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March 13th, 2020 1,593 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 14 Blu-ray

Available to order while stocks last from

Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 14, first released as a limited edition on Blu-ray in May 2020, is being re-released by BBC Studios on 27th July 2020 due to unprecedented demand for this season in the classic collection. All content, extras and artwork will remain the same as the 1st edition.

Available to order from

Available to order in standard packaging in the USA from #ad

Previously available from,,, and
BBC Studios announce release of Season 14 in the Doctor Who: The Collection Blu-Ray range.

Doctor Who fans will be delighted to hear that BBC Studios is releasing Season 14 on Blu-Ray. Tom Baker’s third series as the Doctor will debut on Monday 20th April.

Doctor Who – The Collection: Season 14:


In 1976, Doctor Who took a dramatic new turn, electrifying audiences with changes in format,
companion and appearance of the TARDIS. Season 14 saw the departure of the Doctor’s long-term
companion Sarah Jane Smith, and the introduction of Leela. The season contains some of Tom
Baker’s most iconic serials, with intrepid investigations in Victorian London, deadly robots in a
murderous whodunit, a return to the Doctor’s homeworld, and one of the saddest goodbyes in Doctor
Who history.

Producer Phillip Hinchliffe led Doctor Who through a creative high, joined by Elisabeth Sladen as
Sarah Jane Smith, Louise Jameson as the Doctor’s captivating new companion Leela and guests
stars Tim Pigott-Smith, Stephen Thorne, Peter Pratt, Pamela Salem, David Collings, Christopher
Benjamin and Trevor Baxter.

With all episodes newly remastered from the best available sources, this Blu-ray box set also
contains extensive and exclusive special features which include:

  • Immersive 5.1 surround sound – The Deadly Assassin
  • Brand new audio commentaries – Tom Baker and Matthew Sweet on selected episodes of
    The Face of Evil and The Talons of Weng-Chiang.
  • Behind the Sofa – New episodes with Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Philip Hinchcliffe, plus
    companions Sophie Aldred and Peter Purves.
  • Our Sarah Jane – Elisabeth Sladen Tribute – A feature-length look at the life and career of
    Sarah Jane Smith, played by Elisabeth Sladen.
  • Whose Doctor Who Revisited – Toby Hadoke meets the producers and grown-up stars of
    the very first Who Documentary.
  • In Conversation – Matthew Sweet chats to producer Philip Hinchcliffe.
  • Blu-Ray trailer – Louise Jameson has trouble with her new home assistant.
  • Brand new interviews
  • Rare archive material
  • Convention footage
  • HD photo galleries

The eight-disc box set also includes hours of extensive special features previously released on DVD.

DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION – SEASON 14 stars Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor, Elisabeth
Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith and Louise Jameson as Leela. The Master reappears in The Deadly
Assasin, played by Peter Pratt. RRP: £56.16

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Liam

    May 4th, 2020 - 8:02am

    So again no change on my amazon order and i have ordered from argos which thankfully still in stock. Means two bus journeys across north London as it can only be picked up……but worth it for what will be to me, the greatest Dr Who ever made.

  • LucasW

    May 4th, 2020 - 7:22am

    Well, all copies are gone from Argos now! Completely out of stock again.

    • David Havers

      May 4th, 2020 - 7:42am

      I have just checked Argos has still got stock, go to the link above, they have some if you are quick enough

    • skonnos

      May 4th, 2020 - 8:12am

      it might be showing stock but it’s not available for collection or delivery when you go to checkout

    • booboo

      May 4th, 2020 - 8:32am

      they might have only sent a few to each store for catalogue launch its worth rechecking every so often

      Swindon still has one as of now

    • Nick

      May 4th, 2020 - 8:36am

      Just bought one from Argos in Swansea at 8.30 due for home delivery tomorrow. All confirmed and paid. It may be different in different parts of the country.

    • Neill Stringer

      May 4th, 2020 - 10:32am

      I ordered one this morning before 9 am and have the confirmation for collection.

      I must have gotten one of the last ones as it is now showing unavailable.But I have gotten confirmation so I should have it later.

  • Duane

    May 4th, 2020 - 4:53am

    Argos are now taking orders as of 4.50am.
    Hope you get a copy.

    • The Loiterer

      May 4th, 2020 - 4:59am

      And there are plenty to go around, because I checked various stores all over the country who can have it ready for you to collect by 10am. (My original post is awaiting moderation, probably because it included the direct Argos weblink.)

    • David Havers

      May 4th, 2020 - 6:16am

      Thanks for the heads up, I have just ordered one, it’s being delivered tomorrow at my home address.

    • Toby Price

      May 4th, 2020 - 10:49am

      I though Argos were releasing them at midday!?

  • The Loiterer

    May 4th, 2020 - 4:10am

    £40, plus an extra £3.95 if you want it delivered instead of collecting it. Checking various stores, it looks like there are (as expected) plenty of copies to go around all over the country.

    Don’t give in to the scalpers, there’s going to be a glut of these things and the prices are going to be forced down and down in the same way they were with the Season 12 re-issue (currently going for about £80 max new, if the seller is lucky).

  • Type 40

    May 4th, 2020 - 12:09am

    Amazon now say my copy is due to arrive on May 11th.

    • Liam

      May 4th, 2020 - 4:14am

      Similar to me….was showing due delivery tuesday the 5th but since Sunday morning it has been stuck on monday the 11th. I can understand if they are having distribution problems, certainly with the ongoing situation at the moment. But why can’t they just say so and we will know where we are. With the live chat earlier I did sense the rep wanted me to cancel it……Although this does make a mockery of paying Amazon for premium….it not guaranteed and i discovered my mate in Midlands used (as I have done so in the past ) the normal delivery service. As much as I loathe to do this – I think I will have to consider ordering 2 with the next release…NOT to rip off but simply to cover my own back!

  • Liam

    May 3rd, 2020 - 10:47pm

    Yes amazon seems a bit of a lottery as just had live chat about my order still showing delivery 11th despite paying extra for priority delivery. She said there were stock issues with it but wouldnt say any more. She asked me twice to cancel the order & re order when back in stock. Explained that not possible and she said do not worry as i will get a full refund if they have to cancel it! She said that very quickly….. I asked if they had any in stock but advised i would have to try in morning. I almost sensed she was trying to avoid saying that maybe they do not have any more.

    • Duane

      May 3rd, 2020 - 11:20pm

      Mine still says arriving Tuesday but no sign of it being dispatched or anything. I ordered mine on the day it was made available to preorder. I have all the other Blurays and it looks like I’m not getting this one. What’s the point of pre ordering if this is what happens? Gutted.

  • James

    May 3rd, 2020 - 10:41pm

    Any news on which season is next?

    • Anonymous

      May 3rd, 2020 - 11:27pm

      None at the moment only rumours of 20 because of Janet Fielding discussing an extra being done in Amsterdam, personally I would love a black and white set to come out

    • Gordon

      May 4th, 2020 - 12:14am

      The extra was filmed was a road trip to a convention in dressel Germany not Amsterdam Which was filmed in October 2019. The Amsterdam road trip thing was pitched for summer 2020 filming but due to coronavirus it’s unknown if it was ever actually filmed.

    • Gordon

      May 4th, 2020 - 12:36am

      As for black and white seasons 2 is most likely. The only story that has problems is crusade which is probably one of the least likely stories to be animated or if it does it will be long after the collection range so will Probably be a telesnap recon when season 2 is released. I’ve also heard it rumoured for this year . At a guess Season 1 will be kept for November 2023 for the 60th aniversary. Seasons 3-5 will probably have some animations done for it so those will be left for a while. Season 6 only has the space pirates as a problem and it doesn’t have telesnaps either. I can see them waiting for animation for s6. Its only a couple of years off if they continue down the line of Troughton stories

    • Bushboy

      May 4th, 2020 - 7:18am

      Surely any season with missing episodes could be released at any stage in the most complete form possible. Then if a missing episode was to become available at a later date (either as an animation or a recovered episode) they could be released as both a stand alone release and as a collectors edition to swap into the collection box sets.
      Then we wouldn’t be left waiting for the sixties seasons and still have a fully up to date collection in the long run.

    • iain dickson

      May 4th, 2020 - 10:33am

      I would love to see another Pertwee season released, especially the 2nd which includes the Daemons .I suppose we will have to wait a lot longer than usual because of this horrible pandemic though !

  • Anonymous

    May 3rd, 2020 - 10:36pm

    I personally think everyone just needs to calm down a little with regards to the current situation and getting their boxset. As some one with a family to provide for, I’m looking at the silly prices on eBay and struggling to comprehend how anyone has 100-120 quid to spend on this boxset during this crazy covid-time. If you’ve pre-ordered like me, I’m sure you’ll get it. Just be patient. Don’t go ‘trigger-happy’ or ‘auction mad’ on eBay at this time, because that plays into the hands of those who have bought them to sell for profit.

    • The Loiterer

      May 4th, 2020 - 4:44am

      I’m shocked at the current eBay prices – some… person paid £200 a few days back, not including postage! I really don’t understand what makes people lose their minds about these things – season twelve can be bought for c. £70, so why would you need to pay heading towards three times that for a Tom Baker series that hasn’t even made it into shops yet? It’s not like they’ve said they’re cutting back on the production run. Meanwhile, patient people are now getting a copy for £40 from Argos/Sainsbury’s.

    • daz

      May 4th, 2020 - 11:19am

      I believe that some people have been messed around by Amazon with orders cancelled but cynical me also wonders if scalpers who want to sell them on eBay spread these rumours too to increase panic and bidding from collectors.

      Only seen 3 people on this site say their order was cancelled so far for example.

      Mad when there should be 10,000 copies available.

  • Seanoff

    May 3rd, 2020 - 7:37pm

    Amazon are somewhat random. I ordered my copy, without extra postage, and which would originally have arrived the week after the (original) release. Email today to say that it’s due tomorrow.

  • Harlee

    May 3rd, 2020 - 6:42pm

    Do you think argos will sell it?

    • Seanoff

      May 3rd, 2020 - 7:33pm

      Argos have it in their online catalogue. I would imagine it will go live tomorrow.

    • Harlee

      May 3rd, 2020 - 8:10pm

      Where can i view this catalogue?

    • Seanoff

      May 3rd, 2020 - 9:35pm

      Online. Just search Doctor Who Blu-ray.

    • Seanoff

      May 3rd, 2020 - 9:41pm

      There’s a link at the top of this page.

  • Duane

    May 3rd, 2020 - 5:32pm

    Still saying not dispatched yet. No money taken and still says arriving Tuesday. Starting to feel like the last kid to be picked for a football match, or sidelined .
    Fingers crossed.

  • Harlee

    May 3rd, 2020 - 4:33pm

    Do you think they will have any further stock anytime soon?

    • Alex3301

      May 3rd, 2020 - 6:41pm

      I sure hope so. Missed out last time for financial issues and now I’m kicking myself.

  • BeeversMaster

    May 3rd, 2020 - 4:11pm

    Still waiting for my Season 14 to be dispatched from Amazon.

    • Bill

      May 3rd, 2020 - 4:29pm

      Bit concerned as my order too was changed from tomorrow to the 11th. What is going on?

    • BeeversMaster

      May 3rd, 2020 - 4:33pm

      Mine is still saying Tuesday.

  • Kevin225

    May 3rd, 2020 - 3:26pm

    Bizarrely mine was down for a May 11 delivery from Amazon until about an hour ago when it (as well as Season 12 of Nu Who) were both dispatched at pretty much the same time for arrival tomorrow. I ordered both on Announcement Day(s). Good luck that all who pre-ordered get what they are expecting at a sensible time, this week!

    • Anonymous

      May 3rd, 2020 - 3:59pm

      The situation is farcical if I want a copy now I’ve got to pay a fortune on eBay despite having preordered it

    • Rob W

      May 3rd, 2020 - 5:13pm

      Ardron Stack is selling a copy eBay for £1000 so maybe try Argos on Monday?

  • Wayne Affiefilms

    May 3rd, 2020 - 3:21pm

    Shocked that I can’t get a copy as Amazon have screwed up…yet copies being sold for well over £500 on ebay…..I’m sorry but it seems that the 2 entertainment messed up on how many people wanted to have a copy.

    Hoping more copies become available been collecting since VHS days

    • Anonymous

      May 3rd, 2020 - 6:36pm

      I have sent a message through BBC Studio’s email portal to suggest that they look at their release strategy.

      When the studio is making a Limited release upon which one person is looking to sell a copy at £1,000, something has got to be wrong.

      The people who actually do the work don’t get the appropriate renumeration and it gets the fanbase offside.

    • daz

      May 3rd, 2020 - 8:35pm

      In an ideal world they should at least limit it to 1 copy per person/account on Amazon, Zoom, Zavvi, HMV and so on.

      But again, a scalper would still be able to buy a copy from each shop and sell them on via eBay.

      If the BBC had it’s own store like years ago they could have made it exclusive there for example.

      I collect Nintendo Super Smash Bros Amiibo’s still and they are limited to 1 per person but that is direct from the Nintendo UK Online store as shops no longer stock them. 10 left to go hopefully.

      The earlier Tom Baker sets were always gonna be popular though especially after more fans got hold of the Season 12 2nd Edition and started to collect them from that point.

      I would be interested to see what the actual number is for those who have been told there order is cancelled due to not enough stock.

      Good luck to those still waiting for dispatch.

  • Mikemars62

    May 3rd, 2020 - 2:48pm

    Having previously been advised my copy was due to arrive May 12/13, I have just received an email from Amazon saying my set has now been despatched and will arrive Tuesday 5 May

  • Duane

    May 3rd, 2020 - 2:18pm

    Mine still says arriving Tuesday but no money has been taken out of my account and no sign of it being dispatched or anything. Hopefully soon.

  • Ryan Pollard

    May 3rd, 2020 - 2:06pm

    Amazon has finally dispatched and shipping my copy. It stiĺl says it’s arriving Tuesday, but who knows when it’ll arrive.

    • Anonymous

      May 3rd, 2020 - 2:09pm

      Dependant on how you’ve asked for it to be delivered, keep an eye on your Delivery Status tracker.

      I have a Prime account and they’re really good at keeping you notified throughout.

    • Matparks08

      May 3rd, 2020 - 6:20pm

      Good stuff Ryan! Hope it arrives soon

  • Liam

    May 3rd, 2020 - 1:57pm

    I also ordered from amazon on day of announcement and paid the extra 4.99 to ensure it arrived by tomorrow. Well was showing tuesday 5th all week but now suddenly changed to Monday 11th! I paid with vouchers but at the moment looks a bit worrying that i will get it. I considering contacting them but i know usually they will only deal with it after release. I wonder if some amazon warehouses have got stock and others not as a friend in the midlands received his copy yesterday. I am in north london so not sure which centre it comes from but usually delivered by couriers based in enfield…

    • Rob W

      May 3rd, 2020 - 3:14pm

      The 11th is a delivery estimate, the very lates date t it should arrive by. If you don’t get it tomorrow, ask for your £4.99 to be refunded or re-credited.

  • Neill Stringer

    May 3rd, 2020 - 11:52am

    Anyone heard anything from Zavvi?

    • Anonymous

      May 3rd, 2020 - 3:26pm

      Not a thing. Still showing as ordered. Not even “processing”. Starty to worry a bit now.

    • Neill Stringer

      May 3rd, 2020 - 5:33pm

      I am hoping its a case of dispatching it on release day.

  • James17

    May 3rd, 2020 - 10:51am

    Odd that we haven’t had a trailer for the next one, do you think it’s been delayed due to covid 19?
    That could be for two reasons, the trailer wasnt shot yet and now cant be, or the whole boxset wont be coming out for ages due to delays so theres no point in a trailer now.

    • TARDIS Traveller

      May 3rd, 2020 - 1:19pm

      I read a comment previously on here saying that the box sets themselves are constructed in Italy. So it could be more complicated than just the trailer. They may not know when they could get the sets actually made even though the content is all ready.

    • Daniel

      May 3rd, 2020 - 3:12pm

      They were able to make Season 14 (Or some of it) as the Stock was only finalized and copies produced last Month after lockdown started. Do we know that they are made in Italy?

  • Anonymous

    May 3rd, 2020 - 10:40am

    Amazon have charged me but I haven’t received a dispatch email and its still showing its due to be delivered on Tuesday, anyone els in the same situation?

    • booboo

      May 3rd, 2020 - 10:42am

      yes same

    • MJS

      May 3rd, 2020 - 11:57am

      Just had my dispatch notification. It was for Tuesday, but now says being delivered tomorrow!

    • Anonymous

      May 3rd, 2020 - 12:21pm

      Brill! Hopefully we will all get ours dispatch emails sometime soon too, it’s good to see some people are getting the box sets but can’t help but feel bad for the people who have had there orders cancelled, hopefully there will be enough to go round and people aren’t having to shed out for the prices on ebay, I mean with everything that’s going on we all need some escapism, it’s good to know there is a community here aswell. So fingers crossed more are released tomorrow and everyone who wants one can get one at a reasonable price.

  • Anonymous

    May 3rd, 2020 - 9:09am

    Amazon still haven’t taken money out yet and it still says that it is arriving Tuesday. Kind of getting scared now.

    • Chris

      May 3rd, 2020 - 9:19am

      Same for me, afraid we’ll just have to wait and see. Some people have contacted Amazon and been told it’s coming but i’m going to wait and see what happens… What will be will be…

      Will say one thing though; I will be a bit annoyed if they leave it as late as today or tomorrow to tell me they can’t fulfil the order! They’ll be getting a moan if that happens, because they should know by now one way or the other…

    • Oliver

      May 3rd, 2020 - 10:34am

      My money got taken out late last night but it hasn’t been dispatched

    • Anonymous

      May 3rd, 2020 - 10:45am

      I’ve just had money taken out now from Amazon.

  • Bigman45

    May 3rd, 2020 - 8:20am

    Steaming is an understatement when AMAZON have declined my payment and the funds where available…an excuse me thinks??

    • Gareth Pugh

      May 3rd, 2020 - 11:44am

      It’s normally your bank or credit card that declines to make payments when a retailer you’ve placed an order with requests it from them, not the retailer refusing to accept a payment. So if you’d used (for example) your debit card on your current account to pay for S14 with, you need to get onto your bank and ask why they decided not to issue the funds to amazon. Every so often, my bank freezes my card and texts or phones me to check if a bunch of payments were legitimately asked for by me. And yes, that’s happened on occasions when my account has had plenty of available funds in it. It’s an anti-fraud thing, and right now I think the banks are being extra-cautious.

  • Neill Stringer

    May 3rd, 2020 - 12:30am

    did anyone else order from Zavvi? Mine is still not even dispatched

    • Justin Atkinson

      May 3rd, 2020 - 1:18am

      Same here. I also ordered the Season 12 re-issue and that hasn’t been dispatched either. I’ve received two emails a couple of weeks apart saying there has been a delay with their supplier. Tbh I’m kinda worried now, though I understand if it’s due to covid-19. Hopefully they send both sets soon :/

    • Neill Stringer

      May 3rd, 2020 - 8:04am

      Worried that Zavvi have not dispatched yet.

    • Justin Atkinson

      May 3rd, 2020 - 9:59am

      Yeah sorry I meant I’ve ordered 12 and 14 and neither has been dispatched.

    • Neill Stringer

      May 3rd, 2020 - 1:20pm

      I have just been told that its due on 4/05.

      My friend got his season 26 a few days late, so I think it will come as nt heard anything to the contrary.

    • Justin Atkinson

      May 4th, 2020 - 7:04am

      That’s good news. I haven’t received any emails yet. Sounds like Zavvi doesn’t dispatch until release, or even later. Good luck getting your set 🙂

  • ProfessorPrune

    May 2nd, 2020 - 11:29pm

    There seems to be an error on the lettering for the closing titles of The Masque Of Mandragora. The font is correct but it has a kind of 3-D look. The lettering is correct on the opening titles and, having looked ahead, on The Hand Of Fear closing titles. Haven’t checked the other discs yet…

    • Anonymous

      May 3rd, 2020 - 8:25am

      Richard Bignall has clarified that these are the credits as transmitted

    • ProfessorPrune

      May 3rd, 2020 - 11:01am

      Gosh, is that right? Such attention to detail! Thanks for the clarification on that.

  • Chris Stokes

    May 2nd, 2020 - 10:27pm

    Amazon live chat just told me it has been assigned to a facility centre and there is no problem with pre order. Fingers crossed it gets to me by Tuesday.

  • Gerry

    May 2nd, 2020 - 10:27pm

    Received today and already on disc 4. Really enjoying this 🙂
    Looks great on my big TV too, very happy with this set 🙂

  • James

    May 2nd, 2020 - 8:48pm

    oom money payed this week and order arrived today. Can’t wait for the next release

  • Ryan Pollard

    May 2nd, 2020 - 8:15pm

    How do I find out if Amazon has taken money out of my account?

    • Mikemars62

      May 2nd, 2020 - 8:17pm

      Have a look at your bank account and pending transactions

    • Scotty

      May 2nd, 2020 - 9:49pm

      Iv ordered with Amazon my order says not yet dispatched when will it go shipped?

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