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January 30th, 2019 28 comments

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Reeltime Pictures SIL and the Devil Seeds of Arodor DVD

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An original drama from the world of BBCtv s DOCTOR WHO, featuring SIL, the ruthless alien entrepreneur from planet Thoros Beta, played by NABIL SHABAN.

SIL is worried, very worried, which doesn t keep his reptilian skin in the best condition! Confined in a cold detention cell on the moon, awaiting a deportation hearing for trial on drugs offences on Earth, he faces a death sentence if the application is successful and he is found guilty. And his employers at the Universal Monetary Fund aren t pleased either. Not at all.

As time runs out and friends desert him, SIL must use all of his devious, vile, underhanded, ruthless, and amoral business acumen to survive.

Can he possibly slime his way out of this one?

Categorised under: DVD, Reeltime Pictures



  • Doctor Mysterio

    September 19th, 2019 - 8:38am

    Pre-order from Galaxy Four and it comes with signatures from Nabil, Sophie and Christopher Ryan, all for £12.99.

  • MaxPunk57

    February 3rd, 2019 - 10:37pm

    Someone should make a DVD checklist of all the Spin Offs

  • Keith Barnfather

    February 3rd, 2019 - 8:30am

    May I suggest you like our Facebook page (TIMETRAVEL TV) as I regularly post on it about how things are going! And/or send me a personal friend request! 🙂

  • Keith Barnfather

    February 3rd, 2019 - 8:27am

    Oh, FYI! The lovely art cover by Martin Baines ( the inlay as they all it in the business! 🙂 ) is for publicity purposes.

    Once we shoot the studio recording, we will be making up a photo “inlay” which will be for the actual release.

    Same is true for Anomaly!

  • Doctor Stu

    February 1st, 2019 - 8:33pm

    So what is this? A new one off spin off that’s straight to DVD? Is it animation or live action? Does the Doctor even feature?

    • booboo

      February 1st, 2019 - 8:54pm

      live action and no way would a Doctor feature ( as The Doctor)

    • Anonymous

      February 1st, 2019 - 10:15pm

      Live action

    • Anonymous

      February 2nd, 2019 - 11:22am

      This is a bit like the Amazon preorder pricing, we have the same conversation about these as well. This is brand new, live action drama featuring licenced copyrighted characters from doctor who. The doctor will never feature as they can not get the rights to feature the various characters of the doctor. However an actor who played the doctor might appear as another character (not in this one I hasten to add) the fact that the cover is artwork does not mean it’s animated just that it has an artwork cover. They are limited budget productions done by professional people as a sideline to their corporate films main line. So don’t expect motion picture sets and special effects. I’ve enjoyed reeltimes previous drama output simply because their heart is in the right place.

  • Anonymous

    February 1st, 2019 - 8:19pm

    How can I purchase rights to doctor who villains so I can make my own official doctor who spin off
    Cause that would be amazing
    Am only joking
    But seriously how can I

    • The Flying Shark

      February 2nd, 2019 - 7:16am

      You’d basically have to befriend their creator (or get permission from their estate), and that’s provided the character is obscure enough yet well remembered that you’d avoid the worst of the BBC copyright.

  • Anonymous

    February 1st, 2019 - 9:33am

    Be nice if they did one featuring a new who enemy.

  • Who rules

    January 31st, 2019 - 12:24pm

    Just received a message from galaxy 4 saying the price has changed. Gone down from £14.99 to £12.99 for dvd

  • Who rules

    January 31st, 2019 - 10:40am

    Mate of mine said how can they have time to do this one if they don’t have time for anomaly? Reading between the lines from what’s said in the blurb this one looks relatively easy to do. From the sound of it, it may be a talking head production. So one actor one set. Much cheaper. They just have to recreate sil’s costume build a cell and that’s it. It may have other actors in, I don’t know but it has to be easier than anomaly to make.

    • Keith Barnfather

      February 2nd, 2019 - 10:09pm

      Hi all. No it’s not talking heads like WHITE WITCH OF DEVIL’S END … it’s a full cast drama, but you are quite right that we’ve swapped it with ANOMALY because it’s easier to make. Reeltime is heavily committed with a lot of work this year and it was either do SIL or no spin off drama. Se we decided to flip ANOMALY and SIL. ANOMALY will be made next year.

    • Who rules

      February 3rd, 2019 - 12:24am

      Great to hear, I really enjoy these dramas. Loved white witch, damaris was superb!

  • Tim M

    January 31st, 2019 - 10:09am

    Looks interesting. Sil was one of the best and most memorable creations in 1980’s Doctor Who. It’s good to see a return to brand new unofficial spin-offs.

    • Anonymous

      January 31st, 2019 - 10:41am

      This is an official spinoff really, they always get rights to do the characters featured (something bill baggs didn’t always bother to do!)

  • Who rules

    January 30th, 2019 - 7:59pm

    This is brand new. It replaces anomaly which was originally intended to be released November 2018, was delayed to November 19 and has now been put back to 2020. A 15 rating is interesting! I really enjoy reeltimes dramas so I’ve already ordered this. Oh and it’s available in both DVD and bluray as well.

  • Tom Baker Plush

    January 30th, 2019 - 6:08pm

    Man, the nineties were weird

    • Anonymous

      January 30th, 2019 - 6:33pm

      80’s actually. And yes, they could be weird. Philip Martin writing – it’s a must have!

    • Bob

      January 30th, 2019 - 6:35pm

      This was made this year

    • Yogi Bear

      January 30th, 2019 - 6:37pm

      Sil was nothing to do with the nineties. The star of the serials he appeared in written by his actual author. Might be worth listening to.

    • Anonymous

      January 30th, 2019 - 7:55pm

      It’s a DVD yogi

    • yogi_bear

      January 30th, 2019 - 8:20pm

      I didnt notice that. Even more interesting. Wonder if it will tie up with Trial of a Timelord.

  • Anonymous

    January 30th, 2019 - 5:49pm


  • Who rules

    January 30th, 2019 - 5:48pm

    Ordered from galaxy 4 as they often have signed copies. Well that’s presuming it actually comes out!

    • Keith Barnfather

      February 2nd, 2019 - 10:10pm

      Oh, it will – we’ve set the recording dates!

    • Anonymous

      February 3rd, 2019 - 12:25am

      Brilliant! Look forward to it

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