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July 2nd, 2024 13 comments

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Doctor Who The Stuff of Legend Stage Play

Paul McGann and India Fisher to star in special one-off live recording of Big Finish’s Eighth Doctor adventure

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of licensed Doctor Who audio dramas, Big Finish Theatre, in partnership with BBC Studios, Fourth Wall Live and AEG, is proud to announce a unique full-cast live recording event, taking place at Cadogan Hall, London on Saturday 14 September 2024.

For the very first time, Doctor Who fans will be able to watch an all-star cast take to the stage to perform a brand-new audio play, The Stuff of Legend, by Robert Valentine.

Leading the cast is Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor and India Fisher as his indomitable companion Charley Pollard. They’ll be joined onstage by Alex Macqueen as the Master alongside Nicholas Briggs, who voices the Doctor’s unstoppable arch-enemy, the Daleks.

Something is afoot in the lonely Cornish village of Merrymaid Bay. Rumours of dead men working in the tin mines have sent a chill through the community, and it’s up to the Doctor and Charley to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Can the legends of the Bucca that haunts the mines be true? And just what awesome power do the Doctor’s greatest enemies – the Daleks! – threaten to unleash upon the universe?

Tickets will be available to order at from 10:00 on Friday 05 July, with prices beginning at £18.00.

Big Finish executive producer Jason Haigh-Ellery said: “25 years? It feels like 25 seconds! Producing the audio adventures of Doctor Who has been such a joy that two and a half decades has flown by – almost as if we have all been in the time vortex with the Doctor.

“We’ve enjoyed ourselves so much producing thousands of hours of audio drama adventures – and now we have the chance to show fans of the series how the audio productions are made, with a new live performance – the first time Doctor Who has been performed live on stage since 1989.”

Dominic Walker, Global Business Director at BBC Studios, added: “After 25 years of working with Big Finish on the Doctor Who audio adventures, BBC Studios is excited to now be bringing a live version to the stage. The Stuff of Legend is a fitting celebration and I am delighted that fans will be able to witness the recording of such a momentous anniversary story up close and personal.”

Cadogan Hall has limited capacity so fans are advised to book quickly to avoid disappointment.

Simultaneous to the live stage show, a full-cast studio production of Doctor Who: The Stuff of Legend will be released on 14 September 2024. Big Finish listeners can pre-order this adventure now for just £15.99 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £12.99 (download only) at This will also be available to purchase as a collector’s edition CD at the event.

Categorised under: Events, Retail



  • DanWFA

    July 5th, 2024 - 12:29pm

    Hope this is allowed to share, please do delete if not!!

    For anyone who’s not gotten tickets and want them for the Matinee show I’ve two tickets available as my mate also bought tickets for us and managed to get front row.
    They are K14 and L14 though on the stalls so not next to each other.
    If your interested at all please let me know! my @ is the same on Twitter 🙂

  • Zarbi

    July 4th, 2024 - 8:43pm

    It’ll never happen, but a Blu-ray would be brilliant.

  • Pierss

    July 4th, 2024 - 11:28am

    Hooray, booked – managed to get row BB centre 😀

    • Peter

      July 5th, 2024 - 11:11am

      Lucky you. I got nothing, and that was showing up for presale on time.

  • Bob James

    July 3rd, 2024 - 7:44pm

    Now if they’d just bring something like this in the States………….

  • WhoCollector

    July 2nd, 2024 - 6:07pm

    So is this like a stage play – ie actors in costume acting? Im slightly confused on the wording. If so will it be recorded?

    • The Fishmonger

      July 2nd, 2024 - 8:47pm

      It sounds like it will be a recording with them reading from scripts. A full play would take too much time and money to prepare just for 2 performances. Sounds really good though.

    • Rex F

      July 2nd, 2024 - 8:56pm

      It’ll be like one of those play reading performances I expect. If they’re showing how a BF is recorded then I doubt they’ll be moving around the stage much, as it wouldn’t be accurate. Think of a radio comedy show recording, but with fewer laughs.

    • DanWFA

      July 2nd, 2024 - 11:35pm

      It’s going to be exactly like the Dads Army Big Finish recordings they did in January. Looks like the audio has been recorded already in studio back in April and Barnaby Edward’s confirmed to me on Twitter that it’s a performance of the script in front of microphones with audio enhancements (e.g music, sound effects…)

    • Bundy

      July 3rd, 2024 - 7:50pm

      The wording is VERY confusing – “special one-off live recording” – but there are two rather than one shows, and the recording has already been done in the studio and is being released at the same time as this happens??

    • Peter

      July 4th, 2024 - 9:37am

      As per this quote: “The Stuff of Legend is a fitting celebration and I am delighted that fans will be able to witness the recording of such a momentous anniversary story up close and personal.” Got me thinking the audience will be watching it being recorded live on stage. That’s probably why they doing two performances: at BF day there they said they normally never need to do more than two takes. So two performances gives them a little help in the edit, if required. Might also explain why the sound effects and music all done: it’s just the performances now that need captured.

      Either way, if it’s not the *actual recording being made* I seriously don’t care. I’ve always wanted to be at the BF studios for a day to see a Who audio being recorded, and this is as close as I’ll get.

    • Rex F

      July 4th, 2024 - 12:13pm

      It says in the PR above that the pre-recorded studio production comes out the same day. No doubt fans will compare and contrast if the live recordings are made available later.

  • Drwhofan08

    July 2nd, 2024 - 3:10pm



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