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January 26th, 2023 1,238 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 9 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from,, and other selected retailers.

Available to order in the USA from #ad



Across an action-packed twenty-six episodes, the Doctor and Jo (Katy Manning) face off against Daleks, Ogrons, Sea Devils, Ice Warriors, Mutants and their old enemy the Master (Roger Delgado). Joining them in their adventures are the UNIT team of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney), Captain Yates (Richard Franklin) and Sergeant Benton (John Levene).

All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 9 Blu-ray box set also includes extensive Special Features including:


    • Looking back on the Season 9 finale with Katy Manning, John Levene and more.


    • A profile of director Michael E Briant.


    • Katy Manning and friends revisit the filming locations of Season 9.


    A profile of prolific stuntman Stuart Fell.


    • Five new episodes with Katy Manning (Jo), Peter Davison (The Doctor),
    • Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan),
    • Sophie Aldred (Ace) and director Michael E Briant.


    • A brand new slice of classic Doctor Who.


    • Special repeat screenings of Day Of The Daleks and The Sea Devils, previously unavailable.


    • A chance to hear from UNIT’s Nicholas Courtney and Richard Franklin, recorded in 1986.


    • On The Sea Devils (episodic and omnibus edition).


    • Including many previously unseen images.


    • Featuring many unreleased gems.


    • Behind-the-scenes information and trivia on every episode.


    • Including scripts, exclusive unseen BBC production files and other rarities.


    This eight-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries, Day Of The Daleks Special Edition and more.

    Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • D84

    June 15th, 2023 - 3:37pm

    Not today then for a new set announcement ………………………..

  • Jake E

    June 14th, 2023 - 4:00pm

    Just had a thought why would they do Season 20 next for a Summer release and then a Tom Baker or someone else for the end of the year?

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to do the Tom or whoever one for the summer and then leave Season 20 for November-ish time for the anniversary.

    I know they said they are not really following anniversaries but if it’s coming out this year anyway.

    I’m sure it’s been mentioned but it’s an interesting thought I think. I think a lot of people are gonna be shocked and maybe disappointed when 20 is not the next one announced

    I’m happy for any mind you 🙂

    • D84

      June 14th, 2023 - 4:40pm

      We have heard repeatedly – from as far back as last summer when Mark was over from New Zealand – that S20 is coming out “Summer 23”

      They still have time to announce it in the next couple of weeks, and release in late August (2 month gap between announcement and release) to meet that notion of “summer”

      You would then hope for an announcement no later than towards the end of October to make a release just in time for Christmas

    • Jake E

      June 14th, 2023 - 6:40pm

      I’m just saying why not save Season 20 for November and do another season for summer.

      Either way I’m happy 🙂

    • daz

      June 14th, 2023 - 7:01pm

      I don’t mind what comes next either as long as we get all the Seasons released no matter what.

      I do think Season 20 will be announced on Tuesday 20th at 5pm for an August release though. Fingers crossed.

      I think the 3rd release will come in November (either Season 16 or 25) and RTD will probably try and get this years Specials out in a set for mid December.

      2024 will definitely see a 2nd Doctor Season.

    • Prof Horner

      June 14th, 2023 - 9:39pm

      Well the next issue of DWM is published a week tomorrow. So there still chance we may get a announcement tomorrow. So they can announce it in next week’s issue. It’s got to be season 20 next. Then no other Doctor than Tom Baker in November or December. Been watching Planet of Evil tonight.trying to watch stories on DVD from seasons that I don’t think are coming out anytime soon. That’s why I am not watching any stories from season 6, as hopefully we will get it after the next Tom.
      Now we getting into the second half of the year. I hope we may hear some news on new animations soon.

    • D84

      June 15th, 2023 - 12:17am

      If DWM is out in 8 days @Prof then we may well see an announcement tomorrow yes.

      I’ll be scanning at 3pm as usual

    • Prowl 1701

      June 15th, 2023 - 6:41am

      I will be happy with any season being next, I really do want a troughton soon though. Shelf doesn’t look right with out a troughton boxset on it.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 15th, 2023 - 5:52pm

      Happiness will Prevail

  • MJS

    June 12th, 2023 - 4:19pm

    Speaking of season 9, anyone know if there’ll be a steel book reissue of Capaldi’s series 9?

    • Rory

      June 13th, 2023 - 9:41am

      I’m not keen on the idea of rereleases of limited editions, unless there is some difference to the version, such as the reissue of S12. Otherwise, what’s the point of calling it a limited edition. Mind you, I have all of the blu-ray steelbooks, and my S9 is signed by Capaldi.

    • Samuel

      June 13th, 2023 - 5:28pm

      @Rory, I respectfully disagree.

      In the beginning, the BBC thought the “limited” idea would work, starting with Season 12.

      Unfortunately what happened was the limited set sold almost instantaneously, and many, many fans missed out, having to pay up to resale sharks that had in fact, bought the sets up in batches for profit.

      Now, in 2023, today I found a twitter chain post, literally laughing at the fact Series 9 Steelbook is literally half a grand in CEX. Not new condition – second hand.

      Personally I think it is an absolutely ridiculous branding. Take the recent announcement of Bonnie Langford becoming a semi regular character in the new Doctor Who series with Ncuti Gatwa – there’s already online conversation of fans wanting to order Seasons 23 & 24 to catch up on Mel’s storyline – to me I think that’s incredible, it’s lovely to have new Who fans finding more classic stories, potentially for the very first time.

      This limited run idea simply doesn’t work. The sets are a very reasonable price; I’d suggest the standard sets should be much more affordable in comparison, that way if you want the main sets, you save for it. The Limitedness, particularly for Seasons 12, 18, 19, 26, and Series 9, has totally backfired. No fan is going to pay up to thousands of pounds just to catch up, therefore will cut them off from the Limited sets yet to come, say, this Summer.

      I just don’t believe in the idea. I love the sets, but the business plan is simply unfair. Nobody’s got half a grand for a Doctor Who boxset. You’d have to be blind drunk.

    • daz

      June 13th, 2023 - 6:57pm

      The series 9 and 10 steelbook were Amazon exclusives and won’t be re-released.

      However, surprisingly the BBC have yet to continue their new range of steelbooks. They started with Series 1 and got to Series 8. (Usually Good guys on front, enemies on the back)

      Including Series 5 which previously had the ‘crack in time’ steelbook.

      There are fans eager for these, myself included, as I expected 9 with new artwork, and 10 to also include Twice Upon A Time along with new artwork.

      There’s easy money to be made there. Same with doing new steelbooks for Series 11 to 13 but have the specials discs included in their corresponding series.

      As for the Limited Packaging Collection sets these should remain limited as that is their intention. A one off run. Although they no longer sell out due more collectors waiting for the standard versions instead.

    • Jake E

      June 13th, 2023 - 7:04pm

      Limited means Limited.

      If the Collection Limited Edition sets are no longer available and you can’t pay the eBay prices then wait for the Standard Editions

      If the Steelbooks are no longer available then buy the normal £15 Blu-Ray

      ….Simple 🙂

    • Samuel

      June 13th, 2023 - 7:18pm

      @daz – your last paragraph proved my point perfectly. As the J cards explain, the main product is part of “The Ultimate Collection”, so why not brand them as that? If about half the latter sets are still on the shelves in HMV etc. why not just restock the rest of them? HMV’s already doing that with Season 12 by the way, bless them.

      @Jake E – The steelbook range includes specials never released before on Blu Ray such as “An Adventure in Space and Time” in native 1080i quality. The Limited Edition sets are first and foremost the main product, wheras the corresponding standard editions take up to years later to come out, at the exact same retail price as current limited editions on the shelves I should add throughout most of the year.

      I think I pretty much said what I wanted to say on the matter on my first paragraph in this reply, but really appreciate the discussion here, and fully respect we’ve got differing views. I just feel the business model fails for multiple reasons, while half the limited sets are still on retail shelves, why not just restock the other half, let all the Doctor Who fans have a slice of the cake, not just the few with a few thousand quid in their back pocket.

    • Prowl 1701

      June 13th, 2023 - 10:16pm

      Series 9 should get a new Steelbook release with new art that fits the style of series 1-8 books. Though the series 8 one was a bit “meh”. Same for series 11, as that one was just terrible and doesn’t fit in the shelf with the others.

    • daz

      June 13th, 2023 - 10:17pm

      Jake E.

      Where can you get Series 9 and 10 for £15 each?

      I used to have them but sold them thinking we’d get new steelbook versions. Whoops.

    • Jake E

      June 14th, 2023 - 8:06am

      Daz I’m sure you can find them for 15-20 quid somewhere. I’m referring to the normal versions like I said in my message

    • daz

      June 14th, 2023 - 10:35am

      Exactly, I can read.

      You can’t get Series 9 or 10 on standard Blu-ray for £15. I’ve looked.

    • Jake E

      June 14th, 2023 - 1:50pm

      Daz, you don’t have to get pedantic.

      I obviously meant for a reasonable price. I don’t know or care what the exact pricing is. Cheaper than a Steelbook on eBay let’s put it that way

    • Rex Farrel

      June 14th, 2023 - 4:58pm

      Rarewaves had them for around those prices recently. I’d not seen S10 that low before because that one season does tend to stay higher. I still didn’t buy it though (new Who is on my “couple of quid in a charity shop” list).

    • Rex Farrel

      June 14th, 2023 - 7:53pm

      Samuel: You realise the HMV copies of Season 12 Ltd Ed are just unsold stock, which reappear on the website during stocktakes, yes? The HMV website receives various technically OOP titles during stocktaking – it’s where I’ve picked up several titles I’ve missed, at RRP or less. They’re returns from shops and warehouses, often complete with stickers. So they’re not getting new copies pressed (why would they keep doing season 12 and not the others?).

      If found copies of S12 are hanging around unsold at under RRP, then there’s not much incentive to do another run of the other seasons. What’s the minimum order they’d have to do? 1000? And smaller runs cost more to do, so higher prices for the customer. It would presumably lead to an overall loss with production, storage, distribution, returns and destroying unsold stock. The sensible fix is to produce fewer copies of limited sets in future, just enough for the committed collectors.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 14th, 2023 - 9:37pm

      Let’s not argue chaps this forum is a place of love

    • Jake E

      June 14th, 2023 - 10:18pm

      Happiness will Prevail!

    • Rory

      June 15th, 2023 - 11:05am

      @rex, partially agreed on your comment. I don’t think there’s harm in producing the same numbers of limited edition sets as it is still limited edition whether it sells out before release or hangs about on the shelves for a year or so after (looking at you, S24).

      There’s an argument to be had that releasing the standard editions should mean reducing the LEs as they’re no longer the only game in town. The LEs stopped selling out when they started announcing SEs.

      For those who want to see the classic series in the best format possible, the SEs will be around until they stop printing. For the collectors who want a premium product, and want something limited to remain limited, the LEs should be a single run of how many they think will reasonably sell.

    • Rory

      June 15th, 2023 - 12:57pm

      @daz, agree that the BBC should continue where they left off and release their own steelbooks for S9 and S10 (including TUAT).

      And yeah, the Jodie steelbooks are a bit of a mess (especially the awful cover for S11). They could do 3 new ones and capture everything in even chunks. The content is there, it’s just a case of repackaging, so max profit.

    • Gordon

      June 15th, 2023 - 11:25pm

      It’s been over 2 years since the series 8 steelbook so personally I feel there won’t be at this point. This is no way a confirmation but got a feeling that the bbc count the original series 9 steelbook as part of the steelbook line and in consequence series 10-2022 specials are also part of the steelbook line . That’s why I feel the range stopped. Personally I feel a series 9 steelbook should be rereleased due to the original release being an Amazon exclusive. The steelbook releases of Series 10 11 and 12 all took quite a while to sell out so I’d be surprised if they got another.

      The limited line does work. The whole point of it being limited is so that once a product is released it’s out of the warehouse given to customers and the space that it was taking up is moved on to the next product they are selling and it no longer takes up warehouse space. Considering the products in question are completely sold out it’s done that job.

      Apparently hmv do stock-takes this time of year so it wouldn’t be too surprising if a couple of copies turned up considering how many extra were made because of the wrong disc labels being printed.

      I don’t really see the point now doing rereleases of the limited edition packaging season sets. Nobody just starting out collecting these are going to start on the more expensive sets. The cheaper standard versions are readily available and the newly released seasons only have an 18 month -2 year gap before a standard version of it comes out. I’ve suggested this before: at the end of the range the bbc gives people the opportunity to order the ones that are missing from their collections with a print to order run with a cut off date for orders.

  • Bobby Fackrell

    June 11th, 2023 - 10:40pm

    I’m on the brilliant Talons of Weng Chiang tonight

    Now this one really is a worthy masterpiece and looks so good on blu ray

    I think during my complete run rewatch series 14 is the best of the Hinchcliffe years.

    Starting 15 tomorrow will be a Britbox lunch break job at work next week.

    Hopefully 16 will be the next release that will be perfect timing and should 16 come out it would be longest stretch of consecutive series from 16 – 19 extended even more if 20 comes out at the end of the year

    They can schedule this perfectly for 60th anniversary watch.

    But I’m being selfish I know Prof wants 25 to come out next

    Happiness will Prevail

    • Prowl 1701

      June 12th, 2023 - 2:32am

      Talons is a masterpiece, Tom’s best season finale, though seeds is a close close second. I find 14 the weakest of the Hinchcliffe era myself, but still really great.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 12th, 2023 - 6:01am

      14 is Hinchcliffe’s favourite as well

    • Jake E

      June 12th, 2023 - 9:20am

      Talons is my fav Classic Who story.

      I was at a convention a couple months ago and someone asked what my fav was and I said Talons and they starting questioning me and asking why I would like such an offensive story etc.

    • Prof Horner

      June 12th, 2023 - 10:13am

      I will try not to be too upset that season 25 isn’t coming out next, Bobby! But consider this Bobby when season 25 finally comes out (probably next year after season 6!) There will be nothing for us to have a good a banter about! It is amazing to think that a year after the excellence of Talons. We had a six part serial as shoddy as Invasion of Time. Talons really was an end of era.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 12th, 2023 - 1:37pm

      @jake E why was someone at a Doctor Who convention when they did not know Talons is one of the most popular stories among fans?

      @prof did you get your invitation today? They want me and you to record a fan commentary for Greatest Show in the Galaxy

    • Prof Horner

      June 12th, 2023 - 3:37pm

      Actually Greatest show in Galaxy is I think best story of the season 25. It’s not the stories that I have problem with after season 24. It’s just I find Sylvester McCoy unwatchable.

    • Rory

      June 12th, 2023 - 4:13pm

      @Bobby, I suspect it was someone trying to argue that the portrayal of Asians means we should never watch it again.

      I mean, I’m aware that portrayals of other races can be problematic, but I don’t believe that should negate any worth in the entire production. I am a big fan of the Christopher Lee Fu Manchu films, and those are definitely problematic. Mind you, I knew that as a teenager in the 90s.

    • Jake E

      June 12th, 2023 - 7:31pm

      Yes, that was exactly it @Rory

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 12th, 2023 - 8:51pm

      In that case you need to remind them it is fictional and typical of the times and even though Doctor Who has been clumsy with race, stereotypes and languages at times and no more than any other show of the various periods it has always fundamentally been about equality and liberalism that is the essence of the Doctor’s character going as far back as The Daleks which is anti-fascism story

    • Philip Shaw

      June 16th, 2023 - 8:43am

      Talon’s is my favourite Dr Who story also, mainly because I’m a Sherlock Holmes fan and love Dr who in a Victorian setting. I was also accused of being racist because of my love for the story by a ‘fan’. While I can see the anger of ‘blackface’ I argued that they were actors and the point is that they play people other than themselves, but still got moaned at!

  • James

    June 11th, 2023 - 9:40pm

    I thought the standard versions of The Collection were supposed to be cheaper then the Limited versions?
    Season 12 is £1 cheaper to get the limited then standard on hmv.

    Even if we only get 3 sets this year. Looks likely to get 2 lost stories released like 50th year.

    • Tom Williams

      June 12th, 2023 - 9:48pm

      I know how u feel I went too my local fopps last Friday and they still had season 22 limited for 55.99 and the standards where in the 40 zone every single one off them

  • Samuel

    June 10th, 2023 - 11:24am

    For anyone in need of new Collection art, I highly recommend the latest fan art for Series 1 – The Collection, by Matthew Purchase on Twitter @TheCyberdevil

    Oh, how I wish it was the real thing.

    • Jake E

      June 10th, 2023 - 3:31pm

      I saw that, it does look very good and makes me more on board with New Who collection sets just not until after all the Classics are out 🙂

    • Samuel

      June 11th, 2023 - 3:52pm

      I agree, particularly we really need more Hartnell & Troughton sets out first.

      That said, I’ve also noticed HMV have once or twice recently restocked Season 12 Limited Edition online – very interesting indeed.

      I say that because, should the Collection do New Who, maybe other out of print / megaton expensive second hand sets such as Seasons 10 + 19 will be re-released at retail price to help bolster up fan incentive to go back and fill in the gaps. I’ll be honest, I think they would be pretty silly not to, especially if Season 12 LE is clearly doing well enough to be re-advertising over and over in 2023.

    • Rex F

      June 12th, 2023 - 11:54am

      Season 12 is leftover stock, isn’t it? Every so often HMV have a stocktake and various OOP titles come back into stock (or get returned to the manufacturer, like Powerhouse limited edition titles). They’re probably hanging on because people know they can’t get the full set of limited box sets easily now.

    • Samuel

      June 12th, 2023 - 5:15pm

      @Rex F – If HMV do have back stock of every other Limited Edition season, and on/off release small batches – Good on them, and thank God.

      The ‘Limited’ model only kind-of works for brand new releases, but for the rest of the sets from 2017+, honestly, it’s only benefitting resale sharks today thanks to the absences of Seasons 8, 10, 14, 18, 19

      Worldofbooks on Ebay, last Year I believe, even had a batch of sealed Season 23 Limited Edition sets for £29 each, absolute bargain.

      Long may it continue

    • Samuel

      June 13th, 2023 - 5:34pm

      @Rex I seriously, seriously hope you’re right.

      HMV will be like, the hero we didn’t realise we needed. The sun will rise, the Ebay prices for Seasons 10, 18, 19 and 26 will descend down to compete with retail prices.

      I feel as we’re heading into a brand new era of Doctor Who, the main versions of these sets should be made properly available to all fans, should they wish to invest a reasonable amount of hard earned money into them – not an *unreasonable* amount of money.

  • D84

    June 8th, 2023 - 3:54pm

    No announcement today then …………………

    • Mb7

      June 8th, 2023 - 5:45pm

      Must be soon…
      Can’t wait to see what season it is (20? 16?)
      The new features, the excitement seeing the episodes again, how clean they look and that gorgeous amazing artwork… bring it on!

    • Prof Horner

      June 8th, 2023 - 6:33pm

      Season 9 was announced on the 26th of January and released on 20th of March. So August is still on.

    • daz

      June 8th, 2023 - 10:32pm

      You never know. They might announce Season 20 on the 20th June?

    • D84

      June 9th, 2023 - 9:25am

      I quite agree Mb7 – im always super excited to see a new set announcement and digest the new content etc

    • Prof Horner

      June 9th, 2023 - 12:15pm

      @Daz, what a great idea . 20 on the 20th ! Yes it is always fun to find out what the next box set is, what the cover will look like and what wonderful extras will there be. Of course the one I am most looking forward to is season 6. It’s twenty years ago that I got my first DVD player and Seeds of Death my first Doctor Who DVD. Which Doctor Who story your first on DVD anyone?

    • daz

      June 9th, 2023 - 1:10pm

      I think Season 6 will be released as the first set of 2024. Be good to finally get a Troughton season on my shelf.

      First dvd I got was Remembrance of the daleks (the no frills first release as it is my favourite classic story) after being on the fence due to me having the vhs.
      I was an early adopter to dvd in 1999.

      I never looked back til I dabbled with the Season 19 collection. Absolutely loved the limited packaging then sold all my DVD’s in preparation for the rest.

      Be great once they are all on display in about 5 years…

    • Rory

      June 9th, 2023 - 2:19pm

      @Prof, I bought a job lot of about half a dozen of the early dvds on eBay. Pretty sure Tomb and Spearhead were in that lot, so it was quite early.

      I only ever had about twenty of the VHS as I recorded the rest from UK Gold back in the 90s, so I was super excited that they were releasing the series on dvd.

    • D84

      June 9th, 2023 - 2:41pm

      @Rory – I was also a fan of recording from UK Gold!

      Like you I had probably 20 or so of the actual VHS releases but then started on the DVD’s with the first edition of “The Five Doctors” – even printed out the revised sleeve cover they did to get it looking like the rest of the range

      I skipped The Collection S12 when it first came out, but committed at S19 (the 2nd set in the range) so was super glad that S12 got a 2nd edition which I managed to bag a copy of

    • Thefuture

      June 9th, 2023 - 3:20pm

      Just keep looking at that german bluray site it keeps posting release dates weeks before the BBC ever officially announce them.

    • Prof Horner

      June 9th, 2023 - 4:00pm

      I too had recorded stories off uk gold in the late nighties. I seemed to remember I recorded The Ark , Gunfighters and Arc of Infinity, none of them I ever got around to getting on DVD. I only have the American version of Season 12. Which I got off Amazon in 2019 just before they rereleased it here .Season 19 box set was the first one I got after I got my blu ray player Christmas 2018. I seemed to remember I got a lot of DVDs cheap not long after I got the DVD player from either HMV or Virgin store Bradford including the ones you mentioned Rory. I used to get rid of my old Who videos in a shop in Manchester near Victoria station when they came out DVD . I remember I got The Ambassadors of Death video off the nice guy who ran it in exchange for something else. Recorded Ambassadors of Death off gold in black and white. I haven’t been to Manchester for years. I wonder if it is still there. I used swap the new adventures novels for Star Trek and TNG novels too ! The memories come flooding back!

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 10th, 2023 - 8:44am

      Prof, I’m a child of the great McCoy years. My first VHS was The Five Doctors, over the years I got a few others – Peters and Tom’s on VHS, my school friend had a couple of videos too, I remember going to his house to watch The Daleks and The Tomb of the Cybermen. Like others my brother had UK Gold and taped some for me I had copies of Four to Doomsday and the excellent Delta and the Bannermen. The BBC showed some repeats in the early 90s but never enough and they were always welcome when they came along. I didn’t have too many of the vids but did get all the DVD range over the years seeing quite a few for the first time. Also collected the audio CDs of the missing episodes long before the animations, loved those. The Evil of the Daleks has always been my favourite and originally on the narrated soundtrack CD alone

    • Richard

      June 12th, 2023 - 6:19pm

      I remember recording and watching classic WHO on UKGold in early 2000s when I was about 15/16. This was how I became a fan. I particularly remember watching The Time Warrior, think that was the first I saw on the channel. Then for the 40th anniversary I got the big coffee table book for Christmas called Doctor Who The Legend. Great memories.

  • Jake E

    June 8th, 2023 - 2:29pm

    @Rory Oh my message is back now. This site keeps doing this to me haha

    • Prof Horner

      June 8th, 2023 - 6:30pm

      This has to me too. So wouldn’t worry about it.

  • Rory

    June 8th, 2023 - 1:15pm

    @Jake, I grew up on classic Who, but I’m always there for bringing elements back into Nu-Who.

    Give me five seasons of Sarah-Jane.

    Give me Ace attacking a Dalek with a baseball bat again.

    Give me Ian Chesterton. Just one minute of Ian Chesterton and there are tears in my eyes.

    • Jake E

      June 8th, 2023 - 2:28pm

      @Rory Now you say it I kind of agree.

      I don’t know where my original message has disappeared to though

  • Geoff

    June 7th, 2023 - 2:50am

    Hey everyone, bit of a strange question… is anyone else having issues with playing the more recent sets on their Blu-ray player? I never had any issues until Season 24 (which was maybe 5 sets ago?). The Blu-ray player I have with my TV really struggles to read the discs, and usually I have to give up and watch them on my PC where the player reads them fine.

    The TV’s player is a bit old now – 2009 – but it has the latest firmware and reads any other DVD or Blu-ray from any region without issue. Shame it’s just a problem with these recent Collection discs.

    • D84

      June 7th, 2023 - 8:05am

      I’ve not had any issues with any set (including S12 2nd edition) My player and TV are fairly new though – 2021 and 2020 models

      Although prior to my purchase of the Blu Ray player in 2021 I played the sets through my original gen PS3 (piano black that also played PS2 discs) and didn’t have any issues there either

    • Nb7

      June 7th, 2023 - 12:07pm

      Sounds like an issue with the player. Unfortunately they don’t last that long. If it’s as old as 2009 then yeah it will gradually start to decline sadly.

    • Jake E

      June 7th, 2023 - 4:40pm

      I’ve got the first 4K Blu-Ray player that came out and that now refuses to play some 4K discs so I use my PS5 for 4K discs now.

      My point being without them giving certain firmware updates etc. these machines start to become obsolete in regards to certain new discs as things change and they use software that’s no longer compatible.

      I think you will have to buy a new player. Most recent ones are fairly reasonable prices nowadays.

      You could get a decent LG Region Free Blu-Ray player now and play any discs from all over the world. That’s what I have as my backup player 🙂

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 7th, 2023 - 4:44pm

      I’m still on playstation 3!

    • Geoff

      June 8th, 2023 - 12:53am

      Thanks everyone!

  • Jake E

    June 5th, 2023 - 11:50am

    If anyone’s interested:

    Peter Purves said the next missing story he would like animated is Celestial Toymaker but he can’t say anything about it. – read into that what you will.

    Chris Chapman said he knows what the next 3 collection sets will be in advance.

    Janet Fielding just said we have to be patient because the extras for Season 20 are gonna be amazing.

    • Anonymous

      June 5th, 2023 - 1:30pm

      Yes ‘A day in the life of The Ergon’is going to be great.

    • Samuel

      June 7th, 2023 - 2:10pm

      Chapman knows of the next 3 sets?

      1,3,4,5,6,7,11,13,15,16,20,21,25, Wilderness.

      That’s 14 classic sets left;

      Hartnell: 2.5 sets
      Troughton: 2.5 sets
      Pertwee: 2 sets
      T. Baker: 3 sets
      Davison: 2 sets (inc. 1x C.Baker story)
      McCoy: 1 set
      McGann: 1 set

      As far as I remember, I don’t believe the decade releases repeat, i.e an 80’s set, then 60’s, then 70’s etc.

      If the rumours turn out to be true, then the next couple are Season 20 & Season 16, so that’s an 80’s set, then a 70’s set, meaning either of the last 2x 80’s sets, or a 60’s set (or the Wilderness set) will follow.

      What’s exciting for me personally, is that 1963-1970 is roughly half of the remaining sets. The William Russell interview is maybe my favourite Collection extra so far. Both the video and audio restoration work for Season 2 has been spectacular.

      Really hope to see more 60’s sets sooner than later, and can’t wait for the first Pertwee season.

    • Jake E

      June 7th, 2023 - 4:43pm

      It appears they are mostly releasing the even numbered sets first so 20, 16 and then 6 would make sense.

      Without really thinking about it that then leaves just season 4 for a few years time and the rest are odd numbered 🙂

    • Samuel

      June 7th, 2023 - 6:44pm

      @Jake E – I guess, I just thought more along the lines of, the range is deliberately not having two boxsets in a row of the same Doctor, or same decade etc.

      It just feels a lot better now, knowing there’s roughly a 50% chance of any season from 1-7. There’s only a couple of 80’s sets left, and I can’t imagine they will want to burn through the Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee sets. Meaning (surely) more black and white sets have the chance of a coin flip of turning up at any moment.

      Definitely it should be a Patrick Troughton now.

    • Rory

      June 9th, 2023 - 9:55am

      @Samuel, it also makes sense to spread out the Doctors 1-3 sets as those require the most work, so slotting in easier ones between them probably evens out the workload.

      I’m happy with whatever we get whenever we get it, but yes, we are definitely due a Troughton. Both 5 and 6 are only missing one story, but 5 likely needs less work as three of the stories have been recently released on blu-ray.

    • Samuel

      June 9th, 2023 - 8:34pm

      @Rory completely agree.

      Being carefully pessimistic, even if we go back to 2x sets a year, it is likely, as you’ve pointed out, that it’ll be 1x pre 1971 set, and 1x post 1971 set.

      It’s not 100% chance, but it is highly highly likely, and for that reason alone, I’m much more excited for the future of this range than I’ve ever been before.

  • Drwhofan12

    June 4th, 2023 - 10:33am

    THis is my first box set
    I got season 17 yesterday

  • Alydon2007

    June 3rd, 2023 - 5:33pm

    Some guy on E Bay called fencing1988 is selling a lot of what he calls “rare Doctor Who poster art”, including one titled “Dr Who Poster RARE HD Print A3 – Doctor Who – Dalek – Cybermen” that looks uncannily like a Lee Binding image for a Pertwee Season 11 boxset…

    Has this artwork leaked somehow and been stolen by pirates, I wonder…?

    • J45ON96

      June 3rd, 2023 - 5:51pm

      Having looked at it, it’s absolutely nowhere near the quality of Lee Binding’s work, it’s more likely that he’s nicked the artwork from somebody making a mock-up for Season 11’s cover design, like people making bootleg DVD covers for missing episodes.

    • Anonymous

      June 3rd, 2023 - 6:01pm

      Ive had his stuff and its just cheap reprints. Never again.

  • Jake E

    June 2nd, 2023 - 5:55pm

    At Utopia 2023 convention Philip Morris has promised the number of missing episodes will go down.

    He’s says there’s 4 episodes in private hands in the UK and 2 episodes overseas.

    Personally I don’t think so. Either way I don’t think we the fans will get anymore episodes but anyway just wanted to report what he said 🙂

    • Alzie Who

      June 2nd, 2023 - 9:22pm

      Like others, I’ll believe it when I see it.

    • D84

      June 2nd, 2023 - 9:51pm

      Feels unlikely but wait and see I guess

      I won’t be holding my breath

    • Missing

      June 3rd, 2023 - 4:44pm

      Dod he say WHEN ?

    • Gordon

      June 5th, 2023 - 12:45am

      Hopeful something happens but believe it when I see it.

    • Ian Cotterill

      June 6th, 2023 - 7:33pm

      I will reserve excitement regarding potentially recovered episodes or further animated reconstructions for when they are officially announced.

  • Jake E

    June 2nd, 2023 - 5:46pm

    Chris Chapman is now filming a Doctor Who Documentary for a 1960’s Blu-Ray set he has said on Twitter 🙂

    • D84

      June 2nd, 2023 - 9:50pm

      Ooooh, could be S6? Have seen that mentioned on here before as potentially the next B&W set (not necessarily the NEXT set) to come out

    • Jake E

      June 2nd, 2023 - 11:15pm

      Someone tweeted “season 6 come home” and Chris Chapman liked the tweet.

      Might be nothing but might be something 🙂

    • Rex Farrel

      June 3rd, 2023 - 5:36am

      With how far they plan/work in advance, they’ll probably be working on elements of all the sixties sets in the next twelve months. (People aren’t getting any younger either.)

    • Prof Horner

      June 3rd, 2023 - 8:32am

      Season 6 has got to be the next sixties season to be released. Probably early next year. I can see Frazer and Wendy wandering around the country park outside Brighton which used to be the rubbish tip where they filmed The War Games. Come on BBC announce the next box set and put us all out of are misery.

    • Gordon

      June 5th, 2023 - 1:22am

      He said he was filming another weekend with… .

      If we take it being for a 60s set it could be the following people:

      William Russell
      Carol Ann Ford
      Maureen o Brian
      Peter Purvis
      anneke wills
      Fraser Hines
      Wendy Padbury

      Says it is for moon balloon documentary number 29 and the edit won’t start till next year. There are 8 moon ball

    • Gordon

      June 5th, 2023 - 6:30am

      There are 8 moon ballon releases unannounced.

    • Prof Horner

      June 5th, 2023 - 12:18pm

      Well it makes sense to film as many interviews with as many sixties companions and other extras right now. Bank them . Many of them probably sadly won’t be around in say five years when maybe all the seasons are released on blu ray box set. Even the youngest Wendy Padbury is seventy six this year.
      As for missing episodes, l understand the guy who returned two missing episodes in 2011 , sadly died recently. It is said he had other unmarked film cans in his prosecution. Now if true, then it doesn’t mean that there are any other missing Doctor Who missing episodes but who knows just maybe . but then who knows what other missing treasures are maybe in this hoard. Let’s wait and see.

    • Gordon

      June 5th, 2023 - 1:03pm

      The weekend with… series doesn’t film with multiple stars. I wasn’t saying that he was filming with all those cast members. I’m saying It’s 1 of those cast members. Out of that list I think we can probably rule out a couple of people. It’s 2 days filming so Probably not William due to health reasons. Peter was at utopia so doubtful it’s him. Season 3 is most certainly 4 years minimum away so I don’t think it’s Maureen either. With the Rumours of smugglers and underwater menace animation I doubt it’s for season 4 so soon so probably not anneke either. Really just leaves Carole Fraser and Wendy. Probably more likely a Troughton seeing as we know they have done bts for mind robber and we haven’t had a Troughton.

  • DigitalBits

    May 31st, 2023 - 3:20pm

    Unfortunately the problems with Ukraine has pushed any future releases back. Every physical media release coming out of certain factories in Ukraine have been pushed back to November. Don’t be expecting any surprises.

    • Jake E

      May 31st, 2023 - 4:39pm

      Ah man bad news for Physical Media this week.
      Network on Air has gone into liquidation. They gave us the Monty Python Flying Circus Blu-Ray with everything fully restored and all the edited out stuff put back in, we never would have got that without them so it sucks that the company is now gone. I’m getting more worried about physical media

    • D84

      May 31st, 2023 - 4:55pm

      Yea its been a while now and the next set must be due soon if we are to see 3 sets this year.

      I would also hope of seeing some form of confirmation re the Animations if those rumours are true

      Lets hope something comes soon

    • DanielM

      May 31st, 2023 - 5:30pm

      Source? And are we 100% sure these Sets come out of Ukraine?

    • D84

      May 31st, 2023 - 6:19pm

      Poland has been previously mention as a production site for The Collection sets.

      Although that too is nearer to the troubles I guess

    • The Time Lord 1944

      June 1st, 2023 - 12:40am

      Jake E. I am gutted too. Network was a treasure trove and it’s closure has brought the loss of around 3000 treasures that will probably never see the light of day again. The powers that be seem to be determined to push us all to streaming. Network lost a lot of custom when supermarkets like Sainsbury’s stopped stocking their releases. I fear for the future of physical Dr Who releases, firstly because of how difficult and costly it is to produce them now and secondly because of the Disney deal. Other countries have stopped producing Dr Who physical media since that streing deal.

    • Rex Farrel

      June 1st, 2023 - 2:51am

      Previous sets were produced in Poland, you can check the IFPI numbers on the discs (at least one, the press number, will refer to a Polish plant). I don’t think Ukraine has any blu-ray capable plants, nor have I seen a Ukrainian IFPI, but I have seen references to vinyl production there.

    • simon.ss1

      June 1st, 2023 - 10:13am

      Yes, Jake E and The Time Lord 1944. Awful news about Network On Air. (And much worse for everyone involved with the company.)
      But let’s be grateful – thanks to everyone at Network – that we got so much great stuff we can still enjoy.
      Makes me think of the Koenig/Bergman exchange in the Space: 1999 episode Black Sun:
      “To everything that might have been.”
      “To everything that was…”

    • Nb7

      June 1st, 2023 - 1:09pm

      We’ve had three sets since the war in Ukraine haven’t we? Things must be getting made unless otherwise how have we got the other sets?
      My personal feeling is they won’t release sets until they’re totally perfect. The amount of times sets were announced then a couple of weeks before release the dates changed, that’s happened a lot. If I’m correct I’m sure season 26 had the release date changed twice after the announcement.
      The next one will be announced soon, I’m sure (and hoping) this month will have an announcement, fingers crossed.

    • DigitalBits

      June 1st, 2023 - 6:21pm

      Just my prediction

    • John F. K

      June 1st, 2023 - 6:51pm

      We won’t get any further Blu-ray releases before this decade is out, unless Elon Musk can get his rocketship back to the pressing plants on the dark side of the moon (and return it safely to the earth).

      On Nov 23rd I’ll reveal that this is just my completely random prediction.

    • Nb7

      June 1st, 2023 - 9:32pm

      Yeah man you could be right as I think season 22 was delayed for the same reason.
      I just wish we knew haha. Fingers crossed!

    • Anonymous

      June 1st, 2023 - 11:09pm

      I thought Poland and China for sets. Let’s not start to blame Ukraine

    • booboo

      June 2nd, 2023 - 8:36am

      i thought i read it created a paper shortage for a time which effected some packaging rather than the blu-rays themselves ?

    • DP Hill

      June 2nd, 2023 - 8:39am

      we are an awfully worrisome bunch when we don’t get a blu-ray on time aren’t we? and that’s running by our own fanmade schedules of ‘on time’, fingers crossed it’s soon – at least us who ray fans are all awaiting the next set whenever that should be!

    • Richard

      June 2nd, 2023 - 1:22pm

      Such a shame about Network closing. I have most of their Gerry Anderson blu-ray titles and Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)
      They are all treasures in my collection.

    • whoknows

      June 3rd, 2023 - 4:45pm

      ANYWAY as they are made in Poland whats that got to do with anything you are saying ?

    • rich

      June 4th, 2023 - 10:27am

      Sounds like nonsense to me

  • Scott Carrick

    May 25th, 2023 - 11:25am

    Well, if we don’t get an announcement today for the next Blu Ray Boxset (whatever it is), no release in July. Then it’ll be an announcement end of June (maybe) for late August release. Fingers crossed for later today :-).

    • D84

      May 25th, 2023 - 12:42pm

      Yea i would agree if it doesn’t come out today, then a late July release could be questionable.

      Eye’s peeled at 3pm everyone

    • The Time Lord 1944

      May 25th, 2023 - 12:49pm

      Usually the release dates of the sets are leaked on a European Blu-ray site a few days before announcement so I’d be surprised if it’s today.

    • Nb7

      May 25th, 2023 - 1:00pm

      Yeah unfortunately they always seem to be leaked before announcements.
      Anything could happen any day, fingers crossed it’s before September. Maybe the plan is to release two a year now so they don’t have to keep changing the release dates when the preorders go up.

    • D84

      May 25th, 2023 - 2:08pm

      Ive been checking a few other sites that have leaked previous releases. Nothing yet that i can see

    • Prof Horner

      May 25th, 2023 - 2:29pm

      Since DWM is out today and I assume that there is no mention of the next boxset, then there will no announcement today. It is starting to like August at the earliest.

    • D84

      May 25th, 2023 - 2:41pm

      August is certainly still “Summer” but could put a 3rd set this year in jeopardy

    • D84

      May 25th, 2023 - 4:13pm

      ……………………… not today then 🙁

    • Prowl 1701

      May 25th, 2023 - 11:39pm

      As long as we get a set by the end of august I think we could still get three this year. So I am hoping for an announcement either this month or in June.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 26th, 2023 - 5:33am

      Patience folks, they will announce when they ready, these sets are a labour of love and take time

    • Pete X

      May 26th, 2023 - 2:32pm

      20th June at 5:05 pm BST 😉

    • Nb7

      May 26th, 2023 - 6:38pm

      Hmm intriguing…
      We’ll see if that’s the date!

    • Prof Horner

      May 26th, 2023 - 8:05pm

      If they announce season 20 on 8th of June for a 7th August release. We could still get say season 16 on either the 4th,11th or 18th of December. Three releases this year, roughly four months apart. Simple.

    • D84

      May 26th, 2023 - 10:55pm

      Intriguing indeed

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 27th, 2023 - 8:11am

      Oh Prof 25 is next, you must fight this denial

      Embrace the Kandy Man and all his sugary treats

      It will be Big Bertie Bassett box set with all sorts

      Happiness will Prevail

    • James

      May 31st, 2023 - 2:56pm

      I hate not knowing whets next. Been ages. Even the 2 new animations haven’t been officially confirmed. 5 months until the 60th anniversary month

  • Bobby Fackrell

    May 23rd, 2023 - 9:18pm

    Watching the series 14 box set as part of the complete run, the Sarah Jane Documentary with Tom’s interview breaks my heart every time I see it

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 23rd, 2023 - 10:23pm

      And the Behind the Sofas much nicer having Sophie and Peter Purvis saying how much they enjoy it then Janet and Peter Davison slating it

  • Nb7

    May 21st, 2023 - 2:05pm

    Here’s a thought I imagined today which I really hope would happen (very very very unlikely)
    What if two sets were announced at the same time on the same day for release on the same day. One way to celebrate the 60th that way we may even have got 4 sets this year. Plus loads and loads of classic who or maybe even one classic set with a new who collection set released at the same time.

    • Prof Horner

      May 21st, 2023 - 7:10pm

      Well they aren’t going to do that. Each boxset announcement is special and announce two at the same time would distract from that. We may get animations together but that seems unlikely too. I am hoping we will get some surprises before too long .

    • Nb7

      May 21st, 2023 - 7:38pm

      Oh yeah definitely not going to happen but the thought of it I think sounds great.
      Paul McCartney does similar when he’s released box sets in the past, majority of the time he’s released two at a time.
      Season 20 and 16 released together would be a lovely sight to see.

    • Prowl 1701

      May 21st, 2023 - 8:45pm

      I wouldn’t want two sets competing with each other for sales.

    • Gordon

      May 21st, 2023 - 10:18pm

      Zero chance of that. The sheer amount of work that would take. Plus the team working on them have said they want each season to have its time in the sun.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 22nd, 2023 - 12:21pm

      Prof can’t wait for series 25 to have it’s time in the sun, he’s booked the sunbed and brought a new beach towel ⛱️

      Happiness will Prevail

    • Tom Williams

      May 22nd, 2023 - 1:13pm

      Bonkers idea but i noticed something unusal the other day and noticed season 2 usa was out near a week before uk season 9 addition in march but spotted the other day now apprently season 9 usa verison is out in july would this mean the new set comes out again a week after that ?

    • D84

      May 22nd, 2023 - 1:57pm

      @Tom – Peter keeps telling people at various meets and conventions that the S20 set is due out “Summer 23” so the expectation is June-Aug.

      As we are virtually at the end of May now a release late June is looking unlikely but late July and into August certainly possible is the gap between announcement and release is around 2 months (using the S9 UK Limited edition as a model)

      It does seem that the other versions for other nations (USA and Australia) get an announcement date for their version before the UK (my version) gets a confirmed date

      So this could be the first signs of a S20 release in late July for the UK

    • Anonymous

      May 25th, 2023 - 9:13pm

      standard 17 should be out roughly August as well so likely.

  • TimelordTim

    May 20th, 2023 - 12:39pm

    Just picked this up for £20 from a charity shop! Along with Season 8 and 10 for £15 each in standard editions. Wasn’t expecting that and hyped to see my favourite era in this updated format!

  • DP Hill

    May 19th, 2023 - 11:45am

    Damn i really thought they were gonna announce another boxset yesterday, well one more may week until its getting a bit late for a summer release!!

    • D84

      May 19th, 2023 - 12:11pm

      I thought that “not this week then”

      They could surprise us and announce this afternoon but that would be fairly unusual

      Agreed, getting a bit late if its due “summer” – unless some people call September “summer”

    • DP Hill

      May 19th, 2023 - 1:51pm

      It’s nice to have a forum where we whovians understand those ‘not this week’ feeling, or the ‘wow! there’s another one, half an hour break from whatever I’m doing!’ thing.

      They could, but they do usually only announce tuesday through thursday – if anyone is listening, you could announce it now!

      I guess astronomical summer ends with the equinox in September (23rd).

      We know whatever they release, it will be good!

    • Prof Horner

      May 19th, 2023 - 2:46pm

      Well won’t be June and July is starting to look unlikely. It could be August and then again it could be September which is late summer into autumn. If it September, then there is a chance of the third in December as the last two years. Remember season 17 was released just before Christmas.

    • Prowl 1701

      May 19th, 2023 - 4:47pm

      They could be holding announcements closer to release date now like they did with season 9, only two months between announcement and release.

    • Rory

      May 19th, 2023 - 5:01pm

      Maybe they’re using the same calendar as Edinburgh Trams, which will definitely be completed on time in spring, assuming that end of June is still considered spring.

    • D84

      May 19th, 2023 - 5:38pm

      Yea could be Prowl, i did think that.

      Even a “summer” release being up to the end of August, if they use the model of S9 – then an announcement could come anytime up to the end of June so still time yet

    • Prowl 1701

      May 19th, 2023 - 9:09pm

      Yeah I figure as long as we get an announcement by the end of June, with a release by the end of august, we could still get a third set before the end of the year.

  • Error_404

    May 19th, 2023 - 5:51am

    Hi, I’m writing a small offtopic: I saw that there is an episode of blue peter with peter davison and richard hurndall in characters as doctors. It was made to celebrate the five doctors. However I can’t find any clips online. Does anyone know it still exists? Thanks in advance

    • Rex F

      May 19th, 2023 - 9:58am

      Yes. It’s on the dvd.

    • Jack D. Evans

      May 19th, 2023 - 11:08am

      It’s on ‘The Five Doctors’ 25th anniversary edition set, Disc 2.

    • Error_404

      May 19th, 2023 - 4:46pm


    • Prowl1701

      May 19th, 2023 - 9:07pm

      It’s a fun watch too, Richard seems so happy to be there as the first doctor.

  • Gordon

    May 14th, 2023 - 10:25pm

    Peter Davison was telling people at a convention this weekend that s20 is out in the summer. Must have been at least 4 different times he has said it now. It means either we are due an announcement soon or he’s gonna have egg on his face.

    • Anonymous

      May 15th, 2023 - 1:14am

      Honestly doesn’t matter to me. Any classic series season I’m good with. Seems like been hearing about season 20 for 2 years. Now we we hear about season 16 & season 6. Both would be great. Any of the 3 would be great. However the season 2 release really makes me want a Troughton season

    • Prowl1701

      May 15th, 2023 - 4:40am

      Tbf, the colors that Lee Binding said are the dominant colors on the next set do fit the colors the 80’s sets tend to go for. So while they don’t scream sesson 20 to me, they do seem like a good fit for an 80’s set next to the other 80’s sets on the shelf.

    • Jake E

      May 15th, 2023 - 8:36am

      Lee Binding in a reply a few days ago said “we’re just messing with you now for lolz”

    • D84

      May 15th, 2023 - 9:33am

      Let’s hope for an announcement / trailer / pre order soon

    • Prof Horner

      May 15th, 2023 - 10:00am

      Well it’s mid May now, so if the next the season is coming out this summer then we should have a announcement before the end of this month. Late July perhaps. In time for big birthday . I think after all this time season 20 should be first. It seems we believe that season 16 will be next after 20 if recent years are to go by in December. Also season 6 seems to be on its way, probably in early next year. I am certainly happy with these three coming out next . Although only season 20 is sure. Happy times.

    • D84

      May 15th, 2023 - 10:58am

      I’ll take anything Prof Horner – in any order to be honest.

      Just looking forward to hopefully having all 27 sets on the shelf.

      “Summer” is generally accepted as June-Aug, and with the last sat coming out late March i would suspect it will be at least a 4 month gap until the next release which puts as at July – which feels about right.

      If that does transpire to be what is happening, we should be due a confirmation / trailer / pre order any day – certainly before the end of May one would hope

    • Prof Horner

      May 15th, 2023 - 11:36am

      Agreed D84. Although in my case it won’t be all 27 if it is 27. Although I have been tempted to get season 23 . As far as I am concerned season 22 one long video nasty. Even if I think season 23 was wasted opportunity given the time to prepare for it . I may get it at some point. I would be interested to what would be in a wilderness years box set apart The Mcgann tv movie . I would love season 6 first, but out don’t think will be. Any but season 25 I will be happy.It’s nice to see that are friend Prowl enjoyed reading The Space Pirates novel.

    • Nb7

      May 15th, 2023 - 11:58am

      Exciting stuff!
      Still got my fingers crossed for 3 sets this year!
      On the subject of a wilderness years set, has it been mentioned by anyone possibly involved in it, or just speculation? It gets mentioned a lot so wandered if theres anyone involved who’s brought it up.

    • D84

      May 15th, 2023 - 12:57pm


      A Wilderness Years set has a few indicators

      The Booklet for S26 is very open ended and alludes to more to come (not unusual – but feels and reads like its done on purpose)

      Much like the S2 final disc, carries the colour animated trailer for “Galaxy 4” which opens Season 3.

      We know Lee Binding has at least “played with” cover artwork for a Wilderness Years set some time ago

      There are various DVD extra’s and features that were bundled with certain stories – those stories have since come out within the Collection – but those extras etc are NOT included in that set. And some of them are pieces which actually occurred in the 90’s – during what is referred to as “The Wilderness Years”

      There are probably more, I’m sure Gordon will give us a nice round up here when he has the time 🙂

    • Jake E

      May 15th, 2023 - 1:35pm

      NB7 Chris has said maybe a few dozen times on Twitter

    • Rory

      May 15th, 2023 - 1:59pm

      @Prof, they’d have to include Shalka, and the webcasts for Real Time and Death Comes to Time. I’d assume the 8th Doctor Shada as well.

      Other than that there are various docs such as 30 Years in the TARDIS. Also the whole Doctor Who Night from ’99.

      There’s plenty of material to include in there, without even thinking about the errata missed from previous boxsets.

    • Prowl 1701

      May 15th, 2023 - 3:54pm

      @ Horner, space piteates novel was a great read, good ol’ Uncle Terrance.

      I’m fine with whatever season we get next but I would like to see another Davison as we haven’t had one since 2018.

    • DP Hill

      May 15th, 2023 - 5:16pm

      Im hoping they leave wilderness til last or quite late on because theres some stuff they may miss or stuff that turns up after a set and it would be the perfect special edition boxset for the run right at the end.

      Disc 1 mop up special features and behind the scenes on other studd
      D2 more than thirty years, DIT if clearable, 30th anniversary doc, reeltime and bbv documentaries
      D3/4 paul mcgann film
      D5 destiny of the doctors, curse of fatal death, who night, paradise of death, ghosts of nspace
      D6 death comes to time, real time
      D7 shada 2003,scream of the shalka

      Easy for six or seven discs and im not even being thorough

      Gordon posted one a while ago ill find it and repost in his good name

      I do hope we get a davison too Prowl, he has been absent for too long!

    • Gordon

      May 15th, 2023 - 9:52pm

      Not heard anything about a potential release outside of Chris chapman saying what he’d like to do if it got the go ahead. Considering it’s probably a good 3-4 years off it’s probably way too early. Probably won’t hear anything concrete till at least 2025.

      There is plenty of stuff that could be included. Easy enough to make a 9-10 disc set. Ian Levine also has a laundry list of things that he thinks that must be included. These include lost in the dark dimension and eight doctors animation that he privately produced. Extended versions of dimensions in time and downtime and bizarrely extended versions of search out science and destiny of the doctors that have been expanded by him to be “proper doctor who episodes” (his words).

    • DP Hill

      May 15th, 2023 - 11:00pm

      Here is what gordon lovingly compiled of the wilderness years

      Disc 1: 1990-95
      search out science
      The writers room season 27 (newly made)
      Documentary on the 30th anniversary year with in-depth coverage of dark dimension and dimensions of time (newly made)
      30 years in the tardis (both the original televised version and the extended vhs version
      History of realtime pictures and bbv documentary (newly made)
      Any doctor who related pieces on blue peter from 1990-1995
      * if by a miracle dit is ever cleared:
      Dimensions in time
      Making of
      Behind the sofa
      Alternative choice
      Behind the scenes
      Optional extended version
      Disc 2-3: TV movie (96)
      TV movie (potentially with optional fx)
      Seven year itch
      Making of the actual production (new)
      The unmade mcgann series documentary (new)
      8th doctor at big finish documentary (new)
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Vfx (1994 and 1996)
      Behind the scenes (potentially it may be expanded from the dvd)
      Philip segal tour
      Alternative takes
      Paul McGann in conversation with Matthew sweet (new)
      Tomorrow’s times
      Striped for action – the 8th doctor
      Night of the doctor
      The 8th doctor revisited
      Disc 4: 97- 99
      Destiny of the doctors
      Take 35 footage from 1998
      Curse of fatal death (if clearable)
      Making of curse of fatal death (new)
      Behind the sofa for curse (new)
      Behind the scenes on curse (new)
      History of big finish (new)
      Who night 99
      Any doctor who related pieces on blue peter from 1997-1999
      Disc 5 2000-02
      Death comes to time
      Making of (new)
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Real time
      Making of (new)
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Any doctor who related pieces on blue peter from 2000 -2002
      Disc 6: 2003-2004
      Shada 2003
      Making of (new)
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Scream of the Shalka
      Carry on screaming
      The screaming sessions
      The inter web of fear
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Richard e grant in conversation with Matthew sweet (new)
      Who @ 40
      Any doctor who related pieces on blue peter from 2003 -2004
      Disc 7: bonus disc
      The Doctor forever series
      Who peter part 2
      Any other miscellaneous items like those deadly divas etc
      The wilderness years (originally on the TV movie disc)

    • Prof Horner

      May 16th, 2023 - 12:16pm

      Well there it seems plenty of material for a Wilderness years box set. One thing Mr Hill excellent post missed out is the Movie from Coast to Coast, Green light whatever they called themselves. Which rumbled on from about 1987 to the Mcgann tv movie. I fell out of love with the series in mid late eighties, so the idea of a big screen movie that may have been a huge success and that would have saved the tv series from oblivion and maybe the BBC might treat the series with respect and not the contempt in which they did in those years.Then there was the bizarre business of fans planning to sue The BBC over not making Doctor Who in 1991which ended up getting nowhere. So when you look at it there is plenty to go at.

    • Jake E

      May 16th, 2023 - 12:36pm

      Gordon, what’s this extended version of Dimensions in Time?

      Do we have any details? How many minutes or seconds added? Is this available anywhere?

      Thanks 🙂

    • Gordon

      May 16th, 2023 - 1:28pm

      I was looking for that DP Hill. Thanks it’s a pretty rough list. I’m sure there is plenty of other stuff that can fit on as well.

      @jake E all I know the thing is about 35 mins long. (About 20 mins longer). Ian says it uses every scrap of footage ever filmed for it. This is how he describes the extended version of it: the extended 34 minute version using every scrap of footage ever filmed owned by the director who is now dead, and the writer. There are more deleted scenes than were ever transmitted.

    • Samuel

      May 17th, 2023 - 1:27am

      Having been a fan since New Who began, I do understand there are problems with producing physical copies of Dimensions in Time – However I think if the deleted scenes were somehow watchable, I feel that would be a good thing to offer further context for the story, as well as further content for the fans.

      Having read Sophie Aldred’s personal account of her filming on set from a Who Magazine recently; regardless of how the story was received, it sounds like everyone really put a lot of heart into each character, and felt very similar to returning to the real series, despite it was so short.

      It’s not like we haven’t had pretty barmy charity specials from New Who. I don’t fully understand the ins and outs of the Dimensions in Time production, but with 20 extra minutes of recorded footage, it sounds like there was perhaps an even bigger vision for the story.

    • Gordon

      May 17th, 2023 - 7:15pm

      When dimensions in time was produced in 1993 there was an agreement that everyone worked for free but it could never be commercially released even for charitable purposes. Also children in need retained the copyright of dimensions in time. When they looked into it for the dvd range they hit 2 brick walls. 1. The agreement about not getting a commercial release. 2. Children in need was asking 4 grand a minute for use of the footage (£60k in total). Since then apparently the first point isn’t as difficult a clearance issue as it used to be. Not sure what has changed though. Just leaves the 60k fee as the main hang up. It’s a lot of money for 1 15 minute feature

    • Prowl 1701

      May 17th, 2023 - 8:48pm

      Especially since dimensions in time is pretty terrible anyway honestly. I’d rather them use that 60K for something else.

    • Gordon

      May 17th, 2023 - 11:40pm

      Yeah it’s pretty bad however it is an important part of the 1993 celebrations. Plus it’s the last time we had the likes of jon pertwee,Debbie watling, Caroline John and Kate o Mara onscreen before they died. In a plus side you would also get access to all the deleted scenes and hours of rushes and all the bonus content you could add to a release of it. You gotta bet Chris chapman will try to get permission and film the making of in Albert square. Dimensions plus extras could easily be a disc to itself

      As I’ve said I’ve no idea what’s on ians extended version of dimensions. Having seen 1 or 2 clips of Ian’s various projects on YouTube (just look up Ian Levine doctor who) I’ve no idea if his extended version will be any good or not. They are a very mixed bag. Some of his projects are good (mission to the unknown and shada animated) and some are pretty awful looking (unmade s23, downtime extended, 8 doctors, destiny of the doctors). I suspect it may fall in the improvement pile. Can’t see it being any worse being honest

    • George Agdgdgwngo

      May 18th, 2023 - 12:29am

      the extended version by ian levine is even more painful than the original, I have it!

    • Prowl1701

      May 18th, 2023 - 3:23am

      I can certainly understand wanting it for its historical significance and as Gordon mentions, it is the last time several actors got to play their roles on tv. I’m just concerned that the money it would cost could hurt other projects on the set. 60K is some money, and I’d hate for it to affect other parts of a wilderness years set that I might want, like VAM stuff for the tv movie, or stuff on the dark diminsion.

    • Jake E

      May 18th, 2023 - 8:16am

      George how did you get it?

      Any chance I could get a copy/ see it?

      Thanks 🙂

    • Jake E

      May 18th, 2023 - 8:28am

      Also Dimensions in Time extended edition would be one of the things that would make me most interested in a Wilderness Years set

      I’m not expecting it to happen though and I’ll buy regardless

    • D84

      May 18th, 2023 - 9:35am

      I agree Jake, regardless of image / audio quality – and how well the story is perceived – I would be buying to gain a view on the stuff from that period I may have missed – or indeed in this case never seen (Dimensions extended version)

      Sounds to me like there is stuff, potentially lots of stuff being held back for reasons that are becoming unclear or are not as important as they were as time drifts on

      Admittedly the 60k fee wanted by Children in Need to release sounds steep – but in the grand scheme of things – worthwhile. Then again, I’ve never been good with budgeting – that’s my wife’s domain

    • Jake E

      May 18th, 2023 - 9:45am

      Prowl they make roughly £500,000 for just the UK Limited Editions once they have all sold. I imagine the biggest percentage of that is profit and this is not including other countries or Standard editions

      My math is £50 per boxset x 10,000 Limited Edition copies made

    • booboo

      May 18th, 2023 - 9:51am

      i suspect its actually just a few pounds per box set NET once VAT (20%), retailer markups (30% +), wages, manufacturing costs, approvals, rights and a never ending list of other costs are deducted off that £50.

    • Jake E

      May 18th, 2023 - 12:10pm

      Ah yes you are probably correct booboo.

      Still 60k I think they can just about push for that as a one off for what might be the final boxset. I’m assuming that 60k would go to charity then if it’s Children in Need so even more worth it

  • Jake E

    May 12th, 2023 - 9:18am

    I know Prowl mentioned it below but as Australia is no longer producing Doctor Who Blu-Rays do we think the UK Collection Blu-Ray sets will start to sell out faster again?

    …It would be nice for the Limited Editions sets to feel just that bit more Limited again. I know we’re never going to have instant sell outs again but it would be nice if they sold out within a couple of months instead of still not sold out 2 years later, I’m looking at you Season 24 🙂

    • Prowl 1701

      May 12th, 2023 - 3:59pm

      I think they will sell faster but hopefully they don’t become the stressful hunt they used to be. I want every who fan that wants one to be able to find one.

    • Jake E

      May 12th, 2023 - 6:12pm

      It’s interesting because it means New Zealand’s collection sets have been cancelled too as they got the Australian ones just with a different age rating thing on it.

      So that’s 2 countries that need to import it and if I’m not mistaken Australia is one of the biggest Doctor Who fan countries outside of the UK

    • Jake E

      May 12th, 2023 - 6:15pm

      Hopefully this isn’t too big of a sign that physical media is dying because I imagine most people import these sets from the UK anyway (because they’re way nicer) hence why they haven’t sold as well in their own countries. Food for thought 🙂

    • Prowl 1701

      May 12th, 2023 - 9:01pm

      I live in the states and import the UK sets, much nicer packaging.

  • Prof Horner

    May 11th, 2023 - 10:18am

    Question, would anyone want to see season 3 released on Blu ray box set without Dale’s Masterplan on it in a animated format. It really is the jewel in the crown of season 3 and without it the season won’t be complete. What do people think?

    • Gordon

      May 11th, 2023 - 10:52am

      As long as the recon is of a standard up there with the recent standards of power, evil, fury, abominable I’d be happy with it.

    • Jake E

      May 11th, 2023 - 11:01am

      Let’s be real everyone that buys the animation steelbooks and the Collection Blu-Ray sets will probably still buy both even if released around the same time.

      I would guess at least 90% that currently buy both will still buy both. Right Prowl?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 11th, 2023 - 12:39pm

      I’d rather have Massacre and Myth Makers animated they are much better – Dalek Masterplan is massively underrated

    • Scott Carrick

      May 11th, 2023 - 12:40pm

      Think it has to be animated Prof Horner, even if that means we don’t get animations of The Mythmakers and The Massacre, which although I’d love to see animated I don’t think would be as big a seller – and unless they are doing a deal with Disney, budgets are limited in the current climate. Would love to see either Masterplan or Marco Polo out before the end of next year in animation form. Hopefully we will get The Savages animated and I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that The Celestial Toymaker and The Wheel In Space are going to be the surprise animation releases later this year for the 60th Anniversary (just a hunch based on the trailers I’ve seen for the 14th Doctor!) instead of either The Underwater Menace or The Smugglers – I think they were Red Herring placeholders.
      Willing to discuss, please don’t shoot me if I’m wrong, I’m not an insider this is pure speculation 🙂 !

    • Rex F

      May 11th, 2023 - 2:06pm

      CGI stills in a recon would be fine by me. Use AI and deepfake technology to generate new images, helped by doubles in replica costumes supplied by the usual fans. Photogrammetry for the sets, as used in extras and DWM. Subtle illusions of movement a la the old Ice Warriors VHS. Trying to follow the camera script for pacing and cutting. Then someone to weave it together.

    • D84

      May 11th, 2023 - 2:48pm

      I will absolutely be buying both @Jake – 100%

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 11th, 2023 - 5:42pm

      Sorry I obviously meant overrated

    • Anonymous

      May 11th, 2023 - 5:45pm

      Dont apologise bobby you were right the first time.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 11th, 2023 - 11:13pm

      No I was wrong it is overrated, it’s just a slightly better version of The Chase, it starts well, loses it’s way in the middle and rather rushes towards the finish line. The idea of doing a 12 part Dalek story was a gimmick that the production team inherited and didn’t really want to do. Series three is a bit of a confused mess all round. Galaxy 4 is weak, The Myth Makers is excellent, DMP is overrated, The Massacre is a masterpiece, The Ark I have a soft spot for, Toymaker is strange, Gunfighters I love, Savages is poor, War Machines is decent enough. But Hartnell, like Tom Baker enjoyed his best years with his first producer

    • Gordon

      May 12th, 2023 - 1:57am

      Personally I find myth makers, massacre and savages far more interesting stories than masterplan. There is so little exist of those 3 whereas mission and masterplan are so much documented in comparison. With 3 episodes existing and the mission remake plus potentially ian Levine/David Busch mission animation I feel masterplan will be covered pretty well on season 3 regardless on if it’s animated or not. The surviving footage should also help with a recon. With next to zero footage existing on these 3 stories and telesnaps in only one of those three stories these stories need more visually represented than masterplan for season 3.

    • Nb7

      May 12th, 2023 - 3:35am

      I think considering we didn’t get any animations for season 2 I’m very doubtful masterplan will be animated, I personally think they’ll just stick it on the set and that’ll be it. There’s certainly not a big enough budget to include new animations specifically for collection sets. I don’t think any animations will be done just for the collection sets. I don’t believe we’ve seen the last of the animations just certain ones will be done.

    • Prowl 1701

      May 12th, 2023 - 6:27am

      I know I would buy both, Jake. I love the collection sets and I love steelbooks, they would certainly get my money. I would like at-least a couple more animations for series 3, even if DMP isn’t doable. The savages seems like a likely candidate.

    • Pete X

      May 12th, 2023 - 2:08pm

      For seasons 1, 2, 4-6 I would be happy to buy the collection with any unanimated stories/missing episodes (at the point of release) at a later date. But season 3, I would like more of the missing material animated first.

      Which stories? I would go for DMP, Myth Makers and The Massacre.

      I’m not fond of CT and the Savages, though interesting, I think lives on it’s acting (the physical part e.g. Jano under the influence of the Doctor) which can only estimated via animation; I would be happy to buy animated versions of those post S3 collection release.

      Then again, I would be grateful for any of those stories be aminated and included in the S3 collection at release.

    • Rory

      May 12th, 2023 - 4:12pm

      @Jake, @Prowl, same here. I will definitely buy both regardless of release order. They could release S3 with recons tomorrow and I’d still buy it.

      My steelbooks and Collection boxsets live on different shelves, so I see them as separate sets.

    • James

      May 12th, 2023 - 4:41pm

      Nb7. Regards to season 2 there was only 2 eps missing g and they remastered the remaining 2. Season 3 can’t be compared as there are 22 missing ones. They would have to at least do 2 out of the 3 full storys animated aswell as dmp. To much missing to just be telesnap/audio /recon. Or 3 full storys and recon dmp. Other team could do animations for separate release then add them to the collection set when that is released. Not everyone is buying the collection sets and just getting the single release to add to dvd/blu ray collections. Money on season 3 being one of the last sets with either 1 or a Tom set as THE last set to be released.

    • Prowl1702

      May 12th, 2023 - 9:04pm

      I figure the final set will either be season 3, or the wilderness years set, if we get one.

    • Prof Horner

      May 12th, 2023 - 9:56pm

      Interesting comments here. The Myth Makers is the only Doctor Who I think I have never seen or heard.(I may seen it when it was shown but as I was only two at the time I certainly don’t remember it) I never got round to getting the soundtrack on CD. I only have the Target book of this story which I haven’t read in years . In fact it would be completely new story. I have all the other missing episodes on CD . So I would be interested in seeing a animation of this story as I think it would work very well in this medium. Hopefully we will get most of season 3 animated, but I still think that there is a big hole in this season release if Master plan isn’t part of it. But no doubt it will be last season box set released in what ever form it takes.

    • Anonymous

      May 12th, 2023 - 10:34pm

      Its just as well we all have our own opinions. We know what works and what doesnt. You can build a story better in your head piecing existing episodes,telesnaps and off air recordings and if the episodes were to miraculously appear you would more or less have guessed correctly how they might have been transmitted.

    • Gordon

      May 14th, 2023 - 10:26pm

      I’ve got no idea what will be last but I have a funny feeling it will be either s7 or 13 to end on a complete season

    • Rory

      May 15th, 2023 - 11:47am

      @Gordon, S7 is a good shout as that is a fan favourite season, and also needs quite a bit of work. S13 is a much easier one to do, so I could see that being more easy to slot in between 60s seasons.

  • Scott Carrick

    May 11th, 2023 - 10:02am

    Totally agree with you Prowl1701, Pyramids Of Mars is my all time favourite Doctor Who story, it transcends all genres and Sutekh has to be the best villain ever in the entire series – all played just with that voice! No wonder they brought Gabriel Woolf back in the David Tenant era. He is now 90 but still active in the industry, I hope he can reprise the role and they bring back Sutekh soon in the 15th Doctor era, it’s long overdue!
    Oh, and it has the greatest line ever “I’m going to go and mingle with the Mummies” Ha Ha, oh dear you’re not allowed to say that now I hope they don’t cut it out when they get around to releasing Season 13 eventually 🙂 !

    • Prowl 1701

      May 12th, 2023 - 6:32am

      Many many Doctor Who fans eating in season 13 to be released, with the news of universal not carrying the sets in Australia any more, they are going to be importing UK sets as well, so I expect season 13 to go fast, maybe not like they did before standard editions were a thing, but still pretty fast.

  • Bobby Fackrell

    May 10th, 2023 - 12:04pm

    Hope 16 is released soon, I’m on Seeds of Doom at the moment

    • Anonymous

      May 10th, 2023 - 1:10pm

      Image of the fendahl today. If it is 16 ill be viewing twice this year. Im hoping its still season 20 and very soon.

    • D84

      May 10th, 2023 - 2:00pm

      Love Seeds of Doom, to me S13 is awesome and solid.

      If an announcement is due, they are usually after 3pm – and I’ve found generally Tues / Weds / Thurs – so still time this week

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 10th, 2023 - 2:11pm

      I always feel moving Zygons robbed series 12 a little bit, Zygons would have been a brilliant series finale to 12, Revenge by comparison is slightly weak. Zygons and Seeds are fantastic bookends to 13 though. I feel Pyramids is overrated it’s not bad but I don’t see in the sand shining light as many, Planet of Evil and Android s are okay and Brain of Morbius is excellent

    • D84

      May 10th, 2023 - 2:40pm

      Each to their own Bobby.

      Personally i love Pyramids of Mars but feel Brain of Morbius is a bit “meh”

    • Anonymous

      May 10th, 2023 - 4:44pm

      I know one thing, as good as ‘fang Rock’ is, it is the one crying out for a CG makeover for the season 15 release.

    • Prowl1701

      May 10th, 2023 - 9:11pm

      I love pyramids myself, one of the best villains in Doctor who and Tom and Liz are in top form. Such a great story.

      I also think fang rock needs the update treatment if any season 15 story gets one.

    • Scott Carrick

      May 11th, 2023 - 10:00am

      Totally agree with you Prowl1701, Pyramids Of Mars is my all time favourite Doctor Who story, it transcends all genres and Sutekh has to be the best villain ever in the entire series – all played just with that voice! No wonder they brought Gabriel Woolf back in the David Tenant era. He is now 90 but still active in the industry, I hope he can reprise the role and they bring back Sutekh soon in the 15th Doctor era, it’s long overdue!
      Oh, and it has the greatest line ever “I’m going to go and mingle with the Mummies” Ha Ha, oh dear you’re not allowed to say that now I hope they don’t cut it out when they get around to releasing Season 13 eventually 🙂 !

    • Anonymous

      May 19th, 2023 - 10:05pm

      Wouldn’t Underworld be the one that gets the CGI treatment?

    • Prowl 1701

      May 20th, 2023 - 1:54pm

      Underworld doesn’t really need updated effects except for some cso clean up mostly in episodes 2 and 3. The model work is actually some of the best in classic who honestly.

  • Jake E

    May 9th, 2023 - 8:48pm

    And Season 8 has quite a lot of black crush for some reason. For example there’s some dark scenes where you can see a lot of black crush on Pertwee’s body.

    Not sure why, there’s little to none in most other seasons but it’s fine

  • Jake E

    May 8th, 2023 - 10:46pm

    Hi, Does anyone know why on for example Genesis of the Daleks Blu-Ray there is a small black bar at the top of the screen in almost all the scenes and especially in darker scenes you can see with it almost like black and white dots moving?

    I don’t know if anyone realises what I’m talking about but I’m wondering if that’s simply just because that’s how it is on the video tape it was recorded with and there’s no way of getting rid of it?

    Thanks for any insights 🙂

    • Lewis frisby

      May 8th, 2023 - 11:30pm

      I have it to but I don’t know how to get rid of it

    • Rex Farrel

      May 9th, 2023 - 2:02am

      It sounds like timecode information. Look up VITC timecode (you need to add “timecode” unless you want to learn about vitamin C). It would normally be blanked off, but it sounds like someone forgot or didn’t fully obscure it with a solid black bar.

    • simon.ss1

      May 9th, 2023 - 7:06am

      You may be able to adjust your TV settings to solve this, Jake E.

      My TV is a Panasonic. If I go to “Main Menu”, then “Picture”, then “Advanced Settings”, then turn “16:9 Overscan” from “Off” to “On”, then your small black bar at the top of the screen is gone!

      You may have similar settings on your TV, if it’s not a Panasonic.

      But turning Overscan “On” does mean that you are slightly cropping the picture, bottom as well as top. (And left and right if it’s a full 16:9 picture.)

      I always prefer the full original picture – regardless of stuff like the small black bar you’re seeing – so keep my Overscan setting turned “Off”.

    • Jake E

      May 9th, 2023 - 8:17am

      It’s not in all the episodes.

      I’m assuming it’s a part of the actual video tape. For example you get those lines sometimes down the left side of the screen and the rare little static line like on a VHS tape shows up.

      It’s definitely the actual show. I’ve got a good Blu-Ray player and top of the line 77 inch 4K OLED TV so it’s not my TV or anything. Although I may notice this stuff more than some people not sure

    • Jake E

      May 9th, 2023 - 8:30am

      It’s kind of hard to explain without pictures. So the example of Genesis of the Daleks Blu-Ray on the bottom and top of the screen you have at least a small black bar at both top and bottom which isn’t actual screen then I’m talking about just under that. So you have the line along the top of the actual image being displayed then along that line let’s say half way or so down the line, the line goes down a bit and then carries on being a straight line. It’s on Genesis episode 1 during most scenes especially dark scenes where under the part of the line that goes down you can see some sort of white dots or lines moving.

      Then the line at the bottom of the image has it so you have the line going along but roughly half way the line will go up a bit then carry on straight. No white dots/lines at the bottom.

      It’s so hard to explain without pictures haha 🙂

    • simon.ss1

      May 9th, 2023 - 9:23am

      It’s fantastic that we’re able to watch TV recordings (like Genesis of the Daleks) – amazingly restored – that were made over 45 years ago. The black bars and dots you can see don’t bother me at all. Maybe it’s because I was around all those years ago, when the TV that I watched the original transmission of Genesis on didn’t show those black bars and dots, or anything remotely like the quality of picture and sound that we now enjoy with the Blu-rays!

    • Jake E

      May 9th, 2023 - 10:36am

      Simon, don’t go thinking I’m being negative or anything. I think all the episodes in all the collections so far are gorgeous, we’re so lucky!

      It’s just I’ve been re-watching Season 12 and it’s popping up from time to time and it’s on some of the other seasons. I’m just curious what it is exactly and why it shows up?

      I know realistically it’s just how the old videotape is and because of where the bits I’m referring to are it means they can’t be cropped out or hidden

    • Rory

      May 9th, 2023 - 11:20am

      Agreed Simon. I bought the STTNG blu-ray sets and hadn’t seen some episodes since they were released in the 80s. It was like watching a whole new series with the difference in picture quality and effects.

      I’m so happy that this 60 year old show is getting so much more love and attention and that we get to see the best possible version of these episodes.

    • Rex F

      May 9th, 2023 - 12:23pm

      The half lines are from the way SD PAL works (top and bottom lines of active picture are only half a line, the rest is black or “blanking”). VITC is visible because the picture has dropped down a bit – it’s supposed to be outside active picture (see earlier post).

    • Jake E

      May 9th, 2023 - 12:39pm

      I guess really I was just making sure this was a thing other people had too and not an error on my disc.

      But then it does it on other discs and it did it on my last TV too so should have guessed really 🙂

    • DanielM

      May 9th, 2023 - 3:23pm

      This is something that was noticed after Season 12 was released. They have blacked it out completely on all subsequent Sets.

    • Jake E

      May 9th, 2023 - 3:57pm

      Daniel are you saying only the original Season 12 collection set from 2018 has this “problem”?

      So if I were to buy the standard edition it would be corrected?


    • DanielM

      May 9th, 2023 - 4:03pm

      I believe the Standard Release reuses the Disc Files from the original, so the white Dots will still be there. Although it does have the other errors on the Sontaran Experiment and Revenge of the Cyberman Discs fixed.

    • Jake E

      May 9th, 2023 - 4:17pm

      Ah I see what you mean Daniel and yes I have the replacement discs luckily.

      I think off the top of my head something like this happens in The Three Doctors as well. I might be remembering wrong

      Once again I don’t want this to come off as me complaining because I’m not it’s just curiosity. It’s not like it’s bad anyway, my eye gets drawn to the dots occasionally but the stories so good so it doesn’t really matter 🙂

    • Jake E

      May 9th, 2023 - 4:21pm

      And when looking at the image I’m sure they couldn’t have gotten rid of it anyway. Not without cutting at least a couple millimetres off the top of the image which I wouldn’t want them do 🙂

  • Bushboy

    May 8th, 2023 - 2:20am

    I was thinking, if they are ever going to release New Who in the collection range then now would be the ideal time to start.
    We are half way through the classic seasons now so they could start alternating between classic and New Who sets, perhaps starting with series 4 to coincide with the 60th anniversary specials on TV. Presumably New Who sets would require less work on picture restoration etc which would keep new sets coming regularly and allow more time to work on the classic episodes that need more work.
    Fingers crossed.

    • Gordon

      May 8th, 2023 - 7:25am

      The team working on the sets are already working extremely busy delivering 3 sets a year. It may not need as much work as the classic series but it’s still additional work on a team that is extremely busy as is. I’d rather they just focused on the classic series until it’s done or nearly done before going near the 2005 plus stuff. Even if they were to do this right now I suspect Russell might be too busy to be involved in collection sets at this particular time with the current show (rightly so) and I kind of feel you need him.

    • Auton

      May 8th, 2023 - 9:56am

      A big no to New Who sets until they finish the classics. New who is too recent so it’s not a rush yet

    • Jake E

      May 8th, 2023 - 10:16am

      I want a complete set of Classic Who seasons on my shelf over New Who. New Who realistically I will buy but there’s no rush.

      And it’s not like put out a couple of New Who series so that animations could be made for season 3 because that’s never going to happen. I’m still not convinced more animations are coming but if they do then they will never be for all the stories, not even close.

      I would prefer that the team puts all their concentration and efforts into having the best Classic Who collections we can have

    • James

      May 8th, 2023 - 11:26am

      It would be nice to have a full doctor who range in the same livery on a shelf. I know the teams behind them and the animations are working hard. They could release the, alternatively as this would also give more time if anymore lost episodes are found and restored or animated.

      Clearly season 3 is the most hardest as most probably be .Aston or penultimate release as there are 24 episodes missing (not counting unknown as uni version could be used to plug the gap). This can’t be released with just telesnaps/audio as would not be woth the £40/50+. Masterplan has to be remade/animated as its too much of a popular story to miss out.

      Season 5 and 1 being easiest as only 1 story to for each to animate (wheel in space and Marco polo).season 5 already animated for the rest and extras all done. Would just be the behind the sofas. Maybe 1 story per season could be telesnap/audio story’s.but as 5 mostly animated might as well do the last one.

      Season 4 be next as has 2 full story’s missing and 1 half story missing. But smugglers (full) and underater (2/4 eps half) currently being worked on, so just highlanders to do. So this maybe next also. Again could get away with telesnap/audio for highlanders.

      Plus there is also a wilderness set to do aswell and NewWho. 8th Doc needs a box set. The movie, shada, shaka, night of the doctor, power of the doctor, 2 animated tales, curse

    • Prof Horner

      May 8th, 2023 - 11:47am

      Well we don’t know for sure that they are doing more animations or that if they are they will only the animate the missing episodes of Underwater Menace. As I have said many times before,it seems likely that Wheel in space will be animated completing season 5. Probably the only sixties season to be complete. If they do start the animations then probably season 3 stories should be given priority. But we don’t really know until they announce something. I still hope and expect season 6 within the next year . It will be interesting to see how they represent Space Pirates. Hopefully some news on the next box set soon.

    • James

      May 10th, 2023 - 12:39pm

      Prof= regarding animations.
      The mirror ran this story and hasn’t been wrong so far. Also repeated on other websites including the radio times website. Bbc own it so they wouldn’t report it on their own website if it wasn’t true.
      Yes we haven’t had a complete official announcement as such.
      Be nice to have a full 60s set. 5 obvious as only 1 to animate Left. Season 1 only has one missing story and they most likely do it also as its the first season.

    • Gordon

      May 10th, 2023 - 11:21pm

      @ James the bbc sold the radio times in 2011.

      Regarding season 3 I think the solution is to not animate masterplan. Animating Masterplan is a 2-3 year production. Add on a year of having it out to recoup costs and that’s it up to pretty much the end of the classic collection range and it doesn’t give much time for anything else to be animated by this animation team. Have them focus on 2 or 3 other stories in season 3 beefing it up.

    • Jake E

      May 11th, 2023 - 8:59am

      I think realistically Daleks Masterplan isn’t that likely to happen.

      Not impossible but not likely. I like what I’ve seen of it but it’s a tad overrated. I would much prefer they get Wheel in Space animated to finish Season 5 and almost finish Zoe.

      Obviously I want everything animated but luckily all the stories I most wanted are mostly animated now 🙂

    • Prof Horner

      May 11th, 2023 - 9:00am

      Well apart from Daleks Master plan all the other stories in season 3 are only four parts. So they would be easier to animate. But it would be disappointing that Master Plan would not be part of this box set in some form of animation . As you say Gordon it would take meny years to animate. So maybe we will get it after box set at some in point time. The fact that Master Plan is probably the only one left that we all want to see.

    • Jake E

      May 11th, 2023 - 10:17am

      How long did it take to animate Evil of the Daleks?

      Now it’s not BBC America doing it, then only 9 episodes need to be animated. That’s roughly 50mins longer than what they did for Evil

    • Gordon

      May 11th, 2023 - 10:58am

      It took 18 months to do evil. Well we don’t know who it is that’s doing it. The animate the whole thing may still apply

    • Jake E

      May 11th, 2023 - 11:11am

      Gordon, hopefully they come to their senses. They could probably get it done in 20 months if not animating the 3 surviving episodes.

      But if it were to be animated I wouldn’t expect it to released before the Season 3 Collection is released

      I’m still not convinced there’s even going to be more animations until the BBC confirms it

    • Gordon

      May 11th, 2023 - 11:26am

      It’s not a case of them coming to their senses. It makes better sense as a broadcaster to have a consistent product to broadcast and without the broadcasters financial input there wouldn’t be an animation at all

    • Jake E

      May 11th, 2023 - 11:39am

      Gordon I know it made sense for BBC America because they were airing it on TV. I meant for a future animating team that’s sending it straight to home video it makes sense financially to not waste money animating what we already have. They get more profits that way.

      If it’s getting aired on TV then fine I get it 🙂

    • Rory

      May 11th, 2023 - 2:32pm

      @Jake, on the one hand it does make sense to limit costs by not animating existing episodes.

      On the other hand you may be able to get more profit by selling a complete product, such as animating the whole thing, because you can sell those on to BBCA.

      I’d guess that’s the consideration at play there. In this purely hypothetical situation.

    • Jake E

      May 11th, 2023 - 3:04pm

      I hear you Rory but my point stands. The reason BBCA has stopped making them is because it’s not making them enough money so if someone else makes them chances are BBCA won’t be in the market to buy them so in that case who would air them? Probably nobody

      So this would be solely for home media I would guess

    • Gordon

      May 11th, 2023 - 10:39pm

      Bbc America stopped making them partly because of money but mainly because bbc america pretty much stopped making any new content. They haven’t produced anything new in well over a year at this point.

      The thing about the stories that had the surviving episodes animated majority of the assets would have to be created from the missing episodes anyway so the additional costs for those eps isn’t as expensive as you would think. For masterplan there isn’t any exclusive characters costumes or sets to episodes 2,5 or 10.

      Personally I think they will carry on doing the whole thing. The recent animations bar web have treated the animations as their own productions separate from the 1960s counterparts. They also already animate in colour (it’s easier for the animators to do than doing b and w and doesn’t cost any extra).

      There are plenty of other streamers or broadcasters that could potentially be involved. Itvx being 1 example as they currently have the streaming rights to classic who after buying out britbox. For what it’s worth ian Levine has apparently heard underwater menace is being done all 4 eps in full colour. Not sure if it’s true or not but it does suggest a broadcaster might be involved

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