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August 11th, 2023 130 comments

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Doctor Who The Underwater Menace Blu-ray

Available to order from

BBC Studios continues to offer Doctor Who fans the opportunity to extend their at home collection by announcing the latest release Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace on DVD and Blu-Ray. The two-disc box set contains the fourth series story as well as special features. This classic series stars the second Doctor Patrick Troughton and co-stars Anneke Wills as Polly, Michael Craze as Ben and Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon.

The original 1967 master recordings of all except episodes two and three of The Underwater Menace were lost soon after the programme’s original transmission. However, audio-only recordings of the missing two episodes have survived and have been used to create a brand new fully animated presentation of this lost classic.

This story sees these characters navigate through their adventures in the underwater city of Atlantis where they meet with Professor Zaroff, who plots to destroy the Earth by draining the oceans. Fans can expect a super jam-packed series bursting with unseen exclusive content. All episodes have been animated in colour and black and white whilst including original film elements.

DISC ONE (Main Feature)

  • Episodes 1-4 – Animation – Colour
  • Episodes 1-4 – Animation – Black and White

DISC TWO (Special Features)

  • Episode 1 – Reconstruction
  • Episodes 2 & 3 – Original 1967 Episode
  • Episode 4 – Reconstruction
  • A Fishy Tale – Making of Documentary
  • Australian Censor Clips
  • The Man from Miditz
  • Frazer Hines Introduction for episode 2 as per the original VHS release
  • BBC News Report (South Today)
  • BBC Radio Solent Piece (audio only)
  • Photo Gallery
  • Animation Gallery
  • PDF material including camera script

Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace will be available for fans to buy from November 2023.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD



  • Bookcollector

    October 2nd, 2023 - 9:02am

    I have a movie ordered on Amazon that is released today (2nd October) which is an Amazon prime order and it is not arriving until the 7th October. Doesn’t look good for underwater arriving on release date as it now says the 18th November rather than the actual day of release

    • Adrian Frost

      November 13th, 2023 - 2:49pm

      received mine today 13/11/23

    • Bookcollector

      November 13th, 2023 - 6:00pm

      Received mine from hmv today

  • MJS

    September 22nd, 2023 - 6:18pm

    Just received email from Amazon with est delivery date of 18th November

    • SV7

      September 22nd, 2023 - 6:54pm

      Amazon estimating Nov. 20 for me.

    • D84

      September 22nd, 2023 - 8:03pm

      Mine is also showing 20th November – but the actual release date is 13th November according to the listing so I expect my Amazon order / delivery date will change on the weekend before release day and it will turn up in the afternoon of Monday 13th.

      All my other pre orders have followed that pattern – although have seen others with the same pre orders not turning up until days later or having to cancel and re order.

      Very odd

    • Anon

      September 23rd, 2023 - 1:10am

      Mine says 20th as well.

    • Anon

      September 24th, 2023 - 10:32am

      I’ve currently got 4 DVDs preordered and three of them are listed as coming one week after the release despite being prime orders.

  • Bookcollector

    September 22nd, 2023 - 1:03pm

    I’ve never been massively keen on these artwork covers so I’ll stick with my original cover and put the original disc in a three disc box with the animation discs. For me the cover is a minor thing as it’s the content I’m excited by.

    • D84

      September 22nd, 2023 - 8:04pm

      I wasn’t for the DVD range – I preferred the “original” DVD style covers with the roundells.

      But once I switched to Blu Ray – I started collecting the Steelbooks and they are beautiful (in my opinion)

    • Bookcollector

      September 23rd, 2023 - 1:11am

      I don’t buy the bluray sets, so it’s DVD for me

    • Mark Higginbottom

      January 9th, 2024 - 5:48pm

      Does the blue ray include all the Extras from the original dvd release?Thank you……

    • Gordon

      January 10th, 2024 - 12:41am

      Not quite. The Television Centre of the Universe – Part Two Was not ported over. Mainly because it didn’t really fit being there anyway and it was the only available place for it on the dvd range as everything else was out at that point

  • DPHill

    September 21st, 2023 - 2:50pm

    Just look on Amazon at the blu ray, theres art on there but only for that one!

  • Gordon

    September 6th, 2023 - 1:27pm

    The Underwater Menace will be premiered at the bfi on Sat 21 October at 12pm. Tickets for BFI members on 19 Sept & everyone else on 21 Sept. Looking good for a November release

    • D84

      September 8th, 2023 - 12:05pm

      Very good news Gordon, I would suspect then we’ll see an early November release.

      There is the RTD upscale box set due 13th No – do we think this one may come out the week before – 6th November? That’s 2 weeks after BFI event

      Thoughts everyone?

    • Gordon

      September 8th, 2023 - 10:00pm

      I suspect it will be round about then. Leaves the 20th November blank for possibly another release of some sort

    • D84

      September 21st, 2023 - 2:12pm

      With potentially only around 6 weeks until a release on this (given the BFI Screening date) when do we think we’ll see a cover art reveal?

      Next couple of weeks?

    • D84

      September 21st, 2023 - 2:22pm

      its actually just popped up on Instagram – out 13th November

  • Gordon

    August 16th, 2023 - 12:10pm

    Just got an email from the dvd enquiry line

    Dear Gordon

    Thank you for your email. I’m happy to hear you’re looking forward to the release.

    The Underwater Menace boxset disc layout will keep in line with previous releases. The black and white animations and the corresponding surviving episodes will be on Disc One and the colour animated episodes with extras will be on Disc Two.

    • Jake E

      August 16th, 2023 - 12:21pm

      Yeah, I just saw that from Cliff as well. I’m not convinced because why would it be listed wrong everywhere else.

      If it is correct then fantastic as that was my only quibble with this release so far 🙂

    • Jake E

      August 16th, 2023 - 12:34pm

      A lot of people are getting the same response which is promising 🙂

      I’m glad the BBC does listen to us on occasion

    • D84

      August 16th, 2023 - 1:43pm

      Excellent Gordon – i had not thought of contacting the enquiry address.

      Thats how the previous releases have been and i did think it was odd to make a switch so i am glad they appear to be confirming that what most of us want (B&W animation + existing eps) together – thats great

      I will likely watch the full colour animation first time round as i have done all of the others

    • SV7

      August 16th, 2023 - 5:40pm

      Such good news if true. We all live in hope!

    • Who is who?

      September 22nd, 2023 - 9:26pm

      Gordon would you be able to email the BBC enquiry and ask when the next standard edition is release please

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      September 23rd, 2023 - 5:15am

      Who is who?: Why can’t you do it? The address is even the first Google result for ‘BBC DVD enquiry’. But to save you time, [email protected] is what you need.

  • Lewis frisby

    August 14th, 2023 - 1:37pm

    We will probably get more information in the next DWM issue does anyone know when it’s out I got told 17th but I can’t find it on the panini website does anyone know the release date

    • Gordon

      August 14th, 2023 - 2:21pm

      Probably just the press release and photos which have already been seen.

    • James

      August 14th, 2023 - 2:51pm

      Thursday 17th August. Seemed to stop doing the preview of next issue in last page. Just the date in the editors begginging page

  • Jake E

    August 14th, 2023 - 10:21am

    What do you think will be on the front cover of the Steelbook?

    • D84

      August 14th, 2023 - 1:18pm

      I think it will be something very “artsy” and abstract – in keeping with the previous ones Macra onwards – (Excluding Shada – i really didn’t like that one)

      No idea on “what” exactly – could be anything – they have all been done so well, and are works of art in their own right – beautiful to look at

      I hope this one keeps the same style

      I also assume, and hope – the DW logo from Jodie’s era will remain to keep the look consistent – we’ll see on that i guess.

      I cant see it being all that long before the cover art is revealed – probably at the same time the release date is confirmed so if this is out in November – i imagine by Early October we’ll have the art and date revealed – so 6-8 weeks from now

    • Bookcollector

      August 14th, 2023 - 2:25pm

      It will probably be the new logo, I’d be surprised if it isn’t. There will be a reversible cover as there always is. But I all honesty I’m going to put it in a three disc box with the original release and use the original cover.

    • SV7

      August 14th, 2023 - 3:19pm

      Sorry to be “that guy”, but has anyone official confirmed that the DVD cover will be reversible?

    • Rory

      August 14th, 2023 - 3:53pm

      Fishperson swimming towards the viewer, with seaweed background.

    • Rory

      August 14th, 2023 - 3:59pm

      @D84, Whitaker logo was only used on the ones in her era (obviously). Shada and Power didn’t use it, so they don’t need to remain consistent.

      They’ve said they’ll continue with the Whitaker logo for the Collection since those all have it, but the steelbooks are already a mix.

    • Prowl 1701

      August 15th, 2023 - 3:40am

      The original DVD release has a cool cover, several people have mentioned using it.

    • Philip Shaw

      August 15th, 2023 - 3:50pm

      Blu ray cover on you tube

    • Rex F

      August 15th, 2023 - 5:18pm

      Philip: I think that’s the vinyl art, modified by the poster of the video presumably.

  • Ian C

    August 13th, 2023 - 9:35pm

    I’m really pleased that this story is getting a decent reconstruction at last. For me, the version I’ll be watching will be the surviving episodes alongside the B&W animated reconstructions.

    • Jake E

      August 14th, 2023 - 10:20am

      Same just annoying that to do this we will have to switch discs several times.

      That breaks immersion and being able to relax having to get up and change the discs. It also means having to go through all the BBC rubbish at the beginning of every disc before you get to the main menu.

      I don’t mind too much that they change stuff for the animations but they should still give easy access to watch the animations with the surviving episodes but oh well I guess 🙂

    • James

      August 14th, 2023 - 10:58am

      Easier these days. Imagine living in the sixties having to wait 7 days to watch the next episode….waiting a few minutes is nothing

  • Jake E

    August 13th, 2023 - 4:11pm

    Apparently Gary Russell has confirmed he’s not doing any more animations!

    The Abominable Snowmen was his last

    • D84

      August 13th, 2023 - 4:39pm

      No more Big Finish Creative ones then, for a while at least I guess. I had started to wonder if BFC were doing “The Smugglers” but I guess not.

    • Gordon

      August 13th, 2023 - 5:02pm

      Wouldn’t count them out just yet. Chloe Grech Could get moved up. From my pov she was pretty much being groomed to take over Gary’s spot based upon galaxy 4 and abominable snowman. Pretty much what happened with Anne Marie Walsh replacing Charles Norton

    • Prof Horner

      August 13th, 2023 - 7:29pm

      Well Ian Levine will be happy!

    • Gordon

      August 13th, 2023 - 9:09pm

      Actually no. He ain’t. He now thinks that the rumoured toymaker animation (a rumour which Ian started) that 4 independent sources told him that Gary Russell was doing has been cancelled. On the possibility of his sources being possibly wrong or misinformed he said “they are not wrong”

    • Anomie

      August 13th, 2023 - 9:50pm

      I always take Levine’s comments with a pinch of salt. That’s if I bother to read his latest rant/fantasy

    • Rex F

      August 14th, 2023 - 1:36am

      Remember when he said that John Cleese and Connie Booth were making a Fawlty Towers Christmas special? Fifteen years later we’re still waiting. (I honestly believe that winding up Ian is a pastime for some people – that and he’ll believe any old twaddle.)

    • Prowl 1701

      August 14th, 2023 - 3:04am

      Why would an animation of Toymaker (if it was being done) be cancelled out of the blue? Especially if NPH is playing him in the 60th as rumored.

    • Rex Farrel

      August 14th, 2023 - 5:49am

      Prowl: Let’s start a rumour and see if Ian believes it… It was cancelled because they couldn’t get NPH to complete revoicing the Toymaker’s dialogue due to the SAG strike.

    • SV7

      August 14th, 2023 - 6:12am

      Is it possible though that Gary could be simply embargoed from saying anything until an official announcement? Surely a possibility?

    • D84

      August 14th, 2023 - 6:57am

      Also true SV7

      Most of the animations have been leaked months before an official announcement.

      They may finally be tightening up on such things

    • Gordon

      August 14th, 2023 - 8:01am

      Gary has always maintained since the bfi screening of abominable that was his last animation despite Ian claiming it wasn’t the case. I actually think Gary is telling the truth. He did an interview for time scales last week that I watched this morning and on the animation front it sounded like he was finished working on it. He did say he would come back if asked though. When asked what he’s been doing just now he seemed really busy. He’s been writing the star beast novelisation and he’s editing and writing for cutaway comics. Not sure if he had time to work on any animations.

      I suspect ian was either misinformed or he made it up as another excuse or reason to bash Gary and big up his animated projects and get people on side to cough up dosh on his “more accurate animations”.

  • Hi

    August 12th, 2023 - 10:08pm

    Why is people saying The Celestial Toymaker is likely to be animated?

    • Gordon

      August 12th, 2023 - 10:38pm

      It’s heavily rumoured to be in the 60th anniversary and would be a great tie in and Ian Levine claims Gary Russell is doing it.

    • Hi

      August 12th, 2023 - 11:50pm


  • Prowl 1701

    August 12th, 2023 - 7:07pm

    Have they confirmed that the recons for episode 1 and 4 are new ones? I’ve heard the dvd ones were terrible.

    • Anon

      August 12th, 2023 - 7:19pm

      They will be new, doubt the team doing this special edition would not do new versions

    • Gordon

      August 12th, 2023 - 7:59pm

      Peter Crocker said they are new.

    • Prowl 1701

      August 13th, 2023 - 12:35am

      Many thanks, both of you.

    • DPHill

      August 13th, 2023 - 10:39am

      That’s a relief, theyre dvd ones were really bad sadly, glad to see theyre goving more obscure stories the chance to be fully viewed! Cant wait for everything in this release! Just a shame no highlander’s recovered episode (i know that is a pipe dream!)

    • Gordon

      August 13th, 2023 - 1:56pm

      I doubt they will ever be used again. Pretty much everyone involved with it has pretty much disowned it. The decision by higher ups to make it as basic as possible and next to impossible to follow is absolute baffling.

    • Rex F

      August 13th, 2023 - 8:14pm

      Gordon: I think it was to do with royalties and clearance costs (and times). The old UWM recons had absolutely no new elements or content to them, not even camera movement, which saved time and money on negotiating a “new” product. It’s just a regular pair of episodes, albeit with 99.9% of the frames lost.

  • Nick

    August 12th, 2023 - 1:19pm

    Loving the colours and atmosphere in the clips shown. Really looking forward to seeing this.

  • Lewisfrisby

    August 12th, 2023 - 10:39am

    Do we know who has animated this and if so what other releases have they done

    • Gordon

      August 12th, 2023 - 11:02am

      Anne Marie Walsh is listed on Amazon as producer. She worked on power, macra terror as an animator, lead animator on shada and producer/director on faceless and evil

    • Lewis frisby

      August 12th, 2023 - 11:04am

      Ok thanks

    • Rex F, raising an eyebrow

      August 12th, 2023 - 11:43pm

      Is there an echo in here?

  • Prof Horner

    August 11th, 2023 - 9:17pm

    July, season 20 announced. August, Underwear Menace announced. September, maybe season 16 announced? October, maybe The Smugglers announced? After a quiet first half the anniversary year. The second half is certainly looking exciting. Let’s have some missing episodes returned , just to top the year. We can but hope.

    • Gordon

      August 11th, 2023 - 9:49pm

      November toymaker announced perhaps.

  • Gordon

    August 11th, 2023 - 9:14pm

    Well it’s good to see Nicola is right once again. With the underwater menace being animated the animations are back. Hopefully she is right again and we get smugglers announced soon. Considering this is due in November I suspect there probably won’t be time to release another animation without stepping on its toes of this release this year so our next animation might not be out till next year. Mind you this is an anniversary year and it could be the one exception to that rule. Also heard that toymaker was coming out in November but what I think is more likely is that it gets announced November/December post the anniversary specials. Russell is supposedly working with the merchandise department and it seems a perfect way to cross promote.

    As for this release I’m happy with the majority of it. I’m thrilled with Anne Marie Walsh being back as she did a phenomenal job on evil. The brief teaser does look decent. Zarroff’s lair looks very bond villanesque. There is not much new special features on the face of it. Just the man from miditz tv episode and the 2 news pieces however the recon of episodes 1 and 4 will in all likelyhood be new and Toby hadoke has said he’s done something for this set which is probably commentaries for the animated episodes. The only thing I’m a little apprehensive about is the whole surviving episodes just being on disc 2. Could just be that it was accidentally left off the press release but if it is the case that the surviving episodes aren’t on disc 1 it will be an inconvenience to switch discs twice to experience the full story in black and white. I get why they done it to push the new animations plus the surviving episodes didn’t get new additional restoration work to it but I’m sure it could have workable if the colour episodes and the surviving episodes/recons had swapped discs.

    • Jake E

      August 12th, 2023 - 1:10am

      How do you know the surviving episodes didn’t get new restorations?

    • Gordon

      August 12th, 2023 - 2:33am

      Peter Crocker when asked about the animations being made the main feature: The state will prob be reversed in a S4 collection, when the 1967 eps will get a new scan/restoration.

    • Jake E

      August 12th, 2023 - 10:57am

      That’s weird. Didn’t the other recent animations all have new restorations for the surviving episodes?

      Would have been easier to do it now than wait for the Season 4 collection? Makes it sound like they didn’t try as hard for new stuff other than the animation for this release. I would buy Season 4 anyway but it comes off as making us have to double dip this time. Interesting

    • Anon

      August 12th, 2023 - 1:03pm

      Why do extra restoration if the episodes look okay? It’s all down to money. If they were just doing black and white animation for the two missing episodes (like the moonbase release for instance) then yes, clean up the original episodes again but if in order to animate the full story you have to save money elsewhere then fine.

    • Gordon

      August 12th, 2023 - 2:41pm

      The surviving Faceless ones eps didn’t get new restorations.Only stories with 1 surviving episode got new restorations. probably down to budget plus it was the last episodes of the dvd range that were restored. It already looks quite good as it is. Probably felt the budget was better suited spent on the animation.

      Season 4 has only 10 surviving episodes. Evil 2 has already been done so 9 episodes. Shouldn’t be too much work for Peter to do.

      It may look like there isn’t much new stuff but let’s not forget this release is in all purposes a special edition. Stuff like commentaries, production subtitles and making of was all covered by the original release. The only thing missing from the original release was either animation or a decent recon and both of these are included on this release. Would it have been nice to get a new documentary? Yes but I’d rather see the budget focus on the animation.

    • Anonymous

      August 12th, 2023 - 3:42pm

      No there weren’t production subtitles on the DVD.

    • SV7

      August 12th, 2023 - 5:52pm

      Gordon, do you know if this is the release that Peter Crocker said he was working on just after Season 20 was announced? Surely it can’t be if the episodes haven’t been re-restored.

    • Gordon

      August 12th, 2023 - 8:04pm

      It was. From what I’m hearing the man from miditz needed quite a bit of work. The film recording is a bit of jumbled mess out of order that needed reassembled.

    • Prowl 1701

      August 12th, 2023 - 10:16pm

      What is that even about?

    • Gordon

      August 12th, 2023 - 10:43pm

      This is how I’ve seen it described:

      The Man From Miditz is the title of the first episode of the second BBC2 thriller THE MIDNIGHT MEN. Its six episodes concern plotting of an attempted assassination of a Balkan King in 1913, with Furst as the monarch.

      Got tons of who guest stars and script edited by innis Lloyd. Apparently the rest of it is missing

    • Prowl 1701

      August 13th, 2023 - 12:36am

      If it’s non-doctor who, why is it being included?

    • Gordon

      August 13th, 2023 - 1:05am

      It’s got Patrick Troughton, Joseph Fürst, Bernard Archard, Andrew Kier, John Bennett, Derek Francis, Michael Godfrey, Esmond Knight, Allan Lake, Declan Mulholland, Alan Wheatley and Laurence Payne in it. All of which would play various doctor who roles over the years. Oh and my mistake it was John wills who script edited it not innis Lloyd. The same John wills that produced doctor who between the myth makers and the ark.

    • Auton

      August 13th, 2023 - 10:01am

      The man from miditz sounds to me like one of the more exciting and different elements to this release, other than the animation

  • Jake E

    August 11th, 2023 - 4:32pm

    So cool that with this release we will have 59 episodes that are consecutive in the Troughton Era.

    Underwater Menace through Fury

    • Fred

      August 12th, 2023 - 1:02pm

      Isn’t there still an episode of The Ice Warriors missing? Or was that animated ages ago maybe…

    • Anon

      August 12th, 2023 - 1:05pm

      Ice warriors was animated in 2013

    • DPHill

      August 13th, 2023 - 10:49am

      If we got wheel in soace, which i am pretty confident we will get at some point as the trio of remaining Troughtons left, this seems the likeliest due to the cybermen plus a companion debut, if we get this, then we will havea consecutive 25 episodes of season 4, all 40 of season 5, and a further 28 from season 6 – a whopping run of 93 episodes !! Whereas in the past when the who range started in 1999, so without recoveries and animations, the most consecutive episodes run would have been invasion 5 to seeds of death, just 14! So we are very lucky to have 59 now (4 times that) and probably an eventual 93 (6.5 times that)!!

  • Anonymous

    August 11th, 2023 - 3:54pm

    Rob Ritchie’s sublime 3D work was the best thing about the BBC Studios animations. Accurate to the original production and it was the only thing that brought it anywhere close. Sucks we’re not gonna see more of that.

    Please, Web of Fear team, come back and have another go. Or if the problems lied with them, just in general have another go at 3D animation – but don’t do it so cartoony. The 2D ones seem to be getting flatter and flatter :/

    • Gordon

      August 11th, 2023 - 10:19pm

      Yet people complained about rob’s Easter eggs for not being accurate.

    • Bookcollector

      August 12th, 2023 - 1:07am

      People always complain Gordon. There are already comments about this being the worst animation yet! Just be happy we are getting it. For me, I don’t care particularly about the style of the animation I just like having a moving image to watch to help,the missing episodes along. Oh, I also have to say I’m not too bothered about the original episodes perhaps not being included on the black and white disc. I found that the last few animations work better in isolation. Galaxy 4 and abominable for instance differ so much in terms of set and costume design that the original episodes actually clash with the animation. That said if I want to watch original with animation I’ll just swap the discs over.

    • Anonymous

      August 12th, 2023 - 1:26am

      I never really had an issue with them. I mean I’d rather not see Roger Delgado placed into an episode that came out before he actually joined the show but that’s just a personal nitpick. But if that distracted anyone from all the substantial things Rob did for the animations, that’d be rubbish.

    • Anon

      August 12th, 2023 - 1:08pm

      Never had a problem with the Easter eggs. If you get the reference then great but some people don’t even notice the Easter eggs. It makes no difference to the storyline.

    • Anonymous

      August 12th, 2023 - 4:00pm

      Looks like the response I’d sent didn’t upload.

      Gordon, Bookcollector, people are allowed to have issues with things. Products aren’t exempt from criticism or scepticism. The fact that these animations are nowadays produced in such a way that they diverge from the 1960s style, to the point where even the original episodes are classed as special features. Because they’re treated like reimaginings, being made in widescreen if they’re entirely missing, making creative embellishments seemingly for the sake of it. If we’re never getting these episodes back, I want something close that’s also conventionally watchable. If we’re never going to see The Macra Terror again, does that mean we have to settle for the reimagined widescreen version as the definitive one? In fact, what are they going to do when it comes to the Season 4 box set? In terms of presentation, it’s going to be a mess. You’re gonna go from 4:3 animations like The Moonbase to a widescreen one like Macra Terror. It would feel like they’re completing 60s Doctor Who if they weren’t making all these substantial changes.

      And it shouldn’t be a case of “if you don’t like it, watch the telesnap recons.” Forgetting the fact that the animations were originally made as a step up from the very static recons. All I want is 60s Doctor Who as a consistent, complete, watchable product.

      It irks me. And I’m allowed to be irked by it.

    • D84

      August 13th, 2023 - 7:33am

      Then you can watch the B&W animations in 4:3 ratio – sorted

      I personally love the full colour wide-screen versions and usually just watch those

    • Gordon

      August 13th, 2023 - 3:12pm

      Criticism is fine but what rob got viciously thrown at him was far more than that. Being called a retconing cannon breaking graffiti vandalist who defaced doctor who is kind of ott don’t you think (this is one of the more tamer things levelled at him and there is a few other very unrepeatable ones too).

      I get that you want them to be accurate and you are irked by them but the animations produced from macra terror onwards are their own productions separate from the 1960s originals. They have never hid that fact. They are also different mediums. They are never exactly 1:21 no matter how hard they try. People big up the invasion and that animation had changes cuts Easter eggs and extra embellishments done to it. We maybe Forgetting the fact that the animations were originally made as a step up from the very static recons but they have evolved massively since then and are pretty much their own thing. It certainly would not have been commissioned in 2023 if it was simply filling in the blanks as close as possible.

      As for macra terror in 4:3 on season 4. I’m sure that is something that can be worked on for that release. Season 4 is going to be a mess presentation wise whether or not the macra terror is in 4:3 or widescreen. Alongside the 10 surviving episodes there is already 2 different animation styles plus there might be a 3rd if a different animation team ends up doing smugglers or highlanders. The presentation won’t be normal for that season. Season 5 isn’t much better. That might have 4 different animation styles if wheel in space is done by the same team as underwater menace

    • Bookcollector

      August 13th, 2023 - 6:15pm

      Yes Gordon, it always amuses me when people hold up the invasion as the gold standard perfect recreation. Costumes are different, the way some sequences are done is different and there are, how was it put? Ah yes, “retconing cannon breaking graffiti vandalist(s) who defaced doctor who” started with the invasion animations Easter eggs. The newer animations are very different from the original ones. But they only replaced specific episodes not full stories. I don’t mind that they differ from the original stories in terms of look. I’m just happy to have them.

  • Anon

    August 11th, 2023 - 3:39pm

    I posted the message below on July 25th, 2023 – 6:31pm
    I think I can guarantee new animations being announced. Why? Because I finally decided to get the reconstruction DVDs. I guarantee you the day the last one arrives they will announce new animations! So far I have bought the crusade, mission to the unknown, the celestial toymaker and the wheel in space along with dimensions in time and curse of the fatal death. Arriving this week are Marco polo, the myth makers, the massacre and the space pirates. Plan to get the remaining four by the end of August so no doubt the animation announcements will be in September!

    I changed my mind and got the remaining stories. They arrived today… and oh look… an announcement! I’m over the moon. Menace is in dire need of a animation and good reconstruction. I’m planning on watching my smugglers reconstruction tomorrow so no doubt the announcement will be soon! I’m still happy with the reconstructions as it could be some time before all stories get animated and it’s still possible that some will never be animated due to costs.

    • Rory

      August 11th, 2023 - 4:08pm

      Thank you for your sacrifice.

    • Anon

      August 11th, 2023 - 4:25pm

      sacrificium meum, pera pauperis, voluptas mea

    • Anon

      August 11th, 2023 - 4:29pm

      My pleasure to sacrifice my wallet for the greater good!

  • Chris P

    August 11th, 2023 - 3:27pm

    Looks fantastic. Always liked this story.

  • Lewis Frisby

    August 11th, 2023 - 2:22pm

    I’m so excited excited for this animation can’t wait for this I feel like underwater menace is really underrated also I have a video out of anyone wants to watch it also do we have a release date yet

    • Prowl 1701

      August 11th, 2023 - 4:43pm

      Super excited about this as well, I’ve been holding off on watching UWM to wait for this animation!

  • TimelordTim

    August 11th, 2023 - 1:59pm

    Fantastic news! This has made my day and I’m looking forward to it’s release. Hoping we continue to get the remaining missing stories animated but I’m grateful no matter what.

  • Dylan Goodfellow

    August 11th, 2023 - 1:49pm

    Would have expected a standard edition of season 17 first how long has this been in the works if it’s ready to release now

  • Jake E

    August 11th, 2023 - 1:44pm

    I hope they realise the mistake they have made and change the disc layout so we can watch the animation with the surviving episodes rather than have to switch the discs over every time!

    • D84

      August 11th, 2023 - 1:50pm

      I would imagine that’s how it will be, and the listing is incorrect

      I think thats how all the others have been, with surviving episodes watchable alongside the B&W animated parts – and colour animation on its own disc

      Would be odd to break that mould now

      ………….athough you never know

    • SV7

      August 11th, 2023 - 3:18pm

      The way the episodes have been put on the discs is the only down side for me. I’m just so happy that the animations are back!

    • davidhhh

      August 13th, 2023 - 3:17pm

      Not providing precisely what YOU personally want isn’t exactly a “mistake”.

  • Rex F

    August 11th, 2023 - 1:02pm

    Have they announced the team behind the project? Google isn’t revealing much – they’ve clearly had better security this time.

    • D84

      August 11th, 2023 - 1:36pm

      Anne-Marie Walsh is credited for the 2023 production on the Amazon product listing, so i guess that means its BBC Studio’s themselves

    • Gordon

      August 11th, 2023 - 1:36pm

      Anne-Marie Walsh is directing according to the Amazon listing so will probably be a lot of the evil team

    • Rex F

      August 11th, 2023 - 2:38pm

      Thanks, chaps – I’d never thought of checking Amazon. It sounds like they’ve got the generally preferred team involved, which is nice.

    • Prof Horner

      August 11th, 2023 - 9:10pm

      Wasn’t there a story that Gary Russell was working on more animations? If this is BBC studios, then maybe Big finish are working on The Smugglers or something even more exciting.

    • davidhhh

      August 13th, 2023 - 3:22pm

      Remember that the Amazon listing also lists the release date as 31 Dec. 2025….

  • Joe 90

    August 11th, 2023 - 12:51pm

    Does this mean that the animated versions are back on after funding was pulled last year?

    Be nice to finally get a complete Troughton season after all these years !

    • Prof Horner

      August 11th, 2023 - 9:07pm

      I think it is more likely that Wheel in Space will be animated before too long. Which will mean season 5 will be the first sixties season complete.

    • D84

      August 12th, 2023 - 9:52pm

      I am hopeful for Wheel in Space being animated. It would just work so well

    • D84

      August 13th, 2023 - 7:35am

      Careful @prof, some of the purists here will say a 60’s season can never be complete while we have actual missing episodes

      But I know what you mean, and I would call a season set completely filled in with animations “Complete” too

  • Duncan

    August 11th, 2023 - 12:34pm

    Looking forward to The Smugglers. Obviously, the real thing would be fantastic but an animation will do for now 🙂
    I seem to remember an interview with someone involved with the animations saying the historicals may never be done, or at least left until technology is a bit slicker. Something to do with the number of characters in those stories. There’s as many characters in The Smugglers as there are in The Highlanders, plus the already animated Ben and Polly and Patrick , so Im guessing we may get the Troughton story within 2 years ?
    To think, if that happens we’re only two Troughton stories away from the complete set !!! You would hope Wheel is a no-brainer. So, just Space Pirates.

    • James

      August 11th, 2023 - 12:40pm

      Doing highlanders would mean season 4 be ready for The Collection. Obviously be few years away as won’t want to release it so soon if standalone has only just been released.

    • Alex Oswin

      August 11th, 2023 - 2:14pm

      At a ComicCon panel a few years ago they said The Highlanders would be particularly tricky due to the amount of tartan on the background characters outfits, and the difficulties in keeping the patterns the right way when characters move. I imagine that’d be another one were they’re waiting for the tech to improve.

    • Rory

      August 11th, 2023 - 2:41pm

      Highlanders is problematic due to all of the tartan.

      3D animation like Web was talked about being the way forward there, and they should be able to improve on Web as that was a first attempt.

      Personally didn’t think the animation on Web was all that bad, so I’d be happy to see them try another.

    • D84

      August 11th, 2023 - 6:36pm

      I agree Rory, I wasn’t “all that bad” and if that’s what we got going forward – I would happily buy all of them

  • Snowman

    August 11th, 2023 - 12:30pm

    Just Ordered, looking forward to it arriving.

  • James

    August 11th, 2023 - 12:27pm

    1 down just the smugglers to be Offical announced. Means that we now know the season 4 collection will be a few years away. Won’t release so soon after this standalone release. So when/if smugglers is released will just leave the highlanders for season 4. Maybe 1 recon per set but seems a shame not to do highlanders then this will be a full visual season 4 release. 4 others (fury, evil, power and macra) already animated, moonbase and tenth completed. Nice 60th gift

  • Mac

    August 11th, 2023 - 12:23pm

    Looks like that rumour was true

    • James

      August 11th, 2023 - 12:31pm

      Yep just smugglers Left. Maybe next month announcement. Underwater August, smugglers, September, season 16 October, 60th box set November. Hope get more news for more new releases as 60th year.

    • D84

      August 11th, 2023 - 1:36pm

      So happy that it was / is true

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