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Search results for doctor who day of the doctor

Lethbridge-Stewart Blood of Atlantis

Lethbridge-Stewart’s nephew, Owain Vine, and a group of eco-protestor friends, are attempting to oppose an operation undertaken by Rolph Vorster, a ruthless…

0 6 Nov 2016

The Black Archive 7 The Mind Robber

No story in the season was more experimental, though, than its second, The Mind Robber. The debut of arguably the series’ most visually inventive director…

0 5 Nov 2016

Lovarzi Tardis and Daleks Official Christmas Scarf

Available to order from Also available to order from The Perfect Gift for Doctor Who Fans This Christmas Whether you’re fighting the Sycorax, battling sinister snowmen, or suffering the effects of the Dream Crabs, Lovarzi’s Doctor Who Christmas Scarf will keep you warm this winter. With a repeated pattern featuring the Doctor’s faithful […]

0 4 Nov 2016

David J Howe Merchandise Museum Project

Since the seventies, historian David J Howe has been collecting merchandise, magazines, original costumes, artwork and props. He arguably holds the biggest

0 3 Nov 2016

The Black Archive 6 Ghost Light

One of the most densely complex stories in Doctor Who to this day, Ghost Light (1989) is a fast- paced production where every shot and every line has meaning…

0 5 Oct 2016

Lethbridge-Stewart Times Squared

When Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, his fiancee Sally Wright and nephew Owain Vine embark on a much-needed holiday in New York City, the last thing they expect…

6 1 Oct 2016

Big Finish The Torchwood Archive

The Torchwood Archive provides a complete history of our Institute from its distant beginnings to the present day. When we founded

23 5 Sep 2016

Who Talk Remembrance Commentary

In celebration of this classic serial, members of the cast and crew reunite to share their memories and experiences of working on the show in six new commentaries…

0 24 Aug 2016

