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January 26th, 2023 1,238 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 9 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from,, and other selected retailers.

Available to order in the USA from #ad



Across an action-packed twenty-six episodes, the Doctor and Jo (Katy Manning) face off against Daleks, Ogrons, Sea Devils, Ice Warriors, Mutants and their old enemy the Master (Roger Delgado). Joining them in their adventures are the UNIT team of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney), Captain Yates (Richard Franklin) and Sergeant Benton (John Levene).

All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 9 Blu-ray box set also includes extensive Special Features including:


    • Looking back on the Season 9 finale with Katy Manning, John Levene and more.


    • A profile of director Michael E Briant.


    • Katy Manning and friends revisit the filming locations of Season 9.


    A profile of prolific stuntman Stuart Fell.


    • Five new episodes with Katy Manning (Jo), Peter Davison (The Doctor),
    • Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan),
    • Sophie Aldred (Ace) and director Michael E Briant.


    • A brand new slice of classic Doctor Who.


    • Special repeat screenings of Day Of The Daleks and The Sea Devils, previously unavailable.


    • A chance to hear from UNIT’s Nicholas Courtney and Richard Franklin, recorded in 1986.


    • On The Sea Devils (episodic and omnibus edition).


    • Including many previously unseen images.


    • Featuring many unreleased gems.


    • Behind-the-scenes information and trivia on every episode.


    • Including scripts, exclusive unseen BBC production files and other rarities.


    This eight-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries, Day Of The Daleks Special Edition and more.

    Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Jake E

    March 29th, 2023 - 8:29am


    Anyone know why 24,22,2 Limited Editions aren’t selling out?

    I’m 23 and I’m sure a lot of people that buy these are much older than me but I love the second half of 24, I understand a lot hate it. 22 is one of my favs and 2 may be my fav season. Granted I still have 7 seasons to watch for the first time left.

    Do you think the Standard editions have killed sales a bit? Do you think there will be more of a revival of interest? Maybe when the 60th airs?

    Do you think the lessening sales is adding to the no new CGI etc?

    I know that the Standard editions coming out this early killed my hype a bit. Still love the Limited Editions best by a country mile and still pre order them all but I don’t go out of my way at work to pre order immediately anymore, I wait until I get a break or something. Is this the same for others?

    Thanks for reading

    • Rory

      March 29th, 2023 - 12:21pm

      Hi Jake. I think you’re right about the standard editions killing sales. There seemed to be a marked slowdown in sales of the limited editions when they announced the first standard sets. Before that I always had to pre-order because sometimes they were sold out before release date.

      Once they started announcing the standard sets, the LEs seemed to stop selling out.

    • Samuel

      March 30th, 2023 - 1:31am

      In my view, the situation we have right now with the latest Limited Editions *not* going out of print, is exactly what should have happened in the very first place in 2018.

      We shouldn’t have ‘Limited’ editions at all. We shouldn’t have exposed this kind of product to resale sharks on Ebay and Amazon, charging fans often in the £100’s just for one single season, bought up in bulk, therefore blocking any fans that had worked hard to save up and were about to add said season to the online shopping basket.

      The entire strategy was flawed in the first place, inevitably the ‘standard’ releases have helped somewhat, but still, Seasons 10 and 19 are skyrocket high expensive to buy in limited form, and we still have incoming fans choosing not to invest in the latest Limited pre orders *because* they outright laugh at the notion of having to buy the earlier out of print sets from a resale shark.

      If it were possible, I wish the Limited marketing were removed, and every single season were back on for sale – printed in a demand quantity, but never ever just pulled down outright like we’ve seen. It’s burning away the potential growth of a fan following for the main collection products.

      The main product should always be available to everyone, in my view.

    • Gordon

      March 30th, 2023 - 8:05am

      Most certainly down to the standard editions being introduced. Easy to say what they should have done in 2018 in hindsight. There was no guarantees in 2018 of a second set or if these sets were going to be a success. After all physical media whether we like it or not was and still is a declining format and there was no certainties that fans would jump at these. There may never have been a second set of it hadn’t caught on. At the time the limited edition format was the only way to finance and get a return of these sets.

    • Jake E

      March 30th, 2023 - 8:05am

      Samuel I think it being Limited was one of the appealing factors for me.

      Knowing I can own something that won’t be available for too long is cool 🙂

      And the Limited UK versions are gorgeous. The abroad and normal versions are meh in comparison in my opinion.

    • Samuel

      March 30th, 2023 - 2:00pm

      @Gordon & @JakeE, you’re both absolutely correct, and I don’t dispute it.

      It’s just such a muddle of a marketing strategy it really is.

      Each next Season is ‘limited’, yet any new fans that want to save up hard earned money, and get on board with the very best quality as possible products, have zero access to the earlier, legitimate routes of buying the previous Seasons, except to pay up a reseller shark at least £100+ per boxset. With respect that’s pretty disgraceful.

      The ‘limited’ marketing will gradually, I fear, further and further limit and compress the demographic that were lucky enough to take a punt on the sets way back in 2018. If you weren’t lucky, you’ll never fully complete the ‘ultimate collection’

      This leaves the eventual majority of incoming fans to default to the ‘standard’ editions, putting them on a 1-2 year delay, missing out on every new and incoming set.

      I would suggest, go back, and reprint the earlier Limited Editions. Now that we can reflect on it, rebrand the sets, while still allowing for standard sets to be sold. That way if someone wishes to spend more on the main product, they have safe and value for money access to Seasons 18,19,23,26,8,10,12,14 etc.

      Unfortunately it has already costed many collectors an absolute fortune to catch up later on, but if this were not to be nipped in the bud at all, it is sadly going to keep happening, and I feel will gradually diminish the financial purpose of being able to collect them all.

    • Jake E

      March 30th, 2023 - 4:13pm

      Samuel I see what you’re saying.

      But as someone that has all the Limited Edition sets I would not want them to go back and bring out another batch of them. As selfish as it may sound. That I would consider false advertising to the people that bought them back along because of the fact they are suppose to be Limited.

      I remember when they did another batch of Season 12’s. I wasn’t too pleased. I’m aware it was only like 5,000 originally made so the re-release brought it up to the roughly 10,000 copies made that all the other Limited Edition seasons have roughly had. Atleast it said 2nd edition on the bottom and changed the Tom picture on the spine to differentiate. I seem to remember Season 14 getting a rerelease too but I can’t remember what for.

      I think there’s no disputing that they have cannibalized there own sales by releasing the standards so early into the range.

      You say there’s a 1-2yr gap between Limited and Standard. I don’t follow the standards closely enough to say but I’m pretty sure that gap keeps getting shorter recently?

      Gordon would know more than me I would assume

      Thanks for reading, this is an interesting discussion 🙂

    • daz

      March 30th, 2023 - 5:49pm

      Being half way through the range I also agree that they shouldn’t re-release anymore of the earlier limited editions.

      I was glad for the Season 12 re-release though as I missed it first time round as I was on the fence and purchased Season 19 as was curious. It was the packaging that sold it for me.

      New fans, although late to the party have access to the standard editions, that is if they buy media like what older fans do, if they are indeed younger.

      The limited don’t really sell out now due to the standard editions but maybe they don’t cut off the pre-orders til release day so as long as say, Amazon has put a certain order number in they’ll honour them.

      It will be interesting to see what happens with Season 13 though. That is one I still see selling out like the ‘old days’.

    • Samuel

      March 30th, 2023 - 6:05pm

      @JakeE many thanks for the reply, appreciated.

      To answer a few of your points as best I can;

      I’ll use the phrase Gordon used earlier, which was ‘Hindsight’. Physical media collections, especially on such a tight schedule as Doctor Who, I think naturally will have all kinds of bumps in the road, and I feel the biggest one is the ‘Limited’ branding, but I will fully accept that many fans have completely different opinions on that.

      For me, I previously, over time, saved up and collected the DVD range, obviously over a much, much longer period of time. Across 15 years, at different rates. It allowed me to access each and every product, legitimately through a retail store, at the fair set price.

      Unfortunately what has since boomed from 2018 when it comes to ‘Limited edition’ branding is the explosion of resalers, be it Doctor Who media, Nike shoes etc. Again we’re not talking about reasonable and sensible profits, we’re talking about using total advantage of Doctor Who fans, via Ebay and Amazon, with the catch that, as it says on the J Cards, this is the ‘Ultimate collection’, own the best product, as it were.

      I’ll return to ‘Hindsight’ because, as this discussion began with, the latest limiteds – are ironically – not very limited at all, and the 2018 effect has greatly diminished, thankfully, in my view. So because that is the case, I personally see no reason for the earlier seasons to be reprinted – particularly during and after the 60th Anniversary, with a new era of Doctor Who along the way. Who knows, The Collection may move forwards into the New Series, may even catch up to the latest episodes being filmed as we speak – to me that’s something very positive to consider when it comes to Doctor Who on physical media, it’s that greater potential that could be done with it – therefore why diminish that by carrying on with the ‘Limited’ branding – why not go for ‘Collector’s Edition’, while allowing the Standards to be a secondary option.

      Finally on the Tom Baker Season 12 Collection reprint;

      There are, in my opinion, at least a couple of reasons as to Season 12 being re-listed as a 2nd edition – the main one being the amount of sound/visual errors on many of the discs on the 1st edition, which turned out to be genuinely big errors that caused the disc replacement excercise – which, in itself was a real serious pickle (payment receipt authentication / wrong discs being sent out) then on a purely asthetic level, Lee Binding’s Artwork of course was revised – as far as I know and I could be wrong – it is just the spine image of The Doctor that has been redone to include the villains – something I think only 2 or so other Seasons replicated, before the idea was forgotten about for some unexplained reason. The other different element was Tom Baker’s face being resized and cropped differently to match the other Collection sets.

      Edition 2 of Season 12 also unfortunately had various batches with the wrong Disc artwork of a different Season on (!) other than that, the disc contents were as good as fully corrected, and at the end of the day, makes perfect sense to re-release in my view.

    • Samuel

      March 30th, 2023 - 6:11pm

      (“I personally see no reason for the earlier seasons not to be reprinted” is what I should have said in my above message*)

    • Rex Farrel

      March 30th, 2023 - 11:11pm

      Some people moved over to collecting the standard editions instead because the discs should be fixed by this point (or fewer gaffs left) and/or they prefer the smaller, sturdier packaging. They can also be significantly cheaper – under half the price of the limiteds. I really regret buying as many limited sets as I did, because I carried on for a bit even after the standard range had started.

    • Gordon

      March 31st, 2023 - 12:38am

      Season 14 got rereleased due to shortages due to covid.

      In all honesty I don’t see much point in getting another go around of the limited edition sets at this point. The classic range is half way through its run and is probably just 4 years off finishing. The standard editions are readily available. It’s the package that is limited not the disc contents. Another print run would only leave them with a bunch of oversized boxes that they can’t get rid off which would take up warehouse space. Pretty much since the standard sets were introduced there has been zero problems getting the limited edition sets. Even a couple of months after release the likes of 2 and 17 were still available to order. Those that want them have no problem getting them.

    • D84

      March 31st, 2023 - 9:31am

      I missed out on the Season 12 release first time around through hesitation – but jumped in at the next set (19 was it?) so was very glad to see that one re issued as a 2nd Edition and I managed to secure a copy.

      I don’t see much point / market for a 2nd edition (3rd if they were to do 12 again) of the initial sets – as many others have said, those that want them – in the most part – have them

    • Jake E

      March 31st, 2023 - 12:27pm

      I put my entire set with most sealed on eBay just because I was curious of what interest I would receive and what kind of offers.

      I put a joke price of £900 with a best offer option and someone without sending an offer flat out bought the 12 at the time seasons for £900.

      I was devestated by what I had done for a minute and then really started to contemplate actually letting them go as this was a lot of money. But in the end I find these sets too gorgeous and regretfully had the cancel the sell.

      But flat out selling for £900 makes me think the complete collection is probably worth over £1000 to some people.

      Crazy what people are willing to spend and pretty cool that I have something that valuable over than my TV etc.

      The sets are now unsealed. I had spares for some of them for reasons.

      And just I did feel bad for cancelling the sale and I won’t list it again.

      But just interesting

    • Samuel

      March 31st, 2023 - 1:20pm

      It’s just a shame that any early sets that are *not* Season 12 just so happen to be at least £100+ per set thanks to resellers.

      To officially restock them, during the 60th at least, would help many fans in several different ways.

      I see no problem with print-on-demand when it comes to the main ‘ultimate’ product, but I guess we can all agree to disagree.

    • Rory

      March 31st, 2023 - 1:57pm

      I’m entirely with those against a re-release.

      Limited edition means just that.

      I’m more than happy to buy a limited version of a product to know that I have something rare, whether it be a steelbook, album, book, etc. The content is exactly the same, but I want it for that particular presentation.

      Those are the ones I get signed at conventions because they’re limited. It becomes extra special to me to have an already limited release that is now unique.

      I wouldn’t want them to just re-release previous limited editions because that’s counter to the point of a limited edition.

    • Gordon

      April 1st, 2023 - 8:03am

      The problem for doing print on demand is these sets are manufactured abroad in Poland. The sets are also manufactured differently to normal blu ray sets. The cost of booking slots and shipping costs for a unique product might not be viable for a small print on demand service.

      I’m not against another print run. The more people that own these limited packaging sets the better. I just feel it’s a bit pointless all of a sudden doing one half way through. Leave it till the end in my opinion and then offer the opportunity to grab any that people missed

    • Samuel

      April 1st, 2023 - 1:37pm

      @Gordon now that *is* an interesting idea, leaving the reprinting until the end of the initial run, to pick up missing sets, at the sensible, reasonable retail price, to complete the collection.

      I think getting that message out would also help give fans incentive to start purchasing the latest Limited Editions, with the assurance that they would be able to fill in the rest of the gaps, without paying up hundreds of pounds to resellers.

      Also, slightly seperate; It’s not even a Collection set, but the Series 9 Steelbook advert on Amazon for £500+ is hilariously bad, that fans online are sharing photos of their own homemade copies. Missed sales right there.

    • Prowl 1701

      April 1st, 2023 - 11:28pm

      I really wish they would reissue that series 9 steelbook, the art is fantastic, but the secondary market price for it is crazy.

    • D84

      April 6th, 2023 - 7:27am

      I missed out on the new series steelbooks and so dearly want them. I have “Series 1-4 on DVD with The specials onwards on Blue Ray standard edition. I so want them re released again at some point so I can replace my dvds and standard edition blu rays with something”collector” styled like the Steelbooks or ever better “The Collection” style

      One day……..

    • Rory

      April 6th, 2023 - 10:23am

      @D84, I was lucky enough to be able to afford all of the steelbooks when they were released, so I have a full set. I don’t envy anyone having to buy them on the secondary market given some of the prices.

      Perhaps an alternative to rereleasing the steelbooks could be to do new editions with different cover art. That way anyone like yourself wanting to fill gaps could do so affordably, and the originals wouldn’t become less limited.

      Of course, then I’d have the dilemma of wanting to own the new ones as well, just for the art.

    • D84

      April 6th, 2023 - 11:25am

      I would have just bought them Rory to be honest at release but by the time I found out about them I think they were already on S4 or the Specials and S1-3 had sold out

      But yes, new version with updated cover art or additional extra’s suits me

      Genuinely – I just want them to take up a little less space on the shelf

    • daz

      April 6th, 2023 - 2:26pm

      I’m surprised they haven’t done a new version of Series 9 and Series 10 (including TUAT) as when they released Series 1 to 8 it was a new set of steelbooks with unique art (usually hero’s on front and enemies on the back).

      I still have hope but the bbc are missing out on easy sales there.

      The Amazon exclusive steelbooks of Series 9 and 10 are their own separate thing so the artwork won’t be repeated if they ever do it.

      I never bought the 13th ones simply due to the lack of extras across her series. Again they could be done again with new art at some point.

    • Prowl1701

      April 6th, 2023 - 5:45pm

      I agree, daz. I’d be fine with new art work for series 9 and 10, would make them fit in with the others better and I need a series 9 set on the shelf, looks off going from series 8 to 10 ( I have the series 10 book). The bbc is leaving money on the table imo, that series 9 book goes for silly money now.

    • D84

      April 6th, 2023 - 5:56pm

      @Daz I did take the plunge and got copies of S13 plus specials on steelbook – so am missing 1-12 doh

    • Jake E

      April 6th, 2023 - 6:41pm

      I used to have all the steelbooks and personally I don’t think you guys are missing out on much. It is nice artwork though to be fair

      I just want them to do a complete Series 1-13 Blu-Ray boxset for the 60th Anniversary like they did with series 1-7 for the 50th

    • daz

      April 6th, 2023 - 10:28pm

      It’ll have a rrp of about £500 though.

      I’ll hold out for the Series 9 and 10 steelbooks or just buy the standards. I’ve got TUAT in 4K.

      Hopefully we’ll get good extras on the 60th and Series 14 sets and beyond.

  • DP Hill

    March 28th, 2023 - 1:40pm

    Just throwing some ideas for SJA sets, in a dream world if they were to happen, would anyone agree with this kind of layout…?
    Doctor Who the Collection Season SJA (Side A) [Jan 2007 – Mar 2009]
    Disc 1 – Invasion of the Bane & School Reunion [6 ½ hours]
    • K9 & Company – A Girl’s Best Friend [50min]
    • Doctor Who – School Reunion [45min] with optional Sarah-Jane Adventures titles
    • Invasion of the Bane [60min]
    • Elisabeth Sladen Interviews and News announcing the new series and Sladen’s return to who
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • Blue Peter set visit
    • NEW In the Attic for 1.X [25-30min]
    • NEW making of featurette for 1.X [15-25min]
    • NEW photo gallery for 1.X [5min]
    • Trailer for SJA side A set
    • Timeline chart of Sarah Jane’s History [10min]
    • NEW The Legends of Sarah-Jane – documenting the conception of sarah-jane and how she faired over four seasons of doctor who and afterward [60min/3x20min] (leads into the Sarah-jane story)
    • NEW The Sarah-Jane Story Part 1 – documentary telling of how and why she was brought back and how that translated into a spin-off pilot [30min]
    • Optional two-part format of the story [2x30min]
    • Clean Extended Closing Credits [2min]

    Disc 2 – Revenge of the Slitheen & Eye of the Gorgon [6 ½ hr]
    • Revenge of the Slitheen [2x25min]
    • Eye of the Gorgon [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW Gorgons in Popular Culture Featurette [20min]
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • AUDIO-story; The Glittering Storm [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]

    Disc 3 – Warriors of Kudlak & Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane? [7 ½ hr]
    • Warriors of Kudlak [2x25min]
    • Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane? [2x25min]
    • Attack of the Graske [15min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In Conversation with… Yasmin Paige [60min]
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • NEW Who are… the Graske? [5min] a very brief look into the Graske’s origins in Doctor Who
    • AUDIO-story; The Thirteenth Stone [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]

    Disc 4 – The Lost Boy & Bonus Material [7 ½ hr]
    • The Lost Boy [2x25min]
    • Doctor Who – The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End [108min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • UPDATED Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW Effects (Visual, Prosthetic, Filming) Featurettes [3x20min]
    • NEW In the Attic [20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Gallery [5min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [20min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of the adventure [50min]
    • NEW Writer’s Room – SJA Season 1 [30min]
    • NEW Who are… the Slitheen? [10min] a brief look into the origins of the Slitheen in doctor who
    • NEW Who is… K-9? [20min] a brief look at the origins of K-9 within Doctor Who
    • NEW In Conversation with… Joseph Milson [60min]

    Disc 5 – The Last Sontaran & Day of the Clown [6 ½ hr]
    • The Last Sontaran [2x25min]
    • Day of the Clown [2x25min]
    • The Sontaran Experiment [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW Who are…the Sontarans? [20min] – a brief look into the history of the Sontarans
    • NEW Pied Piper Featurette [15min]
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]

    Disc 6 – Secrets of the Stars & The Mark of the Berserker [7 hr]
    • Secrets of the Stars [2x25min]
    • The Mark of the Berserker [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW Signs of the Zodiac Featurette [20min]
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • AUDIO-story; The Time Capsule [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]

    Disc 7 – The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith & Enemy of the Bane [7 ½ hr]
    • The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith [2x25min]
    • Enemy of the Bane [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • AUDIO-story; The Ghost House [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]
    • NEW Who is… the Brigadier? [25min] a look at the origins of the brigadier and his interactions with Sarah-Jane

    Disc 8 – Bonus Disc [7 hr]
    • From Raxacoricofallapatorius With Love [5min]
    • Red Nose day excerpts and DVD Quiz [5min]
    • NEW One, Last Time [25min] a look at the final appearance of doctor who stalwart, the Brigadier, and other planned appearances for the characters and the reasons for his absence
    • NEW The Sarah-Jane Story Part 2 – A look at how the pilot became a brand-new series [45min]
    • NEW Not Quite On Target [20min] a look at the history of sarah-jane adventures novelisations
    • NEW Who were… the Two Ronnies [10min] a brief look into the humour of the red nose sketch/scene featuring Ronnie Corbett
    • NEW In Conversation with… Tommy Knight [60min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW Writer’s Room – SJA Series 2 [30min]
    • Clean remastered opening and closing titles including extended closing music [5min]
    • Blue Peter Interview [10min]
    • Me and My Movie with Tommy Knight [15min]
    • NEW Doctor Who The Fan Favourite [90min] including Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, Russell T Davies and cast and friends who knew Sladen talking about her career as Sarah-Jane and how this made them feel [similar to Doctor Who and the Third Man] and their memories of her
    • NEW The First Female Doctor…? [45min] a look at the dynamic similarity and success of SJA compared to its parent and its influence on girls and boys with showing an inspirational female lead
    • NEW Where are they now? [60min] a look at the main cast and crew of SJA and looking at what they have since been doing

    SJA Set 2 [or Side B]
    Disc 1 – Prisoner of the Judoon & The Mad Woman in the Attic [6½hr]
    • Prisoner of the Judoon [2x25min]
    • The Mad Woman in the Attic [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • AUDIO-story; The Shadow People [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]
    • NEW Who are… the Judoon? [10min] a look at the origins of the Judoon
    • Monster Hunt & Return of the Krulius [20min total]

    Disc 2 – The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith & The Eternity Trap [6½hr]
    • The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith [2x25min]
    • The Eternity Trap [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • AUDIO-story; The White Wolf [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]
    • NEW Who is… the Tenth Doctor? [15min] a look at the origins of the character

    Disc 3 – Mona Lisa’s Revenge & The Gift [7hr]
    • Mona Lisa’s Revenge [2x25min]
    • The Gift [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • AUDIO-story; Deadly Download [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]
    • NEW Tomorrow’s Times: Sarah-Jane’s Adventures [15min] a look at the shows portrayal within the media
    • NEW K9’s comeback [25min] documenting K9s origins and his return to the who-universe

    Disc 4 – The Nightmare Man & The Vault of Secrets [7½hr]
    • The Nightmare Man [2x25min]
    • The Eternity Trap [2x25min]
    • FIRST TIME Sarah Jane’s Alien Files 1 & 2 [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • AUDIO-story; Wraith World [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]

    Disc 5 – Death of the Doctor & The Empty Planet [6½hr]
    • Death of the Doctor [2x25min]
    • The Empty Planet [2x25min]
    • FIRST TIME Sarah Jane’s Alien Files 3 & 4 [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]
    • NEW Who is… The Eleventh Doctor? [15min] a look into the character’s origins
    • NEW Who is… Jo Grant? [15min] a look into the former companion’s origins
    • NEW Alien Files Featurette [10min]
    • Defending Bannerman Road [10min]

    Disc 6 – Lost in Time & Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith [6½hr]
    • Lost in Time [2x25min]
    • Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith [2x25min]
    • FIRST TIME Sarah Jane’s Alien Files 5 & 6 [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]
    • NEW In Conversation With… Daniel Anthony [60min]

    Disc 7 – Sky & The Curse of Clyde Langer [7hr]
    • Sky [2x25min]
    • The Curse of Clyde Langer [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity – including The Silver Bullet comic
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [2×20-25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [10min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [2x20min]
    • AUDIO story; Children of Steel [70min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of both adventures [2x50min]
    • In Conversation with Anjli Mohindra [60min]
    • NEW Stripped for Action – SJA [20min] Featurette in the same series as the others
    • NEW Audio series featurette [10min]

    Disc 8 – The Man Who Never Was & Our Sarah-Jane [7hr]
    • The Man Who Never Was [2x25min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity – including The Silver Bullet comic
    • Alien, Tool & Character Profiles
    • NEW In the Attic [25min]
    • NEW Photo Galleries [5min total]
    • NEW making of featurettes [20min]
    • Optional Omnibus edit of the adventure [50min]
    • AUDIO story; Judgement Day [70min]
    • NEW In Conversation with… Alexander Armstrong [60min]
    • My Sarah-Jane [15min]
    • Our Sarah-Jane – The Life of Elisabeth Sladen [60min]
    • NEW The Lost Stories [30min] a documentary feature about what would have happened oif the series had continued
    • The Attic – Photoshoot [20min]
    • The Attic – Interviews [20min]

    Disc 9 – The Attic & Farewell, Sarah-Jane [7½hr]
    • The Attic [6hr]
    • Farewell, Sarah-Jane [15min]
    • Production PDFs; outtakes, deleted or extended scenes where possible; audio clips; trailers and continuity
    • NEW Featurette on Farewell, Sarah-Jane [5min] Russell T Davies Interview
    • NEW The Sarah-Jane Story Part 3 [1hr]
    • Clean Opening and Closing Titles [5min]
    • DW The Collection SJA Side B set Trailer [5min]

    Any thoughts of anything missed out? 

    • Gordon

      March 30th, 2023 - 8:23am

      A lot of good stuff there However I’m not convinced the budget would be there to do all this. There is a lot of stuff that would be need to be created

  • DP Hill

    March 27th, 2023 - 6:42pm

    How big do people think the remaining sets are going to be in the range in terms of disc numbers?

    1. 9/10 discs – a bonus disc for the daleks or the season and an extra disc if marco is animated
    3a. 12/13 disc – a disc per story, even with or without animations, a bonus disc and an extra disc for master plan of course, if it animated – we can dream –
    4. 12 discs – power, faceless, and evil all having two discs, would also not change much even if the others were animated…?
    5. 9-11 discs – abominable and fury with 2 discs, space if animated, ice warriors, web, and enemy do have a lot of material already, so they could have another perhaps? but 13 discs would be crazy, maybe a mop up bonus disc for those instead?
    6. 9-11 disc – invasion and war games definitely having a second disc, possibly space pirates if animated and even seeds could get one?
    7. 7 disc – spearhead has one disc and the rest all have two
    11. 6-8 disc – Invasion and Monster could both have an extra disc, Planet will definitely be two discs
    13. 7 disc – all stories on one disc with a bonus disc at the end
    15. 7 disc – all stories on one disc with a bonus disc at the end
    16. 7 disc – all stories on one disc with a bonus disc at the end
    20. 8 disc – five doctors has the second disc
    21. 8 disc – caves has a second disc
    25.7/8 disc – SM sets seem to have a lot of extra material so all of these stories could have two discs
    WY. 7 disc – TVM 2 disc, Scream of the Shalka 1 disc, Death Comes to Time 1 disc, Shada 1disc, other goodies across the wilderness era inc fatal death and real time 2 disc

    • D84

      March 27th, 2023 - 11:26pm

      I can see the early sets getting all that extra material compressed onto as little discs as possible – maybe a 10 disc box would be the max?

      The packaging on the limited edition sets doesn’t seem that sturdy to cope with more and more trays. Some of my early sets that are 6 discs have already come unstuck and I’ve had to re glue them – I’m not sure more trays and weight would practically work – we’ll see I suppose

      Anything S7 onwards I can see getting a 7 disc minimum release – largely 8 overall.

      I would guess S25 almost certainly has extra material so 2 Discs per story there fits with how others of that era have been treated.

      For the others I would guess at 8 for the most part with a 7 disc for seasons with 4/5 stories and not masses of extras

      For a WY set, TVM X2, Scream of Shalka, Death Comes to Time, Curse of the Fatal Death, More than 30yrs in the TARDIS, potentially Shada – plus other bits and bobs – 6 discs easy

    • Basil Funkenstein

      March 28th, 2023 - 2:10am

      As long as they make the most comprehensive and complete collection possible I don’t mind how many discs are in the sets. I want the care and attention placed on these sets to be consistent until the end. I don’t mind the odd niggle or mistake here and there on the box sets as long as the quality of information and stories remains at its peak.

    • DP Hill

      March 28th, 2023 - 10:25am

      My comment is accidentally below, also i forgot more than thirty years in the tardis as a disc, definitely scooe for 8 disc now, its almost like we get 26 sets and the bonus set, literally just a special features set which would be really fun to have!

    • DPHill

      March 28th, 2023 - 11:19am

      Okay, what i said disapperaed, but i agree with both of your points about love and care for each of the episodes of the stories in each season for each set, though sturdiness is an issue for the larger sets as it does unstick for even the smaller ones, however, i don’t see any seasons of the sixties being any smaller than season 2 (the smallest of the seasons in terms of episodes). Season 3 has a lot of stories and even if mission was not on a separate disc, master plan would take two discs even with base level telesnap/photo reconstruction, so 10 discs at least – if season 3 becomes too difficult and there are a lack of animations, do you think they would perhaps double up on unanimated stories like
      d1 – galacy 4
      d2 – mission/myth makers
      d3 – master plan 1-8
      d4 – master plan 9-12/massacre
      d5 – ark/celestial toymaker
      d6 – gunfighters/savages
      d7 – war machines/bonus stuff

      thoughts? i think this would be too condensed and can honestly see them doing something more like this…

      1 – galaxy 4
      2 – mission to the unknown
      3 – myth makers
      4 – master plan 1-6
      5 – master plan 7-12
      6 – masscare
      7 – ark
      8 – celestial toymaker
      9 – gunfighters
      10 – savages
      11- war machines
      Bonus disc if master plan does get animated!

      season 4 also is also goi g to be very difficult and given the current rumours…
      1 – smugglers
      2 – tenth planet
      3 – power of the daleks
      4 – power of the daleks
      5 – highlanders
      6 – underwater menace
      7 – moonbase
      8 – macra terror
      9 – faceless ones
      10 – faceless ones
      11 – evil of the daleks
      12 – evil of the daleks

      but again, how will they address the sturdiness issue? surely they wouldnt condense and skimp for these purposes and may try to find a better gluing solution?

    • Prowl 1701

      March 28th, 2023 - 9:59pm

      I really think they shouldn’t go higher than 19 discs, the boxsets become to large to work effectively imo. Though how you limited seasons 3 and 4 to only 10 discs without splitting each season into two sets is a tricky one. Also with newer animated stories do you included the color animation, black and white animation and the telesnap recon? Three versions of one story? Evil of the Daleks would need three discs alone.

      Season 5 is easier. 9 disc set with fury and abominable Snowmen getting two discs each and the other stories getting 1 disc.

      Season 6, 8 discs. Each story gets one disc and their is a bonus disc, or one story gets a second disc.

    • Basil Funkenstein

      March 29th, 2023 - 1:01am

      @Prowl 1701 19 discs?

    • Basil Funkenstein

      March 29th, 2023 - 1:28am

      Maybe they could do:

      Season 1 box set with Marco Polo either animated or telesnaps. 9-10 discs maximum.

      Season 2 is already done. They could potentially do a special edition if The Crusade is ever animated but if not maybe they could sell an individual blu ray disc with the limited edition disc artwork on for us to swap into the set? 9 discs.

      Season 3a box set with half the stories in as many forms as needed/possible and special features for that half of the season. 7 discs.

      Season 3b set with the other half of the season and more special features. 7 discs.

      Season 4a set with Troughton’s earliest Season 4 look with stovepipe hat on the cover and Hartnell regenerating from Tenth Planet on inside booklet TARDIS console room. Maybe the front of the booklet holder cover could be the TARDIS in the snow surrounded by Mondasian Cybermen and the booklet cover could be similar to the Season 2 booklet with 60’s style artwork reflecting the two Doctor’s and their companions in this part of the Season? 7-8 discs.

      Season 4b set with Troughton’s standard Season 4 look on the cover. The booklet holder cover inside the set could be the TARDIS surrounded by Daleks or the Emperor Dalek from ‘Evil’ or something like that? 7-8 discs.

      Season 5 box set with Troughton’s green beanie look from ‘Fury’ or his shaggy coat look from ‘Abominable’ as the set front cover. Not sure about the booklet holder or booklet cover artwork? 9-10 discs maximum.

      Season 6 set. 9-10 discs maximum.

      If they decide to do Seasons 3 and 4 as one box set then I can see them doing 10 discs maximum for those sets or looking for a newer solution for the glue holding the disc trays in the boxes. Anything higher than 10 discs for a set seems risky.

    • Prowl 1701

      March 29th, 2023 - 3:42am

      I meant to type 10 discs. No higher than 10, I don’t think the packaging could handle more.

    • Jake E

      March 29th, 2023 - 8:02am

      I think if you split for example Season 3 into two sets people wouldn’t be happy about spending £100 on just season 3 when it’s effectively going to be audio only!

      I wouldn’t be entirely opposed due to the disc holders from the set not being able to withstand that many discs it would lead to rips etc. Having said that having 1 or 2 sets that are split into 2 would look a bit weird on my shelf.

      But I’m happy to buy whatever they make basically at this point so what do I know 🙂

    • Basil Funkenstein

      March 29th, 2023 - 8:15am

      Having thought about it I genuinely wouldn’t mind if they decide to split Seasons 3 and 4 into a and b seasons. It would mean there would be 28 sets for the classic series, potentially 29 with the inclusion of the Wilderness Years set, but I’d be more than happy with that if it meant we got the same level of extras and the most comprehensive set of Blu-ray episodes possible. It would also mean they wouldn’t have to worry about skimping on extras or cutting out versions of stories on disc and they wouldn’t have to worry about going over 10 discs for a set. I understand it would be more expensive for us to buy having to pay for an extra two sets but if they are as amazing and spectacular as the rest of the box sets in the collection then bring it on.

      If they do decide to go this route, and depending on animations and colourisation of b&w episodes, I can see this being the release schedule:

      2023 – Seasons 9 (8 discs,) 20 (8 discs,) and 16 (7 discs.)
      2024 – Seasons 25 (8 discs,) 5 or 6 (9-10 discs maximum,) and 11 (7-8 discs.) Or 5 or 6, 25, and 11.
      2025 – Seasons 1 (9-10 discs maximum,) 4a (7-8 discs,) and 15 (7 discs.)
      2026 – Seasons 5 or 6 (9-10 discs maximum,) 21 (8 discs,) and 7 (7-8 discs.)
      2027 – Seasons 4b (7-8 discs,) Wilderness Years (7-8 discs,) and 3a (7-8 discs.)
      2028 – Seasons 13 (7 discs) and 3b (7-8 discs.)

      Hopefully the ones that could be 8 disc or 10 disc sets can be, fingers crossed.

      Anyone else have any other ideas or speculations? Love the discussion on this site.

    • Basil Funkenstein

      March 29th, 2023 - 8:19am

      I tried to put the b&w sets away from each other but I suppose you could also do:

      2027 – Seasons 4b, 3a, and Wilderness Years.
      2028 – Seasons 3b and 13.

    • Prof Horner

      March 29th, 2023 - 12:22pm

      I wouldn’t be happy with season 3 and 4 spread over two box sets. Certainly season 4 could be released with a ten disc set . Six of the stories are only four parts so I suppose you could have more extras on them . Season 3 again is a problem .but again all the stories apart from Master plan are four parts so again you could spread the extras over them . Mission and master plan would need two discs so maybe we are talking about a 12 disc set ,as it is likely to be the last set released anyway. As for the animated stories whether you watch them in colour or black and white. I don’t know how the technology works but could it be like the option of updated effects,in other words could there be an option of either watching it in colour or black and white on the same disc? Can anyone enlighten me.

    • DPHill

      March 29th, 2023 - 1:31pm

      given that they have got 2 out already, i really don’t knwo how splitting seasons would work, they could do 3-4 across three sets though? two for hartnell and troughton’s main bit

      season 3(a)
      1 – galaxy 4 b&w
      2 – galaxy 4 colour
      3 – mission to the unknown
      4 – myth makers
      5 – master plan 1-4
      6 – master plan 5-8
      7 – master plan 9-12
      8 – massacre

      season 3(b)/4(i)
      1 – ark
      2 – celestial toymaker
      3 – gunfighters
      4 – savages
      5 – savages
      6 – war machines
      7 – smugglers
      8 – smugglers
      9 – tenth planet
      10 – tenth planet and bonus

      [also my previous one included telesnap, but myth makers, massacres, and toymaker will probably not be able to have them, maybe audio versions only like how they did pescatons and slipback et cetera]

      season 4(ii)
      1 – power of the daleks
      2 – power of the daleks
      3 – highlanders
      4 – underwater menace
      5 – moonbase
      6 – macra terror
      7 – faceless ones
      7 – faceless ones
      8 – evil
      9 – evil
      10 – telesnap bonus disc?

      for the larger sets, i was thinking if it would be possible to have you know like the casing containing the six to nine discs on one side, if that was replicated on the other side so it opened up and there is a housing either side with the first panel one of them having a booklet casing on the front? could maybe work even if a little rubbish?

    • daz

      March 29th, 2023 - 1:48pm

      Personally I don’t think we’ll get the colour versions of the animations in the 60’s sets. Just the black and white versions so we won’t have as many discs as stated above.

      I don’t collect the animations so not sure if 1 disc had colour and 1 black and white on the missing story blurays?

    • James

      March 29th, 2023 - 3:56pm

      With regards to 3 and 4 they could reduce the disc count easily. Giving that the animated versions have been released on there own with colour and b&w versions on steelbook/dvd/bluray they could still do these for future animated stories (myth, dmp etc) as not everyone is buying the sets and just adding them to their normal collections.
      So release them with colour and b&w as the separate story sets, then just the b&w versions on The Collection.
      I would rather pay for 1 season box set not 2 parts, that way still get the extras and not add to many discs.

    • Prowl 1701

      March 29th, 2023 - 9:18pm


      On the individual animation releases the black and white episodes and the color episodes are on separate discs. Often with the telesnap recon getting a separate disc as well.

    • D84

      March 29th, 2023 - 9:27pm

      @Daz yes the animations I have (Power onwards) have B&W on 1 disc and colour on another disc. Usually any surviving episodes can be watched slotted in the correct place on the B&W disc

      If we are calling them “complete” then I personally think the collection sets should have the colour and b&w animations present but if it’s down to a question of space I can see why you would present only the b&w version leaving the colour option as exclusive to the stand alone release for that story

    • Gordon

      March 30th, 2023 - 9:47am

      I’m sure it can be compressed down so the likes of g4/macra can include both colour/b and w versions on the same disc. Plus the colour teaser for g4 on time medlar suggests colour versions will be included. 2 discs for 6/7 part animations. Been said by those involved numerous times that sets will not be split. By the time it gets round to season 3 people will be itching to complete their collection that’s why I think season 3 will sell regardless of how many animations are made in the next couple of years.

      Season 1: 2 discs for an unearthly child (can see there being quite a bit of bonus feature material surrounding it) potentially 2 discs for daleks (same deal as an unearthly child), Marco Polo will be 1 disc if it’s a recon 2 if it’s animated. Rest of the set will be 1 disc each so 9/10/11with no bonus discs (edge can house the s1 extra material)

      Season 3: far too early to tell

      Season 4: power/faceless/evil 2 discs everything else 1 discs 10 discs (highlanders could house the s4 bonus material if not animated)

      Season 5: abominable/fury/wheel (if animated) 2 discs. Everything else 1 disc 9/10 discs (wheel can house s5 bonus features if not animated)

      Season 6: invasion/war games/space pirates (if animated) 2 discs. Everything else 1 disc. (Space pirates could house s6 bonus material if it’s not animated)

      Season 7: hard to say. Alternative restorations could add up plus spearhead has quite a bit of extras already. I’ll say 8 discs. 2 discs for each story.

      Season 11: 7 discs 1 per story and bonus disc

      Season 13: 7 discs 1 per story and bonus disc

      Season 15: 7 discs 1 per story and bonus disc

      Season 16: 7 discs 1 per story and bonus disc

      Season 20: 5 doctors 2-3 discs (alternative versions and 4 hours of studio footage) 1 disc for everything else 8-9 discs (kings demons can house the s20 bonus features)

      Season 21: 8 discs 1 per story and 1 bonus disc

      Season 25: 7-8 discs.probably 2 discs each

      Wilderness years: 9-10 discs minimum. So much material could be included. Far too many that can be mentioned. 2 discs for 90-95 3 discs for the movie 1-2 discs on 96- 2000 3-4 discs on animations and 2001-2004

    • Jake E

      March 30th, 2023 - 11:43am

      Gordon how much studio footage is there for Season 25 and for which stories please?

    • Jake E

      March 30th, 2023 - 12:33pm

      Gordon, How much studio footage etc is there for Season 25? And which stories have it?

      Thanks for any insights 🙂

    • Prowl 1701

      March 30th, 2023 - 7:48pm

      @Gordon, is it possible to fit the color version, B&W version, and Telesnap recon of a four parter (like Macra Terror) onto one disc without compression issues, or would it need two discs?

      If season 4 isn’t split wouldn’t it need a minimum of 12 discs? Keep in mind the smugglers and the tenth planet are in season 4. So if power, faceless ones, and evil all get two discs and the other only get one, that’s still 12 discs. I think they maybe be too much for the style of boxset they use, the trays would never hold properly. Think I would prefer 4 being split myself.

    • Gordon

      March 30th, 2023 - 10:14pm

      Not 100 percent sure how much studio and location footage exists for season 25 but considering how much deleted/extended/alternative footage exists for all 4 stories I’m guessing it’s pretty substantial but Maybe not as much as the 100 hours that exists for s24.

      It might be a bit of a tight squeeze but with compression and maybe presenting the recons in standard definition you might be able to fit it on 1 disc

    • Jake E

      March 31st, 2023 - 10:09am

      While we’re talking studio footage etc Gordon. How much is there for the other seasons left to come out that you know of?

      I’m loving the stuff I’ve seen on the Blu-rays so far but I have little knowledge of the behind the scenes footage.

      Thanks for any insights

    • Gordon

      March 31st, 2023 - 12:19pm

      20, 21 and 25 definitely do. Not sure about any of the earlier ones. There is probably is stuff for the tv movie too and if it’s ever cleared dimensions in time

    • Jake E

      March 31st, 2023 - 12:56pm

      Dimensions will never be cleared. As much as find something to live in every episode of Doctor Who even the “bad” ones, Dimensions really wasn’t amazing haha and last I looked it was all on Dailymotion or something anyway so no big loss 🙂

      Having said that, I obviously want these Blu-rays to collect absolutely everything they can from Classic Who and maybe the modern show too but not as fussed currently

    • Basil Funkenstein

      April 1st, 2023 - 2:33am

      New predictions.

      2023 – Seasons 9 (8 discs,) 20 (8-9 discs,) and 16 (7 discs.)
      2024 – Seasons 25 (8 discs,) 6 (9-11 discs maximum,) and 11 (7-8 discs.) Or 6, 25, and 11.
      2025 – Seasons 1 (9-11 discs maximum,) 5 (9-11 discs,) and 15 (7 discs.)
      2026 – Seasons 4 (9-11 discs maximum,) 21 (8 discs,) and 7 (7-8 discs.)
      2027 – Seasons Wilderness Years (7-10 discs maximum,) and 3 (10-12 maximum discs.)
      2028 – Season 13 (7 discs)

    • Prowl 1701

      April 1st, 2023 - 4:46am

      I’ll see your predictions Basil, and counter with:

      2023: Season 9 (8 discs) Season 20 (8-9 disc, they seem to like padding them to at least 8 discs these days) Season 16 (8 discs)
      2024 Season 6 (8 discs) Season 25 (8 discs) Season 11 (8 discs)
      2025 Season 15 (8 discs) Season 21 (8 discs) Season 1 (8-9 discs, just in time for Doctor Who’s birthday)
      2026 Season 7 (7-8 discs) Season 5 (9 discs) Season 13 (8 discs)
      2027 Wilderness Years (8-9 discs)
      2027/2028 Season 3 (10 discs)

    • Prowl 1701

      April 1st, 2023 - 4:47am

      Almost forgot,

      2027: Season 4

    • Basil Funkenstein

      April 1st, 2023 - 7:08am

      Good predictions dude. Fair play. Obviously I’d change some of those releases around. I can’t see them doing season 4 and then season 3 after. If most of season 3 is completed by animations or some sort of telesnap/stills reconstruction by then then I can see them releasing 3 and 13 last to go out on a high note. If they need a little more time to polish season 3 off then I guess they’ll swap the releases and do 13 and then 3. I can see season 4 being pretty much complete a fair while before season 3 is.

      If you wanted to change 2025 around you could do seasons 5, 15, and 1 in time for the birthday/anniversary. 2026 could be 7, 4, and 21 or 7, 21, 4 or 21, 4, and 7 or 21, 7, 4. I could obviously be very wrong but I just see that release schedule as being most realistic. The amount of discs might vary and change to what we have predicted but collectively I think we’re bang on.

    • Prowl1701

      April 1st, 2023 - 6:11pm

      I definitely think seasons 3 and 4 will be almost last if not last as they need the most work to make them a viable sale. Now if the rumors about smugglers and UWM are true then only highlanders would need animating for sesson 4 to be ready but they would still want a year or two for the indivisible animations to sale. I think 13 would be before both just due to the work they need done to them.

  • James

    March 27th, 2023 - 11:11am

    Next set?
    Loads of talk and “confermations” 20 will be out summer this year, and a long awaited Tom set (15 or 16) after.
    The 60s sets a bit more difficult as still alot missing eps. As season 3 is the biggest for this, I’d think this be left until the penultimate release (think started with a Tom set so be nice to finish on one, personal opinion). With 24 missing episodes (as mission has been remade so could be used). So let’s look at the other 4 sets.

    1. Only Marco Polo all 7 eps to either be found (fingers crossed) or animated. With the other missing story already animated/reconstruction. This being the only almost complete seasons with the most eps to do.

    4. With Smugglers and Underwater in the works of being animated this year (unconfirmed by BBC I know), and the other 6 already animated and released oby leaves Highlanders to be found (again fingers crossed) or animated/reconstruction of 4 eps.

    5. Again all by one story has been animated and released so only leaves Wheel in Space with again only 4 eps missing but be nice to animate the full thing and add the 2 missing eps onto the set. Be the first all animated season.

    6. Last Troughton set again with only 1 missing story to be worked on The Space Pirates. Only 5 of 6 missing.

    So I recon they could get 5 out first as works already done on the other stories as they’ve been out recently (all animated, extras, behind the scenes) . Just the actors watching the eps to be filmed. And the missing story animated. Then maybe 4 next year if the 2 “confirmed” stories get done this year and they either do highlanders or reconstruct it.

    Agsin only my thoughts. Be nice to get a Troughton set out then all Docs have one (minus WY 8TH Doc). Yes has been on a set as 22 had The Two Doctors.

    Thoughts? Opinions?

    • D84

      March 27th, 2023 - 1:15pm

      I can see S1 coming out as is, with Marco Polo not animated and represented by stills.

      S3 – honestly no idea

      S4 – I would like to think if the 2 animation projects in the works (still unconfirmed) are these stories and from this season, then I think S4 would be good to go with Highlanders represented by stills

      S5 – I sincerely hope Wheel in Space gets fully animated before this set comes out as “The Collection” – its a guilty pleasure of mine but I know lots of people don’t rate the story highly

      S6 – again I can see this coming out as is with some kind of still representation of Space Pirates – even audio only potentially if there are not enough stills to represent it visually

    • Samuel

      March 27th, 2023 - 2:22pm

      I wrote a piece below regarding the very decent quality of Galaxy 4’s telesnap/photo recon. Editing was slick, images clear, actors had very well timed expressions, choice of images was as good as spot on. Overall had a super experience watching the serial that way. There’s also Youtubers such as Josh Snares showcasing some thoroughly excellent quality photo recon samples for The Savages, for example. Youtuber Harry Robins also created complete upscale / frame rate and flicker correction samples for Galaxy 4 and Power of the Daleks’ surviving footage, but oddly enough those uploads have since been removed. Genuinely felt like watching restored footage.

      My point to make is that every season should be treated equally, instead of “oo eer do Season 3 last”. Season 2’s brand new extras alone were outstanding, and the watch through of The Crusade with telesnaps was completely fine. It’s what we have at this moment in time, there are already Youtubers out there doing solid decent work on the flickery surviving footage. There is no reason not to consider another 60’s season.

    • Prof Horner

      March 27th, 2023 - 3:16pm

      Well I understand where you are coming from Samuel, but I think there too many missing episodes in season 3 to make it viable with reconstructions. One a season is enough. If they mange to animated most of them in the next few years all Well and good. But I don’t think I would consider buying season 3 with so many episodes missing however good the extras are. My choices the releases are 20 , 15 or 16 , 6.

    • D84

      March 27th, 2023 - 3:58pm

      I agree Prof – its the sheer volume of missing content for S3 that i think makes it less viable. 1 per season is enough for me (just me)

    • DP Hill

      March 28th, 2023 - 10:20am

      Yes i agree with you both, love and care, and generally 7-8 discs, although can still see seven being 8, good point about the sturdiness of the cases, some of the sixties ones may be very difficult for that specific factor, season 3 i think absolutely cant fit on anything less than 10 even if mission was moved due to the way they do them unless it is a barebones release, season 4 is also tough with both monochrome and colour animations for four stories and a possible two more

    • DP Hill

      March 28th, 2023 - 10:23am

      That was meant for my comment above, whoops

  • simon.ss1

    March 27th, 2023 - 9:58am

    I posted on here around two years ago that I have a good quality original audio recording on cassette of a 1971 BBC1 trailer for Day of the Daleks (taped around Christmas/late December 1971).
    It’s only very short, about 12 seconds, and comprises the Dr Who theme with voice over: “…fifty, a brand new adventure for Dr Who. And the Daleks are back! The Daleks: mechanical fiends from the future who try to take over the present. Their only opponent: the Doctor. At six…”
    It was obviously part of a longer trailer advertising a few programmes for the evening of 1 Jan 1972 when Episode One of Day of the Daleks was broadcast.
    I asked on here if anyone knew how I could contact those involved in The Collection Blu-rays to see if the recording was of any interest to them.
    And thanks to responses, I got in touch with BBC DVD Enquiries, and had two replies: one from ‘DVDenquiry’, and another from ‘DVDSupport’, saying that they would forward my email on to Russell Minton and that he would “be in touch should access be beneficial for a future release”.
    I wasn’t contacted again and just assumed that The Collection team didn’t respond because they already had a recording of the clip.
    But it’s not on the ‘BBC Trails & Continuities’ bit of the Day of the Daleks Blu-ray.
    Maybe my recording, just a snippet from a longer BBC programme trailer (though recorded over 50 years ago), was too brief to be of any interest?
    To be fair, though it didn’t make it on to The Collection, the clip is so short that the Season 9 Blu-ray set – which is absolutely fantastic – isn’t really missing anything!

  • Prof Horner

    March 26th, 2023 - 12:29pm

    This box set is a great start to Anniversary year. Let’s hope for some surprises in the coming months. Hopefully it won’t be long before we have news of the release of season 20. I do seem to recall about three years ago a story that Lee Binding was working on a box set cover with the Time Lord symbol on it , which suggested season 20. It will be interesting to see if this is the case . Here’s to season 20 and what ever comes after that. Be it a Tom or the first Pat (season 6 please).keep enjoying the Doctor Who that makes you happy.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 26th, 2023 - 3:39pm

      I’d laugh if 20 wasn’t next

    • Prowl 1701

      March 26th, 2023 - 9:24pm

      They could do a Tom next and season 20 after that. Then you would have 3, 4, and 5 getting sets in a row. I wouldn’t be shocked it there was a set between 9 and 20. 20 would be a good November release (five doctors 20th anniversary).

    • D84

      March 26th, 2023 - 9:27pm

      It’s been slipped a couple of times by Peter and Janet that S20 is out “summer 2023”

      I can see a Tom set as the one after that, I’ll take anything to be honest but with 3 to go and having not had one for 18 months already – likely 2yrs by the time it comes out – I can see S15 or S16 as the one after S20

      My money is on S16

    • DP Hill

      March 27th, 2023 - 10:20am

      Yes i remember the story but i thinknit turned out to be time lord victorious, however he has definitely done the artwork!

      Think 20 is definitely next and then a Tom because its been too long for Tom next after Davison, perhaps we will be lucky enough to even complete sylvester after that Tom or get our forst troughton

      I think 20, 16, 25, 5, 11…

    • D84

      March 27th, 2023 - 10:57am

      I would agree that S25 could come out within the next few sets.

      S20 next, then potentially a Tom.

      After that I would suspect either S25 or a B&W set

    • Roy

      March 28th, 2023 - 6:30pm

      Does anyone know why zavvi sends the collection boxsets in plastic bags and without protection, mines arrived all bashed in full of dents, with all the discs popped out and all the disc trays are broken. Also inside the bag is a sticker from hmv , with r samuel, and priced £49.00, i paid £53. But my biggest heartbreak is zavvi wants this back for proof of damage, so got to wait even longer now. Not one disc plays without errors, as have been scratched up by the damage. Trying to get someone from zavvi, is ridiculous, but having got through, im now told that i will have to pay to return it, with no guarantee of a refund, or possible replacement. So ive ordered from Amazon, Will inform zavvi of my intentions ive no interest in their problems. Have informed paypal about my return.

    • Rex Farrel

      March 29th, 2023 - 3:01am

      Roy: It’s possible you had a return I suppose, but to get from HMV to customer, customer back to HMV, back to wholesaler, to Zavvi, then to you so soon after release? Don’t worry about receiving a refund though, I think they legally have to provide one for several reasons in your case. You should be able to get your return postage back too. By the sounds of it, they’ve followed the procedure for an unwanted product, not a faulty one.

  • Jack

    March 25th, 2023 - 4:27pm

    Anyone know if this set is coming out in Australia?

    • D84

      March 25th, 2023 - 4:59pm

      I would have thought so, but in the standard packaging like the other sets. Usually follows a UK release by a few months

    • Joe Grant

      March 26th, 2023 - 4:25pm

      What is very odd is that JB Hifi have not listed it as yet for preorder – it usually pops up as soon as the UK version is announced… now is already after the UK release date… Season 2 has sold out here but 22 and 24 have not… I hope sales have not been so disappointing as to threaten the range !

    • TARDISGuy

      March 30th, 2023 - 5:58am

      Apparently someone on Gallifrey Base contacted the Aus/NZ distributor and they said they have no information about this being released in Aus.
      I’m really hoping this is just a repeat of the delay with Seasons 10 and 23 (when they changed distributors) and not something more dire.
      But when I picked up my copy of Season 2, the guy at JB said that they had received only 4 copies of the set total. Another JB not far from me said they only received 6. Hope this doesn’t mean it’s been deemed there’s not enough interest.

  • Things that go bump in the night

    March 23rd, 2023 - 3:37pm

    A number of posts below are referring to a potential Wilderness Years set and the problems with inclusion of Children In Need specials, like Dimensions in Time…

    Could an agreement be made to add the special to The Collection series set whereby a small donation is made to Children In Need from the sale of each set it is included on?

    Maybe the CIN fund would be grateful for that as it means that the special has another chance to earn a few more pounds for the cause…

    • scotel

      March 23rd, 2023 - 5:05pm

      This isn’t about Children in Need, it’s about the people who worked on it and refused a salary as they were doing it for charity. A release would require tracking down and negotiating with every single cast and crew member that worked on it and renegotiating their contracts and given the nature of Dimensions in Time as a crossover episode with EastEnders, many of these people have nothing to do with Doctor Who.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 23rd, 2023 - 6:39pm

      Dimensions in Time is terrible as well

    • daz

      March 23rd, 2023 - 7:41pm

      DIT is on YouTube along with a Behind the Scenes feature. I copied it onto DVD years ago so if it isn’t included I’ll just pop that disc into the set myself.

      It is nice to see the returning cast on screen but it is awful.

    • Prowl 1701

      March 23rd, 2023 - 8:06pm

      Yeah to honest I’m fine with diminsions in time not being included, seems more trouble than it’s worth and it’s not that good imo.

    • Robert Watkins

      March 25th, 2023 - 11:43pm

      The Restoration Team made an enquiry a few years ago and CIN quoted an amount that was not viable. That’s even before work on individual artists.

    • Gordon

      March 30th, 2023 - 9:53am

      Going by recent comments by Richard bignell the sheer cost of getting clearance from children in need is the biggest hurdle in getting a release. £60, 000 was the asking price from children in need

  • Samuel

    March 23rd, 2023 - 1:54am

    Regarding the discussion below on future 1960 Season boxsets;

    I recently watched Galaxy 4’s Blu Ray, specifically the Telesnap + Photo comp construction – along with the cleaned up audio quality unique to that Blu Ray – I was gobsmacked at how decent the entire viewing was, and I feel doesn’t get anywhere near the credit it deserves when it comes to home media releases.

    For anyone that downplays Season 3 as not being ‘viable’ for a Collection release, please think again. Have a look at Galaxy 4’s Blu Ray photo reconstruction. Clear, concise, engaging, visually and audibly. Real photos and excellent editing timing for Actor expressions. The work is serious quality.

    Season 3 can definitely done. Any season of Doctor Who that survives only on audio and photos can absolutely get a Collection release. Galaxy 4 is the benchmark. It can be done, pure and simple.

    • Prowl 1701

      March 23rd, 2023 - 4:16am

      The Galaxy 4 Telesnap recon is great and works with the surviving footage very well. The problem with season 3 is that while John Wiles was the producer, he didn’t hire Jon Cura to do Telesnaps like other producers did. Many of the stories don’t have telensaps, only production stills exist for many of them such as The Massacre, DMP, Celestial toymaker (though loose cannon created some great recon pics) Myth Makers, and Mission to the Unknown. Sadly many of these don’t have many or any telesnaps of the episodes. Often it’s just production stills.

    • Samuel

      March 23rd, 2023 - 10:56am

      Completely agree, only Galaxy 4’s blu ray solves that exact problem – it fills a lot of blanks in with photo comps – and what made the entire viewing experience so great for me was the creative choices of what actor’s photos to use for which lines/reactions/expressions, against the correct background photo.

      It’s difficult to describe in brief words, but it actually ‘felt’ like a proper few episodes. It didn’t feel like I was staring at a long drawn out photo still against muffly audio – this was crisp, the edited photo comps were solid, I could make out every movement/ direction.

      Any future animations should, in my view, be seperate projects, not rushed or cause delay to the Collection sets. Instead I really, really hope all Classic Seasons are treated equally, barring the scale of stories to restore per season (if that makes sense).

      If Season 3 can be tackled in the same way as Galaxy 4 was, for the blu ray – that would be perfect.

    • Erato

      March 23rd, 2023 - 3:57pm

      It all depends on how far you can suspend your disbelief when watching the recons. I can’t personally watch them as my knowledge of the show means I instantly recognise where the stills have been cherrypicked from, e.g. “Oh, that’s a shot from The Caves of Androzani in The Macra Terror” or “Oh, that’s just Patrick Troughton’s expression in The Dominators.” I certainly won’t be able to sit through a recon of ‘The Myth Makers’ or ‘The Massacre’ because I know those stories only have about 20 photographs to represent them, and no telesnaps. I can happily listen to them on audio in the car and imagine the scenes, but I can’t sit down and watch them intently on my sofa in front of the telly as recons.

    • Samuel

      March 23rd, 2023 - 6:27pm

      @Erato, that’s also a very fair argument, I’m not disputing it. Ironically I feel exactly the same way with the animations. Having seen Josh Snares’ interview with Rob Ritchie on the animation work, it’s pretty disgraceful in itself as to the work schedule and personal sacrifices towards those projects. They are works of Art, but for me I struggle to suspend my disbelief with the animations. The very closest I ever got to doing so was with The Invasion, but that’s literally it.

      I would say my original point really was that the trope of ‘slow, fuzzy pictures and audio, even slower text reels’ usually tagged onto telesnaps is as good as blown out the water in 2023 as far as I’m concerned. I’ve even taken a look at Evil of The Daleks too. Deeply atmospheric stuff, particularly of Patrick Troughton & Frazer Hines. Well worth a watch.

    • Gordon

      March 30th, 2023 - 10:07am

      Derek handley who makes the recons for the blu ray sets has said there shouldn’t be an issue to create recons even for stories that don’t have telesnaps existing

  • Demdike@Cult Labs

    March 21st, 2023 - 12:08pm

    I hope this hasn’t been discussed already as there are a lot of comments here.

    Why has The Mutt Mad documentary been cut by 1:27 when compared to the version on the 2011 dvd?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 21st, 2023 - 12:43pm

      At least it’s there, unlike ‘Holiday for the Doctor’ on series two

    • Harold Shand

      March 21st, 2023 - 10:54pm

      Possibly cut due to a copyright issue?

      Or potential censorship issue, with comments made 12 years ago not sitting comfortably with the current viewpoints.

      Suppose easiest way to check is to watch side by side

    • David Goldberg

      March 22nd, 2023 - 10:06am

      @Demdike@Cult Labs The cuts to the ‘Mutt Mad’ documentary are all bits where Terrance Dicks discusses his pro-Empire feelings, uses the word “coloured” and “munts”.

      Nothing to do with copyright.

    • Harold Shand

      March 22nd, 2023 - 5:11pm

      I see.

      My second suggestion after copyright was censorship.

    • Demdike@Cult Labs

      March 23rd, 2023 - 10:48pm

      @David Goldberg – Thank you for the informed reply.

    • Gordon

      March 30th, 2023 - 10:00am

      Due to the bbfc becoming more strict regarding racist language what was acceptable in 2011 isn’t acceptable in 2023 It was either leave it as is and the box set would get a 15 certificate or cut the segment or feature completely. Considering it was never going to get a 15 certificate it was the best possible outcome regarding the situation

  • D84

    March 21st, 2023 - 6:59am

    Anyone starting to suspect a B&W set is due soon after S20? If not next then the one after that?

    With only 8 “colour” sets to go now, plus 5 B&W (unless they do a WY set which makes 9 colour) they are going to have to start slotting them in IF they don’t want a string of B&W all together at the end.


    • Rory

      March 21st, 2023 - 11:16am

      Pure speculation, but I reckon there will be a Troughton within the next year. Probably either 5 or 6, as they’re the most complete. 5 potentially has the least work as it has more animations, which are already in HD with the sound remastered.

    • Prof Horner

      March 21st, 2023 - 11:57am

      Well I still think it will be a Tom season after 20. Much as want to see season 6 this year,I think it will be early next year. But I will be happy with any sixties or seventies season after 20.

    • Anonymous

      March 21st, 2023 - 12:14pm

      Given the rumours and gossip, it’s likely the next two will be 20, then 16. After that, likelihood is either a 60s set or 25. I think that would depend on what the animations team are doing, in order to avoid too quick a rerelease. Probably Season 6…

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 21st, 2023 - 12:33pm

      Prof is hoping for series 25

    • The Time Lord 1944

      March 21st, 2023 - 4:07pm

      I have a feeling they are going to squeeze 3 more out in this 60th year. Season 20 in June, Season 16 in September and Season 6 in December. I reckon one of the new animations this year will be The Space Pirates.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 21st, 2023 - 5:53pm

      If there are 4 this year it will more likely be 25 over 6. Much less work involved in 25 because of the length.

      A Space Pirates animation is very unlikely anyway due to the lack of telesnapes and would be far too expensive to do on one of these sets I can see six soon but with audio reconstructions only

    • D84

      March 21st, 2023 - 9:56pm

      I’m pretty sure 3 sets per year is the limit. It’s been said before a few times, they tried for 4 and it didn’t quite work out.

      I think having S2 come out with telesnaps to fill in the missing episodes of Crusade – a precedent has been set that animations created for – and exclusive to “The Collection” set will not happen. The best I guess we can hope for is that a few more animations come out before they finalize plans for the remaining sets. I can see S1, S4 and S6 all come out with Telesnaps or some other form of stills to stand in for the missing visuals for 1 story per set (Marco Polo / Highlanders / Space Pirates) Wheel for S5 MAY make it in animated form given they gave already tackled a 10 min teaser and there are rumours Smugglers and UWM will indeed be completed with Animations so that kind of sorts out S4.

      Then we have S3, oh dear ……

    • Harold Shand

      March 21st, 2023 - 10:59pm

      I keep seeing mention of a Wilderness years set, has this been suggested by the production team?

      I wonder what could be included? Fatal Death and Dimensions in Time were for Comic relief and CiN. Wasn’t there issues releasing these commercially, hence no dvd release.

    • D84

      March 21st, 2023 - 11:17pm

      I think Dimensions in Time will be very difficult to clear for release. Apparently the cast agreed to do it – aslong as it was never commercially released – look it up.

      Curse of the Fatal death doesn’t seem to have the same clauses around it, but yes they were both CIN or Red Nose day specials

      I think I have heard mention previously that Artwork for a potential WY set has been dabbled with by Lee Binding – although the latest comment possibly from Gordon suggests a WY set is not actually commissioned just now. Then again some of the main sets haven’t been either

    • Prof Horner

      March 22nd, 2023 - 12:18pm

      Regarding future animations if the rumoured stories are coming out this year, it will mean four out of the five sixties seasons will have only one missing story. As D84 says those stories can be represented by either by tele snaps or some other visual means. Maybe animations should be concentrated on season 3. Remember there are five missing stories in season 3, but four of them are only four parts. Leaving the the biggie that we all to see done The Daleks Master plan. If say two animation teams work on these stories, one team working on DMP and other team on four part stories. Maybe it is wishful thinking. Certainly I can’t think they could get away with releasing season 3 with so many stories missing. I still think we will get the Wheel in Space in the couple of years.

    • Rory

      March 22nd, 2023 - 3:40pm

      Agreed Prof. S3 will be the real pain. If the animations are going to return then I’d hope to see a few of those four parters sooner than later so they get a couple of years to sell as individual releases before we get a Collection.

      I know the Collection team have said that they wouldn’t wait for animations, as was evidenced by S2, but I fully expect S3 to be one of the last releases if the animations start again.

      But I’ll be buying them however complete they may be, and buying the animations as steelbooks. Just means finding a bit more shelf space.

    • James

      March 22nd, 2023 - 7:31pm

      Dimensions can’t be released as actors agreed to not being payed if it wasn’t released for profit. Curse can be as its been released on vhs. Other items included in WY set be the Movie, night of the doctor, shada with 8th doc, scream of shaka, other webcast episodes prior to 2005 series. That’s if they do a WY set

    • D84

      March 22nd, 2023 - 10:57pm

      Throw in “More than 30yrs in the TARDIS” James too for a WY set. With all the other bits and pieces from that time – plus stuff displaced from the DVD’s that hasn’t gone into a collection set for that season – or stuff that’s turned up since that set came out – more than enough for a 6 disc set I would say.

      To those involved – make it happen guys please, we want that elusive 27th set on our shelves

    • Prowl 1701

      March 23rd, 2023 - 4:17am

      I want a WY set too, I need a Collection boxset with Paul on the cover.

  • James

    March 20th, 2023 - 7:09pm

    Anyone else order FROM HMV? Not received yet or a dispatch email

    • Pierre

      March 20th, 2023 - 7:20pm

      Yes mine arrived today.

    • NB7

      March 20th, 2023 - 7:29pm

      Yes I ordered mine from hmv on the announcement date and was shipped on Friday and arrived today by Royal Mail. No damage. Fingers crossed yours arrives! You checked your spam mail?

    • Dave

      March 21st, 2023 - 7:44am

      yes arrived yesterday

    • Things that go bump in the night

      March 21st, 2023 - 9:37am

      Yes, and it arrived yesterday via Royal Mail. Sent in a nice strong snug fit cardboard box.

    • Anonymous

      March 21st, 2023 - 11:49am

      i got mine from hmv came monday.

    • James

      March 21st, 2023 - 2:49pm

      So I’ve had to reorder it as it was cancelled there end. Luckily still got few copies to order. Fingers crossed few days

  • D84

    March 20th, 2023 - 2:23pm

    And its arrived (Amazon)

    Slight dent on the upper left corner of the spine on mine – but I can live with that, have that on at least 2 of my others sets anyway – I’ve managed to nudge most of it out

    The box itself is marginally wider than S8 but only marginally – for those looking for the protective covers – I imagine this will fit the “wider” option
    Had a quick scan through the booklet – looks to be a great read yet again

    But yes, unfortunately – the artwork once you look – sticks out like a sore thumb (or in this case a finger)

    Ah well, its not going to bother me – just like the other sets where the spine art is not “clean” (has monsters in it) also do not bother me either

    The shelf is getting rather full now – woop woop, or should that be wvorp wvorp

    • Ian Blackbourn

      March 20th, 2023 - 5:23pm

      Mines Arrived today Amazon undamaged never had a problem . Just watched day of the daleks 60min omnibus. Loved it. Sea devils omnibus later !

    • The Time Lord 1944

      March 20th, 2023 - 5:50pm

      Mine arrived from Amazon with damage to the box. I contacted customer services on chat and they gave me 40 per cent refund. I can now live with it.

    • Prof Horner

      March 20th, 2023 - 8:48pm

      Just finished watching The Sea Devils. Love The Master dressed as Admiral and the real sailors saluting him.

    • Robert Watkins

      March 20th, 2023 - 8:53pm

      Amazon put my season 2 in a paper bag last time, so I’ve switched to HMV who have put in card.

      I’m enjoying it so far

  • Lee

    March 20th, 2023 - 2:15pm

    Ordered friday, arrived today, dog and gramophone, all good!

  • Rory

    March 20th, 2023 - 1:40pm

    I met Peter Davison at a convention at the weekend and he told me that S20 is being released in a couple this summer. When I said that’s an open secret as the BBC haven’t confirmed it yet he looked shocked and said something along the lines of, “oh dear. I really shouldn’t have said that then.”

    I said that both Fielding and Strickson have already confirmed it a while ago, so they’ll be first if the BBC send out the enforcers.

    Rumours of three releases this year are looking incredibly likely, barring accidents.

    • D84

      March 20th, 2023 - 2:19pm

      Great news – maybe this is their new model – announcement, then actual release only a couple of months later once they know dates will be hit?

      It seems likely a 3rd set could make it out this year, IF S20 is next, and IF its coming in “a couple of months – during the summer” then that leaves potentially up to 5 months for another one to make it out

      Here’s hoping

    • Prof Horner

      March 20th, 2023 - 3:17pm

      So maybe we will get a trailer for season 20 next month. It would be nice if we had some news on the new animations in the next couple of months too.

    • Rory

      March 20th, 2023 - 3:56pm

      Agree it makes sense to keep the announcements closer to release dates as there’s a lot of negative comments any time things get postponed, especially since the limited sets don’t sell out before release any more there’s less need for early notice.

      Holding my thumbs for a third release in the winter. It seems like a good possibility.

    • Paddy Troughton

      March 20th, 2023 - 7:04pm

      Was this in Aberdeen by any chance as I met him on Saturday as well. He told me about a feature he enjoyed doing that’s coming up as I mentioned the Amsterdam filming leak. He said it was to do with filming their experience going to a convention in germany and there is funny interactions between Him and Janet arguing as per. Looking forward to seeing it

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 20th, 2023 - 7:40pm

      Has anyone met McCoy at any conventions recently and asked him about series 25? I’m asking for a friend

    • Prof Horner

      March 20th, 2023 - 8:43pm

      Anyone we know Bobby?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 20th, 2023 - 9:03pm

      Prof have you read the 1987 Chronicles magazine yet?

      Apparently they repeated Tom Baker’s first series and put his face onto the McCoy titles, I never knew that.

      Classic JNT idea that!

    • Rory

      March 21st, 2023 - 10:54am

      Paddy, aye it was Aberdeen. Couldn’t resist the chance to get 4 Doctors to sign my 50th anniversary steelbook, and my first chance of meeting McGann.

      Bobby, I met McCoy that weekend also, but we didn’t talk much Who. My partner wanted her Hobbit steelbook signed and it was mostly them talking about Hobbit and his theatre work in Sweden. I didn’t even think to ask about S25. Mind you, I didn’t ask Davison about S20 either, he just mentioned it off the cuff.

  • MIKK89

    March 20th, 2023 - 12:40pm

    If anyone has watched the Special Edition of ‘Day of the Daleks’, have they finally fixed the problem with the Outro sting at the end of the recaps on Parts 2, 3 and 4

    • DrWhoFanJ

      March 20th, 2023 - 4:00pm

      That’s not a problem to be fixed; it’s a known element of the broadcasts themselves. I very much hope no-one will be “fixing” “errors” that aren’t errors!

    • MIKK89

      March 20th, 2023 - 5:40pm

      @DrWhoFanJ no it wasn’t as the Broadcast ones were on the original 2011 DVD release and it was ok, it was the Special Edition Re-Edit (with New CGI, Dalek Voices and such) that had the issue, it was something that the production team only became aware of after the DVD but might have been edited for the Blu-Ray inclusion.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 20th, 2023 - 7:38pm

      I’m watching disk one now was is the original version and the stings are still there I think they are quite cool

    • The Time Lord 1944

      March 20th, 2023 - 9:24pm

      The Special Edition Blu-ray has not been altered from the dvd. The stings are still there.

    • MIKK89

      March 21st, 2023 - 10:43am

      OK may have been an error in my own memoriesof watching thia, wow ‘the cheating memory’ is probably something to apply to when I first saw this adventure too…

  • Kevin225

    March 20th, 2023 - 6:41am

    Mine was ordered within minutes of the announcement from Amazon (whom I’ve never had a problem with for these Blu Rays). Yesterday it said ‘Deliver by tomorrow at 11pm’ and this morning now says delivery on Tuesday 31 December 2024! I appreciate a First World problem, but have started the week really disappointed (especially as no one will be at home tomorrow and that is when the fun starts). Kind of ironic as I’m not the biggest Pertwee fan and think that The Time Monster is the worst story in the whole of Who!

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 20th, 2023 - 12:17pm

      That’s perfect you can watch it all on New ymYear’s Day

    • Lee

      March 20th, 2023 - 2:55pm

      Am I in a minority? I really like The Time Monster! Sure, Kronos looks a bit daft and there’s a little dodgy acting from some of the supporting cast – but it really has something about it. I rate it as a Pertwee classic.
      I like all of season 9, it’s one of my earliest memories of Who – watched it on first broadcast as a 6 year old, it’s one that’s always stayed with me.

    • Philip Shaw

      March 20th, 2023 - 4:13pm

      I don’t know what it is but I’ve never liked ‘The Mutants’ and ‘The Time Monster’. After the 3 first class stories to me it just goes really poor. Found this with ‘the Key to time’ Season with ‘The Power of Kroll’ and the tedious ‘Armaggedon Factor’.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 20th, 2023 - 7:37pm

      The Time Monster is harmless, the problem is the production team wanted to do another epic season finale like Daemons but failed as often is the case when following up classics. The booklet eludes to that too.

      I agree nine fizzles out badly with the last two and does damage the whole season as a result as the first three are excellent.

      I like all of Key to time the last couple are the weakest but I enjoy them both

    • Prowl1701

      March 20th, 2023 - 9:44pm

      Power of kroll is easily my least favorite Tom Baker story, even Bob Holmes couldn’t save it (and thought it was a bad idea)

      Mine has shipped. It now has to cross the pond which still takes longer than pre-Covid times.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 21st, 2023 - 12:31pm

      Least favourite Tom? Behave!

      The Invasion of Time
      The invisible Enemy
      Horns of Nimon
      Nightmare of Eden
      Destiny of the Daleks

    • Prowl1701

      March 21st, 2023 - 7:04pm

      I actually enjoy several of those Tom stories, horns of Nimon is just silly fun.

  • Darren

    March 19th, 2023 - 10:28pm

    Hi. Lifelong fan keeping DVDs. And buy. New set too limited edition. Ones. Any news. Next. Set. Probably 20 cheers Darren

    • Kevin225

      March 20th, 2023 - 7:03am

      I’ve still even got my VHS’s in the loft!

    • Bill & Len’s Excellent Adventure

      March 20th, 2023 - 11:05am

      Are you sure you’re not William Shatner?

      C’mon, Bill. No. Need. To. Be. Shy. About. Liking. Doctor. Who.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 20th, 2023 - 12:19pm

      20 next then 25

      Happiness will Prevail

  • Prof Horner

    March 19th, 2023 - 7:45pm

    My copy was waiting for me behind the wheelie bin when I got home from work tonight. Looking fantastic , no problems. I will sit down and watch Day of the Daleks, shortly.

  • Scott

    March 19th, 2023 - 2:25pm

    Got mine yesterday morning from Zavvi, surprised as it was only sent at 700pm that night .. watched first disc really good restoration

    Been looking at my collection and considering getting rid of the dvd for the boxsets .. what has everyone else done ?

    • D84

      March 19th, 2023 - 4:55pm

      I am getting rid of the DVD’s as each “The Collection” season gets announced. I send them off to Music Magpie so get very little for them but I cant be bothered with the hassle of eBay or FB Marketplace nor do I want to just throw them in the bin

    • daz

      March 19th, 2023 - 5:06pm

      I sold all my dvds in 2019 once I’d bought Season 19 and Knew it was worth the upgrade.

      Traded them in at CEX although their value has dropped since then.

      I kept the dvd Booklets, trimming off the ‘… Years’ banner at the bottom so they fit in booklet part of the set too.

    • James

      March 19th, 2023 - 6:20pm

      Keeping both. 2 sets on the shelf.. DVD’s as on set and box sets as another. Missing a few DVD’s if anyone wants to get rid but get a good home

    • Robert Watkins

      March 19th, 2023 - 7:01pm

      I sold them all when season 12 was announced. I buy them as limited and standard

    • Ray cole

      March 21st, 2023 - 7:48pm

      Wait til you get your boxset comes in a plastic bag smashed , zavvi then asks you for proof of damage. But wont send you a refund. And ignore you. Then your know about trading with zavvi.

  • Jake E

    March 19th, 2023 - 11:48am


    I can unfortunately confirm the 5 fingers are really obvious in person and unfortunately the other hand because of how the J-card is makes it look like 5 fingers on the other hand too. Atleast it kinda matches hahahaha. Nevermind

    Hopefully he pays closer attention in the future. This is gonna look a bit weird on my shelf now


    • Lkeke12

      March 19th, 2023 - 5:10pm

      “Hopefully he payss more attention in future” yes, because Lee Binding doesn’t put more than enough work into these as is. For goodness sake he even added the image of the monster from curse of peladon into the mirror. Some people in this fandom really need a reality check on how much work goes into these sets. Sorry for the rant, just so sick of stupid little comments that really don’t need to be stated. If it was every set i could understand it but the collection artwork is some of the most consistentley brilliant art we have ever had in the who community and thats sadly let somany of us just expect insane levels of perfection when so many other shows don’t even get anywhere near as much content or hardwork to make fans happy. Why can’t we all just enjoy what we get without always finding fault in silly little things? I can’t wait to get mine tomorrow and don’t even care if the extra finger is noticeable. If its so annoying to people, just pretend it’s a time lord ability or something.

    • Alydon2007

      March 19th, 2023 - 5:42pm

      Well said, Lkeke12.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 19th, 2023 - 6:39pm

      No one would even know about the finger if someone had not spotted it on here and even that was weeks after the image was released.

      100 per cent respect to all the hard work that goes into these sets, some people do take this hard work for guaranteed like complaining when there’s no announcement for a few months for example, I do not think any ill meant by it just some comments are a little thoughtless but let’s all been kind

      Happiness will Prevail

    • Jake E

      March 20th, 2023 - 9:06am

      What’s wrong with saying paying closer attention?

      He literally said he accidentally sent them the wrong file. If he paid closer attention and checked it would have been the correct file.

      I love these sets and the artwork. Someone on this thread was asking what’s the finger situation like for someone that has the copy and I said what it looked like to me.

      Have a good day!

  • GeordieW

    March 19th, 2023 - 1:06am

    Any other Austalians know where to source a copy of this? Zavvi is no good and I don’t want the crappy Australian packaging.

    • Tegan’s distant cousin

      March 19th, 2023 - 11:47pm

      I hear your frustration as a fellow Australian who prefers the UK packaging to the rubbish cost-cutting Australian versions. Zavvi has been much better recently and I’ve happily ordered from them for the last few sets. They are still slow, but they package a lot better than they used to so at least the sets arrive in good condition, as for a while there they all arrived damaged (I’m still bitter that my Season 14 set is in less than ideal shape).

      Otherwise, you might have to pay a bit more through a reputable retailer on eBay. I’ve bought from Ravewaves successfully in the past.

    • Geoff

      March 20th, 2023 - 5:39am

      It’s not easy down here is it! Some of the early sets with limited numbers I couldn’t get anywhere so I’ve ended up with (checks shelf) 3 seasons in the Australian format. It’s disappointing, but at the time it was either get them or missing out.

      I’ve found that the only place to go was Zavvi. Not ideal at all, but I’ve found they’re the… least unreliable option? They’ve stuffed me over once and cancelled my order, and normally I’d never use them again, but I have out of necessity and been lucky with them since.

      Only other tip might be making a contact in the UK, get them to pick you up a copy each time one comes out. Considering there’s still 13 sets after this one, it might be worth it.

      But good luck, I feel you pain!

    • Geoff

      March 20th, 2023 - 5:40am


  • Daniel

    March 18th, 2023 - 7:51pm

    Mine arrived this afternoon in great condition and no loose discs. I bought it from Ravewaves

    • D84

      March 18th, 2023 - 9:57pm


      How’s that artwork look with the potential extra finger?

    • Jake E

      March 18th, 2023 - 10:33pm

      Why did you buy from Rarewaves? It’s like £10 more with them. I assume you have codes or something?

    • D84

      March 19th, 2023 - 7:19am

      Anyone with an Amazon order had theirs despatched yet? Mine hasn’t just yet

    • daz

      March 19th, 2023 - 9:19am

      D84 Mine still says delivery tomorrow but not dispatched yet. I was hoping it would turn up today.

    • D84

      March 19th, 2023 - 10:03am

      @daz yea mine is the same – “Arriving tomorrow by 11pm” but not despatched or even charged to my card as yet

    • NB7

      March 19th, 2023 - 10:03am

      Ordered mine from HMV, coming tomorrow, can’t wait!
      To be honest I keep looking at the extra finger as a ring now, that’s what I say to myself in my head and it’s kind of worked so far!!

    • Paddy Troughton

      March 19th, 2023 - 10:14am

      Amazon says my boxset is at the final delivery station but won’t be delivered until tomorrow. I have the shop app which says it will come today but idk need to wait and see.

    • Deano

      March 19th, 2023 - 10:45am order dispatch confirmation at 03.49 today arriving tomorrow by there own logistics delivery service

    • D84

      March 19th, 2023 - 11:00am

      Mine has now ticked over to “Preparing for Dispatch” on the order screen – happy days

    • daz

      March 19th, 2023 - 2:48pm

      Mines coming via Royal Mail. Hopefully not in a brown paper bag like the last one that was damaged.

      I’m already prepared to order a replacement again if necessary.

    • Anewsetatlast

      March 19th, 2023 - 3:01pm

      Royal Mail delivered it a few moments ago on behalf of Amazon UK. In Amazons older style packaging.

    • D84

      March 19th, 2023 - 4:57pm

      And we have a dispatch.

      Delivery by Amazon so we’ll see what condition it turns up in

    • Daniel

      March 19th, 2023 - 10:40pm

      Yes extra half finger lol. Rarewaves is about £2.50 than Amazon

    • Seebored

      March 20th, 2023 - 12:51pm

      Out of interest Daniel, do you know what courier Rarewaves use, as I’m waiting for mine from them (I had ebay vouchers hence why I used them).

  • Erato

    March 14th, 2023 - 8:24pm

    Anyone know how the omnibus editions are created for the Blu-ray sets, e.g. Green Death on season 10, Daemons on season 8 etc.? I’m pretty sure they’re not made from original prints that exist as the picture quality is too good, so if they’re edited together, what kind of original paperwork does the BBC written archive have so the producers know where to make the cuts?

    • Rex F

      March 14th, 2023 - 8:47pm

      The remastered eps are conformed to off air audio in some cases, as with most of the old trailers.

    • DP Hill

      March 14th, 2023 - 9:24pm

      The green death, the daemons, the sea devils, planet of the spiders, and genesis of the daleks had Christmastime omnibus editions release prior to the next series starting (day of the daleks was a random one in September 1973, and of course genesis was done mid series 13) they were edited in the 70s so I’m guessing with the newly upscaled footage and titles they just mimicked the structure exactly to upscale the omnibus editions

    • Anonymous

      March 14th, 2023 - 9:26pm

      Some of them are based on surviving audio copies – I think that Planet of the Spiders is the earliest surviving omnibus.

    • DP Hill

      March 14th, 2023 - 9:27pm

      The daemons, the sea devils, the green death, planet of the spiders, and genesis of the daleks were all done in seventies (as well as day of the daleks) they appeared in the Christmas schedule before the incoming season (obviously genesis was mid season13) and day of he daleks was a random September release, they must have probably mimicked the exact structure with updated titles and picture sound quality

    • Gordon

      March 14th, 2023 - 9:47pm

      For daemons day of the daleks sea devils and green death the original omnibuses don’t exist. However off air soundtracks still exists for all omnibuses which makes it easy to edit the restored versions down to fit what was shown on the original omnibuses. It’s worth noting that an abandoned seeds of doom omnibus already had notes compiled by Douglas camfield which means we can expect one when season 13 comes

    • Erato

      March 15th, 2023 - 8:45am

      Cheers everyone. I hadn’t thought about off air recordings.

    • Erato

      March 16th, 2023 - 7:14am

      Just watched The Daemons and noticed they used the off air continuity at the end to cover the names of actors missing from the final credits. However, The Green Death omnibus didn’t seem to have that (unless I missed it) and only had the episode 6 credits. Wonder whether this was authentic to the original broadcast or a mistake from the Blu-ray team…

  • Dave

    March 14th, 2023 - 12:35pm

    copies showing up delivered on facebook

    • D84

      March 14th, 2023 - 2:48pm
    • Gordon

      March 14th, 2023 - 10:29pm

      I’ve seen rob Ritchie, Chris chapman, Richard latto and Ian Levine have their contributors copies

    • Mark Hughes

      March 16th, 2023 - 2:24pm

      For all those on here still jealous, i watched day of the daleks last night, but plan view everything the boxset offers over the weekend. I wont spoil it for those still waiting but overall this slightly thicker boxset is a real jem and worth every collectors money.

    • Harold Shand

      March 16th, 2023 - 10:31pm

      If anyone has received copies early, I would be interested in which retailer they used.
      I seem to never get early copies, maybe I need to change supplier.

    • Pete X

      March 17th, 2023 - 12:42pm

      Outwith contributor and review copies, possilby smaller outlets where storage space is a premium – get it in; send it out, and allowing any delayed-until-despatch payment to be captured earlier.

      Received an email advising od despatch from my supplier an hour ago.

    • D84

      March 17th, 2023 - 1:55pm

      Ive ordered with Amazon and no updates on mine yet. It shows “arriving Monday” but nothing further.

      A couple of years ago – before covid – I always used to get the sets early on the Saturday before release day on the following Monday, even the animations too – but these days and for the past 18 months or so at least – I always get the set on the release day Monday – its “held” and delivered on the day it comes out

    • Robert Watkins

      March 17th, 2023 - 7:21pm

      Oh how I would long for the days of Zoom. Remember using those discount codes multiple times and the orders arrived early

  • GuyTheZygon

    March 10th, 2023 - 10:19am

    Re: Season 13 comments, am still hopeful the restoration team will clean up and include Tom Baker’s 1975 Disney Time clips shown just before Terror Of The Zygons aired, ropey copies have been up on YouTube for years! If there are rights issues, they could omit the actual film clips completelY, would be such a missed opportunitY if Season 13 comes out without it… it even ends with the Doctor being passed an urgent message from the Brigadier, which ties in perfectlY with the start of the series

    • Gordon

      March 11th, 2023 - 9:32pm

      The whole thing won’t be clearable. Disney is notoriously expensive when it comes to clearance. The clip of the doctor getting a note from the brigadier should be ok as it appeared as an Easter egg on the dvd. The rest should be very tricky to clear as it features either music in the background, disney characters in the background or references to Disney characters

    • DP Hill

      March 12th, 2023 - 12:28am

      I wonder if the new deal with Disney will make anything like that any easier??

    • Gordon

      March 12th, 2023 - 10:54am

      Doubtful. They are only dealing with the current show plus this would be a commercial product released by a non Disney company. It wouldn’t benefit them in any way to do it for free. The legal department will most certainly want paid for its usage. They may even want part of the profits.

  • Prof Horner

    March 3rd, 2023 - 2:37pm

    Have we had any official confirmation from The BBC that we are getting any more animations? I think it is more than likely that we will get season 6 first without Space Pirates animated. Season 5 probably in a couple of years, by which time Wheel in Space will have been animated. I have a feeling with season 20 that it will be the documentaries rather than the stories which will make the set. I will be quite happy with season 16 coming out after 20.

    • Gordon

      March 3rd, 2023 - 10:28pm

      No confirmation but that’s not too surprising. They never even confirmed the funding stopped

    • Rory

      March 15th, 2023 - 12:26pm

      I had a dream last night that Savages and the missing episodes from Crusade were confirmed as animations.

      Very disappointed when I woke up and sadly my precognitive vision had not come true.

  • Sarge

    March 3rd, 2023 - 5:17am

    I’m hoping for Season 13 after 20. I feel like we shouldn’t completely rule it out. Just think, Toms arguably best season released amidst the 60th celebrations. We didn’t have him in Power of the Doctor and his only real presence is in Big finish this year. I could see it as a surprise to the fans.

    • Basil Funkenstein

      March 3rd, 2023 - 7:16am

      I can see where you’re coming from but season 13 is, realistically, highly unlikely. I don’t see them leaving 15 and 16 til last when, as you rightly say, his arguably best season is still available to be one of the last in the collection to be released. I’d probably go for 16, 15, and 13 in that order. 16 is the key to time season so makes sense for the 60th anniversary, 15 has some really amazing stories in so will be good no matter what, and finally 13 to end Tom’s era on a high note. I’m not necessarily saying it will be the last set released in the collection, that would most likely be season 3 or 7, but it should definitely be one of the last.

    • Gordon

      March 3rd, 2023 - 12:04pm

      I don’t think we will get 13 as I feel we need another Williams set first to balance it out. 16 feels about right for the 60th with it being a season about collecting things. Unsure if it’s true but I heard that they have filmed at the location of stones of blood late last year so 16 could be a possibility

    • @richnomad

      March 4th, 2023 - 10:18pm

      I notice 16 gets an article in the next DWM…

    • D84

      March 5th, 2023 - 8:48am

      Oh? You tease? Details……

    • Gordon

      March 5th, 2023 - 9:03pm

      Doctor who magazine has an article on the key to time next issue. Probably nothing to do with the collection sets though

  • D84

    March 1st, 2023 - 9:29pm

    After S20 which Peter and Janet have said is due “Summer 23” I imagine there are a number of possibilities

    A Tom set – we haven’t had one since Dec21
    A Troughton set – not had any yet
    S25 – it’s more recent and a shorter season than earlier ones (so less work)

    I think it’s unlikely we’ll see S7 or S11 within the next 2 or 3 sets due to colour restoration requirements – and S9 is due imminently
    Unsure on S21 if S20 is indeed next
    Can’t see S3 anytime soon
    We’ve just had S2 so not sure where S1 would be placed
    Let’s not forget a “Wilderness Years” set is still rumoured and not denied by those involved

    My money is on a Tom set coming next after S20 (if indeed S20 is next and due this coming summer)

    • Prof Horner

      March 2nd, 2023 - 10:29am

      I think there is a good chance we will get three this year. Season 9 is due in couple of weeks. I think Season 20 either in late June or July (in time for my big 60!) Then a Tom in either November or December, which has been the case the last forcouple of years. The only question is which Tom will it be,season 15 or 16?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 2nd, 2023 - 12:32pm


      Happiness will Prevail

    • D84

      March 2nd, 2023 - 12:56pm

      I would be happy with any.

      My preference would be to wait a bit on the incomplete seasons (1-6) to see what animations arrive – to fill in gaps of missing surviving episodes. The idea of a completely missing story or 2 within a single season represented by telesnaps is not entirely “what i want” but i will of course take it if that’s what we get

      Who knows, someone will 🙂

    • Basil Funkenstein

      March 2nd, 2023 - 8:49pm

      I’m hoping we will get animations for Season 4-6 over the next couple of years to fill in incomplete stories. If they release three sets this year and one of those is a Tom set maybe we could see Season 25 at the beginning of next year, then maybe a McGann set/Wilderness Years, and then either another Tom set OR another 60’s era set…

    • Gordon

      March 3rd, 2023 - 3:31pm

      Think it will probably be a Tom. probably 15 or 16. More likely 16.

      After that in 2024 A Troughton set really does depend on the animation plans for the next couple of years for wheel and pirates. If they got plans they can hold off a little if not they can go ahead with season 6. If not a Troughton I expect another 80s. Makes most sense to be 25 but coming round to the possibility of 21.

      Janet fielding has said she’s done behind the sofa for warriors of the deep. Matthew Robinson will be in the country for a convention (it’s been quite a few years since he was last in the U.K.) in may. Would be shocked if they didn’t try and get him interviewed for a new resurrection making of. When they filmed the making of for two doctors for s22 they must have known a making of for twin dilemma was going to happen so it wouldn’t surprise me that for Colin Nicola and Eric they already been interviewed at the same time for it.

      After that either season 1 if we don’t have a troughton set out (think it’s unlikely we will get Marco Polo animated before the range is complete) or a pertwee set.

      To end 2024 I feel we are due another pertwee and 11 is easier than 7 so probably 11.

      2024 could go 1 of 2 ways depending on which 60’s set they go for.

      Way 1: 2024: 6/21 or 25 and 11

      Way 2: 2024: 21 or 25/1/11

    • Basil Funkenstein

      March 4th, 2023 - 5:00pm

      Gordon, there’s also the possibility that next year might go: Season 25 or 21, then a Wilderness Years set, and finally either a 60’s set or another Tom set. If this year does pan out as a 70’s set then an 80’s set and then another 70’s set then it makes sense to break up the remaining sets as equally as possible.

    • Gordon

      March 4th, 2023 - 8:38pm

      In all honesty I don’t see a wilderness set happening till 2026 at the earliest or maybe even one of the last 3 sets. Quite possibly after all the 80s sets are out. Last I heard it hasn’t been commissioned yet and considering the likes of Richard bignell and lee binding are already doing things 4 sets from now it’s probably quite a bit off. Just speculation on my part but I think the set will also be used to mop up extras that wasn’t originally clearable, forgotten or stuff that was discovered after a season was released. For example studio recording tapes for keeper of traken and four to doomsday turned up after both seasons 18 and 19 were released.

    • D84

      March 15th, 2023 - 4:34pm

      Looping back to your comment Gordon – do we know if all sets S1-S26 are now commissioned?

  • Basil Funkenstein

    March 1st, 2023 - 8:44pm

    19 days to go ladies and gents. I couldn’t be more excited. With rumours circling that Season 20 will definitely be the next set I wonder if they will release a third this year. The likeliest is a Tom season which I am honestly fine with. The next likeliest is our first proper Troughton set, also completely fine with. What are people thinking?

    • Prowl 1701

      March 1st, 2023 - 8:57pm

      I figure either aWilliams era Tom Baker season or Season 5 or 6 from Troughton’s run.

    • James

      March 5th, 2023 - 4:26pm

      Would love a Season 5 set to start off Troughton. I believe it’s the most complete? Tomb of the Cybermen would definitely be a treat.

    • Mark Hughes

      March 16th, 2023 - 2:32pm

      It was 15 days for me. My season 9 set came at 6.30 am
      On tuesday 14th march, its not my earliest that honor still goes to season 10 at 14 days. But overall im very satisfied with season 9. Well worth it for collectors. Must say i love the front cover artwork.

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