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March 1st, 2022 30 comments

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Forbidden Planet Latest Figurines, Specials and Consoles up For Order

Regular feature when new Figurines are added to Forbidden Planet and available to pre-order.

All the latest figurines are now available to order including…

Doctor Who: Figurine Collection #219 Bellal

Please note issue 218 is definitely The Swarm, the cover shown on Forbidden Planet is an old UN-finalised version.

Doctor Who: Figurine Collection #218: Swarm

Doctor Who: Figurine Collection #217: Movellan

Doctor Who: Figurine Collection #216: Karvanista

Doctor Who Figurine Collection #215: Kraal: Chief Scientist Styggron

Doctor Who Figurine Collection #214: Skaak

Doctor Who: TARDIS Console Collection #9: 9th & 10th Doctor

Doctor Who: Tardis Console Collection #8: Junk Console 11th Doctor

Doctor Who Figurine Collection Magazine Special Edition #30: Cleaner Robot

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Loobop

    February 11th, 2022 - 11:58am

    heads up mega tenth doctor is currently reduced to £60 on forbidden planet.

    • booboo

      February 11th, 2022 - 12:13pm

      wow that’s cheap and FP were cheap to start with

  • Crosby

    February 2nd, 2022 - 8:41pm

    It would be better if the subscribers that opt in for the specials that em dispatch the specials separate from the main figurines and my latest DD still hasn’t gone out from 18 Jan and still can’t get through on the phone to em all I get is their having issues with the lines

  • the ergon

    December 16th, 2021 - 3:30pm

    Still no mutt. I,m assuming the next batch are when these are available again in the online shop as early preorders sold out.

    • the ergon

      February 2nd, 2022 - 3:46pm

      Thats three more exclusives booked and in the bag.

  • James17

    November 21st, 2021 - 9:29am

    Has this come out yet? I ordered from forbidden planet with the release date being the 14th Nov and I’ve had no emails about it since order confirmation, and now the website says sold out with no release date.

    • The Open Cardboard Box

      December 16th, 2021 - 1:10pm

      it’s because they don’t have stock in the first place because it’s not even on the eaglemoss website it’s the same thing with the weaponised security drone Dalek pre ordered that few days before the release then I have a look it’s out of stock just ended up cancelling it

    • booboo

      December 16th, 2021 - 1:20pm

      delivery was delayed, OOS means pre orders have most likely taken up allocated stock did not necessarily mean you would not get it, lots of figurings nor on EM site have been sent out in last few days

  • James Brewster

    September 10th, 2021 - 3:23pm

    Says in fp terms and conditions:
    In the event that Forbidden Planet Ltd changes the price of an item due to an error, the following Terms apply. Forbidden Planet Ltd will inform the Customer as soon as possible of the amendment and of the correct price. The Customer may choose to fulfil their order at the correct price, or to cancel their order. If the Customer chooses to cancel their order and has already paid for the goods in question, Forbidden Planet Ltd shall refund the full amount in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
    The Customer should be aware that Forbidden Planet Ltd does not consider a pricing adjustment due to a promotion, sale or other offer as an error in price, and the above Terms do not therefore apply.
    Forbidden Planet Ltd is under no obligation to fulfil an order for a product that was advertised at an erroneous price or description.

  • Doctor Mysterio

    September 8th, 2021 - 1:58am

    Is there any point ordering from FP at the moment if we are expecting these orders to be cancelled anyway due to pricing issues?

    • booboo

      September 8th, 2021 - 7:45am

      they might not notice and you get a bargain.

    • Christoff the Wise

      September 8th, 2021 - 7:51am

      I pre-ordered the third Doctor companion set from FP which they priced at £22.00 and they honoured the price ( rather than adjusting to the £39.00 Eaglemoss price or cancelling the order). Go for it and good luck in bagging a bargain!

    • booboo

      September 8th, 2021 - 9:02am

      I’ve ordered them nothing to lose really

    • Savo79

      September 8th, 2021 - 9:12am

      I pre ordered 3rd Dr companion set and 5th Dr companion sets at low prices on FP and they put the prices up later but charged me the lower price. Also they charge at despatch so no money taken up front, if they cancel it hasn’t cost anything no waiting on refunds. I usually order loads at once at then you pay one £5.50 postage for the whole order but they send out items seperately as they come in to stock.

    • Doctor Mysterio

      September 8th, 2021 - 9:52am

      OK thanks – I’ll order and see what happens.

    • the ergon

      September 8th, 2021 - 10:30am

      The problem i,ve had in the past with FP is the long wait for items to come in stock unlike Eaglemoss’ shop (once they are in Basket, they are in) or they seem to be waiting for supplies. Also if the paintwork isn,t up to scratch they have difficulty getting replacements so they just end up refunding you anyway.

  • Mark

    September 7th, 2021 - 8:37pm

    Would that Mego 4th Doctor be in scale with the Big Chief Studios K9 which I have on preorder ?

    • Coleman

      September 8th, 2021 - 10:11am

      Slightly out of scale, I think it mentions Tom is 13 inch tall instead of the usual 12inch.
      And K9s the usual 1:6, 12inch scale.
      (I don’t think it would look too off, because you have to take into account the Eaglemoss base)

  • Popplewick

    September 7th, 2021 - 8:02pm

    Still no sign of the Borad wonder if there’s an issue with it.

  • Savo79

    September 7th, 2021 - 5:13pm

    6th Dr and Peri very low price, same as individual figures.

    • Coleman

      September 7th, 2021 - 5:29pm

      Booboo, as Savo79 just mentioned, the 6th Doctor and Peri Two packs RRP at Forbidden Planet is 11.99. Is this wrong?

    • booboo

      September 7th, 2021 - 5:37pm

      yep, and the 4th Doctor and the 13th Doctor console

    • Coleman

      September 7th, 2021 - 5:54pm

      If you buy them all at this price do they have to honour the price?

    • Ron

      September 7th, 2021 - 10:29pm

      Starting to think with all these mistakes it’s likely my 13th Console is going to get cancelled now?

    • Gareth Pugh

      September 9th, 2021 - 7:25am

      Coleman, alas not, not these days. I think online retailers (at least) are legally entitled to contact customers with pre-orders at an incorrectly too-low price and advise them it was an error and automatically cancel their order off their system for them. I’ve heard of FP doing that and I know Amazon do, on occasion. Way back in the early 1990s when I worked in a shop, our sales floor basic training drummed it into us that consumer law meant if we displayed a product price in the customer’s favour (i.e. – got it wrong and set it lower than it should have been) that we were obliged to sell the item at the wrong price and the customer. got a bargain (although only until we could remove the wrong shelf-label and put the right price up). But that was then and I daresay the laws have been updated many times over since then. But as others say, both the retailers I mention *have* on occasion gone ahead and honoured wrong prices. I think it’s just a case of, they don’t have to anymore.

    • booboo

      September 9th, 2021 - 9:04am

      think it all boils down to if anyone notices

  • Anonymous

    July 6th, 2021 - 6:04pm

    The Navarino looks like he’s disco dancing.

    • Philip shaw

      September 7th, 2021 - 7:38pm

      If you watch the episode Murray the Navarino just boogie on through the shape changing arch…

    • Gareth Pugh

      September 9th, 2021 - 7:20am

      Yep, not sure if the Anonymous poster has seen Delta and the Bannerman from that comment but a Philip says, in the scene on which the sculpt is based (and this design/costume only features in one scene, and for about 10 seconds in total), he sort-of *is* vertically limbo-dancing through, erm, some tinsel while the crowd cheer him on like at a party or disco LOL

    • Anonymous

      September 9th, 2021 - 11:39am

      Yes Gareth, seen Delta quite a few times, once only a couple of months ago. Just having a bit of fun.

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