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February 8th, 2012 163 comments

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Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 21

Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 21

Start collecting the awesome NEW Doctor Who Monster Invasion and build up a mega-monster magazine and cool trading card collection.

You can subscribe Here on the official site where you will find all you need to know about Monster Invasion magazine.

In This issue…

*Top 10 Explosions
*The Dalek saucer
*Madame vastra V Francesco
*The Sontaran stratagem
*Where’s The Doctor – Siren galleon
*K is for K9
*Hotel horrors and much more

There are 52 fortnightly issues to collect. Part 1 is £1.50, thereafter it’s £2.60 though you can also buy the card packs separately at retail at £1.50 per pack of nine cards.

Monster Invasion Single Trading Cards


Have you completed your Doctor Who Monster Invasion trading card collection? If not, we have a limited selection of individual cards from set one. While stocks last and subject to availability.

Please note there is an order limit of 9 cards.

You will be charged 15p for each Common & Rare card, 30p for each Super rare and 50p for each Ultra rare plus £1.00 p&p per order.

UK Only.

Categorised under: Magazine, Monster Invasion Magazine



  • tardistik

    March 13th, 2012 - 6:56pm

    I still haven’t got this yet! 😥 I subscribed a long, long time ago, I even got the test set. I haven’t received any magazines since issue 20. I’m gonna ask my mom to phone Monster Invasion up tomorrow.

  • spider pig

    February 15th, 2012 - 7:13pm

    when is the new extreme tin coming out and how much will it cost.

    • dw2005

      February 15th, 2012 - 8:53pm

      It’s been out since September!!! And it’s £9.99 from most shops.

  • Booboo Jr Jr ( A Link To The Doctor Who )

    February 14th, 2012 - 6:13pm


    Well, as soon as my swap for a 249 clockwork robots goes through!!!


      February 17th, 2012 - 10:30am

      even infinites
      i have 1 infinite

  • beast

    February 14th, 2012 - 5:50pm

    when series 3 set out

    • dw2005

      February 14th, 2012 - 7:19pm

      We think around summertime when we get to issue 30. This is not confrmed yet.

  • King of the Tenza

    February 12th, 2012 - 10:19am

    As Series 7 is going to begin filming on the 20th of February, what are you expecting?? Plus, here are some confirmed writers:
    Mark Gattiss (has written Victory of the Daleks, Night Terrors and more)
    Toby Withouse (has written The God Complex and more)

    Also, some characters that are expected to return or wanted:
    River Song
    Captain Jack
    Craig Owens
    The Master
    Madame Vastra & Jenny

    What else are you expecting and who out of the characters are you wanting to return??? 🙂 🙂

    • dw2005

      February 12th, 2012 - 8:37pm

      I want Captain Jack and The Master to return the most.

    • Anonymous

      February 13th, 2012 - 4:41pm

      I have a feeling they’ll be saving the Master for the 50th anniversary, so if he does show up it will be in the finale/Christmas Special (which look likely to be the same thing this year) as a set up for the plotline.

    • Commander Strax

      February 14th, 2012 - 6:11pm

      most captain jack

    • Anonymous

      March 14th, 2012 - 2:36pm

      River obviously will and Jack could actually happen because Moffat was the one who created him in the first place in The Empty Child.

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