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March 11th, 2025 134 comments

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Doctor Who The Third Doctor and Sonic Screwdriver Vortex Edition

Available to order from

This is the first of 5 sets planned for the year.

As usual with Exclusives, it’s a small team back at Character and demand is always huge so postage can take up to a week despite what it says on the website. So, bear with them on this.

Also, this set is an even lower run than usual, so do act quick if you want to get your hands on one. It includes features that there are no plans to replicate too. So, it truly is unique!

Character Options reveals the first Doctor Who exclusive of 2025 – The Third Doctor & sonic screwdriver set Character Options and BBC Studios are proud to announce the first of five planned exclusive Doctor Who sets for 2025, with the release of the latest Doctor Who ‘Vortex Edition’ toy, The Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) & sonic screwdriver. The set will go on sale today, 11th March 2025 solely through

The set comprises of a brand-new Third Doctor figure with an electroplated electronic sonic screwdriver. This higher specification ‘Vortex Edition’ Third Doctor figure comes with some of his iconic accessories.

The figure now features an entirely new head sculpt based on his early appearances circa 1971. The figure is decorated in the costume specifically seen in the 1971 story ‘The Daemons’. It makes use of the new higher specification decoration techniques on the head as well as a greater degree of detailing on the jacket and paisley cravat. The removable cloak accessory features a metallicized satin purple lining and joins other accessories, the Crystal of Kronos (from ‘The Time Monster’) and a giant maggot (‘The Green Death’).

Also included in the set is a full-size electroplated Third Doctor electronic sonic screwdriver. This style, with bright electro plating, has never been released before, and features a different sound chip, updated neck decals and revised colours on the emitter head.

The story of ‘The Dæmons’:

“In the peaceful village of Devil’s End something very strange is happening. A professor is preparing to open a nearby burial mound and a local white witch has foreseen death and disaster. Meanwhile, the new vicar looks suspiciously like the Master and he is using black magic to conjure up an ancient Dæmon. Can the Doctor, Jo and UNIT stop their old enemy before he succeeds?”

This stunning new set that commemorates the classic story is on sale now through and costs £44.99.  Each online exclusive release has unique features not to be seen on retail versions and with a limited amount available, this set is certainly one not to be missed!

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • Richard

    March 12th, 2025 - 11:47pm

    I don’t think it’s a terrible price but it’s not a great value either. Kind of sucks for those who would just want the figure or those who would just want the Sonic. It would’ve been a better move to sell the Sonic seperately and include a Roger Delgado alongside Pertwee.

    • ex15

      March 13th, 2025 - 8:13am

      Totally agree, Pertwee is I’d be interested in.

  • cosmosboy98

    March 12th, 2025 - 11:00pm

    I ordered this set without too much debating, as a completist I’ve only regretted Not getting a CO release. However the more reviews I watch the more I feel mugged off by the price. When Al first mentioned the Vortex Doctors range on podcasts he flagged they would be a higher price point- but for which we would see the reward in new features. Yet on the Whocave podcast he’s admitted the new S7 head already existed and was due to be a B&M release. Other reviewers have mentioned the new sonic sound chip doesn’t actually include new sounds but just a new selection reordered. So where is the reward of the higher price point? Where is the new tooling/ investment? Much is made of the fact that demand for the figure line is respectively low, and therefore these figures will have a more exclusive run. But when I see so many ‘fan influencers’ get sent sets by CO for free, it’s hard not to feel I’m being ripped off to compensate.

    • 4th Doctor

      March 13th, 2025 - 12:19am


  • AlexanderOP

    March 12th, 2025 - 6:49pm

    Feel like a bit of a broken clock here probably repeating other peoples points at this time but I’ll give my two cents anyway. I think the price isn’t too bad for what you get if you find the Sonic to be a worthwhile addition, the new chromatic paint does look really nice and there’s presumably a new sound chip too so that’s good.
    But I have a big problem with the figure, I was under the impression that “vortex edition” was basically their brand new collectors series that was going to adhere to new sculpts, new modern paintwork and arguably most importantly brand new articulation. If that isn’t true for the 3rd doctor though, when will it be true? Will they randomly get to the 7th doctor and he’s gonna have butterfly joints? Has the new articulation just been scrapped altogether after the 15th doctor figures?
    Just seems really bizarre to me to introduce this high bar for new figures then like a few months later show off the next figure in that range and it doesn’t come close to meeting that bar. I was really looking forward to a potential 4th doctor with the new upgrades or a 12th doctor that would have a brand new headsculpt, but what if they just use that same old capaldi likeness from the old figures?
    I’ll try to stay optimistic for the other figures, but this isn’t a great start and tbh I think everyone focusing on the maggot variants is right to be annoyed by that but it’s probably not the most pressing issue with this set/figure.

    • Matt Y

      March 12th, 2025 - 7:55pm

      Very well put. So much about this set/figure is disappointing.

  • Ian

    March 12th, 2025 - 2:34pm

    I ordered it. But the head is more season 7. Also looks waxy like the Sim Master that time. I believe the sonic has the same incorrect sounds. One accessory they should have put with it is a dematerlisation circuit.

    • 3rd Doctor

      March 12th, 2025 - 2:49pm

      It looks very season 7 such a shame it wasn’t the spearhead from space outfit with that head sculpt an auton homing device or something not sure if you can swap the heads over with the outfit from the sea devils which is the closet accuracy for season 7

    • TheMaster

      March 12th, 2025 - 2:58pm

      @ian – it says its using a new sound chip

    • Ian

      March 12th, 2025 - 3:59pm

      Somone watched a review video & said same sounds. Guess I’ll know for certain in a week

    • Gordon

      March 12th, 2025 - 7:21pm

      If you watch batmanmarch video on YouTube, when you pull down the screwdriver 3 times it makes the sound when he’s trying to deter the sea devil from crossing the minefield. When you pull it down 4 times it makes the sound of the electronic door in inferno where he housed his TARDIS console.

  • Snowman

    March 12th, 2025 - 1:56pm

    Looking through the Comments I’m very surprised no one mentioned that character Options have done this before.
    In the “Good Old Days” of Character, I remember them pairing an 11th Doctor with his Sonic Screwdriver in a rather Nice Boxset.

    • Kevin Kaup

      March 13th, 2025 - 4:31am

      Don’t forget the Fourth Doctor Time Capsule, which included the regen 4th in 3rd outfit (new head sculpt AND new torso sculpt), his sonic screwdriver, a CD of Genesis of the Daleks, a paperback novel, AND the R2 DVD of Terror of the Zygons–all for only £29.99!

    • bryan

      March 13th, 2025 - 11:04am

      That was 12 years ago. You can’t buy an apple for the same price as 12 years ago. Prices go up. This was a BBC Release with the 2 Entertain company NOT a CO exclusive release.

    • Snowman

      March 13th, 2025 - 1:34pm

      Yeah bryan, like you say “12” Long Years ago, I’ve only very, very Vague Memories of that Set. I think you could pick it up from Forbidden Planet, like most of the Sets back then (alot were CO/Underground Toys partnerships), Available in the US but also Forbidden Planet in the UK).
      But could you get this Set from Toys R Us?
      I’m sure I picked the old Two pack up from Toys R Us, Near Meadowhall.

    • booboo

      March 13th, 2025 - 1:41pm

      UT/FP item, it had the “cheap” non opening sonic in it as well. The time capsule set was around £60 when first released and sold off for £30, there was supposed to be 10th Doctor one as well but got cancelled

  • Theodore

    March 12th, 2025 - 12:12pm

    Batmanmarch confirmed that the Maggot is one of three random options, either attack version, aroused or just lying on the ground. Honestly, that’s my least favourite part of it. For 44 quid you should either know exactly what you’re getting, and honestly, you should just get the three. Oh well, I love the new figure and the improved Sonic is just magnificent, so…

    • The DR.

      March 12th, 2025 - 1:06pm

      I hope i get the Aroused One. But it’s just pot luck I Suppose.

    • Daniel Seymour

      March 12th, 2025 - 1:14pm

      Funny you use that A word considering what the maggot props were made of……….

    • Ian

      March 12th, 2025 - 5:51pm

      That’s a myth that the Maggots were made of a certain rubber . When the Green Death third was released a friend gave me his Maggots so I’ve plenty .

  • Tom

    March 12th, 2025 - 11:11am

    This is a brilliant idea, personally even if I did have the sonic already (which i dont) I’d still get this one, it has a new chip and accurate era sounds. And pricing wise it’s what I’d expect from a figure set in this day and age, you can’t get a figure set like this for £20 anymore. Considering the new tooling, what’s included and it’s exclusivity it’s about right.

  • MJS

    March 12th, 2025 - 10:48am

    A lot of polarized opinions on this one. I, for one, like it. These are not just toys anymore, they are aimed at collectors. New tooling, small numbers, it’s inevitable the costs are going to be higher. That being said, £45 for a figure, accessories and a full size sonic is not bad. I do appreciate not everyone wants the entire set, but that’s they way it goes. You want it? You buy it. You don’t want it? You don’t buy it.
    Yes there will be lots of folks complaining, but that’s nothing new in Dr Who circles these days.

    • Andy R

      March 12th, 2025 - 10:59am

      Absolutely agree – no one is forcing anyone to buy it, and there are secondary markets these days as well for those that want only one part of the set.

  • Daniel Seymour

    March 12th, 2025 - 8:20am

    Certainly the best looking Third Doctor figure so far, but £45 ???? really? I suppose this is the day and age of a tub of branded butter costing nearly £7 though so just have to accept this.

    • Dalekoddjob

      March 12th, 2025 - 9:10am

      Its not £45 for a figure though is it? Its £22.50.

    • Fh

      March 12th, 2025 - 9:58am

      Give off Dalekoddjob. It’s £45. If someone wants the figure they have to pay £45, so yeah it is £45. Obviously people are going to mention that fact, it’s the most expensive exclusive so far and it’s literally £45 for a set that contains one figure. Honestly, I don’t get you folks that bend over backwards to defend Character Options. Saw someone yesterday call this a ‘bargain’. We all support the line and buy the products, but that doesn’t mean we have to pretend that things aren’t overpriced when they’re overpriced.

    • bryan

      March 12th, 2025 - 10:49am

      Hi FH

      Is it “overpriced” or just expensive, like the Butter situation. Im not sure whats in the CO figures. Poly this and Poly that no doubt. it all used to be oil based, which is astronomical. Moulds, Sculpting, packaging, shipping(thiers) painting. etc All more expensive.

      Im not an apologist for CO, but I am fair minded about what we are getting

      cloak removable (NEW)
      Doctors outfit. New crisper detailing
      New Metalicised Colouring on Purple bits to give it a satin sheen (NEW)
      Head sculpt (NEW)
      Metalcised Sonic (NEW)

      A friend of mines mother buys the same body wash pack, but never used the conditioner. She moans. As she dosent want the conditioner, she uses a different make.

      Someone will always want one piece over another. But cutting the prices up is a fools errand, as the Box was put together to cost a certain way. Sell to sonic buyers, Figure buyers.

      £40 + 5 postage. isnt that bad a price . B&M support CO by buying a set of boxes. they pay upfront for them. This is CO making, selling, mareting etc so its always going to be more expensive.

    • Walter Hardback

      March 12th, 2025 - 1:52pm

      bryan: The selling point is that the detail is less crisp, looking less like a typical paint job.

      It’s all about improved paint here, nothing more. The removable cloak surely saves money on glue or the melting process, and the new head is just wrong – I thought the figure looked great in the little pic on the main page, but that went away on clicking the product page. Might as well have been a Worzel head (although those were easily swappable).

    • Jay

      March 12th, 2025 - 3:06pm

      Give it a year and you’ll be able to sell the sonic for more than the entire set costs now. Obviously I’d rather just have a set with the figure for a better price but I’ll make the money back anyway, so it’s not a big deal.

    • bryan

      March 12th, 2025 - 3:31pm

      Hi Walter. I think your wrong there. The blurb even says.

      ……It makes use of the new higher specification decoration techniques on the head as well as a greater degree of detailing on the jacket and paisley cravat. The removable cloak accessory features a metallicized satin purple lining and joins other accessories…….

      So more Detailed decoration techniques.

    • The Brigadier@2013

      March 12th, 2025 - 5:31pm

      The last time a Third Doctor sonic was available (through Forbidden Planet I think) it was £19.99 and that was a good 10 to 15 years ago.

      The 15th Doctor figure (Vortex edition) was effectively £25 (£50 with Ruby, so £25 on its own effectively).

      So £45 for this set is par, even partly based on prices for the sonic all those years ago. And that’s before you even consider higher costs these days and the fact that it’s a new paint job!

  • The Werewolf

    March 12th, 2025 - 1:15am

    A shame forced to buy something I don’t collect (giant sonics) but still really nice, ordered this morning.

    • More then 2 alphabets

      March 12th, 2025 - 4:21am

      No one is forcing you to do anything.

      The sonic isn’t giant, it’s 1:1 scale

    • Fh

      March 12th, 2025 - 10:11am

      You misunderstood his comment, alphabets. You are indeed forced by something you don’t want if you want the figure but not the sonic.

    • Walter Hardback

      March 12th, 2025 - 12:43pm

      Fh: He knows exactly what he’s saying… (And, short version, I also disagree with him.)

      My advice for people who only want half the set, which understandably seems like a lot, is that as long as the set is available new somewhere for RRP (either CO, or sold on to Forbidden Planet) there will be sets being broken up and sold on Fleabay quite reasonably, especially if you leave it a bit. That’s what happened with the other exclusive sets, and this year I bought a new Movellan with gun for 13 quid delivered and a new Fugitive Dr Tardis for about 22 delivered. Silurians can also turn up for just over a tenner.

  • Anthony Fagn

    March 11th, 2025 - 11:46pm

    Not too excited about the accessories on this one. Why a maggot? Why the Kronos Crystal? Surely The Metebellis 3 crystal would have been more appropriate. The spinning mirror tool on Peladon. The TARDIS sniffer outer device. Heck even a little trowel he used in The Daemons would have made more sense.

    • Fh

      March 12th, 2025 - 1:21am

      Ah, but the thing you’re missing is…. all the included accessories have already been made. 😉

    • Nic Saunders

      March 12th, 2025 - 8:17am

      A little Bessie remote would have been nice.

  • Moon

    March 11th, 2025 - 11:04pm

    All good stuff. I’m hoping we get a new head for a 2nd Doctor. As for The War Games Sonic… Al is welcome to contact me via my blog as I have an original where I’d be happy to loan for measurements

    • Walter Hardback

      March 12th, 2025 - 2:00am

      I think the owners of the original product might not look too kindly on their design being copied that precisely? Besides, Character’s budget probably wouldn’t stretch that far these days…

      A couple of things for your useful blog, since I can’t post on it: There is a blue version of the 2nd Doctor hankie (I’ve got one), and the pen torch used as the sonic in The War Games had a change-over period with the twist top and dull metal body (my dad had one, which I obviously borrowed to play with after seeing the story on tape). Presumably this was early on, using left-over metal parts.

  • The Grumpy Dalek

    March 11th, 2025 - 9:57pm

    Why do they keep reusing that same jacket sculpt for every 3rd Doctor Figure?! I don’t get it, it’s a PVC!
    Pertwee wore 10 different jackets on screen, and that single sculpt only covers 4 of them. I know most Doctor figures share the same sculpts for most of their figures (which mostly works since the costumes for most Doctors rarely change drastically), but The 4th Doctor has multiple jacket & coat sculpts so why not The 3rd Doctor?

    I don’t understand, other Doctor figures ge

    • Walter Hardback

      March 12th, 2025 - 3:08am

      Penny-pinching, but clearly the costs and sales potential aren’t in our favour if they can’t even stretch for this £45 set. So it’s probably never going to happen now unfortunately. (I wonder if it’s the BBC or Character that put the funding and/or exclusive product restrictions in place, stopping them from doing a Hasbro?)

  • AndyR

    March 11th, 2025 - 9:48pm

    I love the new sculpt and for once, the 3rd Doctor is smiling (please do a 2nd Doctor with a grin as well if it comes to it). While a little pricey, I haven’t brought either the 15th, Ruby or any exclusives recently so decided to splash out. It’s just amazing that CO continue to have faith in the line and do exclusives – who would have thought we’d be getting figures still based on stories from 1971.

  • Mark @ Terraqueous

    March 11th, 2025 - 8:49pm

    I think the remaing four sets will also include a fullsize electroplated sonic, along with a figure.

    • Paddy Troughton

      March 12th, 2025 - 9:55am

      Probably. Feel they will end up doing a Day of the Doctor 10th as I think the head sculpt already exists and that sonic always sells.

  • Tom Williams

    March 11th, 2025 - 8:37pm

    Hate too say but brought the original 3rd dr and maggots set recent off ebay but arrived cracked in the side off the packaging :/ this is mainly a good edition too get cause off that reason as well i guess esp been after the screwdriver

  • Doug Who

    March 11th, 2025 - 8:06pm

    I think this is a lovely set and very nicely packaged. The Green Death set was one of the few I didn’t ever get so nice to get a Maggot!

    It’s a little pricey but not extortionate and I think there’s enough included to make it value for money.

    Looking forward to seeing the others in the series!

  • Whofan44

    March 11th, 2025 - 7:43pm

    While I would like to have this I only want to figure not the screwdriver as I already have a 3rd Doctor sonic. However if they a War Doctor and 13th Doctor get sets like this I will certainly buy them as I have neither figure or sonic.

  • Young J

    March 11th, 2025 - 6:42pm

    I have ordered one aswell

    • PJ

      March 11th, 2025 - 7:59pm


    • FH

      March 11th, 2025 - 8:15pm

      How do you know there’s not many left, PJ?

  • Nic Saunders

    March 11th, 2025 - 6:24pm

    The blister pack looks like it has space for multiple versions of the maggot – has anyone else seen this? Does this mean there might be three maggot variants? Umm… not sure I like that idea much.

    • Snowman

      March 11th, 2025 - 6:33pm

      Yeah, It was Mentioned on Facebook This Morning that it looks like the Blister can Hold any of the Three Variants.
      Speculation is You’ll Get One Maggot randomly Packaged and you won’t know which One untill you open up the Box.

  • Walter Hardback

    March 11th, 2025 - 6:08pm

    Note to Character: When you do the 4th Doctor, maybe make use of the old swappable heads mould and provide some alternatives…

  • Haza14

    March 11th, 2025 - 5:34pm

    All the items look great, but unfortunately I can’t justify the price personally. The 3rd Doctor with accessories is a figure I would buy individually if it was in the region of £25 (I don’t think this would have been unworkable for Character considering the price of recently produced figures). The sonic, while nice looking, is not worth the extra £20 to me.

    It’s great to see Character producing new figures. But I wonder if they’ve limited their market with this one. At that price they’re reliant on people wanting both items from two different collections. Making them both available separately at £20-25 each might have been a better way to go. Maybe the increased cost of packing and shipping two distinct items would have made it unviable.

    • Spacewarp

      March 12th, 2025 - 9:46am

      Well CO sell Sonics on their own for about £30, and single figures for about £20. So this is a bargain, with an exclusive and potentially rare 3rd Doctor only costing you £15. Similarly the recent 15th Doctor & Ruby set – two figures for £40. Or the B&M Friends & Foes set – three figures for £22. They’re only expensive if you only want one of the contents.

    • Haza14

      March 12th, 2025 - 1:33pm

      Which is the point I was making. It’s a fair price IF you want both items, but grouping them together seems like an odd choice to me.

  • Will

    March 11th, 2025 - 5:24pm

    Shame it’s not a Spearhead from Space Third Doctor but hey, I like it. Even if as usual it makes little sense to whack a younger head on an older body but who’s complaining? The Crystal is nice, but I think I’d rather have had the nestine ball – That would feel more right with this set.

    So Doctor and sonics, with 4 more left – Most likely electroplated so what does that leave you…

    4 or 5 – (Standard to expect them)
    7 or 8 (An older, Movie 7 that’s a proper sculpt would be great)
    War Doctor – Electroplated sonic would be awesome.
    9 or 10 (About time, it’s like the they never release that sonic!)
    11 – Dare I dream for a red setting…
    12 – A S10 12, long black velvet coat, That I would be so down for!

    Anything after seems a bit too early.

    Suddenly those fake electroplated 10/11/12’s on eBay look almost out of their time.

    • pb

      March 11th, 2025 - 5:46pm

      I don’t know how easy Pertwee heads pop off, but I was thinking of swapping a Sea Devil’s Pertwee head with this one….. of course, then I’d have to get a Sea Devil’s Pertwee…… Might paint the hair darker too.

  • Rob

    March 11th, 2025 - 4:59pm

    What are the other five Doctors in this range?

    I would say the most popular would be

    T Baker

    • TimelordTim

      March 11th, 2025 - 5:09pm

      This is the first of 5, so only 4 more to pick.
      My guesses are Troughton, T Baker, Davison and McCoy. For some reason I think they’ll go all classic initially, but if not, swap Smith in for McCoy.

    • Walter Hardback

      March 11th, 2025 - 5:36pm

      If they want to include a sonic, that leaves out the first two Doctors – unless there’s a similar off the shelf accessory they could use?

    • Rob

      March 11th, 2025 - 6:09pm

      Trout with a different head and not the grimace, would be great and a better McCoy head as well.

    • Philip

      March 11th, 2025 - 10:48pm

      Fury Troughton with blue hat and orange life vest, the first pen torch sonic.
      Tom Baker, I’m not sure what variant we’ve had most of them. Davison has no choice of costumes and have been done to death, perhaps a black orchid fancy dress of Warriors overalls. Colin could have his sonic lance. They are bound to fo another Tennant with sonic, maybe a war dr but his sonic is a bit boring.

    • The Outcast

      March 12th, 2025 - 7:08am

      I think you’ve gotten a bit confused. There aren’t five more of these sorts of Doctor/Sonic sets coming this year – there’s just five sets in total coming from CO online this year (and this counts as one of them).

      So the other four sets coming this year could be anything – not just packs like this. We could get another Ruins of Skaro-esk pack, for instance.

  • FH

    March 11th, 2025 - 4:37pm

    As written on the 15th Doctor packaging: ‘VORTEX EDITION – These are a new range of Gen 3 figures which feature a higher specification deco applied over base colour plastics for extra detail. Features include internal pivots on the neck, ball jointed shoulders and internal pins on the arms and legs.’

    Well, that lasted long didn’t it. It should’ve read ‘VORTEX EDITION – These are a new range of products featuring a single figure packaged in oddly shaped boxes, stuffed with a couple of random accessories so we can pretend it’s justified to overprice them.’

    • Snowman

      March 11th, 2025 - 4:52pm

      I Noticed the Box Shape as Changed already after just Two Figures Released in the Range. (I don’t mind the Oddly shaped Boxs, I think with the Colour Design they look great).

    • FH

      March 11th, 2025 - 4:55pm

      Yeah, I don’t mind them too, but I assume they must be more expensive to produce than regular shaped boxes. I might be wrong, I just feel the irregular shape must be more difficult to make, so a part of me feels like it’s another decision to justify the higher pricing.

  • Walter Hardback

    March 11th, 2025 - 4:07pm

    The word that comes to mind is ‘hotchpotch’. It’s no wonder they’re producing more limited numbers, because too many people are just going to go, “nah!” and pass.

    Why produce a new head sculpt that is less accurate for the figure than the old one would have been? Were they hoping to make a Season 7 figure, but the budget wouldn’t stretch to the new torso elements? If this is the current plan for the Vortex series then it might be better to buy some cheap figures on Fleabay and some paints – exactly what I started doing last month. Plus Milliput is your friend for sculpting.

    • Dave

      March 12th, 2025 - 10:52am

      I agree with this really. I was under the impression Vortex would be proper revamps of the Doctors, bringing them into line with the fifteenth Doctor figure in terms of articulation. If they’re just straight repaints with new heads, of the type we see in a B&M set, then I’m struggling to see the audience (beyond completists who want every Pertwee variant released or those that haven’t chance to pick one up before).

      I don’t think I’d have really double-dipped with Vortex for many Doctors, as my DW toys just stay static on a shelf so I don’t think articulation is a priority for me. Nonetheless, I saw the appeal for many others. If this is representative of the range, I struggle to see the audience.

  • Pb

    March 11th, 2025 - 4:06pm

    Just to clarify, it doesn’t seem to have the new 15th doctor articulation, right? Which is a shame as I know they said they were hoping to release every doctor with the new articulation, and to get Pertwee in his iconic poses would’ve been great. Especially the Venusian aikido attack strikes! Still a great set, albeit pricey, but man would’ve loved the new articulation on Pertwee.

    • pb

      March 11th, 2025 - 4:18pm

      Yeah, can’t deny, was super excited when I first saw this but this was a real missed opportunity, it’s bumming me out now……. and the price is unreal for literally a single figure where the only new thing is a head sculpt. I say this as a massive Pertwee fan and even I’m struggling to decide whether to get this lol. What are you actually doing Character Options?

    • Walter Hardback

      March 11th, 2025 - 5:29pm

      They’re just reusing the old 3rd Doctor sculpt here unfortunately.

  • bryan

    March 11th, 2025 - 3:58pm

    Gorgeous sculpture. And the Cape is removable giving us a number of stories it fits in. The detailing on the costume is much crisper, I wonder if this too has been updated.

    Great new sonic with the metallic finish. The maggot and Crystal are nice and although I have my crystal I know some have lost thiers.

    Would have loved a Blue Crystal. £45 free postage is a good price. Remembering the materials have increased a lot like everything else.

    These are made by CO for sale to us. B&M buy stock from CO so these are bound to be more expensive.

  • UK Viewer

    March 11th, 2025 - 3:46pm

    Brilliant new figure, great likeness in the new head sculpt! Pleased to get another Giant Maggot (always wished they had released a set of these as there were so many in the episodes!). The Crystal is good and a spare sonic.
    Loving the new life size sonic… shiny!

    Personally I think the price is fine.

  • Andy

    March 11th, 2025 - 3:34pm

    Honestly, it is a little expensive, but the Sonic looks good (electroplated) the figures new paint job is nice and it does have a bit of “exclusivity” about it. I don’t order all of these but some are worth it, the 3rd doctor is worth it (but yes, agree with others a little on the pricey side!).


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