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Search results for doctor who series 7

Dr Who Figurine Collection #82 Vervoid

Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…

6 8 Oct 2016

The Black Archive 6 Ghost Light

One of the most densely complex stories in Doctor Who to this day, Ghost Light (1989) is a fast- paced production where every shot and every line has meaning…

0 5 Oct 2016

Baker’s End: The King of Cats Audio CD

Peevish ACTORS are descending mournfully upon the remote English village of HAPPENSTANCE for the funeral of TV legend TOM BAKER. His one-time co-star Suzy Goshawk…

9 1 Oct 2016

Charity Auction Character Toys and Figures

With thanks to Character we have a few Doctor Who toys and figures to auction. Collectors series 5.5″ Black Missy Exclusive, Collectors series 5.5″ 11th Doctor Cowboy hat…

1 20 Sep 2016

Dr Who Figurine Collection #81 Tritovore

Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…

11 14 Sep 2016

