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Merchandise Archive Page 356

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Big Finish 4th Doctor 3.04 The Evil One

The TARDIS lands in the cargo hold of luxury space cruiser the Moray Rose. The crew and passengers are missing. The agents of Inter-Galaxy Insurance…

0 21 Apr 2014

Big Finish 186 Tomb Ship

The TARDIS brings the Doctor and Nyssa to a vast pyramid, floating in space. A tomb ship – the last resting-place of the God-King of the Arrit…

5 21 Apr 2014

Reeltime Pictures The Doctor Down Under

In a vast country, half way round the world, with a population of only 20 million (compared to 60 million in Britain and 250 million in the USA), Australian…

0 20 Apr 2014

Doctor Who Adventures issue 343

BBC Doctor Who Adventures magazine shows readers how to make the perfect monster egg for Easter. You’ll be able to scare your mates with a rotton…

9 9 Apr 2014

