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Merchandise Archive Page 451

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

The Companion Chronicles 6.06

The Doctor, Crystal and Jason have survived monsters, Madame Delilah and Mrs T, but then their former enemy Karl calls them back to the Bar Galactica…

0 4 Nov 2011

Eleventh Doctor T Shirt Costume

After stealing clothes from the Royal Leadworth Hospital lockers, the newly regenerated 11th Doctor faced down the Atraxi in his new outfit featuring his now iconic…

43 4 Nov 2011

Coming soon The Christmas wish list 2011

The Doctor Who site Christmas wish list is an interactive Christmas list with pictures which you can print, send and share with your family or friends…

57 1 Nov 2011

Doctor Who Adventures issue 242

Finally made it to the fifth moon of Sinda Callista. Remember I tried to bring Amy here but ended up in Colchester and met Craig Owens? With its pink sky…

30 1 Nov 2011

Torchwood: Series 1-4 DVD Box Set

Torchwood: Series 1-4 DVD Box Set: The complete Torchwood collection brings together all four series and special features of the award-winning drama…

56 31 Oct 2011

Doctor Who Cardooos Greetings Cards

Two brand new Doctor Who adventures are now in the shops in the guise of ‘Cardooos’ – the new birthday card with hidden pages inside. Packed with games…

68 31 Oct 2011

The Sarah Jane Adventures Collection

Sarah Jane Smith always finds herself on the trail of trouble. As an old friend of the Doctor, she’s used to encountering aliens, battling monsters….

66 28 Oct 2011

Sarah Jane Adventures Children of Steel CD

Sarah Jane is thrilled when she successfully bids for a Victorian brass head in an antiques auction. On taking the metal model home, Mr Smith informs her…

14 28 Oct 2011

Sarah Jane Adventures Judgement Day CD

The Veritas are an ancient force for justice. For centuries they have pursued criminals across the universe, showing them no mercy. Now they have come to Earth…

9 28 Oct 2011

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor Bow Tie

Bow ties are cool! And just like that Matt smith aka the Eleventh Doctor has made it a reality! Bow tie sales are sure to have risen thanks to his sporting one…

32 28 Oct 2011

