Doctor Who Titan Comics 12th Doctor issue #9
A brand-new story begins, as the Doctor and Clara are forced to ally with gangsters on the Vegas strip to combat an even more terrifying foe!…
5 10 Mar 2015Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
A brand-new story begins, as the Doctor and Clara are forced to ally with gangsters on the Vegas strip to combat an even more terrifying foe!…
5 10 Mar 2015Two Emperors, and two halves of the Roman Empire, clash inside a freshly-exploded crater in 312 CE, just as the Doctor, Alice, and Jones attempt to solve…
4 10 Mar 2015Separated by an ancient force from the center of the galaxy, the Doctor takes a cosmic trip into the history of the universe, while Gabby must negotiate…
1 10 Mar 2015The hotly-anticipated Weapons of Past Destruction continues, as the Doctor, Rose and Jack are trapped in an alien bazaar, caught in a heavily-armed…
1 10 Mar 2015Standing 15cm tall, glowing amber once lit and featuring all the characteristics of the evil mutant Kaleds, this lamp will be at your beck and call to light…
7 9 Mar 2015This lamp stands at an impressive 20cm tall and is an exact scale model of the famous time travelling contraption that we all know and love. Never has being…
15 9 Mar 2015Richard Franklin reads an original novel by Mark Gatiss, featuring the Third Doctor as played on TV by Jon Pertwee. The aerodrome in Culverton has new owners…
0 9 Mar 2015An unabridged reading of the brand new novelisation of a classic Fourth Doctor TV story by Douglas Adams. The Doctor takes Romana for a holiday in Paris…
0 8 Mar 2015The Doctor takes Romana for a holiday in Paris – a city which, like a fine wine, has a bouquet all its own. Especially if you visit during one of the vintage years…
28 8 Mar 2015Antonio’s Collection…
16 7 Mar 2015Special Features include Earthshock: Episodes 1-4. (4×25) • Cybermen Origins: A New Documentary chronicling the creation of the dreaded monsters (1×20)…
23 6 Mar 2015The Doctor’s multipurpose tool is a Gallifreyan device, with numerous settings, easily controlled at the press of his thumb. The Doctor has had many sonic..
83 5 Mar 2015Doctor Who Magazine Issue 484 You can keep up to date with Doctor Who magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page…
4 5 Mar 2015Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
10 4 Mar 2015Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
8 4 Mar 2015Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
23 4 Mar 2015The 12th Doctor, as played by Peter Capaldi, says three original phrases from the smash hit BBC Worldwide TV show and comes complete with detailed outfit…
18 4 Mar 2015Big Finish The Third Doctor Adventures (Volume 1). This release comes as two new Third Doctor stories and a disc of extras: Prisoners of the Lake, The Havoc of Empires…
5 4 Mar 2015