Doctor Who Insider Magazine Issue 05
Doctor Who spin off, Torchwood is back on our screens in the new Miracle Day miniseries. John Barrowman tells Insider that he couldn’t be happier to once again be playing Captain Jack…
16 28 Jul 2011Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Doctor Who spin off, Torchwood is back on our screens in the new Miracle Day miniseries. John Barrowman tells Insider that he couldn’t be happier to once again be playing Captain Jack…
16 28 Jul 2011Wave 1b consists of 6 Figures – Idris, Uncle, The 11th Doctor wearing cowboy hat, The 11th Doctor with beard and wearing straight jacket and Silent’s with closed and open mouths.
1,035 28 Jul 2011WHO Shop London Event Frances Barber – Frances Barber (Eye Patch Woman) signing with photography session on Saturday August 20th between 12-4pm….
16 28 Jul 2011Series 6 figures including Uncle and Idris have started to arrive in the shops. They are also in stock at Character Wave 2 or 1a appear to have arrived in some shops ahead of wave 1…
442 27 Jul 2011Harry’s Collection
11 27 Jul 2011Greetings from the Cyberleader of the twelfth Cybre legion! We have a message for The Doctor . Becasue you destroyed our fleet we have seized control of your magazine …
38 27 Jul 2011Beep’s Collection
10 27 Jul 2011WHO Shop Event – “Trock” band ‘Chameleon Circuit’ will be at The WHO Shop London on Friday the 19th of August to sign copies of their new album; ‘Still Got Legs…
29 26 Jul 2011Who-ray Dalekmania event – If you think the Daleks are bad, just wait till you meet their CREATOR! VIP Guest: TERRY MOLLOY (Davros) & 1960s Dalek Films Double Bill…
12 26 Jul 2011The Doctor’s former companions,This time, Sarah Jane and Jo Grant, are joined by the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) in an adventure featuring new vulture aliens…
98 26 Jul 2011Sarah Jane is reunited with another of the Doctor’s former companions, Jo Grant, and they’re joined by the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) in an adventure….
18 26 Jul 2011Series 6 Figures – Images of The Doctor with Stetson, The Doctor with beard and straight jacket, The Silence open and closed mouth, Idris and uncle finaly in their packaging…
167 25 Jul 2011We have re- opened the Doctor Who Site dedicated shop. Due to lack of time only a few items have been added but we will continue add items as and when we can.
0 25 Jul 2011SDCC 2011: Quantum Mechanix Collectibles Booth Tour: Video tour of The Quantum Mechanix Collectibles booth with full size Tardis and new range of sonic screwdrivers…
63 23 Jul 2011Following on from the Blue Peter competition to design a TARDIS Console you can now win courtesy of Character and Susannah your very own Signed Junk Tardis…
205 22 Jul 2011The first prototype image of the upcoming new series K9 figure has been released and it looks an extremely accurate model. It will be the same scale as the Doctor Who 5″ line…
109 21 Jul 2011Leela, Morbius, Scaroth and Sutekh Action Figures – Reminiscent of the best-selling action figures of the 1970s and 1980s, Bif Bang Pow!’s amazing Doctor Who figures…
36 21 Jul 2011Doctor Who Magazine issue 437 – You can keep up to date with Doctor Who magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page…
52 20 Jul 2011