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August 19th, 2010 290 comments

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Series 5 Figures – Assortment E

Battle in the Skies (Daleks vs Spitfire) by BBC Radio 3

New Figures variants added to series 5 range

Four New Figure variants have been added to the series 5 figure range in selection E. These are Professor Bracewell (with black glove),Weeping Angel (Looped), Weeping Angel (Regenerating neutral) and Dalek Ironside (with fabric ear cover).

This Delivery also includes Peter the Winder, Amy Pond , Blue Dalek Strategist and, The Eleventh Doctor.


Series 5 figure assortment available so far including neutral regenerating angel as seen on the back of the strategist Dalek packaging…


Please note the figure montage above was created by ourselves and is not an official image.

Larger images…

Weeping Angel (Looped)…

Professor Bracewell (with black glove)…


Dalek Ironside (with fabric ear cover)…


Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, News, Retail, Toys



  • doctor who mania 321

    August 20th, 2010 - 7:09pm

    this was from my last comment have you got a channel on youtube

  • doctor who mania 321

    August 20th, 2010 - 7:05pm


    ive watched some of your videos they are so 😎

  • stephen

    August 20th, 2010 - 6:58pm

    i thΓ­nk these figures are realy great and i realy wonder what the next lot of doctor who toys are

  • pupbenny

    August 20th, 2010 - 4:01pm

    It means i soon wont have 4 figures that they have ever made, i wont get the new bracewell probably but will get the other 2

    Oh, I see. You can delete the times I asked you.

  • booboo

    August 20th, 2010 - 3:59pm

    Soon to be 4β€²?

    It means i soon wont have 4 figures that they have ever made, i wont get the new bracewell probably but will get the other 2

  • pupbenny

    August 20th, 2010 - 3:57pm

    Soon to be 4

    booboo, what do you mean ‘Soon to be 4’? πŸ˜• ❓

  • Chris666eden

    August 20th, 2010 - 3:31pm

    Apparently on the back of the dalek stragegist packaging it shows a regenerating angel with a Solumn head instead of screaming head. so ANOTHER Weeping angel variant. OMG 😯 😯 😯

  • pupbenny

    August 20th, 2010 - 3:20pm

    …told me. (carrying on from the message before my previous message.)

  • pupbenny

    August 20th, 2010 - 2:55pm

    Why bring out the same figures? why not new figures like silurian, liz 10, churchill πŸ™„

    OMG! There doing what people want! Bringing out new figures! They are slightly different! There bound to bring out those figures but have just brang out these at the moment! At least now they actually make more figures! πŸ™„ Patiance everyone! You can’t expect them to bring out everything right at once! Have patiance! Oh and why are people saying about wave 2? There isn’t going to be a ‘wave 2’. Or that’s what booboo…

  • pupbenny

    August 20th, 2010 - 2:40pm

    i know you i think off you tube:?:

    Yes I am on Youtube. πŸ™‚

  • Jaketor Who

    August 20th, 2010 - 2:33pm

    there seems to be a new Jake he has comented below so from now on i will be known as jaketor who its also my youtube channel

  • Jamesbondisatimelord

    August 20th, 2010 - 12:21pm

    OMG None of you have noticed in this wave THERES A DALEK STRAGEGIST (BLUE DALEK) im so getting that!

    You must be new, everyone has known for ages, and there is a whole page about it! πŸ™‚

  • Jake

    August 20th, 2010 - 11:55am

    OMG None of you have noticed in this wave THERES A DALEK STRAGEGIST (BLUE DALEK) im so getting that!

  • dr who fan

    August 20th, 2010 - 11:22am

    i see the next dalek figure… the stone dalek from the big bang

  • doctorwhomaniac23

    August 20th, 2010 - 10:38am

    In wave 2 there will be a Nasreen figure from the hungry earth/cold blood

  • tardistraveller

    August 20th, 2010 - 10:07am

    Remember, this is only Wave 1 there will be a new wave in a couple of months and there will almost certainly be a Silurian (or even two), Rory, River Song and later a deluxe Pandorica Set with monsters from the Series Finale – The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang πŸ˜‰

  • geronimo

    August 20th, 2010 - 9:47am

    the new adventure game is called Tardis materialises

    It’s just TARDIS.

  • joe

    August 20th, 2010 - 9:39am

    what’s the point of bringing out figures why not a churchill, rory silurian and the dream lord but i’ll get the angel cause it’s quite cool but the bracewell is complete rubbish cause i’ve already got it and with the dalek no one will recognise the difference oh P.s the new adventure game is called Tardis materialises it’s out on the 27th august

  • booboo

    August 20th, 2010 - 8:25am

    why is the daleks lights covered

    In the War there were “blackouts” when every single light had to be turned out at night so aircraft above couldn’t see they were over a city. as this Dalek was outside it had its ears covered so if it were still there when it went Dark you would not be able to see its lights flash if it spoke.

  • dalek drone

    August 20th, 2010 - 8:04am

    i have none of them in first design so i am not going to get black hand bracewell because the other one is more for your money but the dalek and angel i will still get

  • dalek drone

    August 20th, 2010 - 8:01am

    why is the daleks lights covered why did they make it only had covered lights for one scence

  • Alex_The_Geek

    August 20th, 2010 - 6:57am

    Angel looks quite cool actually
    But i still want Rory,Riversong,Vincent van Gogh,Liz 10 And a Silurian

  • mechas8n

    August 20th, 2010 - 4:49am

    Should make the angle just completely clear and have it be Angel after its fallen into the crack (Does not exist anymore) 😈

  • mj who s

    August 20th, 2010 - 12:53am

    oww cool dalek ironside desin 2 and bracewell desin 2
    and that ime angel looks ace

  • booboo

    August 19th, 2010 - 10:24pm

    This one,its see through


  • doctor stu

    August 19th, 2010 - 10:17pm

    Why bring out the same figures? why not new figures like silurian, liz 10, churchill πŸ™„

  • doctor stu

    August 19th, 2010 - 10:15pm

    is the looping angel the angel coming through the tv in the time of angels

  • doctor stu

    August 19th, 2010 - 10:09pm

    i want the weeping angel and 1 dalek ironside but bracewell is just pointless

  • Charley Pollard

    August 19th, 2010 - 9:24pm

    i so have to get theses im going to get 3 dalek ironsides

  • dalek sec

    August 19th, 2010 - 8:25pm

    it means when its being played on tv and it decides to pay amy a visit inside her mind


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