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August 11th, 2012 155 comments

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Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 35

Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 35

Start collecting the awesome NEW Doctor Who Monster Invasion and build up a mega-monster magazine and cool trading card collection.

You can subscribe Here on the official site where you will find all you need to know about Monster Invasion magazine.

In This issue from BisonTime…

*Top 10 Alien Weaknesses
*Cassandra’s Life-support Frame
*Ironsides V Damaged Cybermen
*The Waters of Mars
*Wheres The Doctor Seventh Transept
*R is For Reapers

Monster Invasion Time and Space Cards

Monster Invasion are releasing a set of 40 downloadable cards which you can print out and add to your collection. You can access these cards from your profile page on the Monster Invasion website.

The first batch are available now and will enable you to play the game in issue 33.

For those of you who cannot access Monster Invasion Time and Space Cards Set1 for some reason click Here.

For those of you who cannot download the cards click the images below then “save image” – you will then be able to print them out.

Looks out for the all new downloadable “Attack Cards” coming soon…

From Monster invasion magazine…

The current set of Doctor Who Monster Invasion cards has proved so popular, that we’re launching a third exclusive set of cards called the Doctor Who Monster Invasion Ultimate collection.

You will start receiving these fantastic cards from issue 32. The new set will total 126 cards including 4 special Preside cards that feature Rory and a Silent, Amy and a Weeping Angel, the Doctor and Supreme Dalek and the Doctor and the Doctor’s Ganger.

PLUS as a subscriber you will be sent a fifth special edition Silence Will Fall card with issue 33!

There will be a specific pack of cards with each issue so you won’t receive any duplicates and are guaranteed to complete the whole of the Ultimate collection if you continue to subscribe.

Each pack contains five rare cards and one ultra rare card. The new Ultimate collection cards are totally exclusive to Doctor Who Monster Invasion readers and will not be on sale separately in the shops! Your first pack of Ultimate collection cards – including the first special edition card – are enclosed with issue 32 of the magazine.

We hope you continue to enjoy Doctor Who Monster Invasion and collecting the new Ultimate trading cards.

Categorised under: Magazine, Monster Invasion Magazine



  • Faragher101

    August 25th, 2012 - 10:10am

    Hate the cover! 🙁

    • Dalek Jake

      August 26th, 2012 - 1:14pm


    • the eternal doctor

      August 28th, 2012 - 8:27pm

      i like the cover

    • Daleks

      August 29th, 2012 - 12:29pm

      i love the cover cos’ of the daleks.I love the daleks

    • the eternal doctor

      August 29th, 2012 - 9:13pm

      there my favirot monster joined with the were wolf and the adipo

    • the eternal doctor

      August 29th, 2012 - 9:15pm

      and the cyberman

  • Anonymous

    August 24th, 2012 - 10:15am

    The cards in issue 36 are:
    Sally sparrow
    Father Christmas roboforms
    Faulty hammock
    Area 52 attack

  • drwhofan4ever

    August 19th, 2012 - 10:15pm

    guess what you can make your own cards i just made the crack in time for my collecton

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 19th, 2012 - 10:16pm

      Really? How?

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 19th, 2012 - 10:19pm

      Well, how?????

    • drwhofan4ever

      August 19th, 2012 - 10:29pm

      you use your spare rare cards you peel the picture off the front and then you draw and write on the front of the card and then you coulor it

  • drwhofan4ever

    August 19th, 2012 - 10:09pm

    you can make your own cards i just made the crack in time for my collecton

  • Drharrywho

    August 16th, 2012 - 6:13pm

    I hope another tardis case comes soon

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 16th, 2012 - 11:04pm

      I don’t. The previous case was absolutely terrible! 🙁
      If you have a binder, use that! 🙂

  • Skaroman

    August 16th, 2012 - 4:42pm

    I have found out the release times of the downloadable cards.

    Time And Space Set 2 – Issue 42
    Attack Set 1 – Issue 37
    Attack Set 2 – Issue 50

    • Daleks

      August 29th, 2012 - 12:34pm

      oh yeah can’t wait.

  • jamie weston

    August 16th, 2012 - 10:15am

    who still has there doctor who battles in time cards?

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 16th, 2012 - 10:29am


    • drwhofan4ever

      August 16th, 2012 - 10:34am


    • jamie weston

      August 16th, 2012 - 1:03pm

      yer i was just wondering becuase i have descovered that i think they are more exiting then mi so i have started collecting them again and ii am trying to find peope to swap with

    • Skaroman

      August 16th, 2012 - 2:41pm

      Yeah! They are so coooooooooool!

    • cjayp33

      August 16th, 2012 - 4:44pm

      I do

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 16th, 2012 - 6:20pm

      I hate Battles in Time! Monster Invasion is so much better and has better card designs! I threw my BIT out.

    • i love doctor who

      August 16th, 2012 - 10:20pm

      i counted them the other day actually i had 302 including doubles

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 16th, 2012 - 11:08pm

      I’m with The Time Lord of Doom. MI is far better than the Scarecrow 2-ing, Tenth Doctor (with Sonic Screwdriver)-ing, Empty Child (attacking), image moving, Kess obsessing Battles in Time.

      The Ultra Rares were ok, though. 🙂

    • jamie weston

      August 17th, 2012 - 10:46am

      what doubles have you got i love doctor who

    • 007 buzzer

      August 22nd, 2012 - 12:30pm

      i have, i only need 33 more out of the 1075 there is to get.

  • Dalek Jake

    August 15th, 2012 - 11:58pm

    I emailed DWMI asking what issue we get the code for the Attack cards and they said issue 37.

  • Blank

    August 15th, 2012 - 3:39pm

    Is this out Today?

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 15th, 2012 - 3:42pm

      No, this issue comes out in 2 weeks time (29th August)

    • Blank

      August 15th, 2012 - 3:43pm


  • Skaroman

    August 15th, 2012 - 12:32am

    Does anyone have the code of issue 36 yet???

    • BisonTime

      August 15th, 2012 - 2:21am

      Nope no ones even got it yet

    • tom

      August 21st, 2012 - 8:47am

      ill post it today when i get it hopefully

  • Dave

    August 14th, 2012 - 8:38pm

    Does anyone have any of these cards in swap:

    012 Supreme Dalek (Villain)
    090 The Infinite (Assimilate)
    091 Eleventh Doctor (Doctor)
    171 Beardy Doctor (Doctor)
    180 Eleventh Doctor (Doctor)
    186 The Cult of Skaro (Villain)
    196 Cyberleader (Villain)
    215 Idris (Ally)
    223 Ace (Ally)
    283 River Song`s Diary (Gadget)
    287 Liz Ten`s Mask (Gadget)
    289 The Crucible (Gadget)
    309 Angry Siren (Adventure)
    345 The Silence (Infinite)

    • jamie weston

      August 14th, 2012 - 9:53pm

      i have 186 196 and 283 in swap 🙂

    • Dave

      August 14th, 2012 - 11:07pm

      what cards do you need

    • jamie weston

      August 15th, 2012 - 9:20am

      well i have sort of got bored of them did you collect battles in time cards? 🙂

    • Dave

      August 15th, 2012 - 1:18pm


    • the doctor

      August 15th, 2012 - 4:16pm

      in swap

      supreme dalek 012
      11th Doctor 091
      Idris 214
      Ace 223
      Angry Siren 309

    • Dave

      August 15th, 2012 - 4:28pm

      the doctor – what cards do you need

    • Who1

      August 16th, 2012 - 1:07am

      I have in swap:
      180 – 11th dr – ultra rare
      283 – river songs diary
      287 – liz tens mask

    • Dave

      August 16th, 2012 - 12:45pm

      who1 what cards do you need


      August 24th, 2012 - 10:30am

      who 1 what card would u want for liz ten’s mask

    • Xander Grogan

      September 4th, 2012 - 11:20am

      What issue is Anne droid coming out I like that card so much!

    • dw2005

      September 4th, 2012 - 4:17pm

      Same here Xander Grogan because it’s nice to see a card from 2005 which is one of my favourite eras of doctor who. Unfortunatly we have to wait until we hear what magazine it’s with. For all we know, we may have to wait until issue 52 for it.

    • superdoctor730

      November 27th, 2012 - 4:14pm

      In Issue 43

  • Dave

    August 14th, 2012 - 8:34pm

    Here’s my favourite and worst episodes from each series:

    Series 1:
    F: The empty child / The doctor dances
    W: Dalek

    Series 2:
    F: The impossible planet / The Satan pit
    W: The girl in the fireplace

    Series 3:
    F: Blink
    W: 42

    Series 4:
    F: Silence in the library / Forest of the dead
    W: Turn left

    Series 4 Specials:
    F: Planet of the Dead
    W: The End of time Part 1&2

    Series 5:
    F:The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
    W:Amy’s Choice

    Series 6:
    F: Night terrors
    W: The rebel flesh / The almost people

    Christmas Specials:
    F: Voyage of the Damned
    W: The Ru

    • Dave

      August 14th, 2012 - 8:34pm

      W: The runaway bride

    • Esterath

      August 14th, 2012 - 9:41pm

      Och, I hated it! AN overdramatic episode. Seemed like a swansong for David Tennatn rather than the 10th Doctor.

    • Doctorpond393

      August 15th, 2012 - 9:49am

      You dont like the end of time?!?!?!?

    • Dave

      August 15th, 2012 - 1:13pm

      i liked it but i just found the planet of the dead and the waters of Mars better

    • Esterath

      August 15th, 2012 - 3:43pm

      Ugh, hated it.

    • moxx of who

      August 17th, 2012 - 1:14pm

      Turn left was a great episode. I agree with u that Night terrors was a good episode!

  • SmallJJA

    August 14th, 2012 - 1:47pm

    how much is it?

    • Dalek Jake

      August 14th, 2012 - 2:49pm


  • doctorpond393

    August 12th, 2012 - 11:53pm

    I knew that the doctor who logo had changed but i didnt know everything had the bbc one official site has an orange background now instead of blue. I smell a new title sequence! 🙂

    • Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

      August 13th, 2012 - 7:10pm

      Yeh there’s a new one coming and a new tardis interior for the 50th anniversary

  • Doctor Who Big Fan

    August 12th, 2012 - 6:00pm

    issue 33 to get the attack cards codes

    • Dalek Jake

      August 12th, 2012 - 7:16pm

      It’s not issue 33

    • BisonTime

      August 12th, 2012 - 10:09pm

      issue 33 is Time and Space cards code

  • Dalek Jake

    August 12th, 2012 - 5:28pm

    What issue do we get the code for the Attack cards?

    • Anonymous

      August 20th, 2012 - 1:56pm


  • doctorpond393

    August 12th, 2012 - 4:59pm

    just out of curiosity is anyone here taking part in drwhosnippets live tonight?

    • DoctorWho4Eva

      August 12th, 2012 - 6:40pm

      What is that?

    • Esterath

      August 12th, 2012 - 10:01pm

      What’s drwhosnippets?

    • doctorpond393

      August 12th, 2012 - 10:24pm

      its a thing on youtube where you can call into a youtubers channel (drwhosnippets) via skype of facetime. I called in through FaceTime. You can talk about anything who related with them. It was for their 2nd year on youtube. It finished at around 8 so too late now but theres always next year. The call lines are really crowded. It took me four attempts before i finally got through to him. Heres the link to the channel. He does really good videos. Drwhosnippets live from last year is on there too ill send a link to his

  • Daleks

    August 12th, 2012 - 1:00pm

    thi looks cool.when is it out

    • Skaroman

      August 14th, 2012 - 11:40am

      Look. Here is a way to estimate when subscribers receive the next two issues.

      1) Write down the date when you received your order.
      2) Count 4 weeks after that date.
      3) On the date, the magazines will arrive a few days before/after that date.

  • bob

    August 12th, 2012 - 12:52pm

    what cards come with issue 36 and what episode is in issue 36 they should do classic episodes

    • moxx of who

      August 12th, 2012 - 7:28pm

      The Episode guide may be blink. Have a look on Issue 34. Theres stuff about issue 36 on there.

    • tom

      August 12th, 2012 - 11:19pm

      you mean 35 right??

    • bob

      August 13th, 2012 - 2:23pm

      no i mean issue 36 i know the waters of mars is with issue 35

    • tom

      August 21st, 2012 - 8:50am

      theres is NO stuff about issue 36 in issue 34 only in issue 35

  • moxx of who

    August 12th, 2012 - 11:31am

    boring cover. Waters of mars was rubbish. Couldnt they have put the reapers on the cover? Also i thnk one of the cards 4 this isue is BESERKER. Some one put the list n isue 34!

    • dw2005

      August 13th, 2012 - 3:30pm

      I agree with you moxx of who, they’ve put the daleks on the front cover too many times now so they should have put the reapers on the front.

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 13th, 2012 - 6:49pm

      I like the cover. Probably because I like the severely underrated Victory of the Daleks. 😉
      Also, The Waters of Mars rubbish?? Why? 🙂

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 13th, 2012 - 7:21pm

      The Waters of Mars was terribly rubbish. Sorry. It was scary too. 😐

    • The Surgeon

      August 15th, 2012 - 5:06pm

      One is Berserker-possessed Villain card, and two others are Wooden Queen Ultra Rare Ally, and Geronimo Adventure

  • Tardis’nt

    August 12th, 2012 - 9:37am

    who wins the slamdown, and i love this cover. the waters of mars is my faveourite out of all the specials apart from the end of time (parts 1&2) and the christmas invasion.

    • tom

      August 12th, 2012 - 11:23pm

      only 1 or 2 people have got issue 35 & 36, its really odd how these people get them so early & the fact that they make the issues months before they get released, why???

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 13th, 2012 - 8:25am

      Some people got issue 35 early because they subscribed at a different time. 🙂

    • BisonTime

      August 15th, 2012 - 2:24am

      i only got 35 no one has 36 yet

  • The Silent Silent

    August 12th, 2012 - 9:35am

    when does this come out?

  • cybob33

    August 12th, 2012 - 8:41am

    do we know what the cards are for this issue and which cards and what happens in issue 36

    • xylok emperor

      August 12th, 2012 - 11:53am

      35 cards:
      375 beserker-possessed (rare, villan)
      376 wooden queen (ultra rare, ally)
      383 alonso frame (rare, ally)
      425 damaged cybermen (rare, monster)
      459 flood frenzy (rare, adventure)

      36 cards:
      398 sally sparrow (ultra rare, ally)
      371 scaroth (rare, villan)
      469 faulty hammock (rare, adventure)
      Angel Episode Terror!
      Time Glass Gadget Guide
      Monsters at the Maldovarium where’s the doctor puzzle

    • moxx of who

      August 12th, 2012 - 5:01pm

      Has anyone noticed that the ultimate cards recently are to do with the things in the issue they come with. They do a River Song card and there is a river song pullout, they do Queen Spider card and they do a Q for Queen Spider page, they do a sally sparrow card and by the looks of it a blink story guide?!

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 12th, 2012 - 7:31pm

      And the Flood Frenzy card for The Waters of Mars episode guide. 🙂

    • The Surgeon

      August 15th, 2012 - 5:09pm

      And the Area 52 Silence Card, with exactly the same picture on the Cover of Part 34

    • Xander Grogan

      August 16th, 2012 - 12:49pm

      So… Why do the cards at the back of every issue always appear in the pack of cards it’s just weird

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 16th, 2012 - 1:04pm

      What? You are aware they’re doing that so you are guaranteed to get every carde in the set?

    • Xander Grogan

      August 17th, 2012 - 5:06pm

      Yeah I mean in Part 33 I got River Song, Reapers, Exploding Spaceship, Cyril Arwell, Giant Spiders and Tenth Doctor And Martha and Cyril, Exploding Spaceship and Giant Spiders were on the back of part 32

    • Xander Grogan

      August 17th, 2012 - 5:08pm

      So… What cards are for Issue 37?

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 17th, 2012 - 5:10pm

      Exactly! That’s how it works now! You get the cards that are shown on the back of the previous issue! Don’t know what’s in issue 37.

  • Drharrywho

    August 11th, 2012 - 10:59pm

    Which cards come In this issue

  • Anonymous

    August 11th, 2012 - 10:57pm

    Which cards are in this issue

    • Xander Grogan

      August 16th, 2012 - 12:50pm

      The Ninth Doctor and Captain Jack, Area 52 Silence and Androvaxi Harvester and 3 more mystery ones

    • dw2005

      August 16th, 2012 - 3:19pm

      That’s for issue 34, the cards from issue 35 are 376 Wooden Queen – Ultra Rare, 459 Flood Frenzy – Rare, 425 Damaged Cybermen – Rare, 375 Berserker-Possessed – Rare , 383 Alonzo Frame – Rare, 453 Geronimo! – Rare.

  • drwhofan4ever

    August 11th, 2012 - 10:45pm

    im so sad because i stil havent got issue 18 and i have subscribed


      August 13th, 2012 - 1:18pm

      buy it online

  • Dalek Jake

    August 11th, 2012 - 10:12pm

    Love the cover, does anyone know the code please?

    • xylok emperor

      August 12th, 2012 - 11:27am

      the master


      August 13th, 2012 - 1:18pm

      what does the code do

    • Skaroman

      August 19th, 2012 - 11:00pm

      You get a poster

  • the eternal doctor

    August 11th, 2012 - 9:26pm

    cant wait till this comes out when does it come out

    • the eternal doctor

      August 13th, 2012 - 8:52pm

      please reply

    • riverandthedoctor

      August 14th, 2012 - 7:57am

      it comes out on the 30th Augoust

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 14th, 2012 - 8:22am

      29th actually. 🙂

    • moxx of who

      August 17th, 2012 - 1:06pm

      The weeping Angel episode is actually called the Angels take Manhatten. The 29th is a Wednesday. Why would doctor who be on a week night?! It couldn’t be beacause of bbc dramas and whatever they have on that night!!

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 17th, 2012 - 1:09pm

      What? We was talking about the magazine.

    • moxx of who

      August 17th, 2012 - 5:13pm

      Oh ok. Its just some people have been saying the new series starts on a wednesday the 29th! 😳

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 17th, 2012 - 5:16pm

      Absurd rumours! The most likely date is 1st Spetember! Actually, that probably is the date! 😀

    • moxx of who

      August 17th, 2012 - 6:09pm

      Probably otherwise the magazines would have said possibly.

    • rassilon

      August 20th, 2012 - 2:02pm

      no i heard it starts on the 25th of september

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 20th, 2012 - 2:27pm

      25th September is a Tuesday

    • tom

      August 21st, 2012 - 8:57am

      & 25th is too long

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    August 11th, 2012 - 7:40pm

    Nice cover! Great to see an episode guide to The Waters of Mars – one of my favourite Tennat episodes! 🙂

    • jamie weston

      August 11th, 2012 - 8:34pm

      mine to it was and still is the first ever episode that scared me a little 🙂

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 11th, 2012 - 9:15pm

      Yes, The Waters of Mars is an excellent story and easily my favourite out of the Specials! 🙂

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 11th, 2012 - 11:25pm

      Wow my least favourite and it so scared me to death! Never watching that Evil Flood Episode again!

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 12th, 2012 - 11:42am

      Indeed, the Flood are terrifying monsters. Just look at them! 😮

    • anonymous

      August 12th, 2012 - 12:32pm

      the waters of mars didnt scare me well actually none of the episodes scare me

    • Doctor Who Crazy Ross

      August 12th, 2012 - 4:12pm

      I think this episode and the Empty Child episodes scared me. bear in mind I was 11 in 2009 and 6 in 2005, they still scare me now D:

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 12th, 2012 - 7:30pm

      Same, I was 9 when I watched The Waters of Mars. I hate the Flood and every time I get a card of it I either hide it away, throw it in the bin or shred it! 😆

    • BisonTime

      August 13th, 2012 - 2:19am

      If u want to collect all cards u must stop shredding or binning the flood cards ok

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 13th, 2012 - 1:12pm

      BisonTime I can last without 3 cards, ok? I don’t really mind The Slamdown Flood or Flood Frenzy in my binder, but it’s the Rare Flood that annoys me ok?

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 13th, 2012 - 6:53pm

      The Flood don’t really scare me as in “Aahh!! Oh no! Better get behind that sofa! Oh no, the sofa has somehow got sucked into a crack in space and time! AAHH!”

      Also, I’m surprised you can last without three cards Time Lord of Doom. 😉 I wouldn’t be able to.

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 13th, 2012 - 7:23pm

      Lol, I can live without them. But slowly slowly I’m getting rid of my fear. 🙂 I just don’t want to see it again in case I get a fright.

      Also, I know what you mean. I would’nt hide behind a sofa. I’d just get scared and freaked out. Gosh, thinking of them….. What do you find scary?

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 13th, 2012 - 7:40pm

      The scariest thing about The Flood is they look like giant dripping chewy bars! 😯

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 14th, 2012 - 10:34am

      Lol 😆

      The Flood are the ONLY aliens that scare me. The Weeping Angels were a little scary in Blink but then got ruined. The Empty Child and The Silence? Whenever someone says they are scary, I just laugh! So for me, it’s the Flood. 😯

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 14th, 2012 - 12:17pm

      The Angels were certainly scary in Blink. Not so much in The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, but they are still great monsters and have featured in two very good Doctor Who books. I don’t what they’ll be able to do next. Oh wait, the cherub. I forget about that sometimes. 😮

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 14th, 2012 - 2:11pm

      I totally agree, and I must say, I cannot wait till Episode 5 of Series 7! 😀

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 14th, 2012 - 2:18pm

      Same! It looks very good! Apart from Amy and Rory leaving :(……again. 😉

    • dw2005

      August 14th, 2012 - 3:39pm

      The Time Lord of Doom and give me a dalek any day, “the waters of mars” was quite scary but I found “The Impossible Planet” and “The Satan Pit” scarier.

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 14th, 2012 - 5:17pm

      The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit is a brilliant story! My favourite from Series 2. 🙂

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 14th, 2012 - 6:33pm

      Whhaaat? Am I dreaming here? What was so scary about it? It was good, but not my favourite Series 2 story. Mine is either Tooth and Claw or School Reunion. 🙂

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 14th, 2012 - 6:37pm

      My favourite stories from Series 2 would probably be Tooth and Claw, School Reunion, The Girl in the Fireplace, Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel, The Idiots Lantern (severely underrated!!) and The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. As a matter of fact, those are the only good stories from Series 2. I’m not a fan of the rest.

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 14th, 2012 - 6:38pm

      Also, here’s my list of favourite and least favourite episodes:

      Series 1:
      F: The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances (scary 😯 )
      W: The Long Game

      Series 2:
      F: School Reunion
      W: Love and Monsters

      Series 3:
      F: Blink
      W: Gridlock

      Series 4:
      F: The Stolen Earth/ Journey’s End
      W: Partners in Crime

      F: Planet of the Dead
      W: The Waters of Mars (indeed scary 😯 )

      Christmas Specials:
      F: A Christmas Carol
      W: The Christmas Invasion

      Series 5
      F: The Eleventh Hour
      W: Vincent and the Doctor

      Series 6:
      F: AGMGTW
      W: The God Complex

    • dw2005

      August 14th, 2012 - 8:06pm

      Here’s my favourite and worst episodes from each series:

      Series 1:
      F:Bad Wold/ The Parting of the ways
      W:Boom Town (Still good though, just my least favoured one of the series).

      Series 2:
      F:School Reunion
      W:Love and Monsters

      Series 3:
      F:Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
      W:The Lazarus Experiment

      Series 4:
      F:The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End
      W:The Unicorn and the Wasp

      Series 4 Specials:
      F:The End of time Part 1&2
      W:Planet of the Dead

      Series 5:
      F:The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
      W:Amy’s Choice

      Series 6:
      F:Closing Time

    • dw2005

      August 14th, 2012 - 8:08pm

      W: The Curse of the Black Spot

      Christmas Specials:
      F:The Christmas Invasion
      W:The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 14th, 2012 - 8:45pm

      I like your list dw2005, although I totally dissagree with the Christmas Specials. Besides that, your list is quite good. 🙂

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 14th, 2012 - 8:50pm

      Series 1:
      F: Dalek
      W: Boom Town

      Series 2:
      F: The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
      W: Fear Her

      Series 3:
      F: Blink
      W: Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks

      Series 4:
      F: Midnight
      W: The Stolen Earth/Journeys End

      The Specials:
      F: The Waters of Mars
      W: The Next Doctor

      Series 5 (my favourite series):
      F: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
      W: The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood

      Series 6:
      F: A Good Man Goes to War
      W: The Rebel flesh/The Almost People

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      August 14th, 2012 - 8:51pm

      As for Christmas Specials, well, only The Christmas Invasion and A Christmas Carol are the best for me. I’m not so keen on the rest. 🙂

    • The Time Lord of Doom

      August 14th, 2012 - 8:53pm

      I dissagree with a few. I thought The Stolen Earth 2-parter was the best of Series 4, The Waters of Mars was my worst from the Specials and I thought The Rebel Flesh 2-parter was ok, but not my favourite. 🙂

    • tom

      August 14th, 2012 - 10:38pm

      series one
      F: Aliens of London / World War Three
      W: Fathers Day

      series two
      F: Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
      W: Love & Monsters

      series three
      F: Blink
      W: The Shakespeare Code

      series four
      F: Turn Left
      W: Partners In Crime

      2009 specials
      F: The End Of Time 1&2
      W: The Next Doctor

      series five
      F: The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
      W: The Lodger

      series six
      F: The Wedding Of River Song
      W: Curse Of The Black Spot

      xmas specials
      F: A Christmas Carol
      W: The Christmas Invasion

      series 7
      F: The Angels Wept
      W: A Town Called Mercy

    • Dave

      August 14th, 2012 - 11:02pm

      how can you say the best from series 7 when they haven’t even been on TV yet

    • tom

      August 14th, 2012 - 11:08pm

      i’m judging them by what ive seen…………………..

    • The Surgeon

      August 15th, 2012 - 5:25pm

      F= Dalek
      W= The Unquiet Dead

      F= The Satan Pit
      W= Love & Monsters

      F= The Family of Blood
      W= Smith and Jones

      F= Silence in the Library
      W= Partners in Crime (Although I love the Adipose!)

      F= The Time of Angels
      W= Vincent and the Doctor

      F= The Wedding of River Song (Although I also love The Doctor’s Wife, The God Complex, Night Terrors and The Almost People)
      W= Closing Time

      F= Asylum of the Daleks
      W= Probably the one with the Weeping Angels in it

      F= A Christmas Carol
      W= Voyage of the Damned


    August 11th, 2012 - 7:30pm



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