctor Who Series 5 Figure assortment A

You can order these items from Character Online. Delivery is free (in The UK) for orders over £25.

Recreate scenes from Doctor Who with these detailed 5” action figures. Featuring the Eleventh Doctor, companion Amy Pond and key villains form the hit TV show.

For ages 5 years and over.


The all new series 5 packaging…


Professor Bracewell with interchangeable arm and chest plate…


The “victory” or “ironside” Dalek with plenty of detail…


Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • who’s your nan!

    September 15th, 2010 - 6:26pm

    i’ll try not to!

  • who crazy!

    September 15th, 2010 - 5:30pm

    Try not to brake your bracewell @whos your nan!

  • who’s your nan!

    September 12th, 2010 - 8:49pm

    i may be getting bracewell from my local sainsburys (if they have him, which they usually do) next weekend!

  • Paul

    September 11th, 2010 - 9:25pm

    I’ve got: Ironside, Regenerating Angel (Screaming), Regenerated Angel, Dalek Drone, Regenerating Angel (Neutral face), Regenerated Angel (mid-regeneration/rusty with lines), Red and Blue Bowtie Crash sets, FC TARDIS, SDCC Dalek Scientist and Jacketless 11th Doctor, and a Dalek Strategist.

    It’s safe to say that I’ve become obsessed, and bankrupt 😳

  • who’s your nan!

    September 11th, 2010 - 9:16pm

    i have the doctor,amy,peter the winder,dalek ironside,regenerated weeping angel,and dalek drone-well i havent got it yet but i have ordered it.

  • who crazy!

    September 11th, 2010 - 8:12pm

    The first ever time i commented on this site was the 15th july 2010 😯 Ive not been on this site long 😯

  • who crazy!

    September 11th, 2010 - 9:09am

    Nice idea. I might wait for a bit until they restock. Soon they should have the strategist. The drone was there and i got it so no diffrence with the strategist but i doubt the SDCC 11th d without jacket and scientist because thats super rare.

  • who’s your nan!

    September 11th, 2010 - 9:05am

    tell them to get more in stock!

  • who crazy!

    September 11th, 2010 - 9:04am

    Good for you and your mate. My tescos are running low on doctor who figures now 🙁

  • who’s your nan!

    September 11th, 2010 - 9:03am

    there is a brand new tescos being built in barnstaple where i live , and its opening in afew months. my friend at school who is also doctor who figure mad says there will be loads of doctor who figures in there! yipee!


    September 11th, 2010 - 7:41am


  • who crazy!

    September 10th, 2010 - 7:04pm

    who thinks the jelly baby daleks are awsome?

    I agree with you! I also call them jelly baby daleks as well. Someone called them power ranger daleks 😆 Im gonna find out who said that.

  • who’s your nan!

    September 9th, 2010 - 8:45pm

    mcgann is the doctor,most people love the new daleks and dissagree with what your saying. who thinks the jelly baby daleks are awsome?

  • McGann is The Doctor.

    September 9th, 2010 - 7:15pm

    Posted by who’s your nan! on September 7th, 2010
    “WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE ORDERED A DALEK DRONE!!!!!!! i ordered it for when it comes back in stock in a few days on fb and when it does come back in stock it will be delivered straight to me! I am so happy!”
    Who cares? To be delighted by something as wrong and coflicting as these new Daleks. Should have gone for the Silver ones from the Dalek collector sets, which can be bought seperately on ebay, rather than these big chunky Bright rubesh. Why should Daleks, beings of hatred, be…

  • geronimo

    September 7th, 2010 - 9:20pm

    This is NOT CONFIRMED 🙂 They are doing a supreme and eternal two pack. 🙂

  • who crazy!

    September 7th, 2010 - 5:26pm

    I just need strategist and the scientist.

  • who’s your nan!

    September 7th, 2010 - 5:09pm

    WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE ORDERED A DALEK DRONE!!!!!!! i ordered it for when it comes back in stock in a few days on fb and when it does come back in stock it will be delivered straight to me! I am so happy!

  • who crazy!

    September 7th, 2010 - 3:38pm

    Wonder if this page will reach 10000 😯 If it does i will do this 😯

  • Scary Ben

    September 7th, 2010 - 1:38pm

    I reckon CO should release a version of the 11th Doctor with a VRS (Visual Recognition System) – Don’t forget, he’s wearing a blue bow tie and the VRS should be removable (Just like the 10th Doctor from Army of Ghosts)

    Also I would like to see two versions of River Song from series five – first release from Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone would be River in combats; whereas the second release would be from The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang and would feature River in jodhpurs and fur coat.
    I would imagine CO would be releasing a figurine of…

  • Paul

    September 7th, 2010 - 11:49am

    Dalek Strategist now available from the BBC Shop online, and from CO!

  • Danny

    September 4th, 2010 - 8:15pm

    got blue dalek todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yayyyyyyyyyy

  • who crazy!

    September 4th, 2010 - 1:05pm

    1th dr figure eith screwdriver,Fez (remozerble) and broom

    Id only get it if the doctor had a blue bowtie.

  • who’s your nan!

    September 4th, 2010 - 9:32am

    there are lots of ii doctors set in hamleys and toys r us

  • james.d

    September 4th, 2010 - 9:22am

    yes and with the vortex manipulate

  • Geronimo12!!!!!

    September 4th, 2010 - 9:14am

    Who thinks they should make an 11th dr figure eith screwdriver,Fez (remozerble) and broom I think it would be cool but it would probably be a exclusive

  • Geronimo12!!!!!

    September 4th, 2010 - 9:09am

    I went 2 Toys-R-Us and they had about 5 there I think I ‘ll get it 4 xmas

  • james.d

    September 4th, 2010 - 9:04am

    where can i get the 11 drs set apart from the internet because its sold out

  • james.d

    September 4th, 2010 - 9:02am

    yes i would love to have that i really want an ace figure

  • Geronimo12!!!!!

    September 4th, 2010 - 8:55am

    I think they should do a set with every companian from Susan (1st dr) – Amy And Rory What do u think?

  • doc brown

    September 4th, 2010 - 7:52am

    i think they should do a ace figure with a baseball bat or her bombs


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