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March 2nd, 2020 24 comments

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Doctor Who The Timeless Children T-Shirt

Available to order for a limited time from

Brand new Doctor Who series 12 exclusives arrive at Forbidden Planet.

A range of 10 specially designed t-shirts will be available, each focused on a new episode.

These t-shirts will be only be available online, for the duration of the pre-order only.

This is a print on demand service, and delivery may take up to two weeks after the pre-order date.

Categorised under: Clothing, T Shirts



  • Alexander

    March 2nd, 2020 - 7:00pm

    So when can we expect the Jo Martin Big Finish audio dramas? I’m just asking now cause’ you know it’s gotta happen eventually.

  • Dalek Command

    March 2nd, 2020 - 4:31pm

    Agree. Who should change. It’s 60 years old and would not survive if it carried on as it started. It has to change with the times. However it is dangerous to mess with the very foundations of a show. Especially it’s history and indeed the mystery of aspects of the Doctors history which should be left untold.
    I never had a problem with a female Doctor. This made for an interesting change and why not. What I object to is the changes in Doctor Who being purely included for diversity agenda.The big one being to change its history. A lot of franchises are being destroyed in this way. The result is people/fans stop watching. They stop buying merchandise. Then manufacturers stop making it.

    • JR

      March 2nd, 2020 - 5:33pm

      What is a “diversity agenda”? I’d genuinely like an answer. I’d also like you to tell me why it upsets you so much, without using terms like “PC”. Thanks!

    • Dalek Command

      March 2nd, 2020 - 6:17pm

      JR. pleased to give you an answer.

      The BBC for several years have had a diversity agenda. This is not what I am concerned about. Need to reflect the whole population and make up of UK is good.
      What I and a lot of other fans have a problem with is the way it is implemented. Almost pushed and inserted into the show in a way which lectures and is heavy handed. I guess you can call it poor implementation.

    • Anonymous

      March 2nd, 2020 - 6:27pm


    • Rob W

      March 2nd, 2020 - 6:56pm

      Well they’ve probably now met their targets so maybe things will improve next year.

    • Dalek Z

      March 2nd, 2020 - 11:38pm

      The show should change I agree, adding to the backstory is something everyone ever involved in making the show has done. Those foundations were simply writers adding to the lore as most of it didn’t exist at the start so you can always add to it or change it. New Who changed a lot by destroying the Timelords, skip a few years that idea is reversed and we get a secret Doctor inserted between 8 and 9. I don’t see the “agenda” but then I’m not looking for one I just enjoy the show because it’s the only show on TV that can reinvent every few years and still be the same and say new things.

    • JR

      March 3rd, 2020 - 5:46pm

      Thank you for answering, Dalek Command.

  • Mrs Croot

    March 2nd, 2020 - 4:21pm

    Many people are going to hate the story because of “The Timeless Child”, but there is nothing to hate. All Chibnall did was canonise the “Morbius Doctors”.

    Therefore it’s nothing new and made for an interesting story, so if you hate this, you hate the classic that is “The Brain of Morbius”.

    This was an excellent story!

    • Dalek Z

      March 2nd, 2020 - 11:47pm

      I agree, I love that that idea in Brain of Morbius can now be seen as canon even if we don’t know where they fit exactly maybe it’s better that way too. It’s the same as Moffet making Big Finish companions canon to the show with the 8th Doctor saying their names.
      The Timeless Child is a nice new way of adding mystery to the show again when we almost know everything about the Doctors history by now.

      I loved it, the series was very enjoyable overall too.

  • Jordan9364

    March 2nd, 2020 - 12:29pm

    This whole thing is just a mess honestly, there was no need to do what they did. I’m just going to disregard it in my head

    • Anonymous

      March 2nd, 2020 - 2:50pm

      I’m just conflicted honestly. I think it works and doesn’t. Really like t-shirt though!

    • Daz

      March 2nd, 2020 - 3:52pm

      I think it’s a natural part of developing the shows history, things change and new bits get added.
      These things were never set in stone from day one and showrunners have added to the history ever since. I’m okay with it all as new stuff keeps it interesting.

    • Dalek Command

      March 2nd, 2020 - 3:54pm

      Agree. Why change a shows history? Diversity more important to the BBC than story or indeed the shows 60 year history. A real shame.
      Nice t-shirt but will not be buying.

    • Anonymous

      March 2nd, 2020 - 4:02pm

      A show all about change and the fans can’t stand it…

    • Dalek Z

      March 2nd, 2020 - 4:08pm

      The history was developed over many years by many writers it’s their job to add to the lore and do new things with it. Robert Holmes changed the Timelords to make them them corrupt, some stories hinted at the Doctor being more than what we knew like the 7th Doctor hinting he had something to do with the early days of his race. Why can’t there be earlier Doctors before the one we first saw on tv? The Morbius Doctors were even a hint at this back in 1979.

    • Dalek Z

      March 2nd, 2020 - 4:12pm

      Nothing wrong with change, if nothing changes why bother telling the same story over and over.

  • Adam

    March 2nd, 2020 - 9:45am

    Where’s Brendan

    • The Destroyer of Worlds

      March 2nd, 2020 - 10:17am

      I don’t think he was a real doctor, I think they said something like they made it like a filter to hide what was actually going on like how Brendan falling represents the Doctor’s first fall and when he gets his memory wiped is like the amount of times the doctor has had lives erased. So I don’t think he’s actually real, however I could be proven wrong later so I don’t know.

    • Anonymous

      March 3rd, 2020 - 9:47am

      Of course, the filter was set in Ireland, which, jokingly, has been referred to a number of times over the years as where Gallifrey is – I love that!

  • Sean Bassett

    March 2nd, 2020 - 9:40am

    Bit odd that they left the Morbius Doctors out now that they’re canonical.

    • Anonymous

      March 2nd, 2020 - 2:39pm

      That should be it’s own separate shirt.

    • Daz

      March 2nd, 2020 - 3:56pm

      I quite love that they are basically cannon now I’ve always liked the idea there was more to the Doctor before what we saw with Hartnell, he was just the first one we saw on TV.

    • Dalek Z

      March 2nd, 2020 - 4:10pm

      I’d buy that I love those hints of past Doctors!

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