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Doctor Who The Savages Steelbook
Available to order from www.amazon.co.uk, www.zavvi.com and www.rarewaves.com
The Savages, a four-part series from the Whoniverse, first broadcast between May and June 1966 on the BBC, will return as an animated series to be released on DVD, Blu-ray and a limited-edition Blu-ray Steelbook next spring.
With the original master recording lost, as many of these television episodes where historically wiped after transmission, the BBC Studios Home Entertainment teams worked with original audio recordings and soundtracks of all four episodes and a team of animators to bring back to fans this long-lost story arc.
This three-disc release will include all four 25-minutes animated episodes in both colour and in black and white, as well as a host of exclusive bonus features:
- Alternative black and white presentation of all four episodes
- Episode reconstructions of all four episodes, featuring material from the original 1966 production. Available with optional audio description from Peter Purves
- Cast/crew audio commentaries presented by Toby Hadoke. With actors Kay Patrick (Flower) and the late Robert Sidaway (Avon) on episodes 1 and 2 and with Peter Purves (Steven) and studio floor assistant, Julian Aston on episodes 3 and 4
- Remembering/Forgetting The Savages – A new 100-minute documentary on the making of the original 1966 production of The Savages. Directed by Stuart Denman and presented by Toby Hadoke.
- Innes Lloyd – The Producer – New 90-minute documentary on the life of Doctor Who producer, Innes Lloyd. Directed by Charles Norton and narrated by Jane Asher.
- Surviving Footage Compilation – Short film extracts from the otherwise lost episodes 1, 3 and 4.
- 1968 BBC training film, featuring The Savages director, Christopher Barry.
- Photo Gallery
- Animation Gallery
- ROM Content
In this early story, the Doctor (William Hartnell) and his travelling companions, Steven (Peter Purves) and Dodo (Jackie Lane), arrive on an unnamed planet where they encounter two distinct people – the Elders and the Savages. They soon discover the Elders are the evil ones, draining the primitive Savages for their life source to remain young and powerful forever. This story marks the final appearance of Purves as Steven.
This three-discs release will include all four 25-minutes animated episodes in colour and black and white, as well as exclusive bonus features.
Paul Hembury, Executive Producer commented: “We have a wonderful team of creators who work together to bring these lost Doctor Who stories back to life through animation. It’s always an exciting time when a story nears completion, and we prepare to share it with the fans, for whom it has been made. “
In addition, BBC Studios Home Entertainment will also be releasing the new colourisation of The War Games. Originally aired in 1969, The War Games marked the end of an era for the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton), following him and his companions Zoe and Jamie as they land in a battlefield that appears to be a World War I military zone – but all is not as it seems. They soon discover that soldiers from different historical periods have been abducted and are being manipulated in a cruel game. As they work to uncover the mystery behind the War Lord and his twisted experiments, the Doctor faces one of his most difficult challenges.
For the first time, these original episodes have been meticulously colourised and enhanced with updated visual effects edited into a new, 90-minute feature-length experience to appeal to today’s modern audiences. With updated sound and a new score, this newly updated version of The War Games offers both fans and newcomers even more ways to watch the much-loved classic story. This title will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and limited-edition Blu-ray Steelbook and will air on BBC will air on 23 December 2024 on BBC Four and BBC iPlayer.
February 28th, 2025 - 10:29pmIt was said at the savages animation screening at the bfi tonight that “more is coming”
February 28th, 2025 - 10:46pmOr at least implied. A solution is being worked on to up the number of titles being produced but nothing is currently finalised. Nothing is currently being worked on but hopefully soon. The way it was worded does not rule out something else being already completed.
IPlayer is heavily implied to be helping funding these. Season sets are now a contributing factor on titles chosen.
February 13th, 2025 - 6:48pmhttps://youtu.be/1m6WS-xbE8Y?si=WHXkLlqit0w3fJfX
For those intrigued at the 1968 bbc training film. Hopefully will be restored for the blu ray release. Fun fact this is the only surviving footage from z cars in 1968 which is also the only surviving footage of Joss Ackland as a series regular.
Craig F
February 16th, 2025 - 4:21pmAn interesting piece of bbc film history indeed.
Did Douglas Camfield do a similar training film too? I think it was mention in his autobiography.
If so I wonder if it still exists.
February 17th, 2025 - 1:23amCan’t find any info of him doing one. He definitely did the bbc directors course though
Craig F
February 17th, 2025 - 5:49pmAh probably getting mixed up with the directors course then.
Thanks anyway Gordon.
February 12th, 2025 - 5:31pmA Nice Looking Book. Really like the Design.
February 12th, 2025 - 2:43pmCover and extras are up
Alternative black and white presentation of all four episodes
Episode reconstructions of all four episodes, featuring material from the original 1966 production. Available with optional audio description from Peter Purves
Cast/crew audio commentaries presented by Toby Hadoke. With actors Kay Patrick (Flower) and the late Robert Sidaway (Avon) on episodes 1 and 2 and with Peter Purves (Steven) and studio floor assistant, Julian Aston on episodes 3 and 4
Remembering/Forgetting The Savages – A new 100-minute documentary on the making of the original 1966 production of The Savages. Directed by Stuart Denman and presented by Toby Hadoke.
Innes Lloyd – The Producer – New 90-minute documentary on the life of Doctor Who producer, Innes Lloyd. Directed by Charles Norton and narrated by Jane Asher.
Surviving Footage Compilation – Short film extracts from the otherwise lost episodes 1, 3 and 4.
1968 BBC training film, featuring The Savages director, Christopher Barry.
Photo Gallery
Animation Gallery
ROM Content
Prowl 1701
February 12th, 2025 - 3:54pmThe Steelbook looks great, glad I have it pre ordered! I’m surprised the Innes Llyod doc isn’t being saved for a Collection set.
February 12th, 2025 - 5:45pmYeah. Thought you would like it prowl. I was surprised at the inclusion of the Innes Loyd doc There is quite a few people involved with season 3 that deserves a tribute. To name a few off the top of my head:
John Willes
Gerry Davis
John lucarotti
Ian Stewart Black
adrienne Hill
Jackie Lane
Michael Ferguson
I doubt the budget will be there to cover them all. Guessing this frees up the budget to focus on other people.
February 12th, 2025 - 6:13pmLooking forward to that 100 mun documentary!
Prowl 1701
February 12th, 2025 - 8:15pmDefinitely going to be doing a video raving about how much I like that art work, love that they are putting the back of the Steelbook to good use as it is often wasted I feel.
I had forgotten just how much people were moving around behind the scenes this season with producers and script editors.
Craig F
February 13th, 2025 - 9:49pmI’m impressed by the wealth of extras on this release, certainly the most for an animation to date.
It’s good to see the remaining cast & crew involved too, I see that Patrick Godfrey – Tor is still with us but not mentioned as a contributer.
Well he is 91 perhaps his health may of prevented him from contributing?
February 13th, 2025 - 11:25pmMaybe he’s part of the making of. It has 100 minutes to cover
February 14th, 2025 - 9:45am@Prowl, I absolutely adore this cover. Love the contrast and sense of symmetry between the front and back images. They really have outdone themselves this time.
February 14th, 2025 - 11:16amI do love the fact that we have gone from a story which is always forgotten to it getting one of the longest making ofs ever made
February 14th, 2025 - 3:09pmI wonder if the wealth of extras have anything to do with he collection. I know they said they are a separate range but surely some of this stuff will reappear on the collection set surely the producers can do a deal to dip in each other budget knowing fans will double dip alot of these releases. Looking to be a busy month of March between this and S7
February 14th, 2025 - 6:56pmNo they won’t be dipping into each others budgets. The animations are already expensive enough without having an IOU from a set that won’t be out for several years. Everything will be within its own contained budget.
Now when it eventually comes time for Season 3 to be released, these animations and special features will already be done and paid for which means their budget can be focused elsewhere, but they have no guarantee of what the industry or economy will be like at that point so can’t be spending it in advance.
Prowl 1701
February 14th, 2025 - 8:46pm@Rory. Yeah, I love the contrast between the front and the back, and that the front and back of the steelbook are utilized well. Excited for this one,.
February 15th, 2025 - 12:23am@barney pretty much what scotel said. The animations and collection sets each have their own budget. The extras budget for the animations are allocated depending various circumstances. It could be because they feel it is a story that deserves a bit of love or that it’s a release that has a lot of potential extras that can be produced for that release. It just so happened that they were able to juggle and stretch the budget to do more than one documentary. Toby hadoke said it’s not a normal occurrence. They just got carried away. He also said Don’t expect it to be a normal thing with the animations. It definitely does benefit the collection sets.
When season 3 comes along it will have its own separate budget plus the savages portion is pretty good to go. The picture/sound restoration, reconstructions and documentiaries will have already been paid for and cleared for release from the individual release and the budget can be spent on either other savages extras or another story of season 3. Considering how packed the stand alone savages release I don’t expect there be too much new for the savages outside of a behind the sofa and maybe an in conversation with Peter purvis so the budget will probably go towards another story.
February 16th, 2025 - 4:44pmBest/most extras yet on an animation release?
February 17th, 2025 - 1:25amIt’s up there. Maybe 10th planet from the dvd era or the shada steelbook could run it close
February 12th, 2025 - 2:16pmCOVERs HAVE BEEN RELEASED NOW
Alzie Who 66
February 2nd, 2025 - 8:56pmIs there a proper break down of the “extras” for this release? Commentaries?? Look forward to seeing it regardless
February 2nd, 2025 - 10:29pmNot yet. I expect that within the next week or 2 with the artwork.
January 19th, 2025 - 10:34pm‘The Smugglers are coming!’ – direct quote from Anneke Wills on stage in the Epsom Playhouse today…
February 16th, 2025 - 3:16pmAny source or follow-up?
February 16th, 2025 - 11:49pmNothing announced but what exactly was said:
“Cornwall! I loved Cornwall. And you might be seeing more from Cornwall soon! Though I’m not meant to say anything”.
She has also posted a denial through her Facebook: Anneke has heard on the grapevine that there are rumours that she said that Doctor Who – The Smugglers was being animated. Anneke says that is *not* what she said; The Smugglers is her favourite story and she hopes it will be animated but has no idea if it will be! So don’t believe everything you read on the internet!
As I said on the s7 thread something is definitely happening with smugglers. I got told she did film extras in June 2023 (a Toby hadoke presented weekend with directed by Chris chapman). It’s most likely for an animation but some are suggesting there might be a recovery (I’ll believe it when I see it). It’s also possible that the extras she has filmed is for season 4 set rather than an animation but seeing as that’s probably a while off I expect the animation will come first.
December 13th, 2024 - 5:10pmWhen I used the Zavvi link yesterday for the Savages Blu-Ray. (I was Just Browsing). On the Savages page, Directly Underneath the Pre-Order page was Two other Steelbook offers (Guests Frequently bought together) it said.
It was the Mandalorian Season 3 Steelbook and Ahsoka Season 1 Steelbook. (Instant Pre-Order Purchases for me). So i hope some Commission was earned using the link.
I have all the Previous Disney Star wars TV Series that have been released on Steelbook but I didn’t even know these shows had been slated for release yet.
So what a Surprise when I followed the Savages link. So Thankyou.
February 7th, 2025 - 1:31pmThe Star Wars Ahsoka Blu-Ray Steelbook arrived this Morning. Total Surprise as I hadn’t Realised the Release Date was so Close.
Luckily I was Browsing Zavvi awhile back looking for the Savages Steelbook and Noticed Two Star Wars Steelbooks had Gone up For Pre-Order around the same Time.
February 7th, 2025 - 1:43pmJust Noticed it’s come Early. The Site Still says Pre-Order and not Released while The 10th of February. Rather Strangely I never, ever Get any Dr Who Steelbooks, DVDs or Blu- Rays Early?
February 7th, 2025 - 4:07pmIt’s that Disney money again.
December 13th, 2024 - 12:52pmJust Ordered from Amazon. I usually use them as they don’t charge you while they are ready to ship.
December 13th, 2024 - 3:00pmOrder now ( just to Reserve a Copy). Then nothing to pay while the end of March next Year.Whats not to like?
December 13th, 2024 - 3:30pmH m v do the same
December 13th, 2024 - 3:50pmi am going to order it with h m v because i got 20% off but i got to wait until the war games in colour dvd is announced so i can get the free postage then it will be £ 24 the pair
Craig F
December 13th, 2024 - 8:13pmJust ordered mine from Zavvi for the first time, nice & easy.
I was getting fed up with late orders from my regular retailer, a delivered on day of release would be great.
December 13th, 2024 - 9:54amSteelbook has become available to pre order today so dropped an order just now
Looking good