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January 26th, 2023 1,238 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 9 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from,, and other selected retailers.

Available to order in the USA from #ad



Across an action-packed twenty-six episodes, the Doctor and Jo (Katy Manning) face off against Daleks, Ogrons, Sea Devils, Ice Warriors, Mutants and their old enemy the Master (Roger Delgado). Joining them in their adventures are the UNIT team of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney), Captain Yates (Richard Franklin) and Sergeant Benton (John Levene).

All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 9 Blu-ray box set also includes extensive Special Features including:


    • Looking back on the Season 9 finale with Katy Manning, John Levene and more.


    • A profile of director Michael E Briant.


    • Katy Manning and friends revisit the filming locations of Season 9.


    A profile of prolific stuntman Stuart Fell.


    • Five new episodes with Katy Manning (Jo), Peter Davison (The Doctor),
    • Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan),
    • Sophie Aldred (Ace) and director Michael E Briant.


    • A brand new slice of classic Doctor Who.


    • Special repeat screenings of Day Of The Daleks and The Sea Devils, previously unavailable.


    • A chance to hear from UNIT’s Nicholas Courtney and Richard Franklin, recorded in 1986.


    • On The Sea Devils (episodic and omnibus edition).


    • Including many previously unseen images.


    • Featuring many unreleased gems.


    • Behind-the-scenes information and trivia on every episode.


    • Including scripts, exclusive unseen BBC production files and other rarities.


    This eight-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries, Day Of The Daleks Special Edition and more.

    Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Samuel

    February 21st, 2023 - 3:24pm

    Just throwing my thoughts out there regarding Lee Binding’s social media post (Cover Artist);

    For me – it actually looks like a piece of Pertwee’s sleeve cuff, in the shape of a finger – rather than an extra finger, if that makes sense. It’s a very dark shape, matching the tone of the shadow work beneath the fabric. If that were intended to be a finger – well that would be a very, very dark purple finger – so for me it’s a bit like a funny shaped cloud in the sky – it’s not intended to be a particular shape, but it’s a funny coincidence that it is.

    For anyone saying “That’s it, I’m only collecting the standard editions” well, the standards have their own unique errors too. The quickest example I can think of is Season 26’s standard booklet has the wrong time vortex artwork printed on every single page (6th Doctor’s vortex on 7th Doctor’s booklet) followed by various cropping differences, colour alterations etc.

    That’s literally the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the natural human errors in the making of these collections – but the distinction to make here is that the standard editions have their own very fair share of errors. Many, many film and tv franchises have unfortunately intentionally altered their home releases for the worst, let alone countless, rather silly mistakes – wheras with the Doctor Who Collection, every single element is done with care and obsession to get right, and as Lee Binding’s post suggests, lessons are learned and hopefully not repeated – but saying that the work is utterly beautiful, and a miniscule mistake of a piece of cuff shaped like a finger is a total non story as far as I’m concerned.

    These sets are made with absolute love. The fact the 2018 logo still remains on these boxes, and the people working on these sets publicly kick themselves and own up to human errors is perfect evidence in my mind that it’s well worth continuing to collect these limited sets.

    Can’t give that sortof praise to many, if any, other franchise media releases. Good on you Lee Binding, and the Collection team.

    • daz

      February 21st, 2023 - 4:42pm

      I know people collect the standard due to space mainly, some price and some coz they want a plastic case.

      I think they are awful.

      There really is no comparison with the larger artwork, more artwork, fold open Tardis console room, full booklet etc… Different disc art (USA get same image on each disc i believe).

      They just look bland as the colours don’t pop as well as on the printed card.

      It’s like having to watch something in SD that was filmed in 4k

    • Prowl 1701

      February 21st, 2023 - 8:45pm

      Yeah I live in the states and prefer importing the UK versions as they are WAY better than the US versions. The US discs do indeed just have the front cover art in all of them.

    • D84

      February 21st, 2023 - 8:52pm

      Agree with you Samuel – 100%

    • Rex F

      February 22nd, 2023 - 3:30am

      I don’t think anyone cares that much about the cover blunder, they’re just laughing at the set featuring more Mutants than they were expecting.

    • Philip shaw

      February 23rd, 2023 - 3:53pm

      I think Lee Bindings covers are superb and one of the reasons I was drawn to these releases. He’s a busy guy cut him some Slack, it’s hardly the end of the Universe!
      Anyway the Dr can regenerate an extra finger if he wants, he grew an extra hand once…

    • Rory

      February 23rd, 2023 - 5:08pm

      Agreed Samuel. These boxsets are a labour of love for everyone involved. They’re not doing it for the cash, because there’s very little of that. It’s about love of the show, so I appreciate all of the effort that goes into these.

      There’s so much more love and hard work in these than in pretty much anything else out there, so I can easily forgive the occasional slight mistake.

    • DPHill

      March 2nd, 2023 - 10:51am

      To be honest its just a sonic finger like some of the odd props that were kinda sonic that pertwee used before, stunning artwork,

  • daz

    February 20th, 2023 - 10:03am

    On back of this I have emailled you with updated image in case you want to add it to article Booboo

  • daz

    February 20th, 2023 - 9:57am

    Hi everyone,

    Update from Lee Binding via his facebook group. Packaging has already been printed so extra finger is there but as I said it is on the fold so hopefully won’t be too visible on display….

    “Hello friends. I’ve had a couple of DMs about the S9 cover. Yes, I made an error. Yes, I’m as annoyed as you are. Cause, like you, I want these things to be PERFECT. The good news is that it shouldn’t be too visible as the crop and the box bend should keep it too much from the front. Fingers crossed. Ha.

    ‘HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!!!!!!’
    Welllll annoyingly easy, unfortunately. Covers are made over weeks, and when I open the file to paint, I’m usually in the mindset of ‘oh I’m doing this today’ or ‘I’m doing that today’ and the file I was referencing was SO LOW RES that I just saw this shape and went ‘oh that’s part of the hand’ when it was actually a shirt ruffle. D’oh.

    We have five people checking these images, and no-one spotted it. IN FACT, someone said ‘oh don’t forget he wears a ring on that finger’ so I actually added a ring to it. I mean, even you must be able to see the ironic funny side of that.

    ‘Well. Can you reprint!?’
    Unfortunately no. These things are made in… I believe China? Months in advance. They’re on their way here now. And, like I say, it shouldn’t be toooo visible due to the way the box is cropped. Unless one of you wants to engage in a bit of piracy and take over the ship and junk the stock, go for it. It’ll only delay release by a couple of months, maybe a year.

    I’ve updated the artwork for all other releases. It should be fine for US and Standard as they’re different crops, and I’ve attached it to this post so you can see how easy it would have been to confuse when you’re zoomed in so much.

    ‘Well this isn’t good enough!’
    Yes. No? Possibly. Before the pitchforks are raised and torches are lit, I’d like to remind you that everyone who works on these sets do it for the love of the show and for the best product. We’re often working solo to keep costs down to give you, yes you, the best value for money and the best product as a result. I’m not saying that as an excuse, I’m saying this for context. It’s just me, trying to give you the best product and the best experience possible. So you’re damn right I’m taking this personally cause I want the best for ALL of us.

    Hopefully this will be consigned to one of the ridiculous blips like the green K9 toy and the wrong Master on the steelbook cover. Hopefully you understand just pure human error. Hopefully you’re gonna love this set anyway, and The Collection as a whole. And hopefully, we’re still going to wow you with more and more Collection sets in the future.

    I hope that clears that up for you.”

    • Jake E

      February 20th, 2023 - 10:09am

      These things happen so nevermind. But when you see it, it is glaringly obvious haha

    • RPG74

      February 20th, 2023 - 10:19am

      I think I’d wait for the standard anyway, so that’s perfect for me.

    • D84

      February 20th, 2023 - 11:30am

      He’s human after all (Lee) – and we know the artwork is air brushed and compiled from many images and sources etc so I can absolutely live with that.

      He must be taking it very personally, I know I would

      Hey ho

  • Gordon

    February 19th, 2023 - 10:44pm

    Radio free skaro mentioned 13 mins in that rob Ritchie told them the animations were back. Same team as evil but he’s not involved. No mention on titles that are being animated or who is financially backing them though.

    • Prof horner

      February 20th, 2023 - 10:25am

      Well that is good news. We still haven’t had any official confirmation that animation is back in production. I suppose it would fantastic if the new animations were The Wheel in Space and The Space Pirates to complete seasons 5 and 6. We can only hope The Smugglers and Underwater Menace really have been found.
      No Sylvester McCoy stories though, sorry Bobby!

    • D84

      February 20th, 2023 - 11:28am

      Excellent news re Animations – Thanks Gordon as always

      Looking forward to whatever comes out, i will of course add it to the shelf 🙂

    • RPG74

      February 20th, 2023 - 11:38am

      With any luck we’ll have an announcement re the first title at the end of March. Wheel or Smugglers would indeed be nice, but whatever it is I’ll certainly be buying it.

    • Gordon

      February 20th, 2023 - 11:54am

      I’m hoping it’s not too long before we hear something. Apparently Janet has let slip at gallifrey one that she’s done a behind the sofa for warriors of the deep. Don’t think it’s a sign 21 is coming soon more a sign that they are banking stuff for later seeing how mark lives in New Zealand

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 20th, 2023 - 12:13pm

      Prof Horner McCoy and Sophie Aldred are remaking The Space Pirates, have not you heard?

    • Prof horner

      February 20th, 2023 - 12:53pm

      I think season 21 in 2025 . Season 25 next year. After season 9 ,20 followed by either 15 or 16. If we get a fourth this year Season 6. Or season 6 at the beginning of next year. Followed by 25 .
      I would like to see a remake of Space Pirates with McCoy it would be a good laugh!

    • D84

      February 20th, 2023 - 1:10pm

      Excellent news re Behind the Sofa for Warriors of the Deep. I love it when the cast drop these hints and spoilers.

      I cant see S21 coming so soon after S20 – unless it was always scheduled that way but with S20 being delayed a bit (we think) I guess they could end up closer together than originally intended?

      If they have just done the Behind the Sofa recently i cat see anything coming out for at lest a year

  • daz

    February 17th, 2023 - 10:57am

    I know we shouldn’t see it on the front cover image due to the fold in the card but JP actually has 5 fingers on his left hand in the full image.

    Look at pdf list image above. Once you know you can’t unsee it.

    Can’t wait to have this set in hand though.

    • Jake E

      February 17th, 2023 - 11:53am

      Oh my gosh you’re correct!

      Why did you have to point that out? Haha

      Yeah, I can see it clearly on the actual boxset too. Oh man

    • Bman

      February 17th, 2023 - 9:21pm

      Someone tweet Lee Binding for goodness sake!
      He did something similar for season 10, Pertwees head was the opposite way round like a mirror reflection. Someone tweeted him and he fixed it.

    • D84

      February 17th, 2023 - 10:32pm

      I’ve pinged him via Insta

    • Gordon

      February 17th, 2023 - 11:35pm

      Just over 4 weeks to go. Might not be enough time to change it now. There is a good chance that he’s already aware of it and changed it seeing as the artwork has been out nearly a month.

    • Prowl 1701

      February 18th, 2023 - 2:15am

      Maybe they can fix Jon’s eyebrows as well.

    • Jake E

      February 18th, 2023 - 4:18am

      Stop pointing out flaws people. You’re ruining this for me No eyebrows either you’re correct haha

    • daz

      February 18th, 2023 - 6:09am

      I’ve dropped Lee a message on his Facebook page to ask.

      It’s most likely too late as they’ll already have gone to the printers by now but I also hope it is something he rectified after the announcement as no doubt he checks his work again beforehand.

      If not I just hope the little finger gets lost on edge of the image where it folds over.

    • Manny @U_been_watching

      February 18th, 2023 - 9:55am

      This might not BE the final image and one used to promote the set being released. Lee did tweet a few weeks back that he’d “amended the next one”. It could be that the ones in the shops are already fixed. Maybe. Possibly…

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 18th, 2023 - 12:37pm

      Let’s hope McCoy looks okay on Season 25 later this year or Professor Horner will be furious!

  • Prof Horner

    February 15th, 2023 - 12:30pm

    Regarding future releases, in particular the looking for series. Can I put another name forward, Peter Hawkins. Not only was he one of the original voices of the Daleks, but he did the early Cybermen voices. For all us oldies he was a big name in children’s entertainment, most notably The Flowerpot men(a series even older than me!) And Captain Pugwash. I also remember working with the great Dave Allen. Season 4 would be a good spot for such a feature. Watched an interview with Chris Chapman on YouTube from a couple years ago about season 8 docs. Originally season 8 was supposed to be coming out in 2020. So maybe season 20 was planned for early 2021 when 8 was finally released. Who knows what could been released in the last couple of years if wasn’t for Covid. Who knows maybe even season 25 , which I am sure would have pleased are pal Bobby!

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 15th, 2023 - 7:14pm

      Happiness Will Prevail

    • Prowl 1701

      February 16th, 2023 - 1:56am

      Bobby has this odd love for Delta and the Bannermen. But we all have that story that might not be beloved by most that we hold in high regard. Love horns of Nimon myself.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 16th, 2023 - 6:04am

      Professor Horner just had an email

      New special issue out now
      Doctor Who Magazine
      Chronicles 1988

      This lavish 116-page publication from the makers of DWM looks at the stories, people, events and news in this remarkable year – a time when Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred starred as the Seventh Doctor and Ace, and the show celebrated its 25th anniversary with four memorable adventures: Remembrance of the Daleks, The Happiness Patrol, Silver Nemesis and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. The bookazine includes exclusive articles, previously unpublished interviews and rare behind-the-scenes images.

      Get yourself to your local newsagent quickly

      They will go like Hot Cakes

  • Paddy

    February 13th, 2023 - 2:10pm

    This the article you mean RPG74?

  • RPG74

    February 13th, 2023 - 12:58pm

    According to a Digital Spy article from February 2nd, the BBC have announced the release of two boxsets for this year: a Pertwee set, which would be this one, and a Sylvester McCoy set. So it looks like we’re definitely getting Season 25 this year.

    • Prof Horner

      February 13th, 2023 - 1:22pm

      I can’t believe this story is true. Firstly because season 20 has rumored for so long and Peter Davison has waited for another boxset and seems certain to be the next one after season 9. You know my views on the release of season 25, not this year . Given 9 is supposed to be coming out next month, it seems likely we may get three this year. After Peter another Tom and then the first Pat , before Mccoy gets his last season released.

    • RPG74

      February 13th, 2023 - 2:36pm

      Well I believe 20 is incoming too, so perhaps that’s supposed to be a surprise? In any case Digital Spy claimed that the BBC announced these sets a couple of weeks back, and they were correct about the Pertwee, so…

    • RPG74

      February 13th, 2023 - 2:48pm

      Come to think of it, they may be referring to the release of season 24 in standard form, which I believe was also released this month. Most of us haven’t even registered that, given the limited was released ages ago, and it would be typical of Digital Spy to not differentiate between limited and standards and act as if the release of a standard version is somehow ‘new’. So I think you’re probably right Prof. Everybody back on the bus, false alarm!

    • Prof Horner

      February 13th, 2023 - 3:34pm

      Well I saw season 24 standard edition in HMV Leeds today. They only seem to stock these boxsets not the new ones. I think I got seasons 18 and 19 there after that they stopped stocking the limited sets. So I had to buy them off Amazon.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 13th, 2023 - 6:24pm

      Apparently 20 has been delayed again and they have brought 25 forward because Prof Horner kept on so much about hoping it would come out soon

    • Gordon

      February 13th, 2023 - 7:41pm

      They are refering to the standard edition of season 24 which is neither new or newly announced. The article is very misleading.

    • Prof horner

      February 13th, 2023 - 7:52pm

      Of course Bobby, you know how much I love the Sylvester McCoy era!

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 13th, 2023 - 9:26pm

      ‘They saved my life’

      ‘Don’t thank them yet!’

      ‘What are they?’


    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 13th, 2023 - 9:49pm

      Season 25 The Collection

      All 14 episodes newly restored for blu ray

      Extended edits

      Surround sound

      Behind the Sofa with Sylvester McCoy/Sophie Aldred, Christopher Eccleston/Paul McGann, Jodie Whittaker/Bradley Walsh/Mandip Gill

      All new Documentaries

      Professor Horner Defends Silver Nemesis
      Toby Hadoke and The Cartmel Masterplan
      Exterminate! The evolution of Dalek Special effects
      Happy Birthday – An overview of the 25th anniversary year of Doctor Who

      In conversation with Mark Ayres

      Plus PDFs, Audio extras, rare convention footage, studio and location film trims, and much much more….

      Happiness will Prevail

  • Bobby Fackrell

    February 13th, 2023 - 12:10pm

    I’m on my complete run for the 60th – Wheel in Space, there’s a full Telesnapes reconstruction on Britbox

    I suppose series 5 could be a viable option for Troughton if they use that they would have a complete set

    I’ll take any Troughton though

    • Gordon

      February 14th, 2023 - 4:08pm

      I suspect the recon that will be used for wheel in space will be an upgraded version of the loose cannon 1. The loose cannon version has quite a bit of cg and uses the censor clips. The britbox only uses stills of the cg and doesn’t include the censor clips. I’m not sure it will be next. I know they aren’t waiting on animations but if they know there is a plan to animate wheel in the next year or so I can see them holding 5 off a wee bit. I’m not saying wheel will be getting animated but if the animations are back and continuing I can see it being one of the next batch.

    • Gordon

      February 17th, 2023 - 1:36am

      Couple of seconds of stock footage from episode 1 has just turned up so I can definitely see them updating the recon when the time comes for wheel to be looked at.

  • Louise Romana Wade

    February 10th, 2023 - 6:01pm

    I’m honestly surprised, but happy, that we’re not having a logo change. I remember when everything moved to this logo that people complained that once the Chibnall era ends, we’ll have a new logo and everything will change, meaning we’ll get different logo across The Collection, despite the BBC saying that making everything use this logo was to have everything match. Keeping this logo means that whilst everything else is changing design again, at least The Collection will be continuous throughout the run.

    • Pete X

      February 10th, 2023 - 7:21pm

      If there had to be a change to the logo, I’m sure those running The Collection would have found a compromise/way around the change.

      Possibly using a card slip case using the new logo replacing the j-card, while the logo on the collection stays the same. That way the product would be presented for sale to the general public consistent with the rest of the brand,. Once in the hands of the fan, remove the slip case and the latest release is consistent with the older releases. Similar to the reversable slip covers for the DVDs – sold with the new logo presented, but if you wanted to keep a consistent look to your collection the ‘old’ logo was on the reverse.

      Yes, I keep the box-sets in their j-cards (I’m sure others do) but if there was a change to a new logo with a slip case, both the slip cases and j-cards would be removed and put in a box somewhere presenting a consitent look on the shelf- I like I used to do with the DVDs that were presented in slip cases (the animations, the themed box-sets, special editions).

    • Bushboy

      February 10th, 2023 - 10:50pm

      Would have been a great idea to take that approach from the get go. Put the “current “ Logo on the outer packaging and have the Logo from the appropriate season on the inside.

    • daz

      February 11th, 2023 - 3:23am

      I can see them adding the new logo to the shrink wrap as a sticker. They might even have the 60th diamond version for a while.

      I already display mine without the j-card so the full front artwork is on view. My wall of classic Doctors as one piece of art once complete.

  • DPHill

    February 8th, 2023 - 1:31am

    Who do we think will crop up for the future announcement minisodes??

    Providing the actors are still with us, here are some of my hopes…

    S1 – susan
    S3 – steven
    S4 – polly and/or jamie
    S5 – jamie
    S6 – zoe (and jamie)
    S7 – benton? (Even jo uncovering an old threat from that season?)
    S11 – again, jo or benton as above, or even peladon? Or sontarans
    S13 – sutekh
    S15 – leela (and K9)
    S16 – the guardians (or K9)
    S20 – tegan and nyssa
    S21 – turlough
    S25 – ace and 7?
    WY – 8

    • Anonymous

      February 8th, 2023 - 4:08am

      1) the third Aztec from the left
      3) the Trojan wooden horse
      4) Troughton’s original lost bowtie
      5) a yeti in a lavatory in Tooting Beck
      6) the servo robot (an episode late)
      7) an eyepatch
      11) it’s a stegosaurus!
      13) Nessie (real or cyborg)
      15) ouch, stop hitting me

    • Anonymous the 2nd

      February 8th, 2023 - 12:17pm

      1. The pair of scissors
      3. The eyepatch
      4. The recorder – a musical tribute
      5. Empty Film Can WOF episode 3
      6. A missing pirate
      7. Very confused casual viewer trying to understand if they are watching the same show with four different opening episode titles
      11. Agadoo
      13. Mummies and Baddies
      15. Lighthouse Family
      16. Rolling Stones
      20. Five dancing chameleons at a bus terminal
      21. Twin Sea Devils Awakening from a Cave
      25. Daleks at the Circus

    • Robert Watkins

      February 9th, 2023 - 7:46pm

      Definitely Jamie as the laird on the highlands or in a castle and he hears the noise of the Tardis and goes off to investigate.

  • Richard

    February 7th, 2023 - 10:39am

    The classic DVDs are not the same now that they come in flimsy clear cases.

    • James

      February 7th, 2023 - 11:07am

      Silver ones were better. Remeber SilverScreen sold them in black ones which ruined the look on the shelf. Lol

    • Lee D

      February 7th, 2023 - 10:19pm

      The clear ones are environmental friendly, that’s why they have been changed.

    • Rex Farrel

      February 8th, 2023 - 12:17am

      And they’d stopped making silver ones anyway. (Was anyone using them aside from the BBC for UK classic Who?)

    • daz

      February 12th, 2023 - 3:40am

      For anyone wanting the silver DVD cases you could always pop to CEX and buy the cheapest Who DVD with original silver case.

      Then, swap the case with one of your own non-silver versions. Then take it back to store for a refund (within 48 hours as per their policy) stating you bought the wrong DVD.

      They will not be bothered if the case is different as CEX staff don’t check that type of thing.

  • daz

    February 5th, 2023 - 12:25pm

    Been thinking, with the next release being (most likely) Season 20 the third release could indeed be Season 25.

    Makes sense for the 60th Anniversary year as it means all Classic Doctor Actors are represented on screen in one form or another.

    Colin as Commander Maxil.
    The Five Doctors with all 5, albeit with Tom from old Shada footage, Hartnell at the start then Richard Hurndall. Then Sylvester in a lovely Season becoming the 7th Doctor I love.

    Then next year we start with Season 16 for more Tom goodness followed by a 2nd Doctor Season (6).

    • Auton

      February 5th, 2023 - 1:44pm

      But that would mean using up 2 80s sets back to back leaving Season 21 as the last 80s set, I still think a Tom set is after Season 20. I’ll be happy with whatever though

    • Samuel

      February 5th, 2023 - 5:17pm

      @Daz, I agree, but I’m biased since I think Remembrance of the Daleks is one of the very best stories Doctor Who has ever produced, from scripts, directing, acting, composing, special effects, the lot.

      A Season 25 Collection would be a perfect November golden piece for this Year of all years, and in my view would be a perfect springboard for new generations of fans to get into Classic Who, easily.

      Season 21 would also be the best last 80’s boxset to go out on. Caves of Androzani, again an absolute firestorm triumph of a story, a real pillar of Classic Who alongside Remembrance.

      We are halfway through Classic Who now, so of course we’re going to see a few of these decades completed. I just cannot wait to see the rest of the 60’s finished.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 5th, 2023 - 7:21pm

      I’ve been saying 25 this year for a while, not just because I want to complete my childhood Doctor, and because it is an anniversary year, but I just think it’s easier to bang out because it’s a later series and it’s only 14 episodes.
      I get the feeling 9 was due for last year but delayed hence the speedy release, I would not rule out four sets this year. If 9 was delayed and as 25 is shorter, the Stones of Blood clue puts 16 in the mix too. My guess would be 20 in June, 16 in September, 25 in December

    • daz

      February 5th, 2023 - 7:36pm

      Samuel, in my opinion Remembrance of the Daleks is the best classic who story. But it eas the one that got me started in 1988. I love it.

      Either way, I’m happy too with whatever order they release the sets in.

    • Anonymous

      February 6th, 2023 - 1:25am

      I agree with Auton, it would not be a good idea for the schedule in the long run because it would mean we have half of the range still to go with very little 80s rep spread across. There are only three of the 80s seasons left, to be fair, but it’s better to pepper those amongst the rest of the 60s and 70s seasons – along with a 90s set – to maintain variety.

    • Gordon

      February 6th, 2023 - 7:26am

      Personally I feel it’s going to be either a Troughton or a Tom. If we are getting something Troughton animated I’m going to guess a tom so that he gets something more substantial than just 2 scenes from shada. I suspect we will get 1 80s set a year. 20 this year 25 next year and 21 in 2025. Wilderness or whatever it ends up being called perhaps for 26. Wouldn’t be too surprising if they filmed some s25 extras this year though.

    • daz

      February 6th, 2023 - 8:57am

      Until the other day I was thinking Troughton too. It does make sense to spread out the final 80’s Seasons though.

      Time will tell, it always does

    • Prof horner

      February 6th, 2023 - 12:02pm

      Well I have every sympathy with anyone who’s first memory of Doctor Who is McCoy, not least of the fact that in my opinion he is the worst actor to play the Doctor. But not least of the fact that the series was axed soon after.
      At least from my earliest memory of the series in 1968 , I had 21 years of memories. While I understand the logic of releasing season 25 as it is shorter and will need not a lot of work on it, come on you have had two of McCoy’s three seasons released already, you can wait a bit longer for the last. Let’s have are first Troughton (my favorite Doctor) before then . Season 20 next followed by a Tom and probably the first Pat early next year. Keep enjoying the Doctor Who you like.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 6th, 2023 - 12:47pm

      Behave, Laurence Olivier could have played to The Doctor between 87-89 and it still would have been cancelled, ludicrous to insinuate the cancellation had anything to do with McCoy

      And you don’t need to feel sympathetic with me growing up with McCoy it’s why I’m a fan now and Troughton is my favourite too

    • Prof Horner

      February 6th, 2023 - 2:22pm

      Well I have sympathy with you Bobby that you was denied fifteen years worth of seasons of Doctor Who after 89. No I don’t think Mccoy was responsible for the series cancelation. It was on death row since 1985. It should have been backed or sacked in 1985 , instead The BBC seemed to go out of it’s way to humiliate and belittle the series . Anyway that’s ancient history now. As I said enjoy the Doctor Who you like and I will enjoy the Doctor Who I like. Here’s looking forward to season 9

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 6th, 2023 - 6:23pm

      No sympathy needed, the Wilderness years and my Who fan fiction is the reason I write now

  • Nick C

    February 4th, 2023 - 9:52am

    When this is released, we will be 50% of the way through classic season.
    Although I prefer the diamond/gate logo, glad they haven’t changed the branding (yet).

    • D84

      February 4th, 2023 - 4:10pm

      Woohoo, hope the pace keeps up and we don’t see another long gap (COVID 2020)

    • Gordon

      February 5th, 2023 - 11:16am

      76 stories from the 63-89 run that have yet to have a blu ray release by my count. If you want to include stories that have had a stand alone release (spearhead/the 2016 onward animations) it’s 85

    • Anonymous

      February 6th, 2023 - 1:28am

      So halfway both in terms of seasons and serials? (I’m counting Shada and also Trial as four separate serials)

  • ThePrimordInfectant

    February 3rd, 2023 - 12:15pm

    I’m really quite confused why people think season 13 Will be the last set. I know I’m being dark but Tom might have passed on at that point and having season 13 released without Tom would be terrible.

    Whereas leaving his less loved seasons till last would be a better idea. I still like season 15 & 16 but season 13 is just on another level, what would you rather have Tom reminiscing about underworld where he will most likely use expletives or seeds of doom the greatest Tom baker serial in my opinion.

    • daz

      February 3rd, 2023 - 1:15pm

      Not sure why either. In my posts I’ve only ever said 13 will be the 4th Doctors final release, not the final release in the collection.

      The final releases will all be 60’s and possibly Season 7.

      I’m hoping they’ve already banked stuff but it would be great if they went to his home with Liz Sladens daughter and anyone else who can contribute to do a behind the sofa for it.

      I’d still love some new Who Doctors to be on one too. Capaldi for 60’s/70’s. DT for 5th Doctor. Even New Who Showrunners.

    • Anonymous

      February 3rd, 2023 - 6:06pm

      I think they’re going to try and spread the 60s releases out a bit rather than bunch them all up at the end, which is for the best otherwise you’ll lose variety in the schedule.

      Also, there’s only 3 Tom Baker seasons left out of his 7 and I imagine they’ve banked some stuff, like the William Russell interview was recorded in 2018 I’m pretty sure. Correct me if I’m wrong.

    • SamWHO

      February 3rd, 2023 - 7:29pm

      I think people want to save one of the best till last with Tom and the range as a whole which is a good idea as s15 last would be kinda anticlimactic and that doesnt mean they have to wait and only film s13 stuff with Tom in 5 or so years the people who make these are smart and know time is sadly maybe running out for some people to get interviews with like William russell was interviewed in 2018 for s2 so im sure they might have even already done stuff filmed with Tom for 13,15 & 16 or very soon will and i would like to hear him talk about underworld lol

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 3rd, 2023 - 9:36pm

      I think it follows the trends of a couple of series 13 releases being the last Tom releases on DVD but I agree I don’t think they are considering ‘best till last’ in their planning at all, taste is subjective anyway, all three of Tom’s first three years are widely considered classics, 14 and 12 came out very early

      People are of course entitled to opinions and theories it’s all good fun but unless someone knows something I don’t there is absolutely no validity in the suggestion 13 is being ‘saved till last’ it’s a a fan theory which a lot of people have just run with like series one coming out this year which seems increasingly unlikely now

      13 could come out this year it could come out in five years we simply just don’t know

    • Gordon

      February 4th, 2023 - 11:34am

      There is always a chance any of the actors could pass at any time. I don’t wish any ill will to anybody but Peter or Sylvester could just as easily pass on tomorrow as tom. On the other hand Tom could live another decade plus. The collection range is only about another 4-5 years max away from finishing the classic series.

      Something has to come last. Excluding season 20 that we know is coming this year there are 12 possible last seasons for the classic run not including the wilderness years set which isn’t really a season

      It could very well be a 60’s set. Don’t think it will be 1,5 or 6. I can see those coming in the next 3-4 years regardless of whether or not animations still happening for those seasons or not. Those are pretty much on the same level as Season 2 with only 1 story with missing episodes per season so just as releasable as 2. They have said repeatedly they aren’t waiting to fill gaps and those seasons are on par with season 2 currently.

      Season 4 could be a possibility depending on whether or not the rumours of menace and smugglers being animated are true. If they are i can see that season being left till nearer the end. They will want to wait a bit before releasing it again in a box set. If the animations continue there is a good chance some of season 3 will feature so I can see that being left to near the end. Not sure they will have it as the last season. Maybe 2nd or third last to go out if they want to finish on something more complete.

      If it is a pertwee season it’s most likely 7 due to the restoration work required.

      When it comes to Tom I feel season 13 is a good shout. We are due another Williams era to balance things out. Not sure if it’s true or not but apparently there has been filming done for stones of blood which might suggest the next Tom is 16. If that’s the case it could be either 13 or 15. I would prefer 15 to get done sooner rather than later as it’s the only 70s season where the whole tardis crew are still with us. Season 13 will be tricky as a lot of the cast are no longer with us. Tom and Philip aside there isn’t much folk left bar John Levine and Gabriel woolf. John and tom have supposedly had a beef for years so having them in the same feature might be tricky unless they film separately.

      The only real 80s possibility is 21 as I don’t see 25 being held off to the end.

    • Anonymous

      February 4th, 2023 - 3:21pm

      I wasn’t aware that there were any issues between Tom Baker and John Levene. Though come to think about it, I’ve not seen them together in anything since the show.

    • Prowl 1701

      February 4th, 2023 - 8:17pm

      I also never realized there was beef between Tom and Jon. I wonder what caused it. I figure the final 80’s season will be 21, since we know 20 is coming and I think 25 will come next year, as I figure we would be due another Mccoy by then. I also think the last 60’s set will be season 3 as so much of it is missing and doesn’t have telesnaps. No idea what the last Tom will be, but I fully expect at least 1 more Williams season before they give us 13.

    • Robert

      February 5th, 2023 - 9:03am

      Tom Baker said something to John Levene that dented his confidence and John has never forgotten that. But John wouldn’t say what happen.

    • Gordon

      February 5th, 2023 - 10:59am

      That’s what I heard. Also heard that John wasn’t too happy about being written out when they went away from unit based stories and blamed Tom for it

    • Prof Horner

      February 5th, 2023 - 2:48pm

      Well , John Levene wasn’t best actor in the world, but created a wonderfully endearing character in Benton. So much part of the family of Doctor Who. He deserved a better last story than he got, along with Ian Marter. The Producer made the right decision to get rid of UNIT as it had served it’s purpose by and the series needed to go in a new direction to stay fresh. But it could have been handled better. A rear black mark for an otherwise near perfect Era of the series.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 5th, 2023 - 7:15pm

      Yeah I know John has alluded to it a few times, he loved Pertwee but it’s common knowledge Tom Baker didn’t like UNIT. Nic Courtney mentioned that he got on well with Tom in Robot but not Zygons they seemed to have made peace later and Tom saw him before his death
      Levene and Baker are both larger than life eccentrics too so it’s an understandable clash. Time is a great healer, we may yet see them together on a Behind the Sofa that would be lovely

    • Anonymous

      February 6th, 2023 - 11:38am

      If my reading of Chris Chapman’s recent tweet about Southampton and Skegness is correct, I’d say they might already be working on Season 13 about now…

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 6th, 2023 - 12:50pm

      Have John and Tom been spotted in Skegness together?

    • Gordon

      February 6th, 2023 - 12:55pm

      Could just be people involved with the show living there. He was up in loch lomand back in November despite doctor who never having filmed there

    • DPHill

      February 6th, 2023 - 10:30pm

      I agree with gordon

      Chris works on a handful of other things too sp could be for that

      Or they could be starting but that does not mean we will get it imminently as 2 began 4 years at least ago in 2018

  • GrantP

    February 1st, 2023 - 7:02pm

    Does your money get taken straight away or on day of despatch?

    • The Time Lord 1944

      February 1st, 2023 - 9:38pm

      If it’s Amazon or HMV they take the money a few days before dispatch.

    • Lewis Frisby

      February 1st, 2023 - 10:11pm

      Day before release date

    • Gordon

      February 1st, 2023 - 11:20pm

      Depends on how you pay for it. If it’s through PayPal money is taken now

  • Tom Williams

    February 1st, 2023 - 5:52pm

    Saw yesterday thry want too bring classics back on i player if this is the case would that mean if it happens they upload them all on the current doctor who area ? Or seperate for doctor who classics like britt box

    • scotel

      February 1st, 2023 - 10:13pm

      Given that RTD is apparently the one pushing for it, presumably it would all be together as the intention would be to create a single unified place where people can go to watch old Doctor Who episodes.

      Hate to break it to some people but 2005 is ancient history to modern viewers. Sticking classic Doctor Who in next to the revival is not that much of a culture shock.

  • DPHill

    February 1st, 2023 - 5:25pm

    Second to Gordon saying the DWM has a full info thing next Thursday, the BFI tickets for the Sea Devils with Katy Manning present will be going on sale at 1130 on that day for the [Sat] 4th March, so they really do have this release very ready indeed!

  • Gordon

    January 31st, 2023 - 12:46pm

    Disc by disc layout revealed in dwm on Thursday. This release is looking like the fastest turn around yet on a release

    • Prof Horner

      January 31st, 2023 - 2:55pm

      Well if this is the case. Then it bows Well for two more this year.

    • D84

      January 31st, 2023 - 3:04pm

      I saw that, looks like release is nailed on for March.

      Maybe they have purposely held it all back and only announces when they knew all was in place and could make the date.

      I’m looking forward to S20 in the summer, and then hopefully a 3rd set maybe just before Christmas

    • Rex F

      February 1st, 2023 - 6:12am

      I still feel that there was a noticeable amount of rushed work on the last couple of releases, so perhaps there was a late change of schedule and most of the content for this one has been sat around waiting all ready to go?

    • DPHill

      February 1st, 2023 - 7:54am

      I think 22 was really good, but 2 was a bit lacklustre, although thr episode count, I know, I always wondered if they were gonna split classic seasons, but I have my answer.

      Rex, when I was with Katy Manning last year I march she said then that season 9 has been filmed (by which I mean all her special features stuff) so that really is true that they have stuff waiting around until everything is on check

    • DanielM

      February 1st, 2023 - 8:35am

      The new Location Documentary wasn’t shot till May 2022. And they would have been working on the restoration of the Episodes up till recently even if all the Special Features had been filmed.

      Can’t say I noticed any rushed Work on the last few Releases. Season 22 was delayed by 3 Months so we can’t blame any errors in it on rushed work.

    • Rex F

      February 1st, 2023 - 9:38am

      DanielM: Maybe 22 needed four months delay – these were little things that one more pass of the eps would have sorted.

    • Gordon

      February 1st, 2023 - 11:37pm

      With 30 -50 hours of content to check per season and the people checking them only being human some errors will inevitably be missed from time to time regardless of how many passes they make on the episodes.

    • daz

      February 2nd, 2023 - 8:00am

      The only error I noticed was the ‘Lost In Time’ release date being incorrect in the booklet.

      Otherwise, the set was fine for my viewing. I’m not technical though so maybe I can’t see certain things others do.

  • Bushboy

    January 31st, 2023 - 7:52am

    Does anybody have any information about an Australian release for this set?
    Unusually nobody seems to have it up to pre- order yet.

  • Tom Williams

    January 31st, 2023 - 12:36am

    So happy i got 8 and 10 back now 9 inbetween i can watch fom 8 for first time properly

    • Prowl 1701

      February 2nd, 2023 - 4:35pm

      I’m patiently waiting for someone (probably Gordon) to post the disc layouts for the set. The new issue dropped today right?

    • Gordon

      February 2nd, 2023 - 7:02pm

      Disc One

      Day of the Daleks Four episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      ● Audio commentary with Anna Barry, Mike Catherwood, Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts and Jimmy Winston
      ● Blasting the Past – making-of documentary
      ● AView from the Gallery
      ● Now and Then
      ● Blue Peter excerpt, broadcast 25 October 1971

      New Special Features

      ● Behind the Sofa with Michael E Briant and Katy Manning; Sophie Aldred and Wendy Padbury; and Peter Davison, Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton (the same contributors appear on all episodes of Behind the Sofa throughout this box set)
      ● Sunday Best – Radio 4 interview with Terry Nation, broadcast 6 February 1972
      ● Free Thinking – Radio 3 discussion about the Daleks, broadcast 14 July 2022
      ● Trails and continuity
      ● Revised and updated production subtitles
      ● Photo gallery in HD


      ●ProductionProduction paperwork
      ● Four camera scripts, plus three of director Paul Bernard’s scripts
      ● Compilation editing script
      ●Studiofloor plans
      ● BBC television play synopses
      ● BBC Enterprises sales sheets for Season 9
      ● PasB (programme as broadcast) paperwork for Season 9
      ● The Dr Who Annual 1973
      ● The Dr Who Annual 1973 production documentation
      ● Radio Times cuttings

      Disc Two

      Day of the Daleks Special Edition Four episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      ● The Making of Day of the Daleks – Special Edition
      ● The UNIT Dating Conundrum
      ● The Cheating Memory
      ● Special Edition teaser trailer

      New Special Features

      ● Day of the Daleks 60-minute omnibus edition
      ● Monstercon II convention footage featuring Richard Franklin and Nicholas Courtney

      Disc Three

      The Curse of Peladon Four episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      ● Audio commentary with Terrance Dicks, Chris D’Oyly John, Barry Letts and Katy Manning
      ● The Peladon Saga: Part One – making-of documentary
      ● Jon and Katy
      ● Storyboard comparison

      New Special Features

      ● Behind the Sofa
      ● The Curse of Peladon abridged Target audiobook, read by Jon Pertwee
      ● 16mm film sequences from Episode Three
      ● The Curse of Peladon Episodes One to Four – reverse standards conversions
      ● Trails and continuity
      ● Revised and updated production subtitles
      ● Photo gallery in HD


      ● Production paperwork
      ● Four camera scripts
      ● Visual effects design drawings and storyboards
      ● Writer Brian Hayles’ notes
      ● Radio Times cuttings

      Disc Four

      The Sea Devils Six episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      ● Audio commentary with Michael E Briant, Terrance Dicks and Barry Letts ● Hello Sailor – making-of documentary
      ● Isolated music score
      ● 8mm film footage, with commentary
      ● MusicalScalesScales
      ● Nationwide excerpt featuring Daleks, broadcast 22 February 1972
      ● Coming Soon: The Mutants

      New Special Features

      ● Behind the Sofa
      ● Optional 5.1 sound mix
      ● Optional Dolby Atmos sound mix
      ● South Today excerpt, broadcast 19 November 2013
      ● Today (Radio 4) excerpt on children writing Doctor Who stories, broadcast 28 March 1972
      ● Defenders of Earth – trailer for Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 9
      ● Jon Pertwee interview from BBC Radio Solent, broadcast 21 October 1971
      ● Trails and continuity
      ● Revised and updated production subtitles
      ● Photo gallery in HD


      ● Production paperwork
      ● Six camera scripts
      ● Television Club: Putting on a Show script
      ● The Making of Doctor Who (Piccolo edition)
      ● Fleet Submarine – leaflet
      ● Fleet Submarine – Submarine Exhibit Special
      ● Radio Times

      Disc Five

      The Sea Devils 90-minute Omnibus Edition, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      ● The Sea Devils Episodes One to Three – reverse standards conversions

      New Special Features

      ● Optional 5.1 sound mix
      ● Optional Dolby Atmos sound mix
      ● Location, Location, Location: Season Nine – featuring Anna Barry, Michael E Briant, Garrick Hagon and Katy Manning
      ● Michael E Briant: At the Helm
      ● The Fell Guy – feature on stuntman Stuart Fell

      Disc Six

      The Mutants Six episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      ● Audio commentary with Bob Baker, Christopher Barry, Terrance Dicks, Garrick Hagon, Brian Hodgson and Katy Manning ● Mutt Mad – making-of documentary
      ● Race Against Time
      ● The Mutants Episodes One and Two – reverse standards conversions

      New Special Features

      ● Behind the Sofa
      ● Trails and continuity
      ● Revised and updated production subtitles
      ● Photo gallery in HD


      ● Production paperwork
      ● Six rehearsal scripts and six camera scripts
      ● Radio Times

      Disc Seven

      The Time Monster Six episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      ● Audio commentary with Graham Duff, Phil Ford, Barry Letts, John Levene, Joseph Lidster, Marion McDougall, James Moran and Susan Penhaligon
      ● Between Now… And Now! – making-of documentary

      New Special Features

      ● Behind the Sofa
      ● Nationwide excerpt featuring the BBC Special Effects Exhibition, broadcast 7 December 1972
      ● Trails and continuity
      ● Revised and updated production subtitles
      ● Photo gallery in HD


      ●Production paperwork
      ● Six camera scripts, plus three of director Paul Bernard’s scripts
      ● Paul Bernard’s TARDIS sketches
      ● Radio Times cuttings

      Disc Eight

      The Time Monster Additional special features

      Existing Special Features

      ● The Time Monster Episodes One to Five – reverse standards conversions
      ● DVD restoration comparison

      New Special Features

      ● Time and Atlantis – making-of documentary
      ● On the Waterfront excerpt with Jon Pertwee, broadcast 6 May 1989
      ● The Panopticon Archive – interviews with Ingrid Pitt and Terrance Dicks from Panopticon ’92
      ● Richard Franklin at the 50th Anniversary Celebration
      ● Timeclocks compilation

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 2nd, 2023 - 8:08pm

      If you don’t ask you don’t get

    • Auton

      February 2nd, 2023 - 9:21pm

      Thank you Gordon, loads of great new stuff to look forward too

    • Prowl 1701

      February 2nd, 2023 - 10:18pm

      Many thanks Gordon, you’ve always got the good info. So has all of the episodes without surviving masters been redone from the ground up, as original RSC versions of them are listed on the set too (well except Time Monster 6 as i know that one had more work done originally)? Do we know what restoration has been done on those episodes for this release?

    • Gordon

      February 3rd, 2023 - 12:59am

      I know time monster 6 was given the colour recovery process in 2021. For curse eps 1-3 of sea, 1,2 of mutants and 1-5 of monster it was restored similar to how 1,4 of claws of axos and the whole of colony in space was. New scans. The article in doctor who magazine mentions that the restoration process on the ntsc is 3 times longer than a standard episode. Peter Crocker also said that fans would be most satisfied by eps 1-3 of sea devils

    • Prowl 1701

      February 3rd, 2023 - 3:08am

      Thanks, Gordon. I didn’t realize it was so much more work to restore NTSC episodes. That might have taken up a lot of the budget and could be why we are not getting any new updated effects on this boxset.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 3rd, 2023 - 12:14pm

      Thanks Gordon some of those audio treats look great

  • Sarge

    January 29th, 2023 - 6:16pm

    In my opinion, the only option post season 20 is a Tom set. Because I see them releasing 22 and 2 last year as a Way to have the first and second doctors represented in the sets. Counting the two doctors as a Troughton appearance without releasing an entire season. And for Tom, I don’t entirely think season 13 is off the table. Because the time it’s possibly released would be a direct 60th tie in. Because if the rumors are true that we are getting new animations and colorized episodes celebrate the 60s doctors, it would make sense to me to celebrate the fourth doctor they would put out his penultimate season. Thoughts?

    • Prof Horner

      January 29th, 2023 - 7:11pm

      Well I am not against season 16 coming out after 20. 16 is probably Williams best season. Just lacks a good monster. Let’s all hope for some surprises this anniversary year.

    • Doug Who

      January 30th, 2023 - 7:15pm

      I love all the Graham Williams seasons so either of the two remaining would be fine by me! I think season 16 is one of the best looking of all…’Ribos’ and ‘Androids’ have sumptuous set and costume design I think. Love the folk horror/SF mix of ‘Stones’. ‘Power’ is not great and not Holmes’ finest hour. Bit more subtlety would have helped. Miscasting doesn’t help – why Philip Madoc wasn’t the main ‘baddy’ on the refinery bewilders me.

      It certainly tries hard with some of the monsters – the Shrivenzale is a brave attempt at a non-humanoid monster as is Kroll. The Ogri are another interesting concept and I like the sinister Shadow. However, the less said about the Wood Beast the better! Why it was shown in such detail is another mystery! Mind you, I’ve just finished a custom Eaglemoss style figurine of it.

    • Erato

      January 31st, 2023 - 12:02pm

      I have a theory that the wood beast is actually a peasant made to dress up by Grendel so that he can look the dashing hero when “rescuing” Romana. It walks on two legs and doesn’t exactly put up much of a fight.

    • Doug Who

      January 31st, 2023 - 3:42pm

      Erato, that is an absolutely brilliant theory and actually what they should have gone for!! They pulled that trick in ‘Power of Kroll’ but how funny would it have been if we’d seen Grendel later paying the peasant!

    • DPHill

      February 1st, 2023 - 8:04am

      You’re right about the representation on the sets although Troughton was on 10 eith Hartnell, and will be on 20 when it comes out, so he has 3 stories on the sets soon!

      I think 13 is probably not gonna be for a while, this year they have 9, 20, maybe another release, they may be able to try and squeeze four and end it up having it coming out Jan 2024 like the other McCoy (26) as that was gonna be a 4 set year until delay, if so, it would be 35 years since that series finished so a good choice, also a very small set.

      I personally think
      2023 – 9, 20, 16,
      2024 – 25, 1, 5,
      2025 – 21, 15, 11,
      2026 – WY, 6, 13,
      2027 – 7, 4, 3…

      And yes, the further down the list are general guesstimates

  • Heaven till 7

    January 29th, 2023 - 12:11pm

    Anyone know what the next season is going to be….?

    • Heaven till 7

      January 29th, 2023 - 12:12pm

      Only joking haha

    • Auton

      January 29th, 2023 - 1:40pm

      Season 20 most likely. We know they have filmed in Amsterdam last year, they have also filmed a road trip thing at a German convention with Peter, Janet and Sarah Sutton and they have made a making of for King’s Demons due to Isla Blair mentioned filming something at the castle locations

    • D84

      January 29th, 2023 - 2:05pm

      Peter and Janet have previously slipped that S20 is due out “Summer 23”

      It’s the one after that we have no hints on as yet – neither which season nor potential release timeframe

    • D84

      January 29th, 2023 - 2:09pm

      Have just seen Gordon’s comments further down regarding filming for Stones Of blood.

      Could well be S16 due within the next couple of sets after S9 (March) and then S20 (Summer)

    • DPHill

      February 1st, 2023 - 8:10am

      Season 3

  • Dalekiality

    January 29th, 2023 - 11:19am

    Absolutely smashing this is being released especially with anything with the daleks!

  • Basil Funkenstein

    January 28th, 2023 - 2:38am

    So, Season 9 hopefully for the 20th of March, fingers crossed it does make that release date in time, add three months on to that should place Season 20 around end of June/beginning of July. That definitely leaves space for one more set this year but it could be one of four options; a Troughton set so we have at least one season for each classic Doctor (except Paul McGann,) a Tom set (most likely Season 15,) Season 25, or the Wilderness Years set…

    Personally I think it’ll be between either season 15 or Season 25.

    • Hewy

      January 28th, 2023 - 7:07am

      Or they will really mess with you and Russell will negotiate to include the newer seasons, so I’m going with season 37! The newer seasons really are lagging behind in the love and special bonus features etc..

    • Auton

      January 28th, 2023 - 8:21am

      All of classic who first then new who

    • D84

      January 28th, 2023 - 9:28am

      I hope New Who is given the collection treatment at some point. Series 1 / Season 27 has easily had enough time passed that Location Location’s and writers table etc could work. It’s almost 20yrs unbelievably

    • Pete X

      January 28th, 2023 - 10:47am

      Yes, I think a Troughton or a Tom Baker would be next after S20.

      If it was a Troughton, I think it could be S5 (for reasons I outlined in the S2 boxset threads)

      For Baker, the most likely to be released in the slot since it would be two years since S17 came out, I’d go for S16.

    • D84

      January 28th, 2023 - 11:25am

      I think a Tom set is due soon – if not the one after S20 – then likely the one after that.

      Just down to there still being 3 to go.

    • Anonymous

      January 28th, 2023 - 12:36pm

      Hopefully back in track to 3 sets a year. 20 definitely due next as that near enough ready as was inky waiting for an Amsterdam trip documentary.

      If they do do a Troughton set (surely as give each Doctor a set out) it be 5. Only for wheel in space to animate (maybe 1 of the 2 being done as smugglers/Underwater may have been found). The rest of 5 is ready as been animated.

      Shame no Tom set this year but makes sense for peter as he only has 1 set currently. Tom has 4, Colin and Sylvester have 2, Jon has 3 (including 9).

      Regards to NewWho.. Part of me wants the Classic series done first as NewWho is all out and available. But then part of me sees if they do NewWho at the same time, would give them more time to work on animating the mass of missing eps or locating them. Would prefer a complete collection with proper visuals instead of photo narration recons.

      Then also if they do do NewWho would make more sense to do full Doctor set for each as the series are smaller then classic. (classic being 4/5 stores in 25 min eps where as NewWho being 13/8 stories 45 mins). Plus Amazon has done these for region 1. Complete Eccleston/Tennant box set 12 discs, complete Matt 10 discs, complete Peter 9 discs, complete Jodie 10 discs. And the boxes look great. If they did season ones wouldn’t make sense at 40£ and box would be smaller. Where as full ones I’d pay the current price 40/50 for a full new doc set.

      Should do a 8th Doctor collection set instead of including him with wilderness. The Movie, night of the a doctor, Power of the Doctor, time wars audio epsidoes and documentarys. Maybe might have his own spinoff series to add to it going by RTD returning and his spin off comments. Be madness not to give Paul a series which he wa suppsoed to get when he signed up. And be fantastic to see.

    • TheWHOlegacy

      January 28th, 2023 - 9:23pm

      New series would actually work doing it as seasons as it’s 13×45min episodes and a large chunk of classic who is 26×25min episodes. So new series and classic series are similar length seasons really. Then you also have to add festive specials to new series as well. Seasons 23-26 have shorter lengths than any new series seasons and they have all had separate releases.

    • Basil Funkenstein

      January 29th, 2023 - 12:39am

      I genuinely believe we’ll see Season 15 before 16. Season 16 is the first proper season in Classic Who with a series arc so it makes sense to me to go 15, 16, and finally 13. I could obviously be very wrong but I just have a gut feeling that that is how the final three releases of Tom’s seasons will work out.

      Season 5 is commonly Troughton’s most popular and well loved season but releasing any of his seasons will be difficult. Season 5 has Wheel in Space missing but, I believe, has telesnaps for it whereas Season 6 has Space Pirates missing which has no telesnaps at all. It’ll be interesting to see how they handle this.

      This all depends of course on if we do get three sets this year. Having said that I do believe that from 2024 onwards we will see 2 sets a year released because of the enormous workload for seasons 1, 3-7, and 11. Some years we might get three seasons if we’re lucky but I suspect two sets will be the maximum for most years until the collection is complete.

      Whatever happens and whatever we get each year I will definitely buy the entire collection and I am over the moon that we are lucky enough to be blessed with these box sets.

    • 4th Doctor

      January 29th, 2023 - 8:47am

      SEASON 13 ❤️

    • D84

      January 29th, 2023 - 10:42am

      I was also thinking if we do see a little “burst” of sets going back to 3 releases per year, that could slow down again due to the more difficult sets such as 7 and 11 (colour restoration) and all things B&W.

      There are not going to be that many easier sets left, currently 13, 15, 16, 20 (apparently due next) 21 and 25. Throw in a WY set and that’s only half easy Vs half difficult. If NewWho is not included in the range – I too can see releases slowing to 2 per year again.

      But, aslong as I get all 27 boxes on the shelf eventually – I’m happy

      I personally think the RTD1 era is easily now old enough it could be revisited and given the collection treatment. Even 11’s era finished 9yrs ago now so by the time anything would be released it would be around 11yrs since he bowed out – I’m happy with that – bring it on

    • Gordon

      January 29th, 2023 - 11:27am

      Apparently some filming has been done for stones of blood. So it might be 16 as the next Tom.

    • Auton

      January 29th, 2023 - 1:45pm

      Love a new rumour, hopefully one of the biographies Chris Chapman has mentioned working on is for a tribute to Mary Tamm. Perhaps this stones of blood thing will be part of a location, location, location feature with locations from Androids of Tara Leeds castle, The Stones of blood stones as you said and perhaps the marshes from the power of kroll. Maybe pirate planet as well with that cave they filmed in recently for power of the doctor

    • D84

      January 30th, 2023 - 10:24am

      Going back to the notion of “NewWho” coming out as “The Collection” – if you look back at Seasons 23 – 26 – they all have 14 ep’s at 25 mins ish duration so a total “feature time” of 350 minutes. Then obviously you have the extra’s / bonus material

      The first years of NewWho all had 13 episodes at 45 mins ish so “feature time” on those would run at 585 minutes.

      Throw in a Christmas Special most years adding another 50-60 minutes, Children in Need sketches, DW Confidential etc – and you have loads of material to make even a 6 disc set viable in my opinion. The model worked for S23, S24 and S26 so why not S1/S27 onwards.

      Personally I would also like to see NewWho re labelled as Season 27 onwards, its all “canon” now after all

      Can of worms opened I guess

    • Whofan44

      January 30th, 2023 - 12:24pm

      I think my main issue with the idea of new who being done as part of the Collection is that it will most likely never be complete. A point will come where they have caught up with what come out so do future series not get a collection? I cant see them doing a normal and collection sets around the same time. Would blu-ray even be a thing by the time we get there?

      Also actors involved are probably gonna be little less open about stuff. Classic who people dont hold back but if they did a series 12 Collection set are they gonna be as honest as the season 12 collection set? I would prefer that if the Collection for new who will never be complete they dont do it.

    • Ben

      January 30th, 2023 - 1:08pm

      I personally wouldn’t like New Who to be part of the collection. I feel this should be just for the Classic series. I mean all the new series is on Blu-ray anyway – and yes I know there’s always room for more special features. But I feel as New Who is still ongoing, it wouldn’t be right, and also it gives the Classic series time to shine.

      As for what’s next Street..

    • Ben

      January 30th, 2023 - 1:10pm

      I personally wouldn’t like New Who to be part of the collection. I feel this should be just for the Classic series. I mean all the new series is on Blu-ray anyway – and yes I know there’s always room for more special features. But I feel as New Who is still ongoing, it wouldn’t be right, and also it gives the Classic series time to shine.

      As for what’s next after S20… The next two will most probably be a Tom (S15 or S16) and a Troughton (S5 or S6), no idea which way round??

    • Prof Horner

      January 30th, 2023 - 2:20pm

      Well maybe season 4 if certain rumors about missing stories are true (take them with a pinch of salt) but it does beg the the question, if a couple of missing stories did turn up which completed or almost completed a season. Would that season be released on Blu ray box set first, after all it would be a huge selling point don’t you think.

    • Ben

      January 30th, 2023 - 2:59pm

      How exciting would that be if any stories were to be found!! The 60s sets would be a huge selling point indeed. I just wonder what would happen if a story is found after a 60s were released. Would we be able to buy replacement discs for the specific story? Our sets would look odd if we replaced the discs with the standalone releases of the story(s).

    • daz

      January 30th, 2023 - 3:04pm

      I think the BBC will always go down the route of releasing any newly found missing stories on limited edition Steelbook, Blu-ray and DVD first to get the maximum return on them.

      There are a lot of fans who will want it on DVD to complete their DVD collections too.

      Then, if the Season isn’t available it will be put on the Collection Season Set it relates to at a later date.

      If the Season set is already out I hope they do an option of buying them but a ‘Collection Update version’ so disc covers match and if they can add in what is already on the collection disc too… maybe?

      Be interesting to see, I always hope more episodes will turn up even if not a whole story.

  • toptimelord

    January 27th, 2023 - 10:36pm

    After watching the magical mini episode with Katy Manning returning as Jo Jones I decided two things. One, I must buy my first classic collectors boxset! And two, Jo Jones needs her own spin off series!

    • Hewy

      January 28th, 2023 - 7:03am

      It seems that Russell’s plan will include a new version of the Sarah Jane Adventures Yes, perhaps with “Ace” returning as well

  • Sil

    January 27th, 2023 - 6:54pm

    So, is this the new price for these boxsets now then…£50……????

    • booboo

      January 27th, 2023 - 7:14pm

      clearly yes

    • D84

      January 27th, 2023 - 11:23pm

      Seems that way

    • RPG74

      January 28th, 2023 - 12:18am

      I remember someone here posting that season 2 was £50 because there were more episodes. I wonder what the excuse is this time.

    • Prowl1701

      January 28th, 2023 - 5:02am

      I suspect it’s inflation.

    • Rex F

      January 28th, 2023 - 9:30am

      BBC rights clearances are horribly expensive, even to other BBC departments. I’ve been amazed they were able to make the Collection sets work at all at such low prices. Kenny Everett’s estate/reps clearly laughed at how little they’d have got for the use of his clip on an earlier set, and I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often.

    • D84

      January 28th, 2023 - 9:38am

      General price increases all round I guess. Wage / fee rises for the contributors and team who work on the restoration etc. Materials for production, shipping, imports, marketing – all adds up

    • John Sissons

      January 28th, 2023 - 10:48am

      Worth every penny. A bargain considering all the restorations and new extras.

    • D84

      January 28th, 2023 - 11:13am

      Quite agree John Sissons.

      Whilst I’m sure I have a limit, I don’t consider £49.99 extortionate at all

    • Pete X

      January 28th, 2023 - 12:03pm

      The collection sets are good value, even at £50.

      The DVD’s where about £20 – not that many people paid that price, buying online from Amazon and the like, they where around £12.

      So for S9, had CoP being released as a standalone, you would be looking for an outlay of, approximately, £60 at least.

      Not only with that £10 difference, you are also getting newly filmed and archive material not previously available, and improved picture quality on top of what was released on DVD.

      Definately still good value at £50.

      (And I think they may be cheaper than the video releases too.)

    • Bicky

      January 28th, 2023 - 4:33pm

      If you think, video releases for ONE story were at least £9.99 many years ago with no extras. So £50 for at least 5 stories with tons of extras is undeniably a bargain!

    • James

      January 28th, 2023 - 8:36pm

      Fair price for the content and blu ray. Most blu rays for films about £15. This set has 5 stories so works out £10 a story with its extras. The earlier ones were around the £40 mark but get that the 60s ones would be more as alot more episodes/stories and work gone into them with upscaling and animating

    • James

      January 30th, 2023 - 8:17am

      REX F, season 8, 12, 14, 18, 19 all around £40. UK resident. Just checked invoices and that’s what I paid 35-40£

  • Richard

    January 27th, 2023 - 6:44pm

    Looks like some of the classics on DVD are starting to go OOP. Ambassadors of Death is only available secondhand on Amazon now and also Robot. I wonder how long the BBC will keep all the classic DVDs in print seeing as there is now the Britbox and Collection range options?

    • Andrew

      January 27th, 2023 - 8:13pm

      I’d say the standard edition of the collection sets are meant to be the definitive going forward but they really should have double dipped and released dvd season box sets at the same time for those that haven’t upgraded to blue ray especially with all the strides they’ve made fixing the colour issues for the pertwee stories

    • Gordon

      January 27th, 2023 - 10:49pm

      The problem is you aren’t really going to see massive benefits of the improvements on dvd as a lot of the technical improvements that have advanced since the dvd range are hampered by the technical limitations of the very compressed and limited dvd format. Add on the sheer number of discs some of the sets would need. Season 24 for example would need at least 17 discs to replicate the 8 discs. The additional cost in discs could potentially make it more expensive than the blu ray

    • D84

      January 27th, 2023 - 11:25pm

      Would DVD discs hold as much content though?

      Potentially need more discs per season if it was put on DVD media??

      I’m sure someone techie can tell me that’s rubbish

    • Ricky

      January 28th, 2023 - 10:36am

      Your correct D84, dual layer BD holds upto 50GB V DVDs dual layer capacity of upto 8.7GB. UHD BD goes a step further with options of 50,66 and 100GB on tap.
      So the bit rate can be much higher allowing better quality but also there’s more room on BD for extra material, obviously it’s a balance between high bit rate, i. e quality of the picture and sound v amount of material but it certainly allows more freedom with that much more capacity on offer.

      Im keeping hold of my Who DVD collection, ive only sold any old stories after I’ve double dipped on the later special editions etc, but the complete collection is staying.

      I can’t see much of a market for DVD collection sets aswell as the BD sets, bluray players are so cheap these days, you can pick up a panasonic bluray player in good condition for around £30,or brand new for about £60,so DVD only households are in the minority now.

    • James

      January 28th, 2023 - 8:40pm

      RICHARD alot of the classic DVD’s still available online and in stores.
      Doctor Who still a money spinner for the bbc so doubt will stop completely.With RTD back uplift in sales of the magazine so hopefully more DVD’s printed or re-released

    • Richard

      January 29th, 2023 - 6:59pm

      Yes James, went to hmv at the weekend and they still have lots and lots of classic WHO DVDs on the shelves which is good to see. Most at £7.99 each.

  • Sarge

    January 27th, 2023 - 2:24pm

    Anyone else in the U.S having issues with Amazon saying out of stock?

    • Prowl1701

      January 27th, 2023 - 4:06pm

      Happening to me too

    • Rex F

      January 27th, 2023 - 10:57pm

      That’s their way of saying they aren’t currently selling to US customers. It’s the same if someone in the UK tries to buy 95%+ of US Amazon blu-rays. They changed policy at the start of the pandemic, not shipping “unimportant” items internationally, and never changed back (except for marketplace items dispatched by Amazon). It’s just getting worse, although if it follows the usual pattern they will give you a window to order closer to release date, before it’s “out of stock” again.

    • Prowl1701

      January 28th, 2023 - 5:04am

      It’s been back and forth shipping the collection sets here to the US, I got season 2 from Amazon UK just fine.

    • Rex F

      January 28th, 2023 - 9:15am

      Yeah, there doesn’t seem to be any logic or pattern to it. I’m assuming it’s down to mysterious algorithms now with minimal human involvement. I wish I still had my trading partners in different parts of the world.

    • Prowl 1701

      January 29th, 2023 - 12:29am

      It’s up for pre order now, just ordered mine. I’m in the states.

    • Rex F

      January 29th, 2023 - 5:50pm

      Maybe a human intervened, after all the complaints? Glad you managed to order in the end.

    • Prowk1701

      January 29th, 2023 - 8:41pm

      Thanks, Rex. I’ll be glad to add to the shelf. The collection makes a great backdrop for my YouTube video. Plus the only two pertwee stories I haven’t seen are from season 9.

  • Error_404

    January 27th, 2023 - 2:23pm

    Fantastic cover, apart from Pertwee’s face which seems a bit strange to me. But I guess it’s just a matter of getting used to it. I was wondering if this season and also the upcoming ones have parts in 16mm film or 35mm?

    • Rex F

      January 27th, 2023 - 4:43pm

      Curse has some surviving 16mm, from the start of part one and the fight in the pit (saved by Terry Walsh).

    • Error_404

      January 27th, 2023 - 8:12pm

      I am delighted to know this, thanks Rex

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