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August 28th, 2013 262 comments

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The Doctor Who Figurine Collection Magazine Issue 01

magazine-figuretest01The Figurine Collection Magazine Issue 01

Looking back thorough Doctor Who history by concentrating on many of the characters from the various incarnations of the show, the official figurine collection from Eaglemoss features classic characters from all 50 years, including the series’ greatest monsters, all the Doctors, plus Daleks and Cybermen from every era!

The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years of the series’ history, learn the secrets of the Doctor Who universe and discover the answers to some impossible questions.

Please check for more information or visit their facebook page.

Categorised under: Doctor Who Figurine Collection, Magazine



  • HornsOfAzal

    September 8th, 2013 - 7:54pm

    Excellent companions out monsters in !!!

    Bring it on…

    My only regret no Cushing figure….

  • cjayp33

    September 8th, 2013 - 4:44pm

    Some interesting info here, if anybody is interested.

    • 76 Totters Lane

      September 8th, 2013 - 5:32pm

      So 40 companions feature in the figurines. That’s pretty much all of them.

      So far confirmed we have:
      11 Doctors
      40 companions
      + 14 others (3 of which are Daleks)

      That leaves 15 left, which’ll probably be more monsters/villains. I bet there’ll have the Master, a number of ordinary Cybermen and other iconic ones.

    • Anonymous

      September 8th, 2013 - 5:37pm

      Actually that interview says NO companions feature because that would be 40 slots taken up out of the 75 they planned.

      Of course the numbers up to 80 now, so Twelfth Doctor and four companions then?

    • The New Doctor

      September 8th, 2013 - 5:39pm

      If you read it again, you can see that they actually mean they left out 40 companions in favour of more monsters.

    • 76 Totters Lane

      September 8th, 2013 - 7:23pm

      Sorry, I was skim-reading it. Lots and lots of monsters then which to be honest, make better figures as the human-looking ones are a bit hit and miss.

    • cjayp33

      September 8th, 2013 - 7:26pm

      what they mean is that can’t include all 40 companions and they are having to be selective about which ones to include as the Facebook page has confirmed there will be companions.

    • Anonymous

      September 8th, 2013 - 7:31pm

      No, what he means is they looked at companions then decided against them as they would clog up the schedule.

      However, given that they also say they had planned 75 figures that would suggest to me that this interview was done quite a while ago and as a result things have since changed (there’s another Doctor they are thinking about fitting in somewhere as well after all).

    • Anonymous

      September 8th, 2013 - 7:35pm

      Oh and I just had a check through their Facebook page and can’t see anything confirming companions. Whenever someone asks about them they seem to get exactly the same response about the schedule not being released yet.

    • booboo

      September 8th, 2013 - 8:49pm

      There was a post I’m sure unless its gone

  • The living Shadow

    September 3rd, 2013 - 7:18pm

    I tried to resist myself. But i saw this in WHsmiths today and i just had to get it!! … And I am not disappointed, the magazine is filled with awesome facts, like did you know that Matt’s bowtie is real- not a clip on, and the figure itself is excellently detailed and has been hand painted brilliantly. I’ve gone from not being to bothered about these, to wanting to sign to the premium subscription. Geronimooo!!!

  • sammyboi101

    September 3rd, 2013 - 4:19pm

    Getting full substriction!!!! Really exited!

  • The Monitor

    September 2nd, 2013 - 5:46pm

    Still no issue one.

    • The Monitor

      September 3rd, 2013 - 9:34pm

      Still no issue one, so guessing Booboo is right and that issues 1 to 3 will be combined.

      The way I feel about this, is that I only want the subscription to start from when the shops stop selling them.

  • Dave

    September 2nd, 2013 - 5:13pm

    My wishlist of classic Monsters:

    – Auton
    – Axon (Monster)
    – Axon (Humanoid)
    – Ogrons
    – Alpha Centauri
    – Sea Devil
    – Draconian
    – Zygon
    – Sutekh
    – Krynoid
    – Rutan
    – Fendahl
    – Jagaroth
    – Mandrel
    – Osirian Service Robot (Mummy)
    – Foamasi
    – Marshman
    – Terileptil
    – Tractator
    – Vervoid
    – Tetrap
    – The Destroyer
    – Haemovore
    – Cheetah People
    – Kandyman
    – Morbius Monster
    – Ragnarok
    – Robot Voc
    – Bok

  • Matty

    September 1st, 2013 - 10:01pm

    Anyone know how to get the digital edition

    • KNs47

      September 1st, 2013 - 10:32pm

      Via the Official Website :-

      Up in the top corner hit login and it takes you to the right page.

  • cjayp33

    September 1st, 2013 - 8:11pm

    for those wondering they have confirmed on there facebook page that there will be companions included.

  • Shane

    September 1st, 2013 - 3:05pm

    On the site they say Postage Free (UK Only) The only other country they ship to is Ireland so does that mean postage isn’t free to Ireland. There is no indication ANYWHERE how much it costs for shipping to Ireland so I am not willing to subscribe when the price of one issue is already ridiculously overpriced for Irish collectors. £6.99 does not convert to near €10.99 regardless of the fluctuation manner of exchange rates and VAT is only 3% higher here so that doesn’t explain it.

    Delivery fees on top of €10.99 for a 20 page magazine + fig??


      September 1st, 2013 - 7:45pm

      I agree with you Shane the price difference is ridiculous I mean I’m in Ireland although in the north and I’m getting it at the mainland uk price.

  • WouldYouLikeAJellyBaby

    September 1st, 2013 - 11:15am

    BooBoo one of the people who announces things on the Doctor Who Figurine Collection’s FaceBook page said ” Have any Subscribers received the Dalek Emperor?” Not sure if they have been shipped out earlier then they said or are just teasing?

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2013 - 12:14pm

      no idea, i havnet even had issue 1 and i dont want to be receiving the emperor weeks after everyone else

    • Jamie

      September 1st, 2013 - 7:54pm

      In my confirmation email it said:

      Wherever possible, your FREE subscription gift(s) will be packaged and sent along with your copies, as follows:

      · Binder – In your second shipment

      · Display Stand – In your third shipment

      · Giant Dalek Figurine – In your fifth shipment

      · Digital Edition – Extra Gift available to current subscribers

      Please note the order may be slightly different than advertised

      Its says at the bottom that the order may change so maybe the Emperor is coming earlier for some reason?

  • Whovian

    August 31st, 2013 - 7:18pm

    I picked up my copy today but I am not too impressed at the figure in the pack. There was unfinished bits of paintwork on the Braces and microphome. Apart from that, i’m gonna subscribe to the magazine

    • booboo

      August 31st, 2013 - 7:26pm

      the quality seems very variable only thing i can say is that they must of produced a massive quantity of the 1st issue, i have the next 4 here form the test set and i really cant quibble so i hope the quality will be the same on the national releases , soon find out

    • Trenzalore

      August 31st, 2013 - 7:43pm

      I think that the quality of the figures for subscribers is better than that in shops. This may jut be a coincidence or on purpose

    • Matthew

      September 1st, 2013 - 12:07am

      Hello. I subscribed to the online magazine. But how much Will it charge me from my credit card? I am from ireland so I understand it will be different to England.


      September 1st, 2013 - 1:44am

      @ Matthew 4.99 euro for issue 1 and 10.99 euro for all issues after that plus if you are going for the extra Daleks etc it will be an extra 1.50 euro from issue 2 on.

    • Matthew

      September 1st, 2013 - 6:27pm

      @KORSAIR so they will charge 10.99 euro from my credit card?


      September 1st, 2013 - 7:22pm

      If you go to the faq section of the figurine site all the info you need is there.

    • Matthew

      September 1st, 2013 - 7:33pm

      But all it says is what you told me, I does not say how much they will charge my credit card.

  • The Monitor

    August 31st, 2013 - 5:43pm

    Saturday evening – still not received my subscriber copy.

    • booboo

      August 31st, 2013 - 6:09pm

      nor me

    • The silent silent

      August 31st, 2013 - 7:18pm

      Me three

    • yourmum

      August 31st, 2013 - 9:54pm

      See if you have had a payment taken from your account. I hadn’t so I called them and they needed my card details again as they hadn’t gone through to the database, now I need to wait about 10 days for the first issue.


      September 1st, 2013 - 3:18pm

      same 😕

    • cjayp33

      September 1st, 2013 - 7:11pm

      Booboo I would message them on Facebook about this, to check what is going on, as when I queried why mine starts with issue 2 (as per the welcome letter) they then said mine starts from issue 6, with 1-5 on order as apparently I have these on order from my test account (only asked for issue 1 and a replacement issues 2/3 so no idea why 4/ were on order, although, when I knew this was going national asked if I would receive 1-5 and I would, hence me asking why the welcome letter states start from issue 2). I am waiting for a reply as like you I

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2013 - 7:54pm

      my email states issue 1 but i had the 1st 3

      i assumed that unless requested everyone would start at 1 again especially as they have changed the doctor

      i havnet had a letter yet though just an email

    • cjayp33

      September 1st, 2013 - 7:16pm

      don’t want to be behind in terms of issues or free gifts. No money has yet to be taken out of account. I have yet to get a reply so have emailed them instead, in the hope of an answer as to why things are as they are. All I wanted/hoped was my subscription to be reset and restart from issue 1, which they don’t seem to understand. It seems customer services can only deal with simple requests and short emails/messages that go straight to the point.


    August 30th, 2013 - 10:06pm

    Got this today but u am goinh to subscribe

  • Trenzalore

    August 30th, 2013 - 12:46pm

    What does it mean by ‘back copy’s’ and how do I know I am getting them?

    • Anonymous

      August 30th, 2013 - 1:23pm

      A back copy is where you order an older issue that you missed. You will have to especially order these so you should definitely know if you are getting them (unless you are starting a subscription from an older issue number but that’s not quite the same thing).

    • Trenzalore

      August 30th, 2013 - 1:35pm

      Oh okay, I thought it was like an extra with an issue, I am not planning on missing any issues so it won’t really matter. Thanks 🙂

  • Dominic Kane

    August 29th, 2013 - 7:48pm


  • Trenzalore

    August 29th, 2013 - 7:42pm

    I disagree

  • doctor hugh

    August 29th, 2013 - 5:59pm

    does anyone know when part 2 is out?

    • Anonymous

      August 29th, 2013 - 6:15pm

      A fortnight from today (so that will be the 12th of September). Then every second Thursday after that.

    • The Silent Silent

      August 29th, 2013 - 6:30pm

      I thought part 1 is out for 3 weeks to give people a chance to buy it

    • Anonymous

      August 30th, 2013 - 1:34pm

      No, it’s out for 15 days, so slightly more than two weeks but not three whole weeks.

  • doctor hugh

    August 29th, 2013 - 5:57pm

    I saw this in easons yesterday, but I decided not to buy it……but then I thought to myself,why not 😆

  • Cyberking281

    August 29th, 2013 - 3:24pm

    Got this today but i really wish the next issues were cheaper because then i would 100% get all the issues

  • Kiersthewhovian

    August 29th, 2013 - 3:07pm

    Got it from whsmiths today, it is really good, will hopefullt get premium subscription.

  • Trenzalore

    August 29th, 2013 - 11:44am

    Just got issue 1 on it’s own delivered to me.

    • Trenzalore

      August 29th, 2013 - 11:46am

      Does everyone get a series guide leaflet?

    • booboo

      August 29th, 2013 - 11:47am

      would imagine so

    • Trenzalore

      August 29th, 2013 - 11:55am

      Okay, didn’t know if it was just for subscribers

    • 76 Totters Lane

      August 29th, 2013 - 1:31pm

      Got it through the post today too. It came in a cardboard box so the figure wasn’t damaged. Didn’t come with the cardboard outer bit that holds it together in shops though, but that doesn’t really matter. Nicely detailed figure.

    • yourmum

      August 29th, 2013 - 2:02pm

      Have you had any payments taken from your account? I’ve subscribed but so far no payment has been taken.

  • Radburn

    August 28th, 2013 - 11:21pm

    Hilarious – After months of aggro trying to contact the Database Factory to arrange a subscription & then cancelling because they were useless, they now send me a Confirmation email telling me I’m subscribed. Despite telling them I wanted no further communication from they & saying I would never buy a product from them ever again they still have absolutely no clue as to what they are doing…

    • KNs47

      August 29th, 2013 - 3:27pm

      Eaglemoss are a strange company! They produce great products, but have extremely poor administration. They’ve mucked up the set processes of both the Marvel Fact Files and the DEFC for me. I’ve got my fingers crossed for whats going to happen with the Star Trek Starships.

    • KNs47

      August 29th, 2013 - 3:28pm

      That’s DWFC

    • Anonymous

      August 29th, 2013 - 4:36pm

      The thing is Eaglemoss make the magazines but they get another company to deal with the subscriptions and that is where the problems come in.

    • Radburn

      August 30th, 2013 - 1:24am

      Yes, that is true – Eaglemoss have great products it’s just unfortunate they have a shoddy Distribution Company with the Database Factory. I have had 4 subscriptions through them & they fouled up every time. This was the final straw. I have arranged a sub with WHSmith – But sadly will not be able to get the Daleks & Accessories. Such a pity…

  • WouldYouLikeAJellyBaby

    August 28th, 2013 - 8:22pm

    booboo I received a Confirmation earlier today and it said somewhere “Please allow up to 21 days for delivery of your first issue.” Does that mean I have to wait 21 days for both Issue 1 and 2 to come?

    • booboo

      August 28th, 2013 - 8:34pm

      standard statement , in reality it will probably be a lot sooner

    • WouldYouLikeAJellyBaby

      August 28th, 2013 - 8:48pm

      Ok thanks am still a bit gutted Issues 1 & 2 didn’t come today but at least on the bright side the next 3 Toys R Us Sets come out on Friday.

    • Anonymous

      August 29th, 2013 - 12:01am

      It’s just issue 1, issue 2 will come with issue 3.

  • Colin Ball

    August 28th, 2013 - 7:00pm

    Still haven’t recieved any confirmation regarding subscription and to too it of I hav. Just recieved an email from eaglemoss saying issue 1 out now for £1.99 they can’t even get the price right.

    Anyone else had this email?

  • The Silent Silent

    August 28th, 2013 - 6:39pm

    just went to my “Local stockist” who had one drwho figurine collection issue 1 left avalible & my sainburys had zero. These are either selling really well or not enough stock it geting to the stickists. any thoughts??? 🙂

    • Anonymous

      August 28th, 2013 - 6:41pm

      With many of these collections it seems to be a bit of both. Most end up with a bigger demand than they expect, you’d think after it has happened to them several times they’d have done something.

    • booboo

      August 28th, 2013 - 7:02pm

      I’m sure the uptake on issue one will be huge but they would only expect a small proportion to end up subscribing

  • cjayp33

    August 28th, 2013 - 6:23pm

    Just out of interest for anybody who subscribed to the test series, what issue does your subscription start? as I have the below problem and wanted to know whether it was just me or not.

    “Got my email today but I am well annoyed as its says my subscription starts with issue 2. I started the test series on issue 2 and can only assume thats why its says issue 2 on my welcome letter. Did email customer services a while back asking to add issue one where I was assured I would get issues 1-5. Hopefully I will pick one up in the shops tomorrow.”

    • booboo

      August 28th, 2013 - 6:46pm

      Mine is from issue one but I got up to 3 on the test issue

    • cjayp33

      August 28th, 2013 - 6:55pm

      Thanks booboo, it confirms my suspicion that for test people they are doing the same subcription as before. yes I only got issue 2/3 as well. Despite being told our numbers would stay the same, my subscriber number has changed.

      The letter makes no mention of the stands/binders though, so hope I get them as I did not opt out of them, when I signed up for the test series.

    • KNs47

      August 29th, 2013 - 3:11pm

      I had problems with the move from the test to the standard run too. They were going to start me from Issue 6 even though I only received three issue on the test run. I suggest anyone who was on the test run gives them a call to check that all their details are correct, as Eaglemoss take ages to sort things out if there’s an error. I got a new sub number too, which was a bit worrying, so I phoned to check I wouldn’t be charged twice!

    • bow tie wearing stranger

      September 6th, 2013 - 1:10pm

      Same here, Welcome Letter (email) advises my subscription starts at issue 2, the payment schedule quotes 2nd September as the starting point (for issues 6 & 7). With the next payment date (for 8 & 9) in November.
      Also, given a new subscriber reference as well, instead of keeping the one from the test set.
      Can’t fault Eaglemoss for their products, but had hoped the admin ‘glitches’ from the test series had been ironed out.

      NB no mention of a delivery schedule either.

  • Polarity Creative

    August 28th, 2013 - 6:12pm

    Just got this: the figure is very good. Very tempted to set up a subscription for this. There was a leaflet thing inside about the series and it had a 2XA3 spread of each Doctor’s era with pictures of monsters behind. I think these might be upcoming figures…

    • booboo

      August 28th, 2013 - 6:48pm

      Hope so there are some cracking figures there

  • Scotty 240

    August 28th, 2013 - 6:03pm

    How much is it to subscribe with the Daleks and emperor Dalek for 80 issues?

    • booboo

      August 28th, 2013 - 6:08pm



  • Gemma

    August 28th, 2013 - 5:56pm

    I’m all ready to subscribe to the premium subscriber for the ‘Official Figurine Collection’ and for the daleks, and nothing else! if I’ve done my calculations correctly, it’ll come to £15.98 once a month for two issues? P.s If at any time I want to cancel my subscription, is it possible?

    Thank you – Gemma

    • booboo

      August 28th, 2013 - 6:10pm

      That’s right and yes you can

    • Anonymous

      August 28th, 2013 - 6:11pm

      You can cancel anytime, but you won’t get a refund for any of the premium Daleks you have partially paid for.

    • Gemma

      August 28th, 2013 - 6:11pm

      yay! thank you, off I go to subscribe 😀

  • Mickeysmith07

    August 28th, 2013 - 5:49pm

    How much is postage on these if i subscribe?

    • Anonymous

      August 28th, 2013 - 5:51pm

      Postage is free for subscribers.

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