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Doctor Who The Faceless Ones Blu-ray
All formats are available to order from www.amazon.co.uk
Also available to order from www.zoom.co.uk and www.zavvi.com
Doctor Who’s missing serial The Faceless Ones will be released on DVD, Blu-Ray and SteelBook on 16th March 2020.
BBC Studios is pleased to announce that The Faceless Ones will be the next animated Doctor Who release, filling a gap in missing content. Following the success of The Power of the Daleks, Shada and The Macra Terror, The Faceless Ones will be released on DVD, Blu-Ray and as an exclusive steelbook next year.
The Faceless Ones is the mostly missing eighth serial of the fourth season of Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in six weekly parts from April to May 1967. Starring Patrick Troughton as the Doctor, the story concerns a sinister race of identity-stealing aliens known as the Chameleons.
Only two of the six episodes are held in the BBC film archives with snippets of footage and still images existing from the other four. Fortunately, off-air recordings of the soundtrack also still exist, making the animation of a complete serial possible once again.
The six new animated episodes are being made in full colour and high definition and will include the following exclusive special features:
- Photographic reconstruction of the story, including surviving footage of episodes 1 & 3
- Audio commentary on episodes 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6
- ‘Making of the animated series’
- Camera script PDF’s
- Surviving film fragments from the story
- x5 ‘Easter Egg’ surprises
- Coming Soon Fury from the Deep trailer
June 4th, 2019 - 12:09pmI think The Evil of The Daleks will follow this. It looks like they are trying to animate all the missing episodes of season 4 so they can release Patrick’s first season for the Blu-Ray collection
Who rules
June 4th, 2019 - 11:42amOk, here’s what I feel and it is a completely honest opinion. If this has a reconstruction on like macra did, using telesnaps, existing clips and episodes 1 and 3 then I will definitely buy this. The reason? I just wasn’t keen on the macra animated version. I bought the other animated episodes because they went for an accurate depiction. Now I’m fully aware that there were minor differences in all animations. The invasion for instance has zoe in the wrong outfit at the beginning and Benton is in a car not on a rooftop at the beginning. But to me these are minor cosmetic changes, the story was the same. Macra was not. Two completely missing scenes and huge sections different from what originally happened spoilt this for me. So if this features a reconstruction, which I image it will, then I’ll buy it. I’ll also happily watch the animation and if I like it great and if I don’t I’ll stick to the reconstruction. But do I think it should be boycotted? No I don’t. If it doesn’t sell we won’t get any more. It’s simple economics for the BBC. I said at the beginning that I would definitely buy this if it had a reconstruction. Thing is, I’ve just ordered it. The reason is simple, I love who, I’m not complaining about this release same as I’m not complaining about macra, I will watch both recon and animated macra again. There are so many classic who stories that I’m not keen on but have happily bought and watched. All a boycott does is damage future releases. If the original episodes aren’t on, but I think they will be, but if they weren’t just do what I’ll do, useless in time and just change the discs over when watching! It’s hardly a hardship! I’m supporting this release regardless of personal opinion or Hope’s for what’s on it. Everybody should.
June 4th, 2019 - 11:44amAuto correct strikes again, that should be ‘use lost in time’
June 4th, 2019 - 11:56amThere should be a ‘like’ button on this site! 😀 Of course people should not buy releases they have no interest in, but it’s in our own self-interest to support this line in order that we get Evil or Wheel or whichever story might be next animated as well
June 4th, 2019 - 12:07pmThere’s a huge glaring problem with this attitude though. How can we possibly provide feedback or criticism if all that is going to happen is other people jumping down our throats calling us ungrateful?
“If it doesn’t sell we won’t get any more”, it is indeed simple economics. If people don’t like the direction the range is going in then a boycott is the only thing they can do. You might like the range, but if somebody else doesn’t they are perfectly free to jump ship and that doesn’t make them any less of a fan, an evil person out to destroy your fun, somebody who just likes to complain for the sake of it or whatever insult people want to throw out. People are entitled to spend their money however they like, and if they aren’t happy with the product provided then they can withdraw their support and hope that future releases change course.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:08pmI like your view, I have never seen these first time round, I have read the books, but it is not an issue for me, I hope more fans feel the same as you and buy to keep the range going, there are so many good stories that could still be released.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:16pmI take your point anonymous, there does need to be feedback and people shouldn’t feel they cannot voice their opinions on the range. However it’s about perspective, a boycott seems very extreme to me whereas if there were some way for these opinions to be voiced rationally/improvements to future releases suggested then that might work better. A boycott just suggests a total lack of interest/a market when that is not the case
Who rules
June 4th, 2019 - 12:26pmTrouble is the animated episode releases rely on them selling, if they don’t make money they won’t make more. By all means don’t buy it. However, don’t complain if no more animations are done! As fans we can’t have it all ways. I love that people think we fans can just demand what we want. I think you’ll find that very few TV studios, film companies and their associated commercial release arms give in to demands from people. I’ve collected movies for 20 years on DVD now and there are still many films which have not been released. I can’t just demand Warner bros or fox say, release something just because I want it. My opinion of macra terror makes no difference. The fact is I have it on DVD. That’s great either way. Faceless ones will be the same. I’d rather have it on DVD and not like it/love it than not have it all.
June 4th, 2019 - 1:30pmI agree with Who Rules in some ways. I thought Macra was a very polished, entertaining animation. It wasn’t my favourite animation but it was still good – The Moonbase animation is probably my favourite. I didn’t approve of the Polly and Ben scene when the Macra dangle Polly in the air – it just wasn’t faithful to the original production for me and I’m a bit of purist, hence why I also haven’t bothered to watch the colour version of the production.
However, I will always champion the animations and the great work they do – I really do not like recons at all! 10 minutes into the Macra recon and I was like ‘There’s a shot from The Caves of Androzani… Oooh, there’s another… That’s a Pat Troughton shot from The Dominators’ etc. and switched off.
I think animations are the way forward, money permitting. I bought not only the DVD but also the steelbook of Macra, Power and Shada so I am putting my money where my mouth is and spending it on these animations. I don’t want to spend money on poor recons that can be viewed online. Although unlikely, I really hope there is someway around releasing all the stories in animated form, especially for difficult seasons such as Season 3 where so little visual material exists. Josh Snares’ video on YouTube about the possibility of how they may release Season 3 in the future is something I would recommend you all to watch.
Who rules
June 4th, 2019 - 2:47pmOllie there is a reply further down that details my opinion of the animation of macra more. Generally I’ve enjoyed the animations. I think for me the one animation I find hardest to watch is tenth planet 4. Why? The lines seem very harsh after watching the episodes but the main thing is the characters mouths. They look really odd when they talk… probably just me but there is is something definitely off on the mouths on that one! Still enjoy watching I though
The ergon
June 4th, 2019 - 11:32amThis is one of the funniest of the Troughton stories but also quite sinister and atmospheric. I have probably listened this the most out of all the lost troughton stories even though its best not to scrutinise the plot too closely. The scenes with the commandant,and the doctor between episodes 1-3 are comedy Gold.’ Ray gun, Burnt fibres,Foreign Stamps, I must be as mad as you are’. Unexpected but welcome addition. Whats happening with ‘Wheel’?
June 4th, 2019 - 11:52amNothing is happening with wheel. It was a mini episode made with preexisting elements for the bfi. Nothing more
June 4th, 2019 - 12:14pmI don’t know why everyone keeps asking about wheel. Surely we should focus on the newly announced release? Wheel was just a 10 min clip for BFI which had the wrong costume for jamie (as explained by gordon before) I am just happy to get a new release announced.
The ergon
June 4th, 2019 - 3:04pmAren,t most of us? I was just inquiring regarding all the hearsay about a possible release not the mini episode tagged onto ‘The Macra Terror, and i don,t have to ingratiate myself by doing so, thankyou.
June 4th, 2019 - 11:28amMy money’s on Galaxy Four being one of the next ones they do. From what I recall there’s only 7 actors and 3 or 4 locations (Drahvin ship, Rill ship, planet exterior, TARDIS), no costume changes… Of course there could be things I’ve not considered, I’m no expert after all!!
June 4th, 2019 - 11:22amI am expecting a near Christmas release for this. Considering the amount of extra time they will need for this animation. Please no cut scenes this time. To be honest. I had no idea they cut 10 seconds of footage for TMT. And I never cared
June 4th, 2019 - 11:33amIf they are announcing it now it seems a bit far out for a Christmas release. If it was Christmas I’d have expected it to been announced August/September time
June 4th, 2019 - 1:16pmSo when did they start animating this then?. You need a good year and bit to do these properly
June 4th, 2019 - 1:47pmPower was done in 6 months
June 4th, 2019 - 1:53pmAnd was incredibly rushed as a result
June 4th, 2019 - 2:40pm4 minutes were cut
June 4th, 2019 - 11:22amYeah it totally makes sense to boycott a release entirely because you’re slightly disappointed about having to change a disc… Surely being able to watch four episodes that you could not watch previously should outweigh what is at best a minor inconvenience? (And that’s assuming that there is not an option to view with the surviving two episodes, which there may well be). Not looking to start an argument but this attitude completely perplexes me, so entitled and stubborn.
I’m am really excited for this release and after Macra am confident that it will look amazing and be worth the wait 😀
June 4th, 2019 - 11:31amThe existing episodes will obviously be on there somewhere so I don’t see the point of a boycott. Even if it’s not automatically playable it will be playable with just a few clicks of a remote
June 4th, 2019 - 11:21amIts a very first world problem. Go to episode selection (not every one can watch in one go) choose animated episode to watch. when one of the remaining episodes, is due to be watch, go to relevant section, choose episode.
It probably takes longer for the Disc to load in the player, then it does to move around the menu and choose the item you want to watch. All existing material will be inclued. it always is.
June 4th, 2019 - 11:14amFirst of all. I am far far far too excited to watch this. I don’t mind if the surviving episodes aren’t on it. I already have them in Lost in Time. Personally, I am glad they are doing the full episode. It may seem as a waste of money. But it will be fun to compare. Will be buying
Susie Meadows
June 4th, 2019 - 11:10amAdd me to the list of those who will boycott if there is no option to watch the real episodes one and three in place of the animated takes. I hope they listen to this and make it how the fans want.
June 4th, 2019 - 11:15amYou already have them on the lost in time boxset. You cant just boycott it because it doesn’t have those on it. You get four episodes missing animated. It’s stupid you’d boycott for such a stupid reason
June 4th, 2019 - 11:22amIt’s going to be on the disc. Probably on the black and white version
Mark Belsom.
June 4th, 2019 - 11:28amIf Faceless ones doesn’t sell well we won’t get any more animated episodes,so it’s a bit silly decided to boycott the Blu-ray. We’ve already got the existing episodes so I’m happy with the new release.
Rob W
June 4th, 2019 - 12:10pmI don’t get the “if this doesn’t sell we won’t get anymore animated seasons” or a “boycott” either. Just release/re-release the Tom Baker Season 12 BD and use the money to continue the series.
Chris Howarth
June 4th, 2019 - 1:22pmOf course the extant episodes will be on this. Why on Earth wouldn’t they be?
June 4th, 2019 - 1:32pmBoycott?? Whatever for? this was only announced like five minutes ago, no firm details have been announced but you want to boycott it because it “may not” have material on it which you think should be there. Boycott? What nonsense. this is a sure fire way of getting the range cancelled. Are some people never happy?
June 4th, 2019 - 11:02amLove The Faceless Ones (it’s one of my favourite Troughtons), so this is a welcome surprise. I really hope this animation helps give the story the recognition it deserves. I’d love for a Hartnell story to be animated next, but I understand it’s easier to polish off Troughton’s portion Season 4 first as they’ve got the models of the regulars already.
Susie Meadows
June 4th, 2019 - 11:11amIf you love The Faceless Ones then you will join the boycott.
Tom Darrows
June 4th, 2019 - 10:52amI will also boycott if no option is given to watch with the animated one and three swapped for the existing two episodes. Shame on you, Charles Norton and crew, for animating a pair of episodes which exist.
June 4th, 2019 - 11:12amIt will probably be included in the black and white version. It’s going to be on the disc anyway so it’s no biggie if not. A couple of button presses if it’s no. Charles norton is no longer involved I hear. He has moved on. Don’t blame the animators. They are just doing a job that they are told to do.
Gareth Pugh
June 4th, 2019 - 11:14amWhy are people calling ‘shame’ down on the team who have worked hard to give us back watchable versions of Power, Macra and now this? When the BBC America co-funding that makes-or-breaks whether these get made at all is said to require a stipulation of a complete broadcastable format (remember, they actually screen these and it wouldn’t fly with a broadcast audience to jump back between old black and white 50 year episodes and animated ones)? I will bet the DVD and Blu Ray releases do contain the original b/w episodes (and quite likely the telesnaps too). And in the extremely unlikely event that they don’t, you can still dig out your Lost in Time set to switch between formats. Sure, it will take a few seconds and a bit of faff. But would you really cut off your own nose to spite your face and ‘boycott’ the releases as deny yourself the ability to enjoy the animated missing episodes if you ended up having to just swap between discs? It sounds a bit extreme to me.
June 4th, 2019 - 10:31amAny ideas on the release date?
June 4th, 2019 - 10:37amwe will find out a 12.00am
June 4th, 2019 - 11:20amThanks boo boo
June 4th, 2019 - 10:22amI just love it when we get unexpected news and nothing get leaked about it, cant wait for this!!
The Outcast
June 4th, 2019 - 10:21amA surprise, but a welcome one to be sure.
It seems like the entire thing is being animated, but the existing eps will be included as extras, which I’m fine with. I mean, with it all being animated, it’ll look a lot more consistent, and as the remaining eps are seemly included on the DVD (along with presumably other extras as of yet unknown to us), I don’t know why people are complaining.
June 4th, 2019 - 10:50amPeople will always complain, no matter what, they’re never happy. I, for one, welcome this.
June 4th, 2019 - 11:01amPeople will always complain because you will never satisfy everyone. That doesn’t make their criticisms any less valid and just having a bunch of yes men as your audience is asking for trouble. We are entitled to criticise things we do not see as acceptable and things that we disapprove of.
Given people are asking for a single button and possibly a slight alteration to the menus, and they’ve probably got six months still before release, it’s really not that unreasonable a request. It’s a small quality of life improvement that would help people a lot.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:23pmWe are not entitled to say anything. This is one thing that bugs me about our dr who fan culture. Most people are never satisfied. There have been no new animations for ages. Lets moan. There is a new animation every six months but we dont like that they have cut ten seconds or might not add a button to “make our lives easier”. There was a time when no one thought these would ever even see the light of day in any form. Basically, stop complaining about REALLY REALLY petty problems and just be grateful for what we are being given. Which, when you look at it, is an awful lot for a show that is not even on air this year. I dread to think what the nit pickers will complain about when the b and m sets are announced.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:27pmthe nit pickers need to stay away from the B&M sets, trust me an awful lot of effort has gone into bringing these sets to market at the price they are.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:32pmIt just gets so draining to look at all the negative comments booboo. Ao much time and effort goes into making these and it feels as though it will never be enough for certain people. I don’t normally buy the b and m sets as i only get the dvds but if there is some exciting stuff then i may be tempted. Sadly, i know that there are very vocal naysayers on this site that just spoil the comments for the rest of us.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:43pmVocal naysayers are not confined to this site though its over all social media, and far far worse than anything you see on here.
I’m seeing the same stuff on all the forums at the moment.
Short of not having comments at all its is what it is.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:32pmWe have freedom of speech, we have freedom to choose what we want to purchase and we have freedom to criticise what we view as poor choices.
Personally, I have already ordered it and look forward to getting it, but I will absolutely defend anyone who is unhappy with this release. It is their money and they are free to do whatever they want with it and express their reasons for doing so, so long as it is a reasonable constructive critique of what they find upsetting. That makes them no less of a fan because they don’t like the direction the animations have taken.
Who rules
June 4th, 2019 - 2:13pmI’ve said this elsewhere but it seems appropriate again here. I agree that constructive criticism is perfectly fine. But more and more the criticism is skewed by bias or is just plain nasty. The recent comments made about tosin Cole remind me of the comments about matthew waterhouse. You have to remember that Matthew was very young, adric was his first major role and yes he wasn’t brilliant, but he was only learning. Some comments made seem to forget that actor’s are people with real feelings and that nasty comments can have very serious effects. It’s that type of thing I object to. The unfeeling belittling of an actor/producer/writer and yes fans.
Now this is the bit I’ve said elsewhere. I didn’t like the macra animation. I thought the actual artwork and the design was great. But I felt that the alterations to the story spoiled it. A missing three minute scene, sequences changed (the bedrooms which were separate in the original, having all the companions together made the scene make less sense, Jamie in the mines is completely different.) And the end was missed off. I enjoyed the reconstruction a lot. It was the full story.
But here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter what I think. I have no problem with people liking it. Same as friends of mine have no problem with my opinion. I will listen to complaints if they are reasoned complaint but I find that now most people complaining are only interested in their own opinion. Try to be positive and you get shouted down. Whether I end up liking faceless ones is irrelevant. I’ve ordered it. If I like/dislike it I’ll still give an honest opinion. Makes no difference whether you agree or not. And the thing is I still recommend macra to people despite my own personal opinion as they may love it!
Once again boo boo, sorry for the ramble!
June 4th, 2019 - 10:10amHappy dance.
I hope/Assume/Expect this toget the love that Macra had. With 6 Colour Episode . 6 Blavck and white Episodes ,all animation. Then the Telesnaps version, the soundtrack release ,All extant clips,snippets, and the usual photo Gallery. + the usual Vam .
Excellent news.
Sean Bassett
June 4th, 2019 - 10:08amI have decided on an official fandom stance on this.
”Menu option or boycott’ is the message we should all send out for this release.
Please, if you are a fan like me, join in with this protest and send a message that the fans will expect NO LESS than the surviving episodes presented alongside the animated missing episodes via a menu option that swaps the animated one and three for the existing ones so you can view as a complete package.
June 4th, 2019 - 10:36amIt will probably be on the black and white animated version. It’s not like it won’t be included somewhere on the disc.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:25pmI am not even going to waste my time on this silly silly “boycott”. What a joke.
June 4th, 2019 - 10:05amI’ve just ordered with zoom for the first time, are they any good?
June 4th, 2019 - 10:52amYes they are, and preferable to Amazon.
June 4th, 2019 - 11:20amThanks, I try to avoid Amazon nowadays
June 4th, 2019 - 1:13pmI’ve just received my 6th order from Zoom and I am completely satisfied. Be sure to visit their site regularly to check for offers. (My most recent order included 5 DW releases at 20% discount and “A Million Ways to Die in the West” (BluRay) for a quid.)
June 4th, 2019 - 2:25pmThanks for info, will visit regularly!
June 4th, 2019 - 10:00amJust done my first order with zavvi, hope the company are alright!
June 4th, 2019 - 10:04amthey are fine generally
prototype dalek
June 4th, 2019 - 9:53amCertainly unexpecting news but really good to hear. I assume there will be DVD versions of this as well
June 4th, 2019 - 9:56amyes i have just done the one post for now but they are all on the links
prototype dalek
June 4th, 2019 - 11:01amOk cool, thanks booboo
June 4th, 2019 - 9:47amAs the focus is on the colourised version of the animations now, slotting in the two B&W episodes would be very problematic, so all episodes would need to be created. Hoping the B&W version features the two existing episodes though.
Sean Bassett
June 4th, 2019 - 10:11amIt’s not problematic, it’s a NECESSITY.
‘Menu option or boycott’ is the message we should all send out for this release.
Please, if you are a fan like me, join in with this protest and send a message that the fans will expect NO LESS than the surviving episodes presented alongside the animated missing episodes via a menu option that swaps the animated one and three for the existing ones so you can view as a complete package.
Steven taylor
June 4th, 2019 - 9:43amI wasnt expecting this when i woke up this morning but im very glad about this, the faceless ones is one of my favourite stories and often over looked, i hope theres 2 disc like the marca terror and disc 2 is the black and white version and has the real episode 1 and 3 but i doubt it will, either way im very happy with this dvd release
Steven taylor
June 4th, 2019 - 12:44pmIve preordered mine already
June 4th, 2019 - 9:40amI’d imagine animating all 6 eps is an easier sell for bbc America for broadcast purposes. Like macra terror there will be probably be both a black and white and colour version and the black and white version will probably include the original episodes. I’m all for it if it means that bbc America continues to help fund the episodes
The 14th doctor
June 4th, 2019 - 9:50amI hope they do include the original episodes as they are great!!!!
P.S: surely it would be easier to just animate the missing episodes????
June 4th, 2019 - 10:11amThe DVD/Blu-ray release will also include surviving archive material from the original 1967 production.
I’d take that as confirmation that the original footage will be included.
It would be easier to do just animate the missing episodes however in terms of broadcast on bbc America it would be jarring switching from live action 4:3 black and white for ep 1 to 16:9 colour widescreen animation in ep 2 to 4:3 black and white live action in ep 3 and 16:9 colour animation in eps 4-6. Animating all 6 eps means it’s far more consistent
The 14th doctor!
June 4th, 2019 - 11:01amThank you for replying Gordon!
I am happy with this as long as it has the surviving episodes on it as I am a traditionalist.
Can’t wait for this to be released!
June 4th, 2019 - 9:36amMy main question is how much will be cut? My biggest problem with macra was the missing scenes and the ‘reimagined’ scenes. The mine sequence with Jamie in episodes three and four bared little resemblance to the actual story.
June 4th, 2019 - 9:38amOh and as the telesnaps are available I’d hope there is a full reconstruction with the existing episodes included.
the 14th doctor
June 4th, 2019 - 9:36amyay!!!!! this is the one i have been waiting for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will they keep the 2 surviving episodes or will they animate over them as i hope they don’t.
June 4th, 2019 - 9:28amThis announcement hasn’t even been made on the official Doctor Who website yet.
June 4th, 2019 - 9:32amthe problem is its all over twitter and the forums because all this went live before any press release has been sent.
The news is out so no point in holding off these day.
Richard Thomas
June 4th, 2019 - 9:24amSo are they including cleaned up versions of the two existing episodes then or not? Hopefully included in the surviving archive material? Fingers crossed.
Ryan Stephen Kristopher Kearns
June 4th, 2019 - 9:23amI hope it will be released on DVD, in HMV
June 4th, 2019 - 9:21amdo we have a release date?
June 4th, 2019 - 9:23amnot yet, assuming there will be some sort of press release shortly as all retailers have this live now
Sean Bassett
June 4th, 2019 - 9:08amGreat news, but I’d rather they didn’t animate the existing episodes. Leave them be.
June 4th, 2019 - 12:18pmThey’d have to animate the existing episodes for eventual BBC America colour version broadcast. We’re more than likely looking at:
Disc 1: Colour animated version all 6 episodes
Disc 2: B&W animated version all 6 episodes with existing episodes option
Maybe a 3rd disc if necessary to include any special features or the recon of 2, 4-6.
June 4th, 2019 - 8:44amSo are they animating the two existing episodes in order to make one seamless production? Seems a bit counterproductive to me but I still look forward to it!
June 4th, 2019 - 8:56amWhy would they animate Episodes 1 and 3? I bet they’re only animating Episodes 2, 4-6 and someone did a goof.
June 4th, 2019 - 8:59amto bring in a wider audience one would imagine
June 4th, 2019 - 9:06amFrom the line ‘6 new animated episodes’ it sounds like they are. I understand the reasoning, it’ll be a lot less jarring when viewing. But it seems maybe a little bit of a waste of budget when there’s so many missing episodes out there still.
Gareth Pugh
June 4th, 2019 - 11:46amThere’s talk elsewhere that BBC America who co-fund the missing episode animations (and broadcast the finished product over there – it’s not just made with a private DVD/Blu-ray buying audience in mind) require all 6 eps in one format for broadcast. It looks like some fans think the budget is somehow transferrable and the money could have been spent on, say, animating 2 missing episodes of The Crusade and thus completed a whole other missing 1960s story, but I don’t think the funding is quite structured that flexibly or independently of other investors’ requirements.