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December 12th, 2024 111 comments

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Doctor Who The Savages Blu-ray

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The Savages, a four-part series from the Whoniverse, first broadcast between May and June 1966 on the BBC, will return as an animated series to be released on DVD, Blu-ray and a limited-edition Blu-ray Steelbook next spring.

This three-disc release will include all four 25-minutes animated episodes in both colour and in black and white, as well as a host of exclusive bonus features:

  • Alternative black and white presentation of all four episodes
  • Episode reconstructions of all four episodes, featuring material from the original 1966 production. Available with optional audio description from Peter Purves
  • Cast/crew audio commentaries presented by Toby Hadoke. With actors Kay Patrick (Flower) and the late Robert Sidaway (Avon) on episodes 1 and 2 and with Peter Purves (Steven) and studio floor assistant, Julian Aston on episodes 3 and 4
  • Remembering/Forgetting The Savages – A new 100-minute documentary on the making of the original 1966 production of The Savages. Directed by Stuart Denman and presented by Toby Hadoke.
  • Innes Lloyd – The Producer – New 90-minute documentary on the life of Doctor Who producer, Innes Lloyd. Directed by Charles Norton and narrated by Jane Asher.
  • Surviving Footage Compilation – Short film extracts from the otherwise lost episodes 1, 3 and 4.
  • 1968 BBC training film, featuring The Savages director, Christopher Barry.
  • Photo Gallery
  • Animation Gallery
  • ROM Content

With the original master recording lost, as many of these television episodes where historically wiped after transmission, the BBC Studios Home Entertainment teams worked with original audio recordings and soundtracks of all four episodes and a team of animators to bring back to fans this long-lost story arc.

In this early story, the Doctor (William Hartnell) and his travelling companions, Steven (Peter Purves) and Dodo (Jackie Lane), arrive on an unnamed planet where they encounter two distinct people – the Elders and the Savages. They soon discover the Elders are the evil ones, draining the primitive Savages for their life source to remain young and powerful forever. This story marks the final appearance of Purves as Steven.

This three-discs release will include all four 25-minutes animated episodes in colour and black and white, as well as exclusive bonus features.

Paul Hembury, Executive Producer commented: “We have a wonderful team of creators who work together to bring these lost Doctor Who stories back to life through animation. It’s always an exciting time when a story nears completion, and we prepare to share it with the fans, for whom it has been made. “

In addition, BBC Studios Home Entertainment will also be releasing the new colourisation of The War Games. Originally aired in 1969, The War Games marked the end of an era for the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton), following him and his companions Zoe and Jamie as they land in a battlefield that appears to be a World War I military zone – but all is not as it seems. They soon discover that soldiers from different historical periods have been abducted and are being manipulated in a cruel game. As they work to uncover the mystery behind the War Lord and his twisted experiments, the Doctor faces one of his most difficult challenges.

For the first time, these original episodes have been meticulously colourised and enhanced with updated visual effects edited into a new, 90-minute feature-length experience to appeal to today’s modern audiences. With updated sound and a new score, this newly updated version of The War Games offers both fans and newcomers even more ways to watch the much-loved classic story. This title will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and limited-edition Blu-ray Steelbook and will air on BBC will air on 23 December 2024 on BBC Four and BBC iPlayer.

Categorised under: Doctor Who DVDs, DVD



  • Gordon

    January 3rd, 2025 - 3:46pm

    BFI screening Friday 28th February at 5.30pm with Peter purvis doing a signing after.

    • Gordon

      January 3rd, 2025 - 4:34pm

      * Purves


    • Nathc

      January 5th, 2025 - 4:50pm

      Do we know when the tickets go on sale for bfi priority members any date given

    • Keith

      January 5th, 2025 - 6:30pm

      Any idea when collection 7 BFI will be?

    • Gordon

      January 6th, 2025 - 12:48am

      Not yet announced

  • Pierre

    December 17th, 2024 - 10:20pm

    The season 7 cover appears to have leaked on Twitter. Who wants to gamble when it will be announced?

    • NewReleaseatlast

      December 18th, 2024 - 10:53am

      Ye but those pictures say S15 on the side on a lot of the pics.

    • booboo

      December 18th, 2024 - 11:11am

      Its real, listed on rarewaves by mistake, just forget to alter the spine when editing the image

    • Gordon

      December 18th, 2024 - 11:14am

      It’s a template. Pretty sure the season 25 one had some shots with season 15 on the side

  • Babelbro

    December 15th, 2024 - 1:28pm

    I have to say; I’m on the fence on the Twitter discussion on the animation lighting, but would prefer it to be as accurate to the surviving photos as possible;

    It makes sense to me that the ‘Elder’ version of the City would be clinical, white, hospital looking, that blank dull vanity Tik Tok asthetic – wheras the future ‘Savages’ version of the City led by Steven would be a warmer, richer, bronze / gold inviting looking place to visit.

    Akin to the city in ‘The Macra Terror’, or Vaughn’s office in ‘The Invasion’ always thought the point of the Elder City was for it to have a pretty perfect illusion about it, rather than look blatantly like the Empire out of Star Wars or something.

    I’m sure slight visual tweaks might be done in the meantime but, unless I’m wrong and there’s further production photos illustrating the Elder city as being more sinister then I’d rather the animation didn’t suddenly u-turn into deep revisionism and falsifying a new look for the Elder city that didn’t exist in the first place just to appeaze any online backlash.

    Again ‘The Invasion’ animation of 2008 got Vaughn’s office design absolutely perfect, so it’s entirely possible to achieve something close to the original surviving material references.

    • Gordon

      December 15th, 2024 - 9:16pm

      I’ll judge it when it’s out. Not going to condem it especially as I don’t know how far along the animation is. Could easily be early in production. Looks fine but we only got 35 seconds to go on

    • Missyrules

      January 5th, 2025 - 6:07pm

      The invasion also got lots of things wrong. Zoe in the wrong outfit at the beginning. Benton in a car and not on a roof etc. People seem to hold that one up as the holy grail but they still changed things. It’s an animation it doesn’t have to be accurate. The fact is the city probably looked a bit naff simply because it was done on a budget in a tiny studio. The animation can make it look better. If you don’t like it, fine. The reconstruction will be there.

  • TimelordTim

    December 14th, 2024 - 10:39pm

    Always great to see another missing story join the animated collection. Really thrilled to have another gap filled and am always impressed that Doctor Who gets this treatment. This one has the added bonus of being released just before my birthday next year, perfect timing! (Providing the release date stays the same of course).

  • David

    December 13th, 2024 - 11:30pm

    I for one am glad that the BBC are animating the stories that are no longer in the archives, it’s like watching a brand new story again from years past, Yes the animation style varies, but it doesn’t bother me. The BBC have no obligation to animate any Doctor who or Dad’s Army, but they have. And I love the fact I can watch these lost stories, beautifully made again for us all to see again.

    • Gordon

      December 14th, 2024 - 7:20am

      I swear People don’t seem to realise at times how rare it is that missing episodes get animated at all. Outside of dad’s army no other show gets their missing episodes animated. Even then dad’s army just had the episodes. No optional colour versions. No telesnap recons. No commentaries. No making of any of the story’s. Just the episodes a short making of the animation and a couple of archival treats. Plus it only got a dvd release. Didn’t even get the luxury of a blu ray or steelbook release.

    • Prof Horner

      December 14th, 2024 - 11:46am

      We are also lucky that we have all the soundtracks of missing stories. Only one of the three missing Dad’s Army animations had the original soundtrack. The other two had to use the radio versions , with Walker and Pike played other actors, when they weren’t in the radio versions.

    • Snowman

      December 14th, 2024 - 9:15pm

      I’m Grateful anyway, heck I even enjoy the Fan Animations on YouTube. I remember seeing some animations on there and they were posted Ten Years or more ago. The Art style of some animations back then was very Basic (To be Polite) but I enjoyed having something to watch rather than just listening to the Audios.

    • Gordon

      December 14th, 2024 - 10:39pm

      I’m surprised someone at studio canal hasn’t thought about having a go at animating the missing episodes of the avengers seeing as big finish recorded new audio versions for all of season 1 which contains 22 missing episodes. I suppose it’s a big ask to get people to fork out full price for a 50 minute but I suppose each release could contain 2-3 episodes

  • SVH

    December 13th, 2024 - 4:11pm

    I realise that I’m in a minority here (from the looks of this forum, a minority of one), but I really have no interest in the animated episodes at all.

    I understand you guys enjoy them, and that’s cool, more power to your elbows and I’m glad you get such a kick out of them, but I don’t enjoy them.

    I bought one on DVD years ago – The Power of the Daleks – watched it once, then gave it to a charity shop. Most of the animation is pretty awful, and makes the programme look like Scooby Doo.

    I’ve only liked the animation for The Invasion (which was beautiful) and I don’t mind The Moonbase (it’s at least nice and moody), but the others just leave me cold.

    I prefer to listen to the audio soundtracks (with narration) of the lost stories. Even if they did animate the two missing episodes of The Crusade (which is unlikely) I still only watch it with the William Russell linking material.

    I’m not saying this to start an argument, as I said, I understand most people enjoy them and that’s great…but sadly I don’t. They do nothing for me and I find them slightly embarrassing and childish.

    But, as with the colourised versions of The Daleks and The War Games (which I also have no interest in), as long as they’re getting Classic Who out to a newer and bigger audience and giving it more attention, then that can only be a good thing!

    • Andy Dodds

      December 13th, 2024 - 7:07pm

      Did you know that not only do you get the Animations the last disc includes the Original Telesnaps Reconstructions with the Original Audio and Sound. Just saying if you don’t like the Animations but they all contain the Original Telesnaps Reconstructions. as an alternative At least they have since The Macra Terror. The Faceless Ones, The Evil Of The Daleks. The Abominable Snowmen, Fury From The Deep, Galaxy 4 and The Celestial Toymaker.

  • Snowman

    December 13th, 2024 - 2:05pm

    LOL, I’m not Explaining myself very Well Gordon, I’ll try again.
    Say if the Tardis Time Girl Team Started to make the “Daleks Master Plan”. Already they could have made Episodes One, Three and Four and maybe (just maybe) they could now be working on Episode Six or Even Seven.
    “More than half way through”.

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 3:23pm

      I know what you mean however those 4 episodes of masterplan have a lot more assets to create than the 4 episodes of wheel. If they had started masterplan at that time instead of wheel they would still be working on those episodes now. It’s far more time consuming to create those 4 masterplan episodes and they wouldn’t be anywhere close to finishing them.

  • Gordon

    December 13th, 2024 - 10:04am

    So let’s do a run down on what is left:

    Season 1:

    Marco Polo’ (7 episodes)

    Season 2:

    the crusade (2 episodes)

    Season 3:

    The Mission To The Unknown* (1 episode)
    The Myth makers (4 episodes)
    The Daleks Masterplan (9 episodes)
    The Massacre (4 episodes)

    Season 4:

    The Smugglers (4 episodes)
    The Highlanders (4 episodes)

    Season 5:

    The Wheel In space^ (4 episodes)

    Season 6:

    The Space Pirates (5 episodes)

    In total 44 episodes the bbc have left to animate.

    There is also a couple of really well made fan animations out there:

    ‘= MMF293 animated the entirety of Marco Polo in the style of funko pops. Not for everybody but I thought was rather fun

    * Mission has the live action uclan remake but the rights for a physical release seems unknown

    David Busch/ian Levine animated mission to the unknown. Fantastic effort. It got rejected back in 2011 as there wasn’t a suitable release for it to be attached to it. Almost got picked up for a streaming release 2 years ago and David was talking with rob ritchie about possibly redoing the daleks for a remastered version however it fell through for unknown reasons. David said he would be happy if the call came for it to be included in season 3 but feels with Ian’s attachment it won’t happen as he feels like ian “poisoned the well far too thoroughly to be considered”.

    ^ Tardis time girl (Lz skinner) and her partner Steve animated the 4 missing episodes of wheel in space. It’s a phenomenal fan effort considering what they had to work with. Despite offering to do the existing episodes and offering a colour widescreen version if asked a bbc executive rejected it as “they have to listen to fans and the fans don’t want 3d”. I do think that’s an excuse and perhaps was letting them down gently. No evidence but I suspect they may have their own version either in the planning stages or already contracted and begun. I can see the possibility of it being picked up despite the rejection. There are other bbc executives plus if they truly are listening the bbc will listen to the fans positive response to this and realise there is a demand for it.

    I’m happy to count the number down to 39 with mission and wheel though I’d love a physical release of both.

    As much as I’m not a fan I do have to include Ian’s Ai recons as they do have their fans. 26 of them are on his group on his YouTube channel and a bunch of others are on a private group that you need to donate £50 minimum to him to gain access to. He’s doing all 97 missing episodes shada (again) and various other projects (far too many to mention). He’s claimed he’s spent £70k so far on them.

    • Prof Horner

      December 13th, 2024 - 11:09am

      Well are we thinking Shapeshifter are doing another animation soon Gordon ?If so which story will it be? For me it’s a toss up between The Myth Makers or The Space Pirates, as think both these stories favour the Shapeshifter style. I plan to finish watching The Wheel in Space tonight. Unfortunately my WiFi was down yesterday, but now is thankfully back running. Yes it very good and with a bit of extra polish would be good enough for a release. It’s streets ahead of anything Levine is doing.

    • James

      December 13th, 2024 - 11:19am

      Would love them to release them as box sets if they did the for same release time.
      Have a historical box set with Marco, Crusade and Myth and a outerspace box set with mission, wheel and pirates.
      Like the old days when did bred for war, myth and legends, dalek war. Etc

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 12:06pm

      Assuming shapeshifter is getting another 3d release I’d say a reimagined space pirates or myth makers would look good though I’m also not ruling out a wheel from that team. Mind you shapeshifter have done some 2d work in the past so it’s possible they may do the smugglers which probably work better in 2d and I suspect is the next 2d animation. Shapeshifter also could curveball us and give us something a bit more challenging to do like highlanders that would need to get done in 3d. Seems like there is a few possible directions for them. As for bbc if they ain’t tackling smugglers im guessing myth makers. I think the next 3 animations will probably be myth, smugglers and wheel but I’m not sure in the order of them.

      The animations need a single release. The box set budgets back in the dvd release days was the box set had a higher budget than a single release but when split it would be smaller than a single release.

    • Whofan44

      December 13th, 2024 - 12:07pm

      My question is do all the stories left to animate have telesnaps? I think it might be The Space Pirates that does not have any. If so that I would put higher on the priority list as thats gonna make it harder to include on future Collection sets

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 12:14pm

      Myth makers and masterplan don’t either. Mind you derek handley has said the lack of telesnaps won’t make it an issue creating a reconstruction

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 12:53pm

      The massacre doesn’t either

    • Prof Horner

      December 13th, 2024 - 12:59pm

      John Wiles didn’t seem to like them. So most of his stories don’t have any, unfortunately.

    • Craig F

      December 14th, 2024 - 1:59pm

      How about sound quality does that effect future releases?
      The Randolph tapes are better quality i think & were used on toymaker.

    • Sofia Fox

      December 15th, 2024 - 8:30pm

      I think Mark Ayres confirmed that Graham Strong’s tapes are still higher quality than the Randolph tapes. But I imagine was used for Toymaker as Strong wiped his tapes of that story.

  • Harold

    December 13th, 2024 - 12:25am

    Back when we only had telesnaps, this was the story I enjoyed the most and saw the most often. I’m looking forward to it on Blu-ray!

  • Timelord1944

    December 13th, 2024 - 12:22am

    Bad news announced today. LG are stopping the manufacture of all Blu-ray and 4K players leaving Panasonic and Sony as the only contenders. If this trend continues this could really impact on the physical media market.

    • Moodbeam

      December 13th, 2024 - 1:12am

      There will always be a demand for these devices, physical media isn’t going anywhere for a loooooooong time. It’s still very lucrative, especially once you start shifting steelbooks and special editions at a higher price. Digital cannot replace those.

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 1:41am

      LG actually haven’t introduced any new models since 2018 I believe so not really a surprise

    • Ricky

      December 13th, 2024 - 9:11am

      It’s been on the cards for a few years that LG arent interested in these,it’s mainly Panasonic that has cornered the market with budget ,mid range and high end players and they get the lions share of sales ,plus they are excellent players, so Panasonic will sell more with LG withdrawing.

      Panasonic continue to release firmware updates so they are in full support of the players they have out there .
      Panasonic haven’t actually released anything new themselves since 2018 with the excellent ub820 which still sells well, apart from the odd minor update to their budget models.
      There are 4 manufacturers on the market still,Panasonic ,Sony,Reavon and Magnater,although the latter 2 brands are high end

    • Ricky

      December 13th, 2024 - 9:15am

      Just to add ,the PS5 is also the main 4K bluray player many many people will have in their homes,and there’s alot.of those out there.

    • SV7

      December 13th, 2024 - 9:23am

      Believe it or not, I know a few people who only use their PS5 or Xbox to watch 4K Blu-rays.

    • D84

      December 13th, 2024 - 9:55am

      My PS3’s sole purpose for years was to play Blu Ray’s until it finally gave up (original 60GB Chrome trim piano black version)

    • Snowman

      December 13th, 2024 - 5:31pm

      My Panasonic Blu-Ray is a Recorder. Used it for years recording stuff on the TV then playing back later when it’s convenient to Watch, then just re-record over. Just slap in a Blank disc then I’m away.

  • bryan

    December 12th, 2024 - 9:03pm

    Like nearly everyone underneath, I love these Animations. Even Story’s I have soaked up over the years to know inside out(Power/Evil) the animation brings even more to it all.

    Underwater Menace was given a huge new lease of life. I wonder why it’s 3 Discs? is that a blip in the writing. With the Minimal amount of extras I’m sure it could go on 2 discs. unless…..

    I can imagine 3 Discs for war Games with Colour and 2 episode’s in BW and then 6 eps on Disc 2 and 2 Discs on Disc three and any Extras they include.

    • Walter Hardback

      December 12th, 2024 - 11:23pm

      They’re three discs by default now I expect. It also means they can do a repackage with one version and extras more easily.

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 1:35am

      Could very well be that one of the extras runs long that it needs a 3rd disc. Hard to tell at present. There is definitely room to house it on a 2 disc blu ray set but as they tend to have the disc content the same it not fitting on a 2 disc dvd it’s possible that something triggered a third disc.

      I know Toby Hadoke says he’s involved but not said exactly what. I expect it will be commentaries as he’s been involved with pretty much all the animation commentaries bar the invasion.

      Chris chapman says he’s not involved with this release. However that doesn’t rule out some sort of documentary. Think there is enough still around to do some sort of making of especially with some Christopher Barry archival involvement. Richard Bignell has teased that the main special feature is plot related in some form so it looks like it might be. Suppose they could also include an in conversation with Peter if they have it in the bank. There is also a couple of 8 mm clips that exist. I expect that will be remastered. This is what I guess:

      Disc 1: Black and white animation/ making of
      Disc 2: colour animation/in conversation
      Disc 3: reconstruction/8mm clips

      As for the war games in colour I expect it will be the same bonus discs as the previous war games black and white release so 4 discs

      Disc 1: war games in colour plus exclusive featurette (like the daleks in colour had)

      Disc 2-3 the war games

      Commentary with Frazer Hines [1-6,8,10], Wendy Padbury [1-3,5-8,10], Terrance Dicks [1,2,4,5,7,9,10], Jane Sherwin [1,3-5], Derrick Sherwin [2-4,6,9,10], Graham Weston [6-9], Philip Madoc [7-10].

      Production subtitles

      Disc 2 Easter Egg: Sound recording from the location filming on 31.03.69 (found on the main menu highlight Subtitles, click left and the Doctor Who logo in the upper left turns green, enter

      Disc 3 Easter egg: Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre: Select Subtitles and enter, highlight Info Text On | Off, click right and a green Doctor Who logo appears, enter

      Disc 4 Extras:

      War Zone: Making of
      Shades of Grey
      Now and Then: The Locations of The War Games
      The Doctor’s Composer: Dudley Simpson – Part One 1964-69
      Sylvia James: In Conversation
      Talking About Regeneration
      Time Zones: The Truth Behind the War Games
      Stripped for Action: The Story of Doctor Who Comics – The Second Doctor
      On Target: Malcolm Hulke
      Devious with optional commentary
      Coming Soon: The Black Guardian Trilogy
      The War Games Photo Gallery
      PDF material

    • Andy Dodds

      December 13th, 2024 - 1:37am

      I think the War Games In Colour I think it might be 4 discs as the current DVD has 3 if they are including all the episodes and extras from the DVD. But am just gonna wait until I see this gem story in Colour on BBC Four next weekend. Just hope it’s better than last year’s The Daleks in Colour, the music I think spoiled it being too loud over a mono sound. Let’s hope they have a better music cover for this story I know it’s for a modern audience again they just need to toll down the music is not too loud for the dialogue of the characters because again the Original music will dubbed out to include Murray Golds loud version.

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 1:44am

      It was mark ayres that composed daleks in colour.

    • James

      December 13th, 2024 - 11:16am

      So would Wargames release be just the 90 min story and extras or will it have the original 10 parts on it? Like a re-release of the original with 90 mins as rhe extra

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 12:30pm

      Daleks in colour included the original black and white episodes plus extras as well on a second disc. Seems like common sense that it will continue that trend.

  • Andy Dodds

    December 12th, 2024 - 8:16pm

    Me I honestly think one day they will all get the Animation treatment eventually it might take 5 to 10 years 5 if they do 2 a year. Or 10 years if it’s just the 1 but it might be less as it was only nine months ago since the Celestial Toymaker. So we might get another next year 6-9 months after The Savages. Who knows by some miracle that the Original Episodes might be found one day. I do still believe there all out there somewhere in the world. Except The Feast Of Steven as we know that was never sold it was destroyed by the BBC shortly after transmission. The book missing believed wiped is a good read. So either way we will have all the episodes in some form or other one day.

    • Bob

      December 12th, 2024 - 8:48pm

      I mean I don’t see what’s stopping The Myth Makers, The Smugglers, The Wheel in Space or The Space Pirates aside from being some of the less favoured ones. And even for the “challenging” ones, in the making of The Web of Fear, they seemed pretty adamant that they could be done in 3D.

  • SV7

    December 12th, 2024 - 8:12pm

    I really think they’ve nailed the likenesses in this one judging by the trailer.

    Only seven Hartnell stories to go…

    Also just so happy. I understand that they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, but I adore the animations and have a huge amount of respect for the animators involved.

    I say this every time, but…

    BBC Studios! KEEP ‘EM COMING!!!!!

  • PJH1971

    December 12th, 2024 - 7:42pm

    So glad they are bringing these missing episode animations out, however the quality of the animations have not been good of late – the earlier stuff looked (and moved) better with the likes of Invasion, Moonbase, Tenth Planet ect. with lots of shadow and shading – this stuff looks very basic.

  • Walter Hardback

    December 12th, 2024 - 4:40pm

    At first glance, one of those PR images made it look like Steven was dressing to the right whilst suffering a worrying UTI… (See also: 1980s Fifth Doctor Easter Egg.)

  • Master

    December 12th, 2024 - 3:38pm

    No DVD release?

  • Prowl1701

    December 12th, 2024 - 3:00pm

    Got my pre order for the Steelbook. Be nice to see this story for the first time. One of three classic who stories I haven’t seen yet.

  • James

    December 12th, 2024 - 2:56pm

    This version looks alot better then the 3d celestial toymaker release. Finally the BBC did listen. maybe they could work with the lady who did wheel and do it the same.
    Fans know what they want. Uniclan version of Mission was fantastic. Get them to redo 9 EPs of DMP and do a mix of live and animation to add the key characters in (the doctor and companions)

    • Missyrules

      December 12th, 2024 - 3:22pm

      Once again James, they can’t just remake 9 episodes. It’s been explained before. The costs would be beyond any budget for it. And it’s not a case of listening to fans, this is being done by a separate animation team to toymaker and was probably commissioned long before toymaker came out

    • Gordon

      December 12th, 2024 - 4:56pm

      This is nothing to suggest they “listened”. This has been in the works for ages. Potentially before toymaker was even announced. It’s not even the same animation team as web 3/toymaker. It’s far too early to say.

      I can guarantee you that if the bbc did announce tardis time girl’s wheel in space there would be a lot more negativity. It’s a fine free fan project and I most certainly would buy it but it certainly needs a bit of polish for a retail release. The second you add a monetary value to it is the second people look more critically at it.

      As I’ve said before it would need a broadcast budget to remount masterplan especially with a cast that has about 50 speaking parts

    • James

      December 12th, 2024 - 5:32pm

      I know it’s a different team. this is BBC whereas other was shapeshifter. They said they didn’t want the ladies version of wheel as they know fans don’t like 3d. Thought this was referring to web3 and toymaker.
      Do we know when this was commissioned and production started.
      Uniclan did it as a uni project. Could do the same again with a budget from the BBC with a deal to give royalties to physical media sales. Would be great to continue it as mission works asa prequel to DMP. Maybe could crowdfund it for them to do it. Bet fans would jump at the chance to play parts even if not payed.

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 7:16pm

      I’m not sure TARDIS Time Girls “Wheel in Space” needs Tweaking anymore. It’s already better than any of the Official Animations and plenty of Fans like those and payed for the DVDs, Blu-Rays etc without Complaining.

    • Gordon

      December 12th, 2024 - 9:23pm

      @james Uclan is there for young people to learn about the basics of making tv. It’s not there for the bbc to throw the university some cash to make cheap dvd releases. The second the bbc offers money it stops becoming a university project and becomes a bbc project. Then everybody has to be paid the going rate. The mission uclan happened as the bbc gave consent to it but it didn’t get involved with it till after it had been completed. Considering the scale of masterplan and the likes of David bradley who won’t be cheap it would be need a multimillion pound budget to become a reality. Far more than animation. A kickstarter or any sort of crowdfunder is against the bbc charter.

      @snowman though I do think it’s a fantastic fan effort and better than some of the weaker official animations but it feels a little rough around the edges and could still be done with a little bit of money to tidy up some of the character models and the movement in a few places. A bit of money to polish it off for a retail release would only benefit it. As for fans not complaining I don’t think there has been an animation so far that hasn’t had some sort of complaints.

      The invasion: Zoe’s dress
      Reign of terror: quick cuts
      The ice warriors: captain pugwash animation
      Tenth planet: regeneration box set exclusivity, non usage of the regeneration footage
      Moonbase: forcing to rebuy the episodes, refusing to buy as Phil morris supposedly had the missing episodes
      Power: rushed animation, terrible colour version,
      Shada: rushed, movie length
      Macra: rough and tumble
      Faceless: Easter eggs, animating existing eps
      Fury: big spaces long arms,
      Web 3: abysmal character models
      G4: open sets, animating existing eps
      Evil: character killed at the animated cliffhanger wearing different clothing to the live action, animating existing ep
      Abominable: whitewashed characters, pamnasabava, animating existing eps
      Menace: lighting and shading.
      Toymaker: animation style

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 9:44pm

      Yeah Gordon, I did say ” Plenty” of Fans like the Official Animations and bought them without Complaining. I was Wise not to say “All” Fans as I realize there’s always a Small Minority that Complains Constantly.

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 9:58pm

      Oh, by the way Gordon, I Loved seeing the old Bo Shek and Bossk Spacesuits on “Wheel in space”. (I think only a few will know that reference).

    • Gordon

      December 12th, 2024 - 11:24pm

      Yep George Lucas borrowed them

    • Walter Hardback

      December 13th, 2024 - 1:21am

      I think the connection is via Angels the costumier. Goodness knows where they were first used though – I’d be surprised if they were created for Tenth Planet, which is the first use I know of.

    • Snowman

      December 13th, 2024 - 6:28pm

      Walter Hardback, I know they did make Costumes but I heard the Spacesuits weren’t actual “Costumes” but we’re actual Pressure Suits made for the Armed Forces, so I suppose it was a case of when did the Armed Forces start using them. maybe late 50s early 60s?

    • Walter Hardback

      December 14th, 2024 - 2:43pm

      You’re spot on. They’re apparently ‘High-Altitude Windak Pressure Suits’, made for the RAF in 1961-62. By the sounds of it they weren’t used for very long (more complicated than it turned out they needed to be), so must have ended up being picked up by the costume maker/hire companies like Angels. They first turn up in First Men in the Moon (1964), although despite it being a film I love I can’t say I remembered them being in it – an excuse to watch it again over Xmas.

    • Snowman

      December 14th, 2024 - 9:05pm

      They look Great as Space suits don’t they. Bossk wore a Yellow Suit and Bo Shek wore the Black Version. (Not sure about Dr Who as it was shown in Black and White) I don’t think I’ve seen any Colour Stills.

  • David Minter

    December 12th, 2024 - 2:47pm

    This comment may be somewhat off topic as it’s not directly related to The Smugglers. However, it was mentioned in the solicitation text for it. If it’s not allowed, just remove it. 🙂

    Here in North America, we probably won’t get the DVD version of The War Games in color. The Celestial Toymaker reconstruction was released on DVD in R2 but only on Blu-Ray in North America. I prefer DVD releases to Blu-Ray, but being in the USA, my options are limited to only Blu-Ray or importing R2 DVD’s. However, importing the DVD’s is not really an option because I don’t have a TV capable of playing PAL video. I could play them on my PC, but it’s not really practical to sit up in front of a monitor for 90 minutes, particularly given a back surgery I had years ago.

    • David Minter

      December 12th, 2024 - 2:48pm

      Oops! The Smugglers should have been The Savages, of course. Sorry! 🙂

  • Bookcollector

    December 12th, 2024 - 2:31pm

    Ordered on h m v. Had all three available for order. Date of release is down as 24.3.25 but naturally is subject to change.

  • David

    December 12th, 2024 - 2:25pm

    This is one of a very few Doctor Who stories I haven’t seen and have no clue what happens. I hope the next story animated is The Highlanders.

    • The DR.

      December 12th, 2024 - 5:23pm

      Well David let me Explain to you the Story. LOL Only Joking.

  • Bookcollector

    December 12th, 2024 - 2:14pm

    Pleased this is getting done, it’s one that will benefit greatly from having visuals.

  • F D R

    December 12th, 2024 - 1:45pm

    happy about this and the new war games coming out on dvd only 10 more missing stories to go but the master plan is a big ask

    • F D R

      December 12th, 2024 - 1:55pm

      ny the way anyone know when the new war games dvd is out?

    • The DR.

      December 12th, 2024 - 2:02pm

      I don’t think there is a date yet as it still has to Air. I think dates are usually announced later when the Story as been shown on TV.

    • Tom Williams

      December 12th, 2024 - 8:06pm

      Most likely would be February in my opinion like daleks in colour

  • Snowman

    December 12th, 2024 - 1:28pm

    Oh WOW, Excellent. I should imagine a Steelbook won’t be too far behind.

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 1:38pm

      I wonder why they aren’t all up for Pre-Order (DVD, Steelbook) at the same time?

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 1:45pm

      Glad there’s finally a Mention of all the Formats the War Games is coming out on. I’m looking forward to the Steelbook the most.

  • D84

    December 12th, 2024 - 1:21pm

    I’ll take them all of course but I’d love to see Wheel in Space completed

    • Prowl 1701

      December 12th, 2024 - 1:36pm

      It has been, check out the fan animation of tardis timegirl’s youtube channel. I totally want that on DVD

    • Gordon

      December 12th, 2024 - 2:25pm

      It really is fantastic and I would love to see it get an official release but if the bbc were to do their own version I wouldn’t dismiss it even if it wasn’t as good as tardis timegirl’s version. Can’t say I’m in a rush to get it done officially even if it does complete season 5. There are other stories I’d like to give them focus on.

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 5:52pm

      Has TARDIS Timegirl made all of a Wheel in space. (I can only find a Couple of Parts that makes up Episode One)?

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 7:08pm

      It’s ok I found the other Parts of the Story. Fantastic Animation,

  • bob hellier

    December 12th, 2024 - 1:20pm

    Any William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton Doctor Who stories that are missing animated for me

  • Moodbeam

    December 12th, 2024 - 12:54pm

    ‘The Savages, a four-part series from the Whoniverse’

    It’s like they forgot to mention that it’s actually a Doctor Who serial until halfway through the article.

    • Zed

      December 13th, 2024 - 3:57pm

      Yeah. Mentioned halfway through paragraph 5 of a 7 paragraph article. It’s like they’re subtly trying to rebrand Classic Who and New Who together as Whoniverse.

      Won’t work with me, I’m afraid. For me there’s Classic Who (which I watch), and New Who (which I don’t watch). RTD and Co can attempt a Ministry of Information rewrite all they want.

  • DPHill

    December 12th, 2024 - 12:44pm

    It’s always fun to see the age update with all the information whilst you’re looking! This will be yet another fun release! Also, does anyone know how far they space out their releases say one a month? They’ll have the colourisation, this animation, a probable S7 collection, as well as the new christmas special (and new series). Just that it’s a rarity and a pipe dream but does anyone think they won’t have two releases in a month? I do remember s18 collection coming out only a week before macra terror in the same month [march 2019]…

  • Gordon

    December 12th, 2024 - 12:35pm

    From the trailer it looks a similar style to galaxy 4 though they have refined it. Looking forward to owning this one.

  • Andy Dodds

    December 12th, 2024 - 8:26am

    And there it is guys WOW am just so excited for this that it’s another William Hartnell story and fills a another gap in season 3. So just maybe they are more in the pipeline for this year as some of the recent rumours. But again no mention of this was ever happening so it was a real surprise to me. 1 down 1O to go.

    So what’s next? Out of these?

    Marco Polo Season 1
    The Crusade Season 2
    Mission To The Unknown Season 3
    The Myth Makers Season 3
    The Daleks Master Plan Season 3
    The Massacre Season 3
    The Smugglers Season 4
    The Highlanders Season 4
    The Wheel In Space Season 5
    The Space Pirates Season 6

    • Matt

      December 12th, 2024 - 12:15pm

      Obviously The Daleks’ Master Plan is a dream. I think if they do that one, they’ll do it in two releases. My personal hope is the Crusade because that one of my favorite historicals. I just love the heck out of the pure historicals. Out of all these though, I think we’ll most likely see the Space Pirates or the Smugglers.

    • Whofan44

      December 12th, 2024 - 12:24pm

      I want either The Myth Makers or The Massacre as once those are done I think season 3 is Collection worthy.

    • DPHill

      December 12th, 2024 - 12:36pm

      It’s so amazing to see it come out, and thankfully another Hartnell and even better it is a season 3 one to get us closer to that pretty looking collection boxset! Really can’t believ that from ten years ago when the Crusade and Underwater Menace fell through that we would have this few left to go!? Just had a thought though as the 2016-2022 range was about eight or, if this next phase is seven, then we could see all of the non-historicals leaving a final batch of historicals o finish it off – even though i really want a historical! This is fun because I have never watched a recon or listened to the soundtrack of this story! I think they definitely should do Master Plan as two – i wonder how they will do mission to the unknown as there’s myth maker in between it?

    • Gordon

      December 12th, 2024 - 12:46pm

      I think it’s one of these four based upon the number of characters costumes and locations.

      The myth makers
      The smugglers
      The wheel in space
      The space pirates

      If I’m going to guess I’d say smugglers as I always thought if it wasn’t smugglers it would be savages next.

    • Moodbeam

      December 12th, 2024 - 12:55pm

      The Wheel in Space for me. Love the Cybermen.

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 1:59pm

      I’ve Never been one for the Historical Episodes, at Heart I’ve always been a Sci-Fi Guy. But I will take them all in animation to have the Full set of Storys with no Gaps in the Collection.

    • David Minter

      December 12th, 2024 - 2:40pm

      My dream is, of course, Mission To The Unknown/The Daleks’ Master Plan, but that still seems out of the question. BBC said years ago that that story was off the table for animated reconstruction. And Mission, while it could be released as its own standalone package, seems tied at the hip to Master Plan and wouldn’t get its own release.

      So, with that said, I’d most want to see The Wheel In Space released next.

    • James

      December 12th, 2024 - 2:49pm

      I know S5 and s6 each have partially 1 story to animate but think they next 3 after smuggler’s will be S3 stories. Has the most missing and for them to have S3 box set filled ready and worth buying will have to be smuggler’s, myth and massacre. DMP has to much and will cost alot to do. Mission can use uniclan version for a gap filler as it’s a one off episode and no major characters. Sure to get The Collection sets out all 60s sets will have q story short. animations will come later.
      S1 Marco Polo
      S2 crusade
      S4 Highlanders
      S5 Wheel
      S6 pirates
      Unearthly child not affected by physical releases.
      Unless the BBC decide to work alongside Ian on his ai versions and polish them up with a proper budget which I highly doubt.
      Wonder was his view on today’s announcement animation is

    • Missyrules

      December 12th, 2024 - 3:25pm

      No doubt Ian will apocalypticly (and pointlessly) angry about it!

    • Not Ian’s PA

      December 12th, 2024 - 5:14pm

      My spies tell me that Ian has just placed an order for a new blood pressure monitor after his last one exploded this morning.

    • James

      December 12th, 2024 - 5:24pm

      Asoon as I logged onto his page he said hated it. Nothing like his ai version and not authentic

    • Snowman

      December 12th, 2024 - 7:34pm

      After I’ve just watched the TARDIS Time Girls Animation of the “Wheel in Space” on YouTube I can say hand on Heart if the BBC made an official version it wouldn’t be any better than this.
      My Only Gripe I have is (nothing to do with the Production) I just I wish he had done “The Daleks Master Plan” instead, they would have been more than halfway through the Story by now if they had started on this Story First. Especially with the BBC saying it probably won’t ever get made because of the Cost. I’d be more than happy with TARDIS Time Girls version of it.

    • Gordon

      December 13th, 2024 - 2:51am

      @james As I’ve said previously Ian’s ai recons are a non starter. Ai generated material is non copyrightable. The bbc will never release something that isn’t copyrightable and that’s before you even think about the issue of trying to negotiate with Ian.

      @ snowman wheel was chosen as it had a small cast in ep 1 (bar a couple of minutes it’s just Jamie and the doctor) and was basic in terms of lacations and sets. It took Lz skinner (tardis time girl) a year to do the first episode with the help of her partner. It took 2 years in total for the 4 episodes and that’s with a story with basic sets that don’t change almost every episode and a cast that is a third the size of masterplan. Their motion capture set can only handle one person at a time. They wouldn’t be anywhere near half way through masterplan if they tackled it. There is a mountain of difference between doing wheel and masterplan. Not to knock their achievement but I feel it would need a lot more than the 2 of them to do something the size and scale of masterplan

    • Snowman

      December 13th, 2024 - 1:45pm

      Hello Gordon, I always appreciate your Replys. When I said they probably would have been more than halfway Through “Daleks Master Plan” by now, I only meant 9 Episodes (4 or 5 Episodes- halfway Through). I didn’t mean all 12 Episodes as I didn’t expect them to make the Three Episodes that already Exist. Just like they only made Four out of the Six Episodes for “The wheel in Space”. (Minus the Two Episodes that Exist). Sorry for any Confusion.

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