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October 25th, 2024 861 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 25 Limited Edition Packaging

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With thanks to BBC Studios.

DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION – SEASON 25 available on Blu-ray

Doctor Who fans can continue to build their own home archive on Blu-ray with an eight-disc box set, starring Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.

The stories included are Remembrance of the Daleks, The Happiness Patrol, Silver Nemesis and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. The stories also feature Sophie Aldred who plays iconic 80s companion, Ace, who joins the Doctor to battle Daleks, Cybermen, the murderous Happiness Patrol and the evil forces of the Psychic Circus.

PLUS, fans can experience this season like never before, with brand new extended special editions of all four adventures, exclusive to this Blu-ray set.

The four Special Editions feature unseen footage, updated special effects, immersive surround sound, and surprises. All episodes have been newly remastered from available sources meaning these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 25 is also jam-packed with hours of new and exclusive material including:


  • Exclusive to Blu-ray, on the original broadcast versions of Remembrance of The Daleks,
    Silver Nemesis and The Greatest Show in The Galaxy.


  • New episodes with Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Bonnie Langford (Mel), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Dame Sheila Hancock (Helen A), Jessica Martin (Mags), Karen Gledhill (Allison) and Mark Hardy (Cyber-Lieutenant).


  • Three new episodes, with Sophie Aldred, script editor Andrew Cartmel and director Chris Clough.


  • A documentary looking back at the life and career of Dursley McLinden (Mike).


  • A rare vintage documentary from 1988, previously only available on VHS.


  • A version of the story originally released on VHS with extra footage.


  • A special cut-down feature-length version of this adventure, in the tradition of the 1970s Christmas repeats.


  • Host Emily Cook chats to Doctor Who collectors about their 1980s treasures.


  • Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred and Bonnie Langford attempt to escape the room of doom.


  • Sophie Aldred chats to Lesley Dunlop, her co-star from The Happiness Patrol who also appeared in the Fifth Doctor story Frontios (1984).


  • The practical effects genius looks back on his Season 25 work.


  • Hours of raw footage and outtakes captured during the making of all four stories.








This eight-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including documentaries, featurettes, audio commentaries and more.

The Collection: Season 25 will be released on 21st October 2024.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD



  • Gordon

    December 14th, 2024 - 1:01am

    In the dwm yearbook it’s mentioned that an in conversation with Sean Pertwee has been recorded. A clip from the conversation was shown on YouTube in 2019 for pertwee’s 100th birthday.

    I hear death to the daleks is being worked on but it’s said it’s not due out for a while. With how far ahead I suspect it’s getting some sort of special effects or edition. 2026 though that could all change. Considering how the written cliffhangers are out of place to timing I wouldn’t be too suprised if it got a reedit.

  • Prof Horner

    November 30th, 2024 - 1:32pm

    So do we think that when The War Games in colour is released on blu Ray it will have the original ten story be updated to blu ray as well? I was disappointed that when The Daleks in colour was released it just had the original DVD release version. The new colour version of The War Games has previously missing material on it. Maybe we can have this material on the original version on blu ray. Which would make me buy the blu ray release. I didn’t get The Daleks on blu ray because the original wasn’t updated. Plus I could still see The Daleks in colour on iPlayer, although it has now been removed. It will be interesting to see when The War Games in colour is released and if it is released before season 7.

    • Bob

      November 30th, 2024 - 4:49pm

      Yeah, I always found The Daleks in Colour lazy with how it just included a reprint of the 2006 DVD. The thing is The War Games’s DVD is already 3 discs bringing the total up to 4 which seems like a lot. I could see them including a new barebones disc that has nothing but the original episodes however I doubt they’ve remastered anything other than the essential for the colourisation. Maybe if they began work on The Collection Season 6 they could include the episodes in HD but I doubt it.

    • Walter Hardback

      December 1st, 2024 - 12:32am

      The “missing” material is the first film insert taken from original 16mm film instead of the film recording, so it’s a brief quality boost rather than seeing anything new. The film editor had accidentally kept his cutting copy after using it to apply for a job (you can hear him interviewed on the Radio Free Skaro podcast from September, at around 22.5 minutes in).

    • Auton

      December 1st, 2024 - 9:46am

      What scene is that, the episode 1 cliffhanger? Or when the Tardis first arrives?

    • Craig F

      December 1st, 2024 - 9:54am

      That’s interesting Walter
      So its like a duplicate negative print instead of a positive. Making a better quality HD print.
      How many episodes did he have or just fragments?

    • Robert Watkins

      December 1st, 2024 - 2:03pm

      How long in length is the film insert?

    • Craig F

      December 1st, 2024 - 2:31pm

      Robert it seams that all the 16mm outside broadcast footage was duplicated by the film editor Chris Hayden.
      I think it would be a single 16mm real he had covering the 10 episodes.
      A good guide would be on the DVD extra now & then.

    • Walter Hardback

      December 1st, 2024 - 5:30pm

      It’s only the opening film insert – the first bit of film played into studio (the Tardis arriving up to the first studio shot). As a cutting copy, it won’t be the most beautifully produced positive print but should look nicer than what we had before – if you have Invasion of the Dinos on DVD, look at the film inserts on the b/w part 1 (also from a cleaned up cutting copy).

    • Craig F

      December 1st, 2024 - 11:34pm

      Ah I see Walter thanks for the update, still anything is an improvement

  • Basil Funkenstein

    November 27th, 2024 - 12:23am

    I can see 21 or 16 being after Season 7.

    I’m completely happy to wait longer for Season 1 and Seasons 3-6 if it means we can fill in as many gaps as possible with animations and also for the work on the quality of the sets to be maintained to the same standard, or higher than, it usually is.

    As long as we get a really good telesnap reconstruction of Marco Polo I’m happy to get Season 1 first out of the 5 B&W 60’s sets remaining. Going from Season 1 to Season 2 would be pretty cool and I haven’t seen anything from Season 1 in a looooooong time.

    I’ll also be happy getting Seasons 3-6 at the end of the collection range because of the reasons stated above. I just want the same care and attention to be upheld with the final 10 sets the same as the 16 sets we already have. Fingers crossed for a Wilderness Years set and I am holding out hope that after the WY set we will get NuWho in limited edition sets.

    • Basil Funkenstein

      November 27th, 2024 - 12:29am

      In theory it could go:

      7, 21, 16, 1, 11, 13 and then Seasons 3-6


      7, 16, 21, 1, 11, 13 and then Seasons 3-6

      Or 11 could be released before 1 but personally I see 1 coming before 11 and 13. I genuinely believe 13 will be the final Tom set but might not necessarily be the last Season to be released in the collection.

    • Prowl 1701

      November 27th, 2024 - 7:13pm

      I’d also be fine getting season 1 before any Troughtons if the restoration work on it is ready to go.

    • Basil Funkenstein

      November 28th, 2024 - 7:14am

      I completely agree @Prowl 1701.

      As long as the 60’s sets get the same level of care and attention in the restoration as the other sets do then I will be very happy getting Season 1 before a Troughton set.

    • Bob

      November 28th, 2024 - 12:07pm

      My biggest disappointment with Season 2’s boxset was the lack of new updated effects, The Chase was practically begging for an update. At least with Season 1 and 6, they could just transfer over the new effects from the colourisations of The Daleks and The War Games to their original unabridged versions.

    • Matt L

      November 28th, 2024 - 5:36pm

      Does everyone think we will get a trailer for season 7 in december or january now?

    • Tom Williams

      November 28th, 2024 - 11:03pm

      Has too be January as season 2 is out December first as standard form same as if war games comes out as steel-book we should know the announcement after it’s been aired in colour etc

  • Craig F

    November 25th, 2024 - 11:08pm

    Tomb of the cybermen possibly due next in colour?
    Not sure if this is true or not, if so as a 4 part story it would be great if coloured in full.
    Otherwise we might only get a 60 minute version or whatever RTD sees fit to edit.

    • Babelbro

      November 26th, 2024 - 12:25am

      It’ll be edited down to ‘Night of The Doctor’ length of 6 minutes 49 seconds

    • Walter Hardback

      November 26th, 2024 - 8:56am

      Have they confirmed a third one yet?

    • Rob

      November 27th, 2024 - 10:20pm

      Depends if BBC4 want one each Christmas I suppose?

    • Bob

      November 28th, 2024 - 12:38pm

      I mean Russell T Davies has implied these were going to be a long time thing however The Daleks in Colour got a very mixed reception and the response to The War Games in Colour on this website was so bad that the post had to be taken down. I guess like all media, it depends on if the audience is big enough.

    • Prof Horner

      November 28th, 2024 - 1:51pm

      @Bob, I don’t think it was taken down because of negative comments about the colorizing of The War Games. It was more to do with nasty comments about Nu Who and politics in general. Which has no place on this site. We can agree to disagree on all things Who, we all have are favorites and not so favorites. But let’s keep it civil. I am looking forward to watching The War Games in colour, as I remember watching back 1969. I am also looking forward to Season 7 on blu ray very soon. I remember being scared witless by season 7 when it was shown in 1970 !

    • booboo

      November 28th, 2024 - 1:59pm

      That’s exactly right, to fair most comments were fine but once the anti nu who / rtd comment came in the flood gates opened, well and truly.

  • Prof Horner

    November 25th, 2024 - 11:41am

    It seems to me that the next animation could have a big bearing on what the first Troughton season on Blu ray boxset will be. If say The Smugglers is released in the spring. Then season 4 could be released in autumn 2026, as it seems unlikely that The Highlanders is going to get animated and will it released with telesnaps. If it is The Wheel in Space, then it could be season 5 . Hopefully 2025 will see exciting releases in the classic Who range .

    • Bob

      November 25th, 2024 - 12:22pm

      I dunno, the problem with The Highlanders was apparently that the sheer amount of kilts would’ve been too hard to animate in 2D so I could see it being done with 3D animation now. I remember The Web of Fear’s making of documentary teasing a lot of once thought impossible to animate stories. I wasn’t excited at the time since I did not enjoy The Web of Fear’s animation however I really enjoyed The Celestial Toymaker and am further excited for future stories done in the same style.

    • daz

      November 25th, 2024 - 2:57pm

      They could always not complete Wheel with animation and release Season 5 as the first 2nd Doctor Collection.

      Be a shame to not do Wheel in full but it could easily be released after Season 7.

    • SVH

      November 25th, 2024 - 4:51pm

      I have to admit, I wasn’t interested in the colourised The Daleks and I’m not interested in the colourised War Games either.

      Both The Daleks and The War Games are 10/10 classic Who stories and I adore them, but I’ve never had any interest in colorising Black & White and never will.

      But I guess I’m in a minority and that’s cool – some people like and want this stuff and I hope they enjoy them and they do well with the non-Classic Who fans. It’s good that Classic who is being seen by a larger audience and that can be nothing but good for the show!

    • SVH

      November 25th, 2024 - 4:53pm

      Apologies – I posted that comment about the colorised War Games in the wrong section. Ignore me! 🙂

    • Craig F

      November 25th, 2024 - 6:00pm

      Not at all SVH I agree in part the colouring process was too a high standard.
      For me the problem was the editing off it.
      If they could use the same colouring process on Ambassadors & invasion of the dinosaurs then that would be perfect.

    • Robert Watkins

      November 25th, 2024 - 10:11pm

      War Games something for us classic fans who no longer enjoy the tweeness of Nu Who

    • Robert Watkins

      November 25th, 2024 - 10:11pm

      War Games something for us classic fans who no longer enjoy the tweeness of Nu Who

    • scotel

      November 25th, 2024 - 10:38pm

      It has been used for some Pertwee stories (obviously slightly different process as they have some colour to work with). I know some of the people who worked on The Daleks had previously been involved with restoring The Daemons for the Season 8 set.

    • Gordon

      November 26th, 2024 - 9:53am

      I’m not ruling out the possibility that the next animation is a season 3 story

      People need to bear in mind the colourisation of the daleks and war games are funded by bad wolf studios and the licence fee as it’s broadcast on bbc 4. The season 7 and11 sets are funded by the blu ray budgets and have nothing to do with the licence fee. Ambassadors and dinos will have a lot less resources and finances to work with.

      There was a suggestion that Richard bignell had said work on season 1 and 6 hadn’t begun. However he has said today that season 6 hasn’t even been started as of today. He also said “I don’t think I’ve said anything about Season 1” we can probably take season 6 off the board for a while. However the comment about season 1 could suggest at least something of season 1 has been worked on. I mean he didn’t deny it.

      Also Chris chapman has said he recently worked with John leeson on something. Might not be season 16. I mean it could be a tribute to someone or heck even b7 series 2 (he did guest star in 1 ep)

    • Prowl 1701

      November 26th, 2024 - 3:05pm

      Season 1 makes sense as physical media rights for An Unearthly Child seem sorted going by the scuttlebutt I hear here. Really just leaves Marco Polo being the only issue and I don’t see it getting animated anytime in the near future.

  • Gordon

    November 23rd, 2024 - 11:13pm

    John Levine has said today he’s recorded an in conversation for s7. He also said that he thought it would be out next month. Might just be the announcement though. Also Toby hadoke has said on a recent Patreon stream that he recently recorded something for an animation though no specifics on what he’s doing or titles mentioned

    • Lewis James

      November 24th, 2024 - 3:46pm

      So do we think now with the news that the war games is being broadcast in colour next month that that’s why they’ve been holding off season 6 for so long & it will be put on season 6 release & it will be the second release next year after 7? Looking likely I think isn’t it?

    • Craig F

      November 24th, 2024 - 5:02pm

      That would explain the delay for season 6 but I think we will have a stand alone release first.
      As was the case with the Daleks, which would delay season 6 for at least 12 months.
      So I can see season 21 released after season 7.

    • Gordon

      November 24th, 2024 - 7:04pm

      Richard bignell has said that there is no delay to season 6. They just haven’t gotten round to it yet. I think to give the standalone war games release time out I can see it being either 21 a Tom or 1

    • 3RD DOCTOR

      November 24th, 2024 - 7:27pm

      The Colour release of the War Games and special regeneration into Jon Pertwee would tie in really well with the 55th Anniversary of Season 7 and the release of it on Blu Ray

    • Nb7

      November 24th, 2024 - 9:48pm

      Looking forward to this! Cheers Gordon.
      Does anyone know what happened to the War Games in colour article and thread ?

    • Walter Hardback

      November 25th, 2024 - 12:07am

      Nb7: It got far too silly (genuinely weird) and was zapped.

    • booboo

      November 25th, 2024 - 9:18am

      There were a few comments that got through that shouldn’t, cant be everywhere, and in the morning numerous moderated comments which thankfully no one saw containing foul language ,bullying, anti Jodie, Ncuti, anti RTD etc etc and total hostility towards others, the worst i have seen of late on here.

    • Nb7

      November 25th, 2024 - 11:52am

      Really that bad? Blimey. What a shame. We’ve all got opinions but being mean and cruel is totally out of order. But anyway, season 7, probably see you in March!

    • Tom Williams

      November 25th, 2024 - 4:47pm

      That’s unacceptable boo-boo for anyone too be so cruel towards everyone happy the right thing happened I hope as I said previous that season 7 is announced in January 🙂 can’t wait too fill the gap in season 2/8 at the moment as there is a empty steelbook case sitting on the shelf

  • Craig F

    November 23rd, 2024 - 4:05pm

    Looking at other classic BBC sci-fiction/drama for a blu ray release, I should think that Terry Nations Survivors must be up & coming in the next year or two.
    With 4 main cast still alive we should get some interesting extras.
    Have you heard any whispers Gordon?

    • Gordon

      November 23rd, 2024 - 10:56pm

      Not heard anything but it seems like the obvious thing to do after Blake 7.

    • Harold Shand

      November 28th, 2024 - 7:35am

      Personally I can’t see it being a big seller. I would like it, but I can’t see it, maybe season 1 will be tried as a trial with very limited spend.

      DW and B7 have good fanbases but I truly think Survivors is niche.

      Hope I am wrong

      The BBC DVD boxset contains all 3 series and retailed at £30, does anyone have an idea how well it sold?

    • Savo79

      November 28th, 2024 - 10:01am

      Quatermass could work, first is partly missing but there was a live remake in the 2000s, the pit was already released on bluray, as was the fourth. Be even better if they could bundle the films in. If rights weren’t an issue. I liked star cops but that was niche, sapphire and steel but that’s itv, in a fantasy world hitchikers guide could be bundled with all the radio series animated.

  • James

    November 21st, 2024 - 7:04am

    Well today maybe the day we get an Announcement of something New. Either an animation or the collection. Or maybe 2 animations. If nothing today around 2pm maybe in 2 days time on Doctor Who Day {Saturday 23rd November). Fingers crossed…

    • Prof Horner

      November 21st, 2024 - 11:01am

      I am wondering if they may announce season 7 on January 3rd. Even more cool if they announced it at 5.15pm on that day. Exactly 55 years since episode 1of Spearhead from Space began transmission.

    • James

      November 21st, 2024 - 3:39pm

      Well nothing today. Maybe Saturday? Or maybe nothing until January. Shame.
      Be cool Prof. Be great to have Benton looking around the New Unit HQ. talking to Kate about her dad. Then weave War Between the Land and the Sea into it as a teaser. (silurians /sea devils)

    • D84

      November 22nd, 2024 - 11:15am

      Still time for something today, we have had announcements on a Friday before

      Although im not holding my breath

      We’ll see i guess

    • Auton

      November 22nd, 2024 - 11:40am

      I love that as Doctor Who fans we seem to always be waiting for the next announcement. I for one can’t wait for Season 7 to get an official announcement. It will be interesting to see what the new special features will be especially as sadly so few of the people involved are still with us. Nice to see though that Christine Rawlins is still with us (She’s on the new Box of Delights Making-of) so perhaps she may get interviewed for the set due to her doing the costumes for the whole season

    • Prof Horner

      November 22nd, 2024 - 11:41am

      I think we have had it for any announcements on classic Who this year. Tomorrow will be all about Nu Who. I could be wrong, I hope so.

    • Walter Hardback

      November 22nd, 2024 - 3:06pm

      I’m hoping they can find/clear Pertwee talking through Spearhead, even if the quality is poor – it’s effectively an authentic Jon Pertwee audio commentary if it still survives! Otherwise they can get Adrian Youknowwho to do his Doris Stokes act again, like he did for his Doctors book and Kubrick interview.

    • James

      November 23rd, 2024 - 4:32pm

      Nothing today then. Roll on 2025

  • Babelbro

    November 19th, 2024 - 8:28pm

    @Rex F

    Just watched the Blu-ray version of Season 15’s ‘The Invasion of Time’.

    The scenes shot on film, in the ‘Interior’ of the Tardis look really uncanny valley, moreso when actors that should be out of focus in the distance are really sharpened up, giving that Aliens 4k style derpiness on the faces.

    Surely these film shots must have been ai upscaled dvd masters. Spearhead from Space’s Blu Ray is a ton more natural in comparison, which I believe definitely was a native film scan.

  • Bobby Fackrell

    November 17th, 2024 - 10:09pm

    Just watched the Chris Clough interview
    Matthew Sweet said ‘Delta and the Bannermen’ was one of his favourites
    He’s gone up in my ratings

    • Gordon

      November 17th, 2024 - 10:56pm

      It’s by far the most interesting and informative of the three interviews on the set. Sophie’s is good but I feel a lot of it has been covered through other interviews on power she has given. Andrew’s was fine but I didn’t feel I learned much new

  • Babelbro

    November 15th, 2024 - 4:25am

    Have just found another Season 25 Blu-ray picture comparison tweet by ‘ThePrydonian’;

    Clearly a lot of Ai DNR being applied. The patterning of Michael Sheard’s jacket on the left shoulder is a total blur, with blurring on his face, notably the forehead.

    There’s an earlier discussion on this below, but quickly gotten lost in the recent comments – my prior understanding was that the heavy Ai DNR was supposedly a fluke with Season 15’s YouTube trailer, but as it transpires this intense use of it goes as far back as Season 17’s Blu-ray release, with considerable detail from the 2013 dvd being totally lost and blurred out.

    Without the Restoration team’s website posting any Blu-ray related articles on their work there’s seemingly no official word on the reason for adding so much Ai DNR in the last three years of Blu-rays; I don’t suppose anyone in the know can elaborate on this?

    My only guess is that the higher Blu-ray bitrate is exposing more severe artefacts on these original filming tapes – but then again Season 15’s ‘The Horror of Fang Rock’ Blu-ray hasn’t disguised the newly noticeable diagonal ‘tubing’ line artefacts, so that theory’s a non starter.

    Just wondering if there’s been some higher up executive decision to James Cameron-ify these sets. Can’t really think of any other explanation for this intense filtering as it’s destroying so much original picture detail.

    • Rex F

      November 15th, 2024 - 6:32am

      Some people still think it’s the 90s when noise reduction was the magic cure-all (ask Paramount, who keep turning up the knob on their 4K titles). It’s just personal preference, and the BD noise reduction is handled by a different person to the DVDs, someone who I think has always been keener on taking out as much noise/grain as possible, even with the side effects.

    • Nb7

      November 15th, 2024 - 12:17pm

      From what I can tell it’s only used on the special edition versions. Using the deleted scenes which are of different quality to the rest of the stories so this feature makes it look more seamless.
      Same for season 15. It’s mainly noticeable on Fang Rock probably due to the new effects.

    • Bellal

      November 15th, 2024 - 1:01pm

      Still waiting for the standard editions so I haven’t seen any of this. Am perfectly happy with this being done to merge different qualities for the special editions, as long as the original is untouched. Better if ig makes ig more seamless I suppose

    • Rex F

      November 16th, 2024 - 3:06pm

      The deleted scenes on S25 should be better quality than the broadcasts, as they’re lower generation 1″ tape. I’ve only looked at Remembrance (both versions), but they likely rebuilt it, vfx aside, from those early generation copies. This is just someone trying to remove tape noise.

  • Bushboy

    November 12th, 2024 - 5:15am

    Hi everyone.
    Can anyone tell me, has the VHS edit of Silver Nemesis had any restoration for this set or is it literally as it would have looked on VHS?

    • DPHill

      November 12th, 2024 - 11:41am

      It’s as it would have looked back then

  • Scott Cummins

    November 12th, 2024 - 1:44am

    Whatever happened to the USA release of this Blu-Ray? BBC Shop had it listed I believe for December but it is not shown at all now and Amazon no longer list it.

    • JRT!

      November 12th, 2024 - 11:54am

      Amazon still has it but also say it won’t play on most US players. $68 or something.

  • Andy Dodds

    November 9th, 2024 - 3:53pm

    Yes this Box Set is amazing takes me back as I remember when we only had the 1 TV in the house, i would have been about 11, Remembrance Of The Daleks, it was on a Wednesday at 7:35pm around the same time as Coronation Street, which I forced my mam, to record her corrie, because I want to watch the New Series of Doctor Who as the Daleks are back. My mam agreed because she liked the Daleks, and wow after the 1st episode we were stunned when the white Dalek started hovering up the stairs what a cliffhanger, we had to wait a week to see what would happen for the next 4 weeks. Not like today where the with i-player we are spoiled for choice.

    As with the animations, these articles were in the Radio Times and The Mirror.

    This article is from the Radio Times.

    The two stories that will be getting the animation treatment in 2025 are William Hartnell’s penultimate story The Smugglers, and Patrick Troughton’s adventure, The Wheel In Space Both four-part and six-part stories were originally transmitted by the BBC before film prints were sold overseas and the original tapes were destroyed.

    Than there’s another article in The Daily Mirror they saying, that several stories from the classic series to be getting the animation treatment from the first Doctor William Hartnell and the Second Doctor Patrick Troughton all of which were originally broadcasted by the BBC before film prints were sold in other countries and the original tapes were destroyed in the 1970’s. They were destroyed because the BBC made the decision that they were just old black and white recordings nobody wants them now since the launch of Colour TV.

    These are just rumours but I can believe that we may get The Smugglers that was announced last year when we were got The Underwater Menace, but instead we got The Celestial Toymaker earlier this year. So let’s hope if it’s true we get announcement soon. But just keep in mind the Mirror in 2013 said that every lost episodes had been found, which made a lot of noise to force the announcement that 11 missing episodes as we know was 9 because 2 were duplicates from the Web Of Fear and The Enemy Of The World.

    So if anybody else has read those articles it might have leaked to force an announcement on those soon.

    But I do believe that they are going to continue with the animations it must take some time for them to do which is probably why we only get 1 or 2 a year. So just maybe there is some truth in it that we might get 1 in early 2025 with a collection season in the spring.

    So my predictions for the next year.

    2024 Christmas Special, Jan/Feb
    Animation might be The Smugglers, Feb/Mar
    Collection most likely Pertwee season 7, or 11, Apr/May
    Collection Standard Season 9 May/June
    Animation might be The Wheel In Space, June/July
    Season 2, 2024 Aug
    The Collection most likely Davison, season 21, Baker season 13 or 16, or Hartnell Season 1, Oct
    Collection Standard Season 20, Dec

    So am just as a fan hoping that what ave read and my predictions are right, fingers crossed.

    • SV7

      November 9th, 2024 - 5:15pm

      Do you mean the article about the animations in current? Have you got a link? Just did a quick Google search but couldn’t find anything.

    • James

      November 9th, 2024 - 7:00pm

      Hi. Cant find anything on Daily Mirror ot Radio Times online about these 2 stories.
      Do you have a link?

    • scotel

      November 9th, 2024 - 8:09pm

      I’m not able to find anything online, is this in print?

      Based on what you are saying about the Mirror I’m going to guess this is another Nicola Methven leak. So we know what information they get right and what they get wrong and read from that what’s probably going to happen.

      These will be the next two BBC Studios animations: so we’ll get The Smugglers in 2025 and we can probably expect The Wheel in Space in 2026 (same way they said we were getting The Underwater Menace and The Smugglers in 2023, it’s just the date for the first release and not both of them). We know that the BBC Studios team have been fighting to get The Wheel in Space done so this was only a matter of time.

      Also worth noting the Mirror doesn’t have a source with Shapeshift Studios, so this has nothing to do with what’s going on over there.

    • Gordon

      November 10th, 2024 - 12:35am

      The only mention about wheel in space being animated I found was back in 2018 and that was crossed wires with the minisode that was only ever seen as a test pitch

    • Andy Dodds

      November 10th, 2024 - 3:30pm

      I think these are just rumours, the press are never always right, the Mirror the article was really small it was last weekend, about them saying several stories to be animated, most likely to be a farce.

      But than the Radio Times leaked this week that I believe we might get The Smugglers next year, as far The Wheel In Space maybe as this is the only story to complete season 5, so just maybe we going to get The Collection Season 5, at the end of next year.

      Unless we get an official announcement that these are going ahead I wouldn’t believe the press as they will print anything or mislead by making a song and dance about that might not be true. The Smugglers yes maybe as it was announced last year but we got The Celestial Toymaker earlier this year. and The Smugglers was put back for whatever reason. As this Story has been rumoured for sometime than there’s rumours that the Original Episodes have been found and odd clips in colour on YouTube. But until we get an official announcement in the next issue of Doctor Who Magazine, or from this site than I believe it to be just rumours.

    • scotel

      November 10th, 2024 - 6:03pm

      The problem is there’s nothing online, not even a photo of these articles being shared on Twitter. So not only is it a rumour, it’s a rumour of a rumour from an only partially reliable source.

      The Mirror have a good track record for getting the animations right, but have not the best track record when it comes to reporting on release dates (I’d guess “two animations next year” is a better headline than “one next year and one the year after that”). If they say The Smugglers and The Wheel in Space are coming in 2025, expect The Smugglers in 2025 and The Wheel in Space in 2026 (and push that Season 5 set back to 2027 at least). The animations take over a year to make so they aren’t dropping them on top of each other. Obviously this all assumes the report actually happened as we only have your word for it.

    • RobW

      November 12th, 2024 - 1:53pm

      The Wheel in Space rumour has been floating around since Britbox released it and a listing appeared on Amazon for a release around about that time as well. Then Rob and Anne-Marie’s mini episode and now Izzy Skinner project which has been turned down by the BBC.

    • Gordon

      November 12th, 2024 - 4:01pm

      Where is this radio times article from this week that mentioned smugglers and wheel for next year? I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t see anything on it.

    • James

      November 12th, 2024 - 6:34pm

      Cant see anything anywhere either Gordon. Last daily mirror was jan/feb 2023 about underwater menace /smugglers. Nothing since anyhwere

    • James

      November 12th, 2024 - 6:35pm

      Unless its been retracted by the BBC after it was reported online. Like they did to the edit of Graham Norton show with Ncuti the other week.

    • Andy Dodds

      November 12th, 2024 - 7:04pm

      I wish I still had the paper and magazine to back up this information it was a few weeks ago now as the articles were that small print. But am just taking this as a pinch of salt as this is just rumours. But than ave just been shopping on Amazon. I’ve never noticed this before The Wheel In Space on DVD but currently out of stock have I missed something there, or is there some truth in the rumours.

    • scotel

      November 12th, 2024 - 8:23pm

      The Wheel in Space DVD has been confirmed to be a cancelled physical release of the Britbox recon (also now available on the iPlayer). It had nothing to do with an animation (which is why its been up for years with nothing happening).

    • James

      November 12th, 2024 - 9:11pm

      Got Readly app.scrolled back through Radio Times and Daily Mirror and cannot find anything. Only thing was Daily Mirror fron 3rd Jan which mentioned The Smugglers along with Underwater Menace.
      Nothing in Radio Times

    • Bellal

      November 19th, 2024 - 3:14pm

      Hoping the next animation announcement is this Thursday, the 21st. It is Doctor Who day on Saturday, fingers crossed !

  • Babelbro

    November 9th, 2024 - 4:21am

    My Twitter feed’s been bombarded with 1:1 screenshots from Remembrance of the Daleks dvd/Blu-ray. Hoping someone in the know can confirm this but visually it looks as if a ton of ai DNR’s been applied to the new Blu-ray, while the dvd has more original detail and camera noise.

    I remember this DNR being an issue with Season 15’s YouTube trailer, wherby actor’s skin would blend nto their clothes, and shadows on their faces turned into deep cuts. According to the Twitter post they’ve described the skin-clothes blending as being a noticeable issue with the ai.

    I’m in two minds about this; one, I appreciate that each reel of video / film from Classic Who is being painstakingly reframed, colour corrected, transferred to a higher bitrate, often the original reels available being rescanned and cleaned – all of that I am in favor of with The Collection sets.

    What I don’t understand is why you would then risk that picture quality by essentially throwing ai filters on top of sd footage that technically most modern TVs will digitally upscale to the preference of the consumer sitting at home. Instead you’ve got someone in charge of these ai filters making an executive decision on how much to turn the dial up on top of all the hard work that’s taken place on that footage prior.

    It is making me partially regret having sold many of my dvds to fund the Collection – but unless I’m wrong, ai DNR hasn’t had a serious role in the restorations of these sets until the Season 15 promo fiasco.

    I get it if say, a special edition of The Happiness Patrol’s director requests DNR to help blend the original footage with the modern cgi and vfx, because a special edition in 2024 is an entirely new medium in my view. However the original broadcast edit should remain as close to how it went out – and, to my mind, The Collection range’s 2018 usp being that they could get closer than the dvds could before was what originally convinced me to follow this range.

    I’m sure this may not put off many consumers on this forum because it can be argued that it’s a subtle subjective improvement – but for the first time it really shocked me checking my dvd from 2002 and noticing visually more detail on screen than that of a 2024 Blu-ray.

    • Rex F

      November 13th, 2024 - 1:41am

      I’ve been unhappy for a while. I quickly noticed that the SD Shada on S17 (DVD version rebuild of the JNT edit) had more detail and less smear than the studio material in the HD/animated version on the same set. Then I didn’t even watch a full Season 2 episode, after returning to buying the sets, because the noise reduction was so OTT – there was some great new repair work on The Time Meddler, which was then spoilt by dialing the filtering up to 11 for digi smear-o-vision (to say nothing about the new version of the titles film, which meant my first experience with the set was softness, smear and posterisation). It killed my enthusiasm.

      But we’re in a minority, as you say, so on they go. I did pick up S25 for the studio material though, so I’ll take a look at the episodes and see what’s going on – although I have a feeling that it will be argued that the upscaled DVD screengrabs have an added sharpness via the algorithm used, which gives the illusion of having more detail (I’d disagree myself). Monty Python on Blu was the same, with various little errors too, but no one cared. Noise and grain are evil, but smear and softness are not, apparently.

    • Babelbro

      November 13th, 2024 - 7:32am

      @Rex F – I’m not sure how this forum works or if you’ll get a notification from my reply but here goes;

      Luckily I still kept my 2013 Shada dvd, and out of sheer worry decided to put the disc in and take a 1:1 screenshot of a static frame. I then put my Season 17 Blu-ray Shada disc in and found the exact frame again, and compared – keeping in mind of course a dvd’s a much smaller resolution of 576 pixels, heavy compression etc.

      Oh… my… word! The Blu-ray’s worse! (as you explained)

      The Blu-ray’s really badly blurry and cakey-soft in comparison, I actually cannot believe it.

      Now with Season 2’s Blu-ray, admittedly on first watch through I genuinely didn’t feel as if anything visually was an issue, save for the pixelling in the intros – but more fool me thinking that was an issue with my computer monitor;

      No, what I’ve just decided to do is load up The Dalek Invasion of Earth (World’s End) on BBC iPlayer (which I’m guessing is either a Vhs master or the 2004 dvd, so an already tiny resolution, scaled down again from 576 to 540 pixels according to my web browser, though bitrate I’m guessing will be more than better than dvd) – I then popped the latest Blu-ray corresponding episode in, went to the time of 3 minutes 55 seconds, and compared the screen grabs –

      Just wow… the iPlayer copy from 20+ years ago is… clearer? sharper? There’s more details in the darker / lighter tones? What the heck’s going on?!

      Maybe my brain’s fried a bit because I’m doing this between 6am-7am first thing in the Morning but… I personally feel like a total idiot for not noticing all this before? (I was able to notice the frame blending glitches in the 2009 Specials Blu-ray back in the day as I’m really Ocd with this kind of stuff).

      Again, maybe none of this picture difference is relevant to most consumers of The Collection range, and yes – where there’s source film reel-scenes for stories like ‘Castrovalva’, or ‘The Five Doctors’, it can look gorgeous, but aside from that – my word. I wish I’d taken the time to do this comparison a long time ago.

      Of course the extra features, documentaries and interviews on The Collection are still absolute gold dust as a Doctor Who fan – but for the main content on these boxsets, in terms of the actual picture quality of the main episodes alone – I am today feeling really gutted for selling my dvd range to help myself to afford the sets. I wish I were in a position to have kept both now, though for now at least I have iPlayer to fall back on.

      It’s like when I do this direct comparison, I actually find the Blu-ray ‘blurring’ of the footage to be really offputting – the early dvd’s and iPlayer dvd-vhs versions are much easier on the eyes. I can’t believe I’m saying this.

      Yeah just going to have to take this newly found information in really. Lots to think on. I’m shocked.

  • Basil Funkenstein

    November 5th, 2024 - 8:34pm

    Predictions based on pure speculation.

    2025 – Seasons 7 and 21
    2026 – Season 6 and either Wilderness Years or 16
    2027 – Seasons 11 and 5
    2028 – Wilderness Years or 16 and either 1 or 4
    2029 – Seasons 1 or 4 and 13
    2030 – Season 3

    • SVH

      November 6th, 2024 - 12:41pm

      I highly doubt any Wilderness Years box set will be released before all seasons have been released first.

    • Gordon

      November 6th, 2024 - 2:20pm

      I can see a slight possibility of putting it out in 2026 to time it with the 30th of the tv movie but as i definetly see it being used to mop up extras at the end I can see it being left till last or nearby last. It really needs to be put in production now or relativity soon if it’s out for may 2026 but as there has been no indication that it’s in production I’m not sure there is time. There definitely seems to be plans though. The 80s collectors documentary on s25 seems to hint for a future instalment covering 90s merch. Considering its a newly produced piece if there wasn’t plans to do one I doubt they would have mentioned any hints to future instalments

    • SVH

      November 6th, 2024 - 3:53pm

      @Gordon – All good points. But I wasn’t implying that they wouldn’t do one (as you pointed out, the Collectors Docs seem to point to a potential 90s one), just that it was highly unlikely to be released before all, or almost all, seasons were released first.

    • Basil Funkenstein

      November 6th, 2024 - 10:29pm

      @SVH you’ll note I said “either Wilderness Years or 16” in 2026. They could release 16 in ’26 and Wilderness in ’28.

      With all the work left to do on Seasons 1, 3, and 4 I can see these being left til the very end and Season 13 makes sense to me as the final 4th Doctor set.

    • Gordon

      November 7th, 2024 - 1:49am

      There is definitely a few ways the releases can go to the end of the range. Firstly and most likely is a mix of colour and black and white. this is how roughly I would guess the next releases will go:


      season 7 (it’s an open secret at this point), 6 then 21 (potentially either order) then a tom (16) then a Hartnell (1) then a troughton (5) then 11 then 13 then 4 and 3 with wilderness to finish off. I do think 5 and 6 could swap release order as well as both remaining toms. Wilderness years could also be any one of the last 3. There is definitely room to switch things around if need be.

      Secondly they could leave the black and white till last: Though I expect they won’t do this I suspect this would be roughly the running order


      Potentially wilderness years could get released at any time after 13 if they want to not have 2 of the same doctors 1 after the other.

      Thirdly they could always leave a complete season till the end. Either 11 or 13 I would guess if they were to do it. 13 as it’s a well regarded season or 11 to bring the collection full circle and end with the Tom regeneration as the range started with Tom newly regenerated. I also think this is a possibility if they don’t want to end things on season 3 or a wilderness set. Maybe something like this:


      The animation range could also play a part in the running order of the black and white seasons. If say Marco Polo, wheel in space or space pirates were to be animated the release order for the Hartnell or troughtons could easily get swapped around with either season 1, 5 or 6 get pushed to later on if need be.

    • Lee

      November 7th, 2024 - 5:45am

      I seriously hope 13 isn’t held back too long. IMO season 13 is the best Who ever made, containing the best Who story ever written. (Pyramids of Mars)
      I’ve been waiting for it since the range started in 2018!

    • Prof Horner

      November 7th, 2024 - 11:50am

      Well as always your reasoning is sound Gordon. I still worry what sort of boxset season 3 will be. It is clear that we are not going to get another animation is year. Slowing the process down. I still also think a season 3 without Daleks Master Plan will be a big let down and leave a big hole in it. I expect announcement for season 7 in January with the usual Pertwee March release. With a 6 or 21 release in the autumn.

    • Gordon

      November 7th, 2024 - 1:15pm

      Season 3 is a good 4-5 years away. It might be in a completely different state than what it is now.

    • Rory

      November 7th, 2024 - 3:42pm

      If the next animation is Smugglers or Savages, that would plug another gap in either S3 or 4. Smugglers would make S4 viable with only a recon of Highlanders.

      I’d love for the next Shapeshifter animation to be Myth Makers to plug another gap in S3. As I’ve said before, I think the nature of the story encourages a more stylised approach.

    • daz

      November 7th, 2024 - 5:48pm

      I see The Myth Makers, The Massacre and The Savages all being animated before we see Season 3.

      Yes it will be a shame not to get Master Plan done but at least we have some surviving episodes.

      I expect The Smugglers to be done for Season 4 in time for its collection inclusion too.

    • D84

      November 7th, 2024 - 8:21pm

      We must be getting close to a new Animation announcement by now?

      We know there were 2 titles being worked on by the BBC Studios team didn’t we? And we’ve only had UWM which came out well over a year ago.

      Plus obvs Toymaker but that was by a different team

    • D84

      November 7th, 2024 - 8:23pm

      Although – we were also teased of further colourised episodes weren’t we?

      Any rumours on that front?

    • Prof Horner

      November 7th, 2024 - 9:38pm

      @D84. I think the next colourised serial will be Tomb of the Cybermen. Don’t know that for a fact , just my opinion. If so, I wonder if they will get Nick Briggs to do new Cybermen voices. As the ones are in Tomb are not always easy to understand.

    • Gordon

      November 7th, 2024 - 10:30pm

      If we can get savages and myth makers out the way it just would leave recons for masterplan and massacre. Mission could use the uclan remake visually and the soundtrack could get reworked to fit. There is an attempt on dailymotion which isn’t that bad.

      There has been a lot of rumours about a colourised tomb being in the works floating round which does make a lot of sense. War games also mentioned but has been denied. There is definitely one in the works though. Mark ayres said recently at a convention that he was working the audio for one colourisation amongst other doctor who projects.

    • scotel

      November 7th, 2024 - 10:52pm

      The only information on colourised episodes has come from Benjamin Cook, that its 75 minutes again, that it’s not The War Games (despite the Mirror’s claims) and that more information is coming soon.

      Rumours have been pretty much non-existent other than the Mirror’s debunked article.

    • Prowl 1701

      November 8th, 2024 - 5:02am

      I suspect we will get some kind of who related announcement on the 23rd or around then, as a way to celebrate the shows birthday.

    • D84

      November 8th, 2024 - 10:21am

      Ah yes of course, “Doctor Who Day” makes sense

      I would suspect something coming out (news) on Thursday 21st / Friday 22nd in that case

      Wait and see i guess

    • Duncan

      November 16th, 2024 - 2:29pm

      Is this Wilderness years release even definite ? Sounds very niche. Ill buy all the others but have zero interest in a WY. Obviously thats just me.

    • Rex F

      November 16th, 2024 - 3:09pm

      Duncan: Strongly rumoured, because of what the disc producers want to do and certain extra features being held back for what could only be a wilderness set.

    • daz

      November 16th, 2024 - 5:34pm

      I hope they do the wilderness years. Everything they can include from 1990 to 2005. And of course McGann on the cover.

      I do collect the sets for more than just the story/episodes though. I can see them interviewing RTD too.

      I expect it to be cheaper than the other sets. Unless they add Dimensions in Time and The Curse of Fatal Death, with a few quid of each sale going to Children in Need and Comic Relief.

  • The Time Lord 1944

    November 4th, 2024 - 6:10pm

    Just watched the Silver Nemesis special edition. Can anyone tell me were the Cybermat sequences filmed in 1988 or did the Special Edition team film that sequence to insert the Cybermats into the story?

    • scotel

      November 4th, 2024 - 11:09pm

      It’s newly filmed based on a scene that wasn’t produced. A prop was made at the time but nothing went before the cameras

    • Timelord1944

      November 5th, 2024 - 8:57am

      Thank you.

  • Pipkin

    November 3rd, 2024 - 12:18am

    Im thinking that the next 4 boxsets will tie in with those escape rooms. So at a guess season 7 with katy manning and co, then the fifth doctor team for 21 and then 5 or 6 with the Frazer hines escape team.

    • Neill Stringer

      November 3rd, 2024 - 10:19am

      I take it season 21 would also have to have the sixth Doctor team also

    • Matt L

      November 3rd, 2024 - 1:48pm

      When do you think we might get a trailer for season 7?

    • daz

      November 3rd, 2024 - 4:15pm

      I imagine it’ll be January with a March release date

    • Tom Williams

      November 3rd, 2024 - 4:49pm

      I agree January would be more ideal as especially it would be 55 years old for spear head episodes

    • Gordon

      November 4th, 2024 - 12:34am

      For what I gather they are trying to whenever possible to pair the escape rooms on a story that fits in thematically. Think out of all the pertwee stories to pair it with it makes most sense with death to the daleks with the mazes so maybe season 11 for the 3rd doctor though it could pretty much go on either 7 or 11. The most likely story to pair the 2nd one is mind robber with the fiction theme. 4th doctor could be pyramid of mars perhaps seeing as there is a maze element to part 4. It could also go on any future animation as well 4 and 5. 5th and 6 teams have to go on season 21. There is pretty much nowhere else. 6 is obviously twin dilemma 5 could potentially go on any of those remaining season 21 5th doctor stories but i suspect it will be the awakening as the discs will probably have more room for it.

    • Matt L

      November 5th, 2024 - 10:53am

      Do you think we will get season 21 or finally season 6 next year after season 7 in 2025 if they stick to 2 per financial year?

    • SVH

      November 5th, 2024 - 12:06pm

      Matt L: My guess would be S7 and S21 in 2025, followed by S6 and S13 (or 13 first, then 6) in 2026.

  • Tucker

    November 2nd, 2024 - 8:19pm

    I enjoyed the Special Editions of Remeberance of the Daleks and The Greatest Shown in the Galaxy, nice to see the VHS Version of Silver Nemesis as an option and the Dursley McLinden documentary was very moving and poignant. I hope season 7 is next as I am a big fan of the Pertwee era and this season. I think Spearhead from Space won’t require much work, neither probably will Inferno following the Special Edition hybrid of B&W 16mm and NTSC colour signal. Keen to see if The Silurians can be improved, noted the comments on here of Richard Russell’s Colour Recovery Group working on 5 of the 7 episodes (I believe Gordon who posted this). Also whether the colour recovered Ambassadors of Death can be tweaked or enhanced any?

  • Prof Horner

    November 2nd, 2024 - 5:07pm

    I am starting to wonder if we may get season 5 sooner rather than later. I mean we need a Troughton season and given most of season 5 is animation or in the case of Web already released on Blu ray, it shouldn’t need much work. Season 7 seems to be favorite for next for release and season 21 seems likely next year too. Maybe they could slip in 5 also. We need another sixties season otherwise they will be all coming out at the end of the range although I would prefer season 6 which I think is a better season , I would be happy to see a Troughton season at last .

  • Gio

    November 2nd, 2024 - 11:23am

    Anyone notice you can only watch the greatest show in the galaxy updated effects for ep2 and 4 on play all as episode menu only shows special edition choice for eps 1 and 3? Can’t see an option in the special features to choose updated special effects either. Wonder if this was intentional or an authoring error?

  • Craig F

    November 1st, 2024 - 7:26pm

    Having problems with disc 4 freezes in places & skips a second or 2.
    tried on different players with same fault.
    Anyone else having any issues with the set?

    • Robert W

      November 2nd, 2024 - 10:13am

      For this first time ever with any discs my Samsung player is taking a few goes at playing the discs, I’m not sure if this is due to the age of the player as it is an older 3D disc player. Will need to try another disc from an earlier collection to check I think

    • Timelord1944

      November 2nd, 2024 - 10:51am

      Someone else had a problem with disc 4 freezing on a Trevor Sigma scene. My disc 2 took about 5 attempts to load. On checking the discs they seem to have small defects, scratches or blemishes that may be effecting playback. Poor quality control on this set I think. I don’t think it’s an issue with the content. I think it’s disc quality and quality control.

    • Craig F

      November 2nd, 2024 - 4:07pm

      My replacement box set arrived today from Amazon, all discs tested fine & no faults on disc 4.
      So putting it down to a quality control issue!
      Good Service next day replacement from Amazon!

  • Bob

    November 1st, 2024 - 6:53pm

    They’ve definitely started using AI upscaling with these sets now although I only noticed it in the opening titles so maybe that’s the extent of it. Sylvester’s eyes look kind of weird now and the logo seems sharper. The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’s titles still look normal strangely. I hope they don’t go further with future releases, it just looks too uncanny for my liking, at least with the results currently possible.

    • DanielM

      November 2nd, 2024 - 3:31am

      The Titles upscale you are mentioning was only done for the Special Editions of the first 3 Stories on this Set. The TV Versions are fine.

    • Nb7

      November 14th, 2024 - 11:48am

      The AI up scaling is just for the special editions as they’ve included the deleted scenes which are of different quality so it’s more seamless.

  • Prof Horner

    November 1st, 2024 - 5:17pm

    So what do we all think about Terror of the Zygons been removed from iPlayer?

    • daz

      November 1st, 2024 - 5:36pm

      Seeds of Doom too.

      Looks like they only agreed a years deal for the streaming rights.

      Be interesting to see if it does return. Most likely this will be determined if the BBC are still getting enough viewers watching classic who on iplayer.

    • Auton

      November 1st, 2024 - 5:50pm

      I hope this won’t affect Season 13, I know zygon and Krynoid stories were removed from Big Finish a while back then returned after the brought the rights again. Something to do with the Robert Banks Stewart estate

    • Prowl1701

      November 1st, 2024 - 6:33pm

      Wasn’t seeds of doom removed as well? Aren’t they written by the same person? An issue with his estate?

    • Tom Williams

      November 1st, 2024 - 7:09pm

      Im glad then if its the case i have them on dvd as never watched them yet especially when they removed fear her aswell for series 2 :/

    • Craig F

      November 1st, 2024 - 7:40pm

      Maybe season 13 will be released sooner than we think.

    • Richard

      November 1st, 2024 - 7:47pm

      Looks like the black & white seasons will be last. Not sure how well they would sell, also those with mostly animated stories. I am really looking forward to Season 7 and 13 being released. I feel they have left the best until last with 25 and 7, 13

    • Prof Horner

      November 1st, 2024 - 8:05pm

      Yes I see Seeds of Doom has gone too. Both stories by Robert Banks Stewart. Any reason why this is, do we think?

    • Craig F

      November 1st, 2024 - 8:23pm

      If we do get season 13 sooner than we think, I hope they re do the effects in Terror of the zygons for the Skarasen.
      Even Philip Hinchcliffe said he under used it because it was poor.
      So if re done to script we could see a lot more of it.
      Also Invasion of the dinosaurs is getting similar effects re-done, so could be done at the same time.

    • 4th Doctor

      November 1st, 2024 - 11:22pm

      Two of the Best stories from the best era and a huge Phillip H interview coming up in the magazine maybe the amazing Season 13 is arriving sooner than we think

    • Tom Williams

      November 2nd, 2024 - 12:13am

      That would be surprising too see 13 instead but I just looked back and 7 with spear head would be 55 years old if it is announced in January 2025 which would fit in then 13 as the next set after around Aug/Sept with terror of zygons as 50 years old for each first ep ?

    • Gordon

      November 2nd, 2024 - 1:26am

      It could very well be that they forgot the streaming rights was expiring. I’m sure it will be back at some point. It doesn’t feel like a stef colburn situation. I’m sure it will be back at some point, I also want to stress as it’s Being dicussed elsewhere to prevent any sort of panic this does NOT effect the physical media rights or future releases in any way shape or form. Those are already sorted for a future release. It also does not mean they are going to release season 13 earlier either.

    • Neill Stringer

      November 2nd, 2024 - 10:19am

      I read that the blu ray set will be fine and included in season 13, I also think An Unearthly Child should be ok with blu ray if I read a reply to a previous post right?

    • Tom Williams

      November 2nd, 2024 - 1:27pm

      My comment I added on the question part last night I figured out the teen number sequence with the sets that have been released so far only missing numbers still is 14,15 etc it would make sense in my opinion if 7 and 21 is more out next year tbh especially but we will see

  • Nb7

    November 1st, 2024 - 5:00pm

    Anyone know why Seeds of Doom and Terror of the zygons have been removed from iplayer? The radio times have just released a dreadful article with a “statement” by the bbc that just says over 800 eps are available! No info whatsoever. Part of me thought new collection announcement but why remove those and not the rest of that series. Plus season 7 is heavily rumoured next. Could it be a licensing/copyright issue similar to unearthly child?
    Gordon, I’ve turned on the Who signal and currently awaiting your arrival…

    • Bobby Fackrell

      November 24th, 2024 - 7:35pm

      Enjoying season 25 but I have reached Silver Nemesis

  • SVH

    November 1st, 2024 - 4:32pm

    Just finished my first run-through of S25. I’m doing a complete Seventh Doctor run, so watched S24 just before it arrived, and about to go onto S26 now.

    I watched the Broadcast Versions for Remembrance, Happiness Patrol and Greatest Show, and the VHS Version of Silver Nemesis (it’s the version my wife and I prefer). We’re going to go back and watch all the Special Edition versions of S25 once we’ve finished S26.

  • Timelord1944

    November 1st, 2024 - 2:34pm

    Watching the longer cut of The Happiness Patrol I am starting to realise that although the writer was inspired by Thatcher’s Britain the story fits the current times even more. Sign of a great story. Always relevant.

    • Craig F

      November 1st, 2024 - 7:29pm

      Rearly enjoyed it not seen it for years, its aged very well.

  • Craig F

    October 30th, 2024 - 9:12pm

    S25 just arrived via Amazon!!!

  • Lewis James

    October 30th, 2024 - 4:04pm

    I’m really enjoying these new special editions, they really allow the stories time to develop properly & without the 25 minute time restraints we can finally experience them as they were originally conceived & meant to be seen. I think this is one of the best box sets so far.

  • Neill Stringer

    October 29th, 2024 - 11:06pm

    Just finished the special edition of Remembrance. Awesome.

    It seems they cut the scene of An Unearthly Child about to start as Ace turns off the TV.

    • daz

      October 30th, 2024 - 5:34pm

      That was the only thing I didn’t like about the special edition edit. Otherwise it was fantastic.

    • Pipkin

      October 30th, 2024 - 6:14pm

      It was a little obvious and too knowing. Doctor Who about to be shown in Doctor who. I see why they added another nod for the anniversary though.

    • Erato

      October 30th, 2024 - 9:14pm

      What are the currently legalities that meant they had to cut that little bit? More Coburn estate nonsense?

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      October 31st, 2024 - 8:15am

      Erato: Not legal, “artistic”.

    • Craig F

      November 1st, 2024 - 7:45pm

      I think the writer explained why on one of the extras, just a writers whim & I agree with him & the edit.

    • Craig F

      November 1st, 2024 - 7:58pm

      Another point clips were used from An Unearthly Child in the extras.
      So no issues just a possible royalty fee to the Coburn estate.

    • SVH

      November 2nd, 2024 - 12:58pm

      Craig F: Yeah, I noticed that too. There were a *lot* of An Unearthly Child clips used in the Remembrance extras without any problems. Although I’m not going to read too much into it. I’m guessing the rights issues are different for brief clips and this isn’t a sign of some kind of Détente with Son of Coburn.

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