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March 13th, 2020 1,593 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 14 Blu-ray

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Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 14, first released as a limited edition on Blu-ray in May 2020, is being re-released by BBC Studios on 27th July 2020 due to unprecedented demand for this season in the classic collection. All content, extras and artwork will remain the same as the 1st edition.

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BBC Studios announce release of Season 14 in the Doctor Who: The Collection Blu-Ray range.

Doctor Who fans will be delighted to hear that BBC Studios is releasing Season 14 on Blu-Ray. Tom Baker’s third series as the Doctor will debut on Monday 20th April.

Doctor Who – The Collection: Season 14:


In 1976, Doctor Who took a dramatic new turn, electrifying audiences with changes in format,
companion and appearance of the TARDIS. Season 14 saw the departure of the Doctor’s long-term
companion Sarah Jane Smith, and the introduction of Leela. The season contains some of Tom
Baker’s most iconic serials, with intrepid investigations in Victorian London, deadly robots in a
murderous whodunit, a return to the Doctor’s homeworld, and one of the saddest goodbyes in Doctor
Who history.

Producer Phillip Hinchliffe led Doctor Who through a creative high, joined by Elisabeth Sladen as
Sarah Jane Smith, Louise Jameson as the Doctor’s captivating new companion Leela and guests
stars Tim Pigott-Smith, Stephen Thorne, Peter Pratt, Pamela Salem, David Collings, Christopher
Benjamin and Trevor Baxter.

With all episodes newly remastered from the best available sources, this Blu-ray box set also
contains extensive and exclusive special features which include:

  • Immersive 5.1 surround sound – The Deadly Assassin
  • Brand new audio commentaries – Tom Baker and Matthew Sweet on selected episodes of
    The Face of Evil and The Talons of Weng-Chiang.
  • Behind the Sofa – New episodes with Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Philip Hinchcliffe, plus
    companions Sophie Aldred and Peter Purves.
  • Our Sarah Jane – Elisabeth Sladen Tribute – A feature-length look at the life and career of
    Sarah Jane Smith, played by Elisabeth Sladen.
  • Whose Doctor Who Revisited – Toby Hadoke meets the producers and grown-up stars of
    the very first Who Documentary.
  • In Conversation – Matthew Sweet chats to producer Philip Hinchcliffe.
  • Blu-Ray trailer – Louise Jameson has trouble with her new home assistant.
  • Brand new interviews
  • Rare archive material
  • Convention footage
  • HD photo galleries

The eight-disc box set also includes hours of extensive special features previously released on DVD.

DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION – SEASON 14 stars Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor, Elisabeth
Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith and Louise Jameson as Leela. The Master reappears in The Deadly
Assasin, played by Peter Pratt. RRP: £56.16

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • GeordieW

    February 3rd, 2020 - 8:22am

    Having real trouble trying to figure out which broadcast prints from Terror of the Zygons survive (season 13 I know I’m just excited you know). As far as I can tell from the DVD, the prints from part 4 survive completely, the prints from part 1 except for when the TARDIS team is picked up by the duke survive (not sure about the deleted scene, I can’t tell it’s been too processed by the colourisation) part 2 seems to be a real mix, even shot to shot it switches back and forth. And part 3 survives except for a few shots at the beginning and end that were needed to get the miniature monster and space ship in.

    Any one have a decisive list is my question basically?

    • Gordon

      February 3rd, 2020 - 9:01am

      The Model sequences from ep 1 and the missing scene.
      Some of 2
      All of 3 and 4

  • 404

    February 2nd, 2020 - 3:32pm

    I heard a rumor that Iran would have the first two episodes of Marco Polo in one of their archives. It’s true?

    • Kenman

      February 2nd, 2020 - 4:13pm

      Rumors swirl constantly, take them all with plates full of salt.

    • Anonymous

      February 2nd, 2020 - 4:42pm

      Given the nature of it, we obviously won’t know if it is true or not and likely wouldn’t even have a chance of knowing for decades. The two episodes were sent as examples of the show before the show was sold to Iran, although in the end Marco Polo was never actually offered for sale so those two sample episodes would likely have been stored separately from the rest as they were never intended for broadcast.

      It is certainly considered to be a very real possibility that they are out there, but given the incredibly sensitive political environment in Iran, the BBC have no way of contacting them (they are banned from having any sort of operations within the country) and random internet nerd that thinks they know everything and wants to go all Indiana Jones trying to recover it themselves would likely cause more damage than good. If an opportunity arises they may try but ultimately, its two episodes of an old sci-fi show, not worth starting a world war over it.

  • Anonymous

    February 1st, 2020 - 12:29pm

    can the choice of episodes to be animated be influenced by the possibility of finding the missing episodes?

    • Gordon

      February 1st, 2020 - 11:40pm

      If there is a chance that they have found a completely missing story they may put off or pause an animation. For instance they might be putting off web of fear part 3 as there is a chance that the copy that disappeared might reappear. But what is likely to be found and what actually does turn up are 2 different things. Marco Polo is the story that had 1 of the most copies made but nothing of it exists. Dalek masterplan on the other hand had very little copies made and yet 3 episodes of it exist

    • Anonymous

      February 6th, 2020 - 9:18pm

      Gordon, do you happen to know why the Faceless Ones page has been removed from this site?

    • booboo

      February 6th, 2020 - 9:26pm

      The pages can’t go live again until 10am tomorrow

    • Anonymous

      February 7th, 2020 - 2:54am

      Thank you, booboo!

  • Anonymous

    January 30th, 2020 - 9:06pm

    What are peoples top 3 seasons, that they are looking forward to most of all…?
    For me, it’s seasons 20, 21 and 22.

    • Anonymous

      January 30th, 2020 - 9:32pm

      11, 13 and 14 cause they’re all Elisabeth Sladen’s remaining seasons to come out on bluray. I hope on the Our Sarah Jane documentary on Season 14 that we see the cast and crew of the Sarah Jane Adventures remembering her- I miss the bannerman road gang dearly… wish we could have a Sarah-Jane Adventures soundtrack or novelisations…

    • Anonymous

      January 30th, 2020 - 9:48pm

      I think of the ones left I would say 20, 13, and 2.

    • Gordon

      January 30th, 2020 - 9:56pm

      I really couldn’t name 3. There is something I’m looking forward to in nearly every season. Seasons 1-6 as there is a good chance we will get making ofs for a few of the missing stories. Series 7,8,9 and 11 as I’m wanting to see what improvements in colour for the likes of ambassadors/mind and dinos 1 and also improved colour for the ntsc material from the likes of silurians autons sea devils etc. Season 15 as I’ve always wanted a horror of fang rock making of. Season 16 as there probably is a good chance of a Mary Tamm biog. Series 17 as tom hasn’t really contributed to extras to this season (bar shada). Season 21 and 22 as the making ofs for the twin dilemma and two doctors seem like big omissions from the dvd range. Season 24 as there was no making of for delta and there was special features that didn’t fit on the original dvds due to the lack of space. Season 25 as they could include the silver nemesis vhs and potentially a feature length special edition in the lines of battlefield and fenric. Oh and a noir version of the happiness patrol would also be lovely. Can’t forget the wilderness years as there is so much potential there

    • Anonymous

      January 30th, 2020 - 10:27pm

      24,25 and 26

    • Prowl 1701

      January 31st, 2020 - 6:35am

      17, since it has City of Death, my favorite Who story. Season 7 for inferno and the HD version of Spearhead and to see the improvement made to the visuals for silurians. And Season 13 because it’s just so awesome!

    • Kenman

      January 31st, 2020 - 11:47pm

      I am looking forward to a shelf of the complete run, and it would be exciting if the revival would get a similar treatment. Specific seasons I’m really looking forward to are probably 9 (my favorite Pertwee year), 13 (an excellent Tom), 21 (if just to watch Caves over and over), and 5 (the best Troughton year for me)

    • Anonymous

      February 1st, 2020 - 12:43pm

      If they did the new series, I hope they’d fix the out of sync titles for Peter capaldi

    • TrixieTiger1995

      February 2nd, 2020 - 5:12am

      While for Capaldi’s titles being fixed would be great. that is how it was broadcast so the out of sync titles will be the ones on the set.

    • Robert Sienicki

      February 4th, 2020 - 10:15am

      I wouldn’t mind bit more classic, something black and white. But I also welcome more Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee. But to be honest, I am taking whatever they throw at me. Loving every set so far.

    • Anonymous

      February 5th, 2020 - 2:59am

      I’m in the same boat. I’ll buy whatever they release and have been extremely happy with the releases so far. I like the variety and wouldn’t mind a William Hartnell or Patrick Troughton set although ideally the sets would be completed with animations (a far flung dream). If not, maybe they could leave space in the boxes for eventual releases when the missing stories are animated.

    • Gordon

      February 5th, 2020 - 8:32am

      Even if they don’t animate all stories they will probably still have reconstructions of some sort. It will also have extras also so there will be discs for those stories to swap out if need be.

  • Antonio Zambonini

    January 28th, 2020 - 3:04am

    Little good bargain listening I found on eBay off this for preorder for only 33 pound if u wanted too save money

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 2:22pm

    What costume should the doctors, on the front of the box set, have for the upcoming collection sets?

    • Sarge

      January 27th, 2020 - 8:47am

      In my opinion and personal preference I think these are the costumes that would be nice to go on the covers:

      1-Hartnell in his unearthly child outfit with hat and cloak
      2- Hartnell without coat with glasses or his Roman robes
      3-Normal outfit with or without a cowboy hat
      4- Troughton with his hat from power
      5- Troughton in his fur coat
      6- Normal outfit
      7- Pertwee in the black cloak with the dark blue jacket
      8- Pertwee in the orange jacket
      9- Pertwee in the plaid cloak without the jacket visible
      11-Pertwee in the black jacket with red lapel trim
      13-Tom in the pyramids of mars look or the Scottish look
      15- Tom in his grey frock coat
      16-Tom in the brown/ plum coat ? Considering the Scottish look was used for season 13
      17-Tom in the brown frock coat
      20- Hatted Fifth Doctor
      21-Different jumper and longer hair possibly celery missing or “battle damaged”
      22- Normal look with dark purple waist coat
      24- Sylv in the light grey/ tan jacket with the hat
      25- Sylv in the previous costume but without the hat

    • philip shaw

      January 27th, 2020 - 12:22pm

      Season 22 from what I remember Colin only wore the same waistcoat throughout with the purple one in Vervoids season 23….He could have on the Necros cloak, or coatless 2 doctors…

    • Anonymous

      January 27th, 2020 - 12:43pm

      Season 21 could be an androzani muddy 5th doctor with the bats milk in the tubes

    • DPHill

      May 14th, 2020 - 7:57pm

      I think season seven would have Pertwee’s black cape with red inner lining
      season 22 could have the blue cape from revelation
      season 21 could also have the fifth doctor in his waistcoat from planet of fire…

  • Anonymous

    January 26th, 2020 - 11:20am

    What season do you think they will save for the 60th anniversary release in 3 years time (2023)….?
    My guess would be season 1.

    • Gordon

      January 26th, 2020 - 11:36am

      Season 1 seems the obvious choice.

    • Anonymous

      January 26th, 2020 - 12:37pm

      do you think the 60th will be as big an event as the 50th, I hope it will…

    • Anonymous

      January 26th, 2020 - 2:19pm

      Do you think Marco Polo would have been animated by then?

    • Gordon

      January 26th, 2020 - 2:51pm

      Not so sure. They seem keen on filling up the Troughton gaps. With 2 a year they would just be finishing off the Troughton stories. It’s also one of the more expensive and time consuming animations to do. I can see that being left till pretty late on.

    • Kenman

      January 27th, 2020 - 3:31pm

      I know Marco Polo will be expensive, but it would be quite the treat for the 60th. I don’t need a blowout special like the 50th, I just want more animations!

    • Anonymous

      January 30th, 2020 - 11:11pm

      There’s more chance of them comissioning a shot for shot remake like Mission to the Unknown than an animation if anything was going to happen.

    • Robert Sienicki

      February 4th, 2020 - 10:07am

      “do you think the 60th will be as big an event as the 50th, I hope it will…”

      Definitely not. I think the 50th was a big milestone, so they really put their hearts into it, but 60th won’t be celebrated like that, I think. I may be wrong (I hope I am).

      But we should have something. I really think they will keep doing multi-doctor stories on those occasions.

    • Gordon

      February 4th, 2020 - 11:09am

      A recreation of Marco Polo would probably cost more than an animated version of it. Especially if done through the bbc. Uclan would probably be too busy to recreate a completely missing story the size and scale of Marco Polo. The cost of hiring a large cast and the directors producers etc for about 3 months on BBC’s time would be very expensive. Think it won’t be as big as the 50th in terms of dvd and blu ray releases. Think we will get season 13 as it’s regarded by most as Toms best season, 7 as i feel its Jon’s best, 25 as it’s the best 80s season that hasn’t been released yet and it’s going to be the 35th anniversary of it and finally season 1 for obvious reasons. As for animations it could be as simple as the highlanders from 1 studio and the underwater menace and web 3 from another studio thus completing the Troughton era if they do happen to continue down the Troughton era it’s probably doable by the 60th. If they are going to give us a special animated release I think masterplan or Marco Polo seems like the 2 obvious suspects. Marco Polo is more fitting but masterplan probably ticks more boxes with those that finance these things especially with Daleks and also if it’s a split release and production from the 2 animation companies

  • TimelordParagon

    January 25th, 2020 - 11:02am

    Wilderness years-
    Tv Movie
    Night of The Doctor
    Day of The Doctor ( John Hurt is technically a wilderness years Doctor)
    Shada ( Eighth Doctor Version)
    Scream of the Shalka
    A couple big Finish audios ( maybe an animated one? They are working closer to other merchandise groups now)
    The Reeltime Productions of films
    Diary of River song ( Eric Roberts Master Story)
    The 2003 animation Real Time ( i think it’s called)
    Who @40
    All advertising and announcements of the new series taking it up to 2005

    I feel as though it would be a crime to not include an adventure in time and space Blu Ray on the season 1 box set

    • Anonymous

      January 25th, 2020 - 12:32pm

      Wouldn’t include Day of the Doctor

    • Anonymous

      January 25th, 2020 - 12:42pm

      Right so for me it’s

      Disc 1 – Search Out Space / Dimensions in Time (they are gonna have to release that, it’s a cult class)

      Lost in the Dark Dimension – Animation

      Disc 2 – The TV Movie

      PDF Materials – The Infinity Doctors (it’s based on the original idea for the movie)
      The Other Lost Season – The TV Movie Follow Up

      Disc 3 – Curse of Fatal Death / Doctor Who Night in Full

      Disc 4 – Scream of the Shalka

      Disc 5 – Death Comes to Time

      Disc 6 – Real Time / Shada (2003)

      A Documentary about The Eighth Doctor on Audio
      A Documentary about the Fan Films
      Comic Strips Reading with animation

    • TimelordParagon

      January 25th, 2020 - 1:23pm

      Personally I’d class it as a wilderness years story, from the perspective of the war doctor. Plus it’s an extra release on the set, I wouldn’t say no to more. I would class the war doctor as wilderness

    • Gordon

      January 26th, 2020 - 2:46pm

      Doubt things like animated dark dimensions and big finish animations will be included as the 2 teams that are working on animations are kind of busy filling in the missing episodes gaps. Dimensions has a price tag for 60 thousand quid for usage from children in need. Doubt the budget will stretch to have it included. Day doesn’t fit narrative wise to be included in a wilderness years set. Plus it doesn’t make sense including it twice if they plan to add the new series to the collection range. I also doubt realtime productions agree to include full length versions of their stories. It would cannibalise sales of their own products. They might ok clips though.

      This is what I’d include

      Disc 1: 1990-95
      search out science
      The writers room season 27 (newly made)
      Documentary on the 30th anniversary year with in-depth coverage of dark dimension and dimensions of time (newly made)
      30 years in the tardis (both the original televised version and the extended vhs version
      History of realtime pictures and bbv documentary (newly made)
      Any doctor who related pieces on blue peter from 1990-1995
      * if by a miracle dit is ever cleared:
      Dimensions in time
      Making of
      Behind the sofa
      Alternative choice
      Behind the scenes
      Optional extended version
      Disc 2-3: TV movie (96)
      TV movie (potentially with optional fx)
      Seven year itch
      Making of the actual production (new)
      The unmade mcgann series documentary (new)
      8th doctor at big finish documentary (new)
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Vfx (1994 and 1996)
      Behind the scenes (potentially it may be expanded from the dvd)
      Philip segal tour
      Alternative takes
      Paul McGann in conversation with Matthew sweet (new)
      Tomorrow’s times
      Striped for action – the 8th doctor
      Night of the doctor
      The 8th doctor revisited

      Disc 4: 97- 99
      Destiny of the doctors
      Take 35 footage from 1998

      Curse of fatal death (if clearable)
      Making of curse of fatal death (new)
      Behind the sofa for curse (new)
      Behind the scenes on curse (new)

      History of big finish (new)
      Who night 99
      Any doctor who related pieces on blue peter from 1997-1999

      Disc 5 2000-02
      Death comes to time
      Making of (new)
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Real time
      Making of (new)
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Any doctor who related pieces on blue peter from 2000 -2002

      Disc 6: 2003-2004

      Shada 2003
      Making of (new)
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Scream of the Shalka
      Carry on screaming
      The screaming sessions
      The inter web of fear
      Behind the sofa (new)
      Richard e grant in conversation with Matthew sweet (new)
      Who @ 40
      Any doctor who related pieces on blue peter from 2003 -2004

      Disc 7: bonus disc

      The Doctor forever series
      Who peter part 2
      Any other miscellaneous items like those deadly divas etc
      The wilderness years (originally on the TV movie disc)

    • dazzleshell

      January 27th, 2020 - 2:00pm

      I’d love all of that Gordon. Fingers crossed stuff is clearable.

    • Anonymous

      January 27th, 2020 - 11:26pm

      I am really hopeful that after 30 years and the fact that no one would actually buy a set purely for it, that Dimensions in Time can get released properly. It is awful, but a behind the sofa for it would be hilarious. One can only hope that for the (likely) final physical media release, they can make that happen.

      Curse of the Fatal Death deserves a release as well. For this final, definitive, box set covering the Wilderness Years, these fee essential.

    • Anonymous

      January 30th, 2020 - 10:25pm

      I think lost in the dark dimension would be great to get out. Just as a stand alone thing. Collaboration with big finish. Toms not got forever. It will be a waste if they never do it!.

    • Eddiebadassdavis

      February 8th, 2020 - 4:46am

      Animated big finish? That sounds beautiful. The only budget they need is the animation.

      I would like them to animate Sirens of Time as that is the very first Doctor Who audio for big finish

    • Anonymous

      March 28th, 2020 - 8:06pm

      You missed the original making of curse of fatal death as per vhs. Also (more than) 30 years… which is on dvd AND Resistance is useless documentary -which should be clearable.
      Plus. I’d include the audios of The ghosts of nspace and paradise of death (in same way pescatons is being released on s14 set).

    • DPHill

      November 26th, 2020 - 8:52pm

      Agree with you wholeheartedly Gordon! and also yeah, more than 30 years and the two audios would be great! Would also be good to have a DWM documentary here. Perhaps even the doctor who 40th anniversary video montage and even the actual music video if clearable. and maybe a documentary about doctor who on home media from vhs to DVD but especially focusing on the early dvd days.

  • Anonymous

    January 23rd, 2020 - 10:15pm

    When we get round to season 7, should it include Spearhead from Space?

    • Gordon

      January 23rd, 2020 - 11:36pm

      Yes absolutely. It will be included though due to the work the other 3 stories it’s a bit away

    • SJF

      January 23rd, 2020 - 11:53pm

      Why wouldn’t it? I mean yeah it’s been released on Blu-ray before, but you wouldn’t release a season boxset but leave out 1/4 of the season.

  • Anonymous

    January 23rd, 2020 - 7:29am

    How would everyone rank these stories?

    • Anonymous

      January 23rd, 2020 - 8:57pm

      Masque – 1/5
      Hand – 1/5
      Assassin – 3/5
      Face – 1/5
      Robots – 4/5
      Talons – 5/5

    • Anonymous

      January 23rd, 2020 - 9:56pm

      Masque of Mandragora 7/10 very enjoyable
      Hand of Fear 9/10 one of my personal faves
      Deadly Assassin 10/10 amazing story
      Face of Evil 6/10 enjoyable
      Robots of Death 10/10 a great whodunnit story
      Talons of Weng Chiang 10/10 the hincliffe era ended on a high, and never really deviated from that high from when it began

    • Gordon

      January 23rd, 2020 - 11:38pm

      Masque 6/10
      Hand 7/10
      Assasin 10/10
      Face 5/10 (I find it a bit dull in all honesty)
      Robots 10/10
      Talons 10/10

    • James

      January 23rd, 2020 - 11:44pm

      Masque – 6/10
      Hand of Fear – 8/10
      The Deadly Assassin – 7/10
      The Face of Evil – 8/10
      The Robots of Death – 10/10
      Talons – 7/10

    • Doctor….Who?

      February 4th, 2020 - 6:59pm

      Masque- 3/10
      Hand of Fear- 8/10 (only because Liz Sladen leaves)
      The Deadly Assassin- 10/10
      The Face of Evil- 7/10
      The Robots of Death- 10/10
      Talons- 10/10
      To be honest, if it wasn’t for City of Death, Talons would be my favourite Tom story!

    • isitneil

      April 16th, 2020 - 3:52pm

      Masque – 3/10
      Hand of Fear – 9/10
      The Deadly Assassin – 8/10
      The Face of Evil – 7/10
      The Robots of Death – 10/10
      Talons – 10/10

  • anonymous

    January 19th, 2020 - 5:14pm

    Are there any chances that The Power of the Daleks will be found in the future? Even the first episode would be enough for me. Sorry for the huge off-topic but I can’t find information online.

    • Anonymous

      January 19th, 2020 - 6:15pm

      It’s unlikely to be found. We live in hope but don’t expect things to be found. The rate of discoveries has diminished in line with the passing of the years.
      This is what I mean by that. By the way this was originally posted in response to a post on the animated DVD sections.
      Someone says they haven’t bought the animated episodes as they know that one day they will all be found. I feel the need to inject a touch of reality to the missing episodes. In the last 20 years 12 episodes have been found. Now roughly 28 were found in the previous 20 years. There are 97 remaining missing episodes. In forty years forty have been found, so averaging one a year it could take at least 97 years to find the rest! And remember in the first two decades of the 2000’s less than half have been found compared to the 80’s and 90’s. Well, feel free to do the maths. I’d love them all to be found, but it really is unlikely. Hope is a wonderful thing, but you have to accept that not all of the episodes will be recovered. It was a joy to watch enemy of the world and the web of fear, but animation is very probably the only way we can “see” many of the missing episodes now. It’s sad, but at least we have the soundtracks, many fans don’t appreciate that thanks to those recordings there are no completely missing episodes. Can you imagine what it would be like if all we had from certain stories was photos and people’s memories? As who fans we should be thankful for what we have – we can experience every single episode, hear hartnell and troughton’s performances. Be happy for there could have been an awful lot of gaps in our who collections!

    • Anonymous

      January 19th, 2020 - 7:19pm

      Thank you

    • Phillip C Niethe

      January 23rd, 2020 - 12:41am

      Technically episode 3 of Web of fear was stolen away from Phil Morris and a man at the BBC previously claims he’s seen 2 episodes in the possession of a private collector unwilling to part with them or share them due to some hangup about owning and enjoying something that no one else in the world has…but maybe one day will loan them to the BBC if he feels like it lol. So we might get 3 more at least. Making it 94

    • James

      January 26th, 2020 - 1:38pm

      Do we have any rumours about which 2 episodes these are?

    • Anonymous

      January 28th, 2020 - 5:58pm

      It’s long been said that they could be Masterplan ep 4 and tenth planet 4. Both these episodes were lent to blue peter who never returned them. Me personally I’m hoping evil of the daleks final episode is one of them but I doubt it.

    • Phillip C Niethe

      January 29th, 2020 - 2:26am

      If I was a BBC bigwig, I would call up the Queen and have her go to that guy and ask nicely to please give back the missing episodes for the posterity of the British people…and if that didn’t work, I’d task MI-6 for their retrieval…but that’s just how I’d roll;)

    • Gordon

      January 29th, 2020 - 3:06am

      I heard that it might be galaxy 4 ep 4 and toymaker 3 but whether or not it’s true is another kettle of fish

    • TrixieTiger1995

      January 29th, 2020 - 1:29pm

      Honestly I want it to be an episode from “The Myth Makers” (love that story) and Celestial Toymaker 1. Why 1? Because we’ll get new clips for Daleks’ Master Plan and The Massacre

    • The Ergon

      January 29th, 2020 - 5:38pm

      Devils planet, The traitors, Volcano or destruction of time from masterplan or anything written by Dennis Spooner for me.

    • Anonymous

      January 29th, 2020 - 7:28pm

      If it was galaxy 4, surely then you would have the whole 1/2 of a story means it can be animated, plus it ticks the aliens box, just wonder if the audio is an issue

  • DPHill

    January 19th, 2020 - 4:00pm

    Given that we have a trend what do you think in the next few sets the doctor will be holding as he is generally holding something

    12 – 4s sonic
    19 – adrics badge
    18 – waving goodbye
    10 – 3s sonic
    23 – paper (can anyone tell me what that is and which part it features in?)
    26 – 7s umbrella
    14 – trionic Lattice
    Upcoming predictions…
    20 – seal of Rassilon transport device
    11 – metebelis crystal

    What would people like to see or think we will see?
    William Hartnell
    1 – walking stick
    2 – ??
    3 – ??
    Patrick Troughton
    4 – 2s recorder
    5 – 2s original sonic/yeti figurine
    6 – 2s sonic/ the message to the time lords box
    Jon Pertwee
    7 – tardis key
    8 – dematerialisation circuit
    9 – ??
    Tom Baker
    13 – ??
    15 – k9 dog whistle
    16 – key to time locator
    17 – paper bag of jelly babies
    Peter Davison
    21 – handful of weird currency from planet of fire
    Colin Baker
    22 – sonic lance (like pls!)
    Sylvester McCoy
    24 – 7s spoons
    25 – mirror from greatest show
    wilderness (if we are lucky enough)
    PM – 8s sonic


    • TARDIS Traveller

      January 19th, 2020 - 4:22pm

      On season 23 the paper Colin is holding is the Valeyards hit list in popplewicks office from the ultimate foe/trial episodes 13&14

    • dazzleshell

      January 19th, 2020 - 4:22pm

      I expect the 1st Doctor will be holding onto each side of his jacket with his hands as is a familiar pose for him -maybe for Season 2. Whereas in 1 he could indeed have his walking stick but wearing his hat and scarf too from the very first episode.

      The others you have listed could indeed happen.

    • Peter

      January 19th, 2020 - 7:02pm

      I would guess at; the fluid link for S1, Susan’s shoes (with hole in) for S2 and the tarranium core for S3.
      A yeti sphere for S5
      A little mind’s eye crystal (Snakedance) for S20 and a vial of bat’s milk for S21.

    • Mr Martin Snowden

      January 19th, 2020 - 8:39pm

      Season 4 could easliy do a multiple doctor image if in the background they had a mirror with the image of the First Doctor from Tenth Planet behind Patrick Troughton. Season 21 would be more difficult as there isnt a 5th/6th image reveal like it.

    • dazzleshell

      January 19th, 2020 - 9:04pm

      Mr Martin Snowden. I like idea of the mirror. But would do Troughton on front holding it. Then on back cover view from behind him with Hartnell’s reflection in the mirror.

      Or even just the mirror on back cover with Hartnell’s face.

    • Anonymous

      January 19th, 2020 - 9:11pm

      How about a lenticular cover for seasons 4 and 21. Something different and unique for those 2 seasons.

    • Anonymous

      January 20th, 2020 - 9:50am

      Wouldn’t look good, feel a bit tacky

    • Bobby Davros

      January 20th, 2020 - 1:21pm

      26 – P45

    • Anonymous

      January 20th, 2020 - 3:25pm


    • The Ergon

      January 21st, 2020 - 10:56am

      You have a very tired follower Bobby.

  • Anonymous

    January 19th, 2020 - 11:02am

    what other releases do you think we are going to get this year?

    • Philip Shaw

      January 19th, 2020 - 12:06pm

      Rumoured to be season 11 and 20. Six has also been mentioned providing they can represent The Space Pirates…

    • dazzleshell

      January 19th, 2020 - 12:09pm

      20 is looking likely and 2 is rumoured. Possibly 11 if they squeeze it in unless the 12 re-release takes away a position.

    • Gordon

      January 19th, 2020 - 12:26pm

      At a guess

      Season 14 April/early may
      Season 12 reissue may/June
      Season 20 July/August
      Season 11 or 2 October/November

    • the ergon

      January 19th, 2020 - 2:14pm

      Since there are the optional effects for most stories albeit Snakedance and the Kings Demons. Wouldn,t it be a good idea to Update ‘The Five Doctors’ effects for the season 20 release. I was never that thrilled with those swirly watery things that collects the Doctors and his companions from The Special Edition DVD also i would like them to include the alternative transmitted 4 part version?

    • Tim M

      January 19th, 2020 - 2:20pm

      In reply to Philip Shaw, I would like to think ‘The Space Pirates’ could be animated in the near future. It’s not a highly regarded story, but animation might ironically make it more enjoyable. It would certainly then complete Season Six.

    • DPHill

      January 19th, 2020 - 3:36pm

      Given the amount of versions (ie all of the versions) coming up on season 26, i dont think you need to worry about them not including something as looked forward to as both broadcast, extended and four-part editions; may seem more unlikely for an updated effects story though, but it would be nice (maybe they’ll release the five doctors as its own twentieth anniversary set!!!! Haha, that would be silly though)

    • The Ergon

      January 19th, 2020 - 5:44pm

      Would most likely be The Kings Demons if any i would guess, as its only two parts and would match Similar effects used for ‘Planet of fire’ for Kamelions transformations. The effects, though dated for Snakedance are fine, and the snake effect was an improvement on ‘Kinda’ at least.

  • ThatBloodyWhovian

    January 18th, 2020 - 8:39pm

    hey Gordon, why do you think there are 8 discs when there are only 6 stories?

    • Rob W

      January 19th, 2020 - 9:28am

      If the picture is anything to go by, The Talons Of Weng-Chiang is Disc 7. Maybe there are seperate versions (original and CGI) on 2 disc as it’s a six part story?

    • SamWho

      January 19th, 2020 - 10:08am

      The original dvd of Talons is 3 disks and even though blu Ray has more room it would still need an extra disk for the whose who documentary especially with the new special features

    • Anonymous

      January 19th, 2020 - 10:20am

      There are 8 discs shown in the picture

    • Gordon

      January 19th, 2020 - 10:50am

      Discs 6 and 7 is talons and disc 8 is the bonus disc

    • dazzleshell

      January 19th, 2020 - 12:19pm

      I was surprised Season 26 is 7 discs when there is only 4 stories. Watched an unboxing on YouTube yesterday. But makes sense with the various versions of the episodes and the new features. Can’t wait to watch it.

      I wonder if next years 4th Doctor release will be Season 16 (Key To Time) rather than 17. So there’s a bit of variety. I don’t expect Season 12 until his final release with that one being highly regarded and to go out with a bang.

    • DPHill

      January 19th, 2020 - 3:35pm

      Given the amount of versions (ie all of the versions) coming up on season 26, i dont think you need to worry about them not including something as looked forward to as both broadcast, extended and four-part editions; may seem more unlikely for an updated effects story though, but it would be nice (maybe they’ll release the five doctors as its own twentieth anniversary set!!!! Haha, that would be silly though)

    • DPHill

      January 19th, 2020 - 3:37pm

      Meant to post that to the above thread :/ sorry 🙂

    • ThatBloodyWhovian

      January 19th, 2020 - 7:52pm

      thanks y’all

  • Jordan9364

    January 18th, 2020 - 3:46am

    Where’s the best place to get the Season 10 box set? Or is it just stupid ebay prices now?

    • htyson

      January 18th, 2020 - 9:34am

      tell me about it 150 quid id rather pay that to go on holiday

    • Rob W

      January 18th, 2020 - 9:57am

      Amazon have the U.S release Dictor Who: Jon Pertwee The Complete Season Four – £51.17 plus £1.26 postage. You’ll probably get stung for Customs and Excise duty though so maybe not.

    • Gordon

      January 18th, 2020 - 10:58am

      Cex has it at £60

    • Ricky Smith

      January 18th, 2020 - 11:44am

      Season 10 is selling for around £50 to £70 on eBay lately.

    • Jordan9364

      January 18th, 2020 - 1:02pm

      Saw it on Argos for £40, looks as though it’s in stock til you try to order it

    • Cymon

      January 18th, 2020 - 1:44pm have it for £48.00 including postage and import fees. It’s called season 4 in the USA

    • Antonio Zambonini

      January 18th, 2020 - 7:25pm

      Gumtree and cex is the best shot there was one guy on cex who would do a good deal for both 10 and another for 110

    • Antonio Zambonini

      January 23rd, 2020 - 1:17am

      Bargain one if ur quick on eBay for only 49.99 plus 0.61 postage cost in very good condition

  • Phillip C Niethe

    January 16th, 2020 - 3:23am

    Glorious Tom Baker release, can’t wait for the u.s. release

    • Prowl

      January 16th, 2020 - 4:18am

      Just import the uk set, its what I do. Much better packaging.

    • Tim M

      January 17th, 2020 - 8:43pm

      Tom Baker. Best Doctor EVER! The Tom Baker/Liz Sladen/Phillip Hinchcliffe/Robert Holmes combination was Doctor Who at it’s very best. The Golden Era of Doctor Who.

  • John T

    January 15th, 2020 - 7:05pm

    Ordered my set today from Zoom as have always found them to be very good. I hope we are going to get season 20 this year , it’s one of my favourites and so looking forward to seeing It on blu Ray.

  • Alfie Froud

    January 15th, 2020 - 5:04pm

    Is anyone else having a problem with the glue that’s used for the disc tray and booklet holder?
    This is happening to near all of mine.

    • professorprune

      January 15th, 2020 - 5:17pm

      Yes, they do seem to want to come apart, don’t they? Oddly, over the weekend I discovered that my Season 19 and 23 set disc trays had moved sideways (from far left to extreme right) seemingly of their own volition so that I couldn’t get a fingertip in to lift them! Had to sit them on their sides overnight to get them back to normal. Weird…

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 5:28pm

      Yeah, that thing with the disc tray moving and not being able to access them is also a problem I’ve been having as well.

    • professorprune

      January 15th, 2020 - 6:13pm

      It’s a shame about the glue issues as otherwise these beautiful sets are damn near perfect.

    • Tim M

      January 15th, 2020 - 8:36pm

      That’s another reason why I prefer the U.S releases. More compact in proper Blu-ray cases.

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 10:39pm

      Must be in the minority as all 5 of my sets are in pristine condition. Not falling apart at all

    • MIKK89

      January 15th, 2020 - 11:12pm

      I have not had problems with the last 4 Collection sets, i suppose it may depend on courier.
      Strange as people have stated Amazon were the worst for it, yet i received Seasons 10 and 23 from them in good condition.

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 11:17pm

      It’s the total weight of the discs in the plastic trays that strains the glue. it is an issue especially with the bigger seasons hate to think what the black and white seasons will be like as I imagine they will be very bulky

    • philip Shaw

      January 16th, 2020 - 4:28pm

      I think they will put 2 stories on each disc to reduce the discs. Blu ray should hold more of the old B&W stories.

    • Gordon

      January 16th, 2020 - 5:38pm

      Id be suprised if they did that. Sontaran experiment and black orchid weren’t put on other stories so I doubt they will do that with the black and white stories. There will be new extras on each story so they may struggle to fit 2 stories on 1 disc including extras

    • Neill Stringer

      January 17th, 2020 - 4:36pm

      well I had to glue back the season 19, a bit of the inside image got tore off but fixed to a point that you have to look hard to notice it.

    • Anonymous

      January 17th, 2020 - 9:04pm

      The only one I think would probably be better off paired with another story on the disc is Mission to the Unknown as its only one episode.

    • Gordon

      January 18th, 2020 - 1:09am

      Mission will have extras of its own like all the uclan material with both b and w and colour versions and news pieces and new material like behind the sofa and the like. They could even have the masterplan extras here to fill the disc

    • Peter

      January 18th, 2020 - 11:21am

      I’ve not had problems with the glue, so far. I don’t think that the b&w seasons will be much different – a story per disc but without the additional VAM discs of the colour sets; all VAM being distributed about the story discs, accommodated by the smaller space requirements of the b&w episodes. So only 9 discs for seasons, 2, 3 (M2U with TDM) and 4, one more than seasons 14, 18, and 19.

    • Anonymous

      January 18th, 2020 - 10:42pm

      Of course Gordon must clean his like China dolls. Me I don’t open them much. Too scared to touch them. I have the DVDs. I’ll watch that. And if compression bugs me there always britbox

    • dazzleshell

      January 19th, 2020 - 12:27pm

      I’ve had no issue with the glue yet but expect it to crop up eventually with there being 27 sets.

      I do wish there was a magnet on the door or something to keep the box shut. Then I’d display mine without the J-Cards.

    • OllieOz

      January 19th, 2020 - 11:02pm

      Yeah my S18 box disc tray came unstuck trying to access to the bottom disc. I think at least for the 8+ Disc Seasons they should try to find a better disc storage solution because I don’t think the 4 glue dots are gonna last over time and repeated use due to the weight.

    • Anonymous

      January 22nd, 2020 - 11:28am

      Has anyone seen whether the Tardis interior booklet housing design for this season is the infamous secondary console room?

  • Anonymous

    January 15th, 2020 - 2:51pm

    now THE TALONS OF WENG-CHIANG is under investigation by the P C police nice that doctor who is such a great programme that something that was made 43 years ago can bother some people today

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 3:02pm

      Every time talons gets brought up there is always someone brings up how racist it is. It’s kind of boring to be honest. It’s got it’s issues and it wouldn’t be made the same way today as it was in 1976 but it’s of it’s time. Doesn’t take away it’s a fantastic script and an absolute classic.

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 4:36pm

      Doesn’t fit with its modern idolology. They use the new logo on the boxsets. Might as well chabge the episodes. Disney do it!

    • Nick r

      January 15th, 2020 - 4:46pm

      More woke pc garbage that’s Whitby boycott my who now till the madness ends pre orded from Amazon

    • Rob W

      January 15th, 2020 - 5:29pm

      Hasn’t Doctor Who always been ‘woke PC garbage’ then? Verity Lambert, Waris Ussein, Paddy Russell or Mathew Waterhouse’s involvement are never questioned. What’s the problem, Internet rumours they’ll somehow change some aspects of the storyline?

    • Jamie D

      January 16th, 2020 - 1:08am

      Oh don’t worry there’s no rumours they are going to change the episodes. Some people just get more upset about racism being pointed out than they do with the racism itself.

    • GeordieW

      January 16th, 2020 - 7:52am

      I made a comment earlier about Talons being racist, and lets not lie, it is, making up a white man to look chinese is a racist thing to do, no PC police or wokeness has declared that, it just is. That doesn’t stop the story from being superbly written acted and lit though, it’s one of my absolute favourites, but we mustn’t be blind to it’s faults and accept they are a product of their time, like the special effects or the standard definition cameras.

    • Anonymous

      January 16th, 2020 - 4:53pm

      Well they’ve added new the opinionals, special effects and changed the standard definition cameras. Up scaling is technically changing. There’s always the dvds which show Classic Who in the proper way to be enjoyed in SD. Let’s make a different cut of the episode without the racism and a cut with.

    • Gordon

      January 16th, 2020 - 5:24pm

      except classic who on sd is extremely compressed. There is a lot less compression on the blu rays and is a lot closer to the existing masters in the archives. Cutting out the racism would mean cutting out John Bennett who was in yellow face. Taking him out would make the whole thing fall apart. It just wouldn’t work

    • GeordieW

      January 17th, 2020 - 11:20am

      I’m with Gordon on this one for a few reasons, it would be silly to cut out John Bennett and to roto/CGI in a different actor would be prohibitively expensive. And I don’t think it’s very sensitive or appropriate to remove the racism to be honest, let it stand, let people see what it is and understand that it is a product of it’s time, like the SD cameras and the fluffy rat.
      The same would go with the black face in The Crusade and so on.

    • Anonymous

      January 17th, 2020 - 12:01pm

      They still haven’t moved on finishing the crusade due to the black face thing, or the multiple sets. So just proves the beeb may be trying to forget tht. I think they might just re-animate the whole thing to remove it!

    • Gordon

      January 17th, 2020 - 12:33pm

      Crusade has been ruled out at present due to the sheer number of cast members sets and costumes. There is literally about 3 stories of assets to create. Nothing to do with blackface

    • Rob W

      January 18th, 2020 - 10:11am

      There’s already a ‘one star ‘review’ for on Amazon for Season 14 speculating that all the racist elements will be removed from TTOWC. This reviewer also takes a pop at the latest series too.

      My advice, don’t comment as it’s just feeding the Trolls.

    • Anonymous

      January 18th, 2020 - 2:12pm

      I also went and investigated the reviewer. Two star jab at the new season aswell though it does say edited in afterwards, He (I presume) enjoyed the first two episodes.

    • Anonymous

      January 18th, 2020 - 4:44pm

      Rob, that Amazon “reviewer” puts the same rants on every release. It’s just another pathetic troll. Best to just ignore them.

  • Crank

    January 15th, 2020 - 11:08am

    What happened to the tardis setting extending past the booklet pouch into the middle section?

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 12:43pm

      It varies, doesn’t it?

    • SamWho

      January 15th, 2020 - 3:54pm

      Yes sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t must depend on what works best

    • Ian R

      January 20th, 2020 - 2:39pm

      I think that might have been canned. In release order – 19, 18 and 10 all had artwork extending beyond the “pouch” into the inner spine of the case – 23 had this in the initial promo image that was released, but the finished product did not. 26 and 14 don’t have it at all. Possibly cost cutting?

    • dazzleshell

      January 22nd, 2020 - 2:26pm

      Think when Season 12 is re-released we will find out for sure if the vortex doesn’t extend past the booklet pouch.

      A shame though as I like that extra detail on the previous sets.

      Unless that is done on Season 12 to differentiate from the original release of course.

  • Matt P

    January 15th, 2020 - 10:29am

    Brilliant….. was a bit shocked at the sight of Tom in the special trailer though…… hope he’s okay

    • dazzleshell

      January 15th, 2020 - 2:18pm

      He is looking skinnier now.

      Obviously I want him to go on to 100 or more.
      But I do hope they are filming anything for Seasons 13, 15, 16 and 17 where he is needed in advance now. Even the ‘On the Sofa’ bits.

  • Jason Z

    January 15th, 2020 - 9:50am

    Just wanted to ask, why do people specifically mention Zoom? Is there an advantage over Amazon & Zavvi? The price looks the same though I do notice 10% off for signing up to the newsletter…

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 9:55am

      It’s normally faster

    • Colin the 3rd

      January 15th, 2020 - 10:01am

      but not so much last time I seem to remember?

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 10:04am

      My season 23 arrived with the disc tray ripping off from zoom and when I got a replacement 2 months later the entire disc tray arrived ripped off anyway, and they still haven’t got back to me on that even though I sent pictures…

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 10:37am

      Yeah the season 23 delivery was a bit problematic. That was the first and only time I’ve had a problem with them and the way I see it Royal Mail lost it rather than zoom didn’t send it to me. They have always been very good up to that point with me with sending things early so am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. However If it continues to be a problem I will change my supplier

    • Andrew

      January 15th, 2020 - 12:54pm

      Amazon have delivery infrastructure in place to ensure the product arrives on day of release. And not before.

      Zoom doesnt, so relies on dispatching earlier via Royal Mail, so some people will get it early,
      (Eg if zoom dispatch on Friday, some may get us Saturday)

    • dazzleshell

      January 15th, 2020 - 2:23pm

      I’ve had no issues with Zoom and for me I prefer their packaging so item isn’t dinted/damaged on delivery.

      And all except Season 23 arrived before release day.

      Amazon seem to care less these days in my experience. So any bulkier items (Books etc) seem to get damaged in transit as incorrect sized packaging used so items is bumped about inside parcel. So I don’t trust them with these sets where the packaging is the limited.

    • Jason Z

      January 15th, 2020 - 3:05pm

      I see. Thanks for the replies!

  • TheQuestion

    January 15th, 2020 - 8:00am

    So will Deadly Assasin be The Mary Whitehouse release or the original broadcast version?

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 9:45am

      The original

    • Rob W

      January 15th, 2020 - 9:49am

      “The original cliffhanger to part three, consisting of a shot of the Doctor’s head being forcibly held under water, was only ever seen on the first transmission. Following a complaint by the National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association, the ending was trimmed down to reduce what was thought to be an unreasonably traumatic moment for younger viewers. No broadcast quality copy of the original version exists, but off-air video recordings were made on U-matic by BBC Enterprises and on Philips 1500 by Ian Levine, which he later dubbed to U-matic. Copies of both of these U-matic tapes have been used to restore the ending to its former glory, by combing the two to help reduce noise. Approximately six seconds was missing from the end of the episode (of which approximately half was a freeze frame) and none of this exists in the recap at the start of episode four. There is also soundtrack with unique music cues in the missing section, which provided Mark Ayres with a challenging job. By very careful matching of positioning and grading, Peter Crocker was able to simply cut the off-air recording back onto the end of the master and when combined with Mark Ayres’ audio restoration, the join is almost imperceptible.”


  • Prowl1701

    January 15th, 2020 - 7:25am

    Does any of the film elements from this season still exist, or is all of the location work sourced from video copies?

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 9:47am

      No film elements in the episodes but all the film footage for whose doctor who still exist so that will have hd footage

  • Anonymous

    January 15th, 2020 - 7:12am

    Is the deadly Assasssian outdoor scenes still gonna look terrible due to the fact they don’t have the original film elements

    • Rob W

      January 15th, 2020 - 11:06am

      They’ll probably re-grade the colour. A pity they don’t include any information in the booklets or a short feature on the discs about the work that goes into these sets.

  • GeordieW

    January 15th, 2020 - 5:36am

    I had a quick look through my DVDs for season 14 and then at the restoration team website but I don’t think any negatives or prints of the 16mm film sequences survive from this season. Which is a shame but ah well, they will still look nicer.

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 7:14am

      See if they waited a couple of years. They could have digitally recreated them from the footage they had. Well upscale it. There’s some stuff I seen on YouTube, where they upscale old SD footage but it looks like film so…

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 9:44am

      That could be at least 5-10 years off. The range would be finished by then

  • Ian Cotterill

    January 15th, 2020 - 12:00am

    Quick question. My Apple Mac laptop has no Blu-Ray rom drive, so is there any other way I can access the pdf material from these boxsets?

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 12:37am

      An external usb Blu Ray drive is what you need. They can be quite pricey though.

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 7:08am

      I have bought many and they don’t work.

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 9:39am

      @anonymous what device was you trying to play it on and what blu ray drives was you using?

    • Neil Corry

      January 15th, 2020 - 9:47am

      My Samsung Blu-Ray player works well with my Mac

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 10:48am

      Ignore the pedantic comments of December 2020, IF this is delayed it will be 1 month, just like all the others. It should be noted that everyone had a March 2020 release date on this and it’s actually now April so could be a sign that BBC distribution are learning their lessons.

      Worse case – may 2020

  • Anonymous

    January 14th, 2020 - 10:03pm

    Is there a high chance this one will be delayed?

    • Gordon

      January 14th, 2020 - 10:14pm

      80 percent chance it probably will. It will be out when it’s out.

    • TheQuestion

      January 15th, 2020 - 7:59am

      Based on past schedule December 2020 before it really comes out?

      Or they made a new year resolution to release things on time. Or at least announce a date they can actually make.

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 10:49am

      Ignore the pedantic comments of December 2020, IF this is delayed it will be 1 month, just like all the others. It should be noted that everyone had a March 2020 release date on this and it’s actually now April so could be a sign that BBC distribution are learning their lessons.

      Worse case – may 2020

    • TheMaster

      January 15th, 2020 - 12:44pm

      The S26 has already been delayed twice so could happen again with other releases.

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2020 - 1:26pm

      But don’t forget season 10 landed on time so there is also a small chance of it coming out on time. I’m never critical of the delays as with most things that get delayed it’s done for the right reasons even though we are never privy to them. They never go out of their way to deliberately delay things. It’s the last thing they want. I definitely don’t blame those that work on these as they are given extremely strict deadlines to get things done.

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 4:38pm

      They tried harder with that. They couldn’t miss Jon pertwee’s 100th. The rest are disposable

  • Gordon

    January 14th, 2020 - 9:55pm

    Neil Bushnell created a grand total of 50 new optional effects for talons. That’s a lot

    • Anonymous

      January 14th, 2020 - 10:34pm

      Wow! It might end up being like Castrovalva and Logopolis where they changed just about everything.

      Or I wonder did they try and CGI away the racism…

    • Anonymous

      January 15th, 2020 - 7:09am

      Yes, must make the continuity to fit the great bafta winning episode Rosa.

  • Ian Cotterill

    January 14th, 2020 - 9:42pm

    Looks good, though I wonder why the new effects for ‘Talons’ are shown in the trailer, but not listed in the press release.

    • Gordon

      January 14th, 2020 - 9:57pm

      It’s all oddly worded in my opinion. The Elizabeth Sladen feature looks like it’s a feature on the character not the actress

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