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Merchandise Archive Page 288

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Dr Who Figurine Collection #58 Auton

Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…

7 2 Nov 2015

Doctor Who Shadow in the Glass Audio CD

When an RAF squadron shoots down an unidentified aircraft over Turelhampton, the village is immediately evacuated. But why is the village still guarded…

2 1 Nov 2015

Doctor Who Death to the Daleks Audio CD

An unabridged reading of this classic novelisation, based on a BBC TV adventure featuring the Third Doctor. A mysterious power loss strands the TARDIS…

1 1 Nov 2015

Doctor Who: Rain of Terror Paperback

In Rain of Terror, terrible tiny creatures swarm down from the sky, intent on destroying everything on planet Xirrinda. As the colonists try to fight the…

4 1 Nov 2015

Doctor Who: Terrible Lizards Paperback

In Terrible Lizards, the Eleventh Doctor and his friends join a group of explorers on a Victorian tramp steamer in the Florida Everglades. The explorers

5 1 Nov 2015

Doctor Who: Web in Space Paperback

In Web in Space, a distress signal calls the Eleventh Doctor and the TARDIS to the Black Horizon, a spaceship under attack from the Empire of Eternal Victory….

2 1 Nov 2015

Doctor Who Titan Comic UK Vol 2 Issue 2

The Doctor and his companions encounter mystery, musicians, and mayhem in three fantastic comic adventures. In this issue: the astounding Four Doctors special…

10 30 Oct 2015

