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Search results for doctor who series 7

Doctor Who Time Zone Playset Cold War 1983

Cold War; 1983 – In the cold waters of the Southern Arctic Ocean a Russian nuclear submarine is returning from patrol. As the ‘Cold War’ between the…

235 31 May 2013

Doctor Who Time Zone Dalek Invasion 2075AD

Dalek Invasion; 2075AD and the Daleks have invaded Earth once more. Using their mighty Saucer ships they bombard London driving the surviving population…

293 31 May 2013

Toys R Us 10th Doctor and Dalek

The Tenth Doctor had a bright, sparky personality yet he rarely gave second chances to his foes. Leaping back into the TARDIS with a series…

339 28 May 2013

Doctor Who Adventures issue 321

Doctor Who Adventuresis a magazine for young boys and girls who love Doctor Who. The magazine immerses readers into the world of the Doctor and his friends…

64 22 May 2013

Doctor Who Adventures issue 320

Inside this issue …The name of The Doctor, Where’s The Doctor – Cyber factory, Whonivers Collection, Alien babies, You Who and more…

35 14 May 2013

Doctor Who: A History

Airing the day after JFK’s assassination, the first episode, “An Unearthly Child,” humbly launched one of the entertainment world’s first…

2 13 May 2013

